=== Guest59860 is now known as LoganCloud === fredp` is now known as fredp [09:57] is there a commandline way to say "list the files which were modified in versions X..Y" ? [09:57] the info from bzr log -v, but just the files changed [10:02] * quicksilver opts for bzr diff -rX | egrep '^===' | awk -F\' '{print $2}' [10:05] stat takes -r [10:06] ah, that would have worked [10:06] thanks :) === mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|lunch === mmrazik|lunch is now known as mmrazik === wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood === wedgwood is now known as Guest28578 === mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|otp === mmrazik|otp is now known as mmrazik === ianbrandt_ is now known as ianbrandt [18:06] Hi all. This is the kind of questions that, when I'll be able to answer it w/o a blink, I'll consider myself good at version control. You have the situation shown in this picture http://imgur.com/AqeYP4H , where both Tigger and Winnie fork from a repo; Tigger adds file X ; Winnie likes it and merges Tigger's branch; Winnie doesn't touch file X anymore; Tigger continues working on file X; [18:07] at a given point, they both converge (are merged) to the original repo. Question: is this a conflict, or the algorithm is smart enough to understand that Tigger has the most updated version? [18:09] ggherdov, these are text files, yes? [18:09] beuno: yep [18:09] ggherdov, so it'll try and do a clean merge if the changes are on different lines [18:09] and if not, conflict [18:09] you get to resolve and decide what wins manually [18:10] I'm pretty sure bzr has no sense of time in merges [18:10] (timestamps are computer-specific) [18:11] beuno: so you say that bzr would rise a conflict? (yes, line "boo" is changed to "baloo") I see. [18:11] i'll check and see [18:12] ggherdov, there was no change to "boo" in the winnie branch [18:12] so when merging in, it shouldn't overwrite it [18:20] beuno: exactly (sorry I was afk for a lil while) === r0bby_ is now known as robbyoconnor === wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away