
DammitJimany good software to join multiple videos?03:13
ShawnRin a batch? or just to  toss them together using a gui?03:22
ShawnRDammitJim: lots of good video editors if you want to do it manually (just dropping two clips in).  is there something specific you are looking for in features?03:23
DammitJimprobably gui since I have to put them in a specific order03:23
DammitJimI was using openshot, but for some reason it doesn't let me import these MOV or AVi files03:23
ShawnRi use kdenlive, personally, works fairly well, many features03:23
DammitJimI was a little taken back when I had to install 81 packages for kdenlive03:24
DammitJimbut I might just give it a shot03:24
ShawnRopenshot is one that is gaining a lot of ground lately03:24
DammitJimit's close to 100 videos ordered by date taken03:24
DammitJimI swear I used to be able to use openshot, but something must have happened to my system or something03:24
DammitJimnot sure03:24
ShawnRkdenlive gives much more in options, but if you are just simply "splicing" together with maybe some music, openshot would be fine03:24
DammitJimoh well03:26
DammitJimI might as well give it a shot03:26
ShawnRit has a lot of nice features if you also are looking to do more cool features.  it has mult. layers, good title features, etc, quasi- blue/green screen effects03:27
DammitJimcool cool03:28
DammitJimok, that does it03:30
DammitJimit is saying clip is invalid03:31
DammitJimprobably the same reason why openshot is not liking me03:31
ShawnRkden or openshot?03:31
ShawnRyeah.  what type of file is it?03:31
DammitJimso, something is definitely messed up with my system03:31
DammitJimMOV or AVI from Canon cameras03:31
DammitJimboth formats don't work03:31
DammitJiminteresting... maybe it's the way in which I have been copying them03:31
ShawnRfrom a DSLR? or is it point n shoot?03:32
DammitJimboth :D03:32
ShawnRi played with some aftermarket firmware for my canon SD4000 a while ago03:32
DammitJimI think something is happening when I copy the files from Windows to Linux03:32
ShawnRplays in windows fine?03:32
ShawnRcan you open the video file in vlc just to view (in linux)?03:33
DammitJimvlc and xbmc work just fine03:33
DammitJimbut interestingly enough, I cannot add them to proshow gold in my VM03:34
DammitJimbut I can add them to proshow gold on another machine03:34
ShawnRi dunno, that's really odd.  other than importing th em into proshow gold on another machine, then resaving and then opening THAT file on your linux box.... i'm baffled03:34
DammitJimyeah, this is weird03:35
DammitJimwe'll see03:35
DammitJimthanks for the support, though03:35
ShawnRno problem, always try to help if i can03:35
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