
infinityNekoXP: Is there any hope of ever getting an Efika kernel newer than 2.6.31?00:29
infinityNekoXP: Don't care about fancy video or anything, just something people can use to turn their old Efikas into build hosts, etc.00:29
infinityNekoXP: (Your github project seems to be stuck on 2.6.31 still, no idea if there's something elsewhere, or if maybe one can successfully build and boot an upstream kernel at this point?)00:30
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draskoDebootstraped Ubuntu Precise hangs on boot after : Freeing init memory: 304K10:25
draskoon Pandaboard10:26
draskoany ideas ?10:26
ogra_did you set up a serial console ? (see the serila howto on the ubuntu wiki)10:49
hrwinfinity: ask on #efika?11:02
infinityhrw: NekoXP seemed like the right person to ask. :P11:03
infinityhrw: I also don't care *that* deeply.11:03
hrwinfinity: ;)11:10
hrwinfinity: I would be surprised if mainline booted and worked but no screen on smartbook11:11
infinityhrw: I heard from elsewhere that they may still be missing some USB drivers or something.11:11
infinityhrw: But that may not affect barebones usage.  Could make installation rough, given the lack of serial.11:12
hrwlack of user accessible serial11:12
infinityYes, that.11:13
hrwI have 2.6.38 running long time ago11:13
infinityhrw: ScottK would be very interested in that if it also works on smarttops.11:13
infinityhrw: He was complaining about Genesi being stuck on 2.6.31, since glibc in raring requires 2.6.32. :P11:14
hrwinfinity: never played with smarttop11:14
hrwand I gave my smartbook to friend11:14
infinityI have a top, but not a book, I could play at some point.11:14
infinityIf you still have your tree.11:15
hrwdoubt it but will check11:16
* infinity finishes up some kernel SRU bits and decides that 5am is a lovely time to go to bed, and go backon VAC.11:17
infinitys/backon/back on/11:17
hrwinfinity: sweet dreams then11:17
hrwnope - dropped tree11:25
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swexhello everyone12:39
swexCan somebody help me with mounting ubuntu12.04 arm img to my nfs storage12:40
swexis that possible?12:40
swexI'm using freescale imx53 start board and wan't to boot from nfs.12:40
XorAswex: you just need the rootfs as a directory then export it with nfs, then any guide on linux booting will work, I think you should use the server image for this though so you get some feedback by seriel12:50
XorAswex: just dont forget the no_root_squash in your exports file12:51
swexXorA: I understand that12:51
swexXorA: main problem is file permissions of that directory12:52
XorAis your host also ubuntu?12:53
XorAswex: then I think most of the perms should line up12:56
XorAswex: wont even need the nfs4 username mapping except for home directories12:56
* ogra_ suspects that might break in intresting ways :)12:58
ogra_12.04 images are preinstalled, they try to expand to the full size of the media they boot from12:58
ogra_(on first boot that is)12:58
ogra_so there will be a lot more involved than just dumping the content to an nfs export12:59
XorAogra_: even the server images?12:59
ogra_yes, all images12:59
XorAogra_: ah I thought server images didn't have that, my bad13:00
ogra_we switched to "normal" installs in 12.1013:00
ogra_i would suggest taking the ubuntu-core tarball and configure that properly instead ...13:00
XorAogra_: you could have made your life easier if ubuntu supported LVM back in the day :-D13:01
ogra_with 12.10 it does13:01
XorAogra_: kindof13:01
ogra_but you also need to run through the installer13:01
hrwXorA: <12.10 had lvm in alternative installer13:01
ogra_right, you could use netboot/netinstall13:01
hrwthat's how I installed on lumpek (my x86-64 laptop)13:02
ogra_tha gives you a normal debian-installer session and offers all possible setups13:02
XorAhrw: just makes the task of expanding rootfs much simpler, add new partition, add it to volume group, make rootfs bigger live13:02
hrwXorA: I got rid of lvm from my desktop few years ago13:03
XorA12.10 graphical installer explodes really badly using LVM13:03
ogra_did you tell xnox ?13:04
XorA(on x86/64)13:04
ogra_afaik he did some LVM installs on panda13:04
XorAogra_: I havent had time to repeat on a VM13:04
XorAogra_: although I think its a corner case as I saw it on my laptop but not my desktop13:04
