
lars_hi all00:18
SuperLagis that something that will likely get fixed with another apt-get update, or is my install hosed now?00:25
=== Guest59860 is now known as LoganCloud
ryan_46Hi. I just downloaded 13.04 and when I ran the burned DVD and selected try ubuntu it loaded fine but the entire screen was upside down. Mouse arrow pointed down instead of uo. Any reports of this and what if anything can I do? Ran DVD twice with same result.01:09
bjsnidermaybe ctrl+alt+up01:10
ryan_46Up arrow?01:11
ryan_46cont+alt+up arrow only shows or unshows desktop in my 12.04.. The Desktop was exactly upside down. The top bar was on the bottom and the side bar on the right.01:15
bjsnideryou can use xrandr to change the orientation01:36
bjsniderthe commands are available on the web01:36
ryan_46Thanks bisnider. I will look into that.01:37
ryan_46bjsnider: sorry spelled your name wrong.01:41
valorieSuperLag: did you try apt-get -f install ?01:52
valorieyour paste doesn't show that you did01:52
SuperLagvalorie: yes, and that didn't fix anything01:54
SuperLagit wouldn't even progress forward01:55
SuperLagvalorie: ugh. I'm a bonehead.01:57
valoriein that case, it would probably be a good idea to report that to the testing team01:57
SuperLagvalorie: I didn't get that the 'apt-get -f install' was with no arguments01:57
SuperLagvalorie: did that, had to delete some duplicate references to the package in /usr/share/doc, and it went just fine01:58
valorieit seekretly means (to me) "just effing fix it"01:58
bjsnideri think the -f switch means fix02:02
ideasman_42Hi, is there some document that gives rules for how license files should be included in a package upstream?02:46
ideasman_42I maintain a project and I need to include license files but I cant find some rules explaining how to do this02:47
bjsniderideasman_42, you mean from a debian packaging standpoint?02:47
ideasman_42well this is for what we have in git/svn02:47
ideasman_42but Id like to follow debian/ubuntu guidelines02:48
ryan_46I am happy to report that it ran fine in a Virtualbox and also ran fine on another laptop.02:48
ideasman_42I can fine random docs on related topics..02:48
ideasman_42but not on details - so our project is GPLv2+02:48
ideasman_42but we have some BSD licensed code used in a subdir02:48
bjsniderideasman_42, do you have a file in root called LICENSE?02:48
ideasman_42so how to express this?02:48
ideasman_42bjsnider, no, we have many license files :S02:49
ideasman_42example: ./extern/libmv/third_party/fast/LICENSE ./extern/carve/LICENSE.GPL2 ./scons/scons-LICENSE02:49
bjsniderok, i think i know what you're asking02:49
ideasman_42someone complained we dont include all licenses,,, which may be so02:50
ideasman_42but Id like some kind of doc so we can conform to it02:50
ideasman_42rather then each dev do whatever they thing02:50
bjsniderideasman_42, http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/dreq.en.html#copyright02:51
bjsniderthe debian package can include license info on each file included in the source code if necessary and the syntax and whatnot are explained there02:51
ideasman_42bjsnider, is this the syntax02:51
ideasman_42bjsnider, so this means if we copy some file owned by some other project - say glib for eg, we can inclide this here?02:53
bjsniderfurthermore, you can include the actual licenses themselves in the debian/docs file, just put the location of those files in the source code in that file and they will be installed on the user's machine02:53
ideasman_42Files: some/ode/func.c, Copyright: original author02:53
bjsnideryeah exactly02:54
ideasman_42cool thx02:54
bjsnidersome of the copyright files can be very long02:54
ideasman_42Ill mail our list- probably we'll dp this02:54
ideasman_42yeah. we'll incldue licenses too02:54
ideasman_42(we already do)02:54
bjsniderthe latest copyright file format is machine-readable and is checked during the building phase so if it's wrong it will error out02:55
ideasman_42good to know :)02:55
bjsniderincidentally on some projects, and it sounds like yours is one, most of the packaging work is getting the details of the copyright file done correctly02:56
elkyis anyone else having the compiz overlay task switcher thingie spontaneously appearing when using their touchpad?08:12
alankilaelky: yes.08:26
alankilait accidentally reads 2-finger gesture as 3-finger gesture08:26
elkyelantech touchpad?08:27
alankilaapple touchpad on macbook08:27
alankilamy conclusion is that the touch stack has been incorrectly designed. It appears to perform a context-free analysis of the nature of the gesture rather than classifying it from beginning of touch and then keeping the classification until touch's end08:27