ogra_bad corner laptops !13:05
XorAI needed laptop working for connect so just switched to netinstaller and that worked13:06
ogra_yeah, netinst always works13:06
xnox=(((( lvm2 works fine on the desktop images, but good reminder for me to add automatic tests for it in the jenkins labs.13:06
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doomlorddoes ubuntu-arm have a virtual mouse for touchscreens & legacy apps (i know its a hacky idea)16:37
ogra_doomlord, unity has some a11y options for such things using cursor keys iirc16:53
doomlordi'm tihnking more of the experience on a tablet, no cursor keys :)16:54
doomlord(eg trying to use desktop apps on a touchscreen)16:54
ogra_well, for that we have ubuntu-touch16:54
doomlordwith touchscreen laptops appearing i would be equally or more interested in the reverse process.. touch-friendlifying the desktop16:55
doomlordbut i get what ubuntu-touch is for16:55
doomlordthings like the 3finger drag that ubuntu has are a big step in the right direction IMO16:56
ogra_well, ubuntu-touch will replace the desktop ... or rather the QML based unity touch will replace what you have today16:57
ogra_or as they call it "unity next"16:57
doomlordhow far off do you think that is... i'm skeptical about touch UIs for serious work. they're great for casual use16:58
ogra_14.04 is the target for the converged desktop16:58
ogra_by then the same desktop will run on all ubuntu installs16:59
doomlordso is ubuntu arm as we see it eg on n7 just a stopgap16:59
doomlordi hope we get touchscreens which can actually sense when a finger is near, so go back to having a precise cursor..17:00
doomlordpreselection highlight17:00
doomlordi suppose a traditional gui might become like terminal is now, a developpers tool..17:01
doomlordbut i really cant see serious programs like GIMP/blender or programmers IDE's all working in some smartphone/tablet style17:01
ogra_ubuntu arm on the n7 is what got you all the nice improvements on your x86 desktop in 13.04 :)17:02
ogra_cutting the memory footprint, getting it more performant etc17:03
ogra_thats work that was done with the 14.04 convergence in mind17:03
ogra_so your desktop core (all the non UI background processes) performs well17:04
doomlordi've got an n7 but am yet to try it17:04
darkfadedi had switched to fluxbox on my nexus7, but i still run 12.10 on it17:05
darkfadedmaybe i should update17:05
darkfadedthe ui/xserver don't play too nice, but it's the best home server i've ever had17:05
doomlordare there any detailed explanations on the web of this convergance plan (not the marketting videos)17:05
doomlordi'm kind of scared to hear anything about traditional ui being replaced like win817:06
doomlordi hear its possible to dualboot android/ubuntu-arm17:07
ogra_doomlord, visually and functionally unity wont change much on the desktop17:15
doomlordok fair enough17:15
ogra_you will still have the "classic" unity desktop as you have today on your PC17:15
doomlordit will be interesting to see what emerges17:15
doomlordi'm still interested to see how desktop apps could be reworked for both... just making selection fieleds squarer, it seems, combining button & indicators..17:16
draskoIf I'd like to maintain my ARM rootfs via chroot on PC, do I have to mount proc, sys and dev via --bind before chroot?18:00
ogra_you will need to mount /proc for some packages to work, yes18:04
ogra_sys and dev arent fatal if they are missing18:05
draskoIf I'd like to maintain my ARM rootfs via chroot on PC, do I have to mount proc, sys and dev via --bind before chroot?18:09
siretarthi. I would like to run an Ubuntu ARM server inside qemu on my amd64 laptop. I wonder if there was any way to get the ubuntu-installer from http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/raring/main/installer-armhf/current/images/ started in a similar way to the installer on i38620:00
siretartin my experiments, I always ended up with a black screen. is there some documentation what kernel parameters I need to pass, so that I get something on the serial console?20:00
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drasko_hi all. What is approximative size of Ubuntu on ARM ?22:53
drasko_hi all. What is approximative size of Ubuntu on ARM ?22:59

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