alankilaso something that starts as 2-finger scroll can randomly turn into 3 finger gesture because due to noise it analyses an extra fingertip. This made my attempts of reading web pages impossible because every now and then the task switcher would make the browser vanish while I was using it08:28
elkyyeah, i'm having that occasionally too08:29
alankilait happened for a few days and I installed gnome 3 because it is not possible to disable the 3-finger gestures entirely.08:29
alankilagnome only supports up to 2 finger scroll, so it doesn't suffer from this problem.08:29
alankilaoverall the only solution to getting touchpad good is to do the analysis and wait a while when more than one fingertip is present to make sure that if user intended to hit the touchpad with all 4 fingers say there is no preceding gesture of 2 or 3 tips. After that, the gesture must be classified as 4-finger gesture even if user only held a single fingertip on the touchpad.08:31
alankilaso that the gesture doesn't randomly mutate into actions user did not intend.08:31
alankilaapple's software does it like this and it works every time. It is really amazing how well it works, it never seems to misclassify gestures, so I took some time studying the apparent behavior of OS X. In particular they do the classification at the beginning of touch and keep it as long as any fingers at all are present on the touchpad, so that prevents the 2/3 fingers random flakiness. It is an innovation worth adopting08:33
alankilabut I also think that in general it is too difficult to reliably detect the number of tips hitting the touchpad so there's going to have to be some kind of delay or extended sampling period which must make an improved guess for the number of tips08:34
=== valorie is now known as valorie_
alankilaat least on unity it was pretty hard to get 4 tips detected reliably, so I pretty much gave up trying to use them at all.08:36
alankilait seems that 1-tip gesture is allowed to transform to 2-tip gesture if the 1 tip is not moving. Still, stuff like that is just details.08:38
alankilaon linux, though, 1-tip gesture transforms to 2-tip gesture regardless of movement. I think a lot of work has gone on OS X side on trying to get thesse gestures to be resilient08:39
=== valorie_ is now known as valorie
alankilain any case if canonical can't make the 2/3 finger flakiness fixed, there should be no gestures > 2 tips in unity at all. The current state is so broken that the desktop is going to be very frustrating for touchpad users.08:45
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
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ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+109:16
scotty^Are there still plans to pull mesa 9.1 or 9.1.1 into Raring?09:19
ikoniaif it's not in now....I'd doubt it09:20
scotty^So no graphics support (apart from KMS) for Intel "Haswell" CPUs?09:22
ikoniano idea.09:24
scotty^That will be a shame.09:25
scotty^Is it OK to say I am dissapointed?09:26
alankilaLife is imperfect. Especially open source life. No doubt the driver related work will make it into 13.04 in some form, perhaps it is added to 13.04.109:29
jpdsalankila: There won't be a
alankilaOh. Well, shows how much I know. I mostly use LTS's.09:30
alankilathough ... I was under the impression that all these things got updates over time?09:31
yofelsure, but not major new software versions as updates09:32
k1lalankila: .1 releases are only for LTS09:33
k1lalankila: beginning with 13.04 the not-LTS releases will only have 9 month of support. so you upgrade to the next version instead of having the LTS-style point releases09:34
alankilayeah, well, 6 months is in any case quite long time to wait for something that you'd call a driver, I guess.09:36
alankilabut perhaps intel will provide usable packages for 13.04, they seem to have taken a more active role lately again09:36
scotty^It also means that  we will be completely out of luck for the just released AMD "Richland" A-series APU's.09:40
alankilathere's a lot to recommend about the "rolling release" model, at least in that it's possible to get drivers now rather than at point of next release.09:40
alankilastill, I envy windows for the ease of getting new stuff going on it.09:42
scotty^Yeah, we might no even have KMS for Richland unless the kernel team takes the unlikely step of backporting the patches from 3.9-rc4.09:43
scotty^Although at least there you can use AMD's Catalyst driver, similar to on Windows.09:44
scotty^There is no such alternative for Intel.09:44
elkyAlso, why on earth am I being asked if i want to "install" websites?09:45
elkyWith no "click this to find out what the heck this means" button or anything09:46
alankila"Copy a link to some launcher" might be more appropriate phrasing.09:46
elkyoh gods, is that why i have the launchpad icon appear whenever i go to launchpad?09:54
elkycan i get rid of that? and can i stop it from asking me?09:54
k1lelky: shut down the webapps in privacy settings in systemsettings09:57
elkyi don't see this option...09:58
k1lahh sorry. it was in unity-tweak-tool09:59
elkyYou kid me.09:59
elkyI have to install that to get rid of this?10:00
k1lim sure there is a setting anywhere in the configs. but that is the easiest way, imho10:01
elkyI hope there is, because we'll be needing to tell people how to stop this every 90 seconds on release day.10:05
elkyAha, it's a completely separate firefox addon.10:09
elkyor 2?10:10
elkyThere's "Unity Desktop Integration" which "provides unity integration features to sites in firefox" and "Unity Website integration" which has no description at all.10:13
k1li thought the tweak settings were just linked to d/gconf settings. so there could be a command for that.10:24
BluesKajHiyas all11:50
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varikonniemidoes uck work with raring?13:17
=== emma_ is now known as emma
=== Nakkel_ is now known as Nakkel
=== fenris is now known as Guest97540
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:37
NoizeWhere can I report a bug?16:37
philinuxNoize: you need a launchpad account16:38
Noizegot one16:38
Noizejust submit under where though16:38
philinuxNoize: easiest way is from the terminal. ubuntu-bug packaagename16:39
philinuxfor instance ubuntu-bug nautilus16:39
Noizenot sure of the packagename though, basically when I close my laptop lid and open it the screen turns all the way dimmed, until I hit undim16:39
philinuxNoize: this way it collects all relevant data16:39
philinuxNoize: that the kernel. so it would be ubuntu-bug linux16:40
=== ritz is now known as ritz|blue_fin
varikonniemiuck does not work with raring16:47
varikonnieminor does it work with LTS16:47
varikonniemiso i assume it is just legacy thats not maintained16:47
dveimi have interesting bug with volume slider17:33
dveimwhen i move it, volume does not changes17:33
bjsniderthat's nice to know. maybe someone will report a bug about that sometime17:40
dingdongfacehow can i change what action is taken when i insert a disc in raring18:15
dingdongfaceraring ringtail i mean.18:15
bcbc2Anyone with an intel card whose brightness controls have stopped working, please +1 on bug 1105604 as it's been broken since January. Thanks18:41
ubottubug 1105604 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Brightness control stopped working" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110560418:41
AndChat|618624Hi I am trying to install a package on 13.04 but apt doesn't see it, it is in the ppa but doesn't have a version listed for 13.0418:51
SonikkuAmericaThen you can pretty much forget it if it doesn't have a raring header on it18:52
SonikkuAmerica(Hate to sound blunt)18:52
AndChat|618624So no way of making it use the 12.10 .deb?18:53
PiciYou could ask the owner of the PPA to put together a raring package18:53
jtayloryou can add the quantal ppa to the sources.list18:55
jtaylorthis will work fine in many cases18:55
jtaylordepends on the package18:55
SonikkuAmericaMany, but I don't necessarily recommend it18:55
bazhangit's a hit and miss18:56
bazhangwhat package AndChat|61862418:57
bazhangyeah I'd wait on that one18:58
AndChat|618624OK thanks all, for the info, guess I will have to wait18:58
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
MoPacHello -- I'm having some vexing trouble with a Desktop Wall setting in CCSM, and I'm wondering if there's someone here who's proficient in Compiz who might help me diagnose it21:23
MoPacIt's causing the failure of edge flip21:23
MoPacAlso, my mouse sensitivity/accel settings have become amnesic with the last week or so's Raring updates21:52
optii've been trying to install 13.04 dailies for a couple of weeks, the installer locks up when you click continue on the second screen (where you choose download packages etc)22:25
optianyone know a workaround?22:26
MoPacopti: Could you be more specific about what the error looks like?22:34
=== emma is now known as em
optiit doesnt look like anything, i think the partitioner just locks up22:52
optiit just greys out the continue button and you get an endless 'busy' mouse pointer22:52
optino errors in the syslog22:53
optii've got a theory i'll test later, i'm guessing if i unplug all the hard disks except the one i want to install on, i bet it works then :p22:55
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
graingertFirefox seems to be complaining that I have an outdated flash. Currently I'm running the latest available for download23:18

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