
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
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apwzequence, did you see there is yet another respin ?10:55
apwzequence, also which is the latest version you have tested ... just so we can work out which ones can be released10:57
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zequenceapw: I usually don't test until they end up in -proposed, so for this ABI, no tests so far11:28
zequenceI'll build new ones this evening11:34
zequenceapw: Doesn't seem like people are getting assigned as usual. I've marked the eariler bug reports as duplicates. bug #116019611:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 1160196 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux-lowlatency: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116019611:52
zequence..to these11:52
zequencebug #116018211:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 1160182 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux-lowlatency: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116018211:53
apwzequence, marking dup, that seems appropriate ... henrix, bjf, sounds like shankbot may not be assigning things right12:14
apwzequence, sounds good, poke me when they are done and i'll get them copied out, before they can find an issue with them this time12:15
* cking grabs some nosh12:39
* smb is surprised to find that in the dictionary12:40
rtg_smb, makes me think he's grabbing something out of a bucket12:45
smbrtg_, Apparently (according to my dictionary at least) it seems to be something you (Americans) invented for a snack. But then nosh-up seems to mean the opposite (of small)12:47
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* ogra_ thinks that fits well and points smb to http://www.addedbytes.com/blog/if-php-were-british/13:13
smbogra_, Its not as if the UK folk would not slam in new words into their language if they feel like it. ;) 13:16
ppisatirtg_: wait with the phablet kernel13:18
ppisatirtg_: i misread the email13:18
rtg_ppisati, ack13:18
ppisatippisati: the brightness bug was on the desktop img13:18
ppisatirtg_: &13:18
ogra_iirc the plan was to use the same kernel on both 13:18
ogra_but we dont have a proper plan how to upgrade it on phablet yet 13:19
rtg_cking, smb, henrix: need to reboot gomeisa for kernel and SSL update13:19
henrixrtg_: can it wait 1 min? my build should be finish soon13:20
ppisatiogra_: and it uses a separate partition where we can't write, right?13:20
rtg_henrix, yep, just lemme know13:20
henrixrtg_: will do13:20
smbrtg_, I am off13:20
ogra_ppisati, theoretically it shouldnt differ much so abootimg on /dev/mmcblok0p2 should work to just update it ... but nobody tried yet13:21
ppisatiogra_: no i mean13:21
ppisatiogra_: i flash my nexus, ssh into it13:21
ppisatiogra_: can't i mount it?13:21
ogra_mount ?13:21
rtg_ppisati, jjohansen: bouncing tangerine for kernel and SSL update13:22
ppisatirtg_: ack13:22
jjohansenrtg_: give me 30s13:22
ppisatiogra_: ok, redo from start13:22
rtg_jjohansen, ack13:22
jjohansenrtg_: okay I'm good13:22
ppisatiogra_: where does the kernel reside?13:23
ogra_ppisati, to update the kernel on desktop we run "abootimg -u /dev/mmcblk0p2 -k /path/to/vmlinuz"13:23
henrixrtg_: ok, i'm off gomeisa13:23
ogra_from flash-kernel13:23
ppisatiogra_: ok13:23
ogra_ppisati, to update on phablet we should theroetically be able to do: "abootimg -u /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 -k /path/to/vmlinuz"13:23
ogra_but practically nobody tested that 13:24
ppisatiogra_: since the bootloader is untouched, there's no bricking risk, right?13:24
ogra_right, but check with abootimg -i if /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 is actually the right partition13:25
ppisatiogra_: i'll do13:25
ogra_(flash-kernel loops over all devices with abootimg -i to find teh biggest one and then flashes to that)13:25
rtg_tangerine is back13:27
bjfapw, shankbot fixed (i broke it with my previous change)13:31
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rtg_ogra_, is there a trick to getting adb to talk to an N7 running 4.2.2 ?13:45
ogra_rtg_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Step_3_-_Initial_Device_Setup ... see step 2 and the different suggestions there 13:46
ppisatirtg_: usb debugging?13:46
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ogra_4.2.2 adds a silly host key check to the process13:47
rtg_ppisati, how to enable USB debugging in that Android version ?13:47
ogra_and they have hidden the developer options 13:47
ppisatirtg_: tap 7 times in a row on the release version field13:47
rtg_ah, both 4.1 _and_ 4.2 require this13:48
ppisatirtg_: in... settings -> ... status?13:48
ogra_it tells you "now you are a developer" if you did it right ... 13:48
ogra_if you dont, you will never be a developer :''(13:49
ppisatithen go back one level, enter the developer menu and enable usb debugging13:49
ckingthe magic 7 taps is a fun hidden feature13:49
rtg_ok, got that far13:49
rtg_alright, phablet-flash appears to be working13:50
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gQuigsI can't seem to find documentation on the Ubuntu 10.04 Kernel Backports; the best I could find was http://askubuntu.com/questions/29961/why-are-only-some-versions-of-the-kernel-backported-to-certain-releases14:01
gQuigsspecifically I'm wondering if support for the 3.0 kernel ends in April with Oneiric 14:01
ogasawaraapw, rtg_: so beta freeze is on Thurs and I see ppisati has sent his highbank pull request.  I'm thinking we get ppisati's pull request applied and upload today or tomorrow.  Thoughts?14:17
bjfgQuigs, yes it does end in April with Oneiric14:17
rtg_ogasawara, I'm in the middle of it14:17
ogasawarartg_: sweet14:17
rtg_ogasawara, I'm a sweet guy :)14:17
rtg_ppisati, am looking at your highbank patch. it appears we can drop the highbank flavour and load the OF enabled common kernel on the highbank platform ?14:19
ppisatirtg_: right14:19
ppisatirtg_: i wanted to send a patch later to axe the highbank flavour14:19
rtg_ppisati, cool, then I'll rip out the highbank cruft from the tree as well14:19
ppisatirtg_: but if you want to do that now, go ahead14:19
rtg_ppisati, I assume I can set CONFIG_SATA_HIGHBANK=n for x86'en ?14:20
ppisatirtg_: i guess so14:21
rtg_ppisati, its na OF driver. I don't think thats supported on x86, right ?14:21
rtg_its an*14:21
ppisatirtg_: yep14:22
ppisatirtg_: at least until highbank is arm based :)14:22
rtg_ppisati, you mean, "at least as long as highbank is arm based"14:23
ppisatirtg_: yes14:23
ppisatiapw: besides, i was using your tool to do a cfg review14:24
ppisatiapw: and a) i'm doing something stupid or b) there's something wrong with our cfg/flavour setu14:25
ppisatiapw: since i got: 14:25
ppisatiapw: amd64-generic - armhf-armhf - armhf-generic - armhf-highbank - i386-generic14:25
ppisatiapw: notice the second one14:25
ppisatiapw: ok, i just updated kteam-tools (fetch & rhard), and i think it's broken14:32
ppisatiapw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5649520/14:32
ppisatiapw: '/home/flag/git2/.../'14:32
gQuigsthank you bjf14:41
* ogasawara back in 2014:44
gQuigsbjf: is that written down somewhere?14:50
bjfgQuigs, i'm sure it's in the wiki somewhere but I can't point you at it right off the top of my head14:51
jsalisbury** Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting15:00
rtg_apw, can you take a pass through the Raring enforcer and annotations to harmonize them wrt dropping highbank and omap15:13
robherppaisati, rtg_: btw, for highbank you need to revert "UBUNTU: SAUCE: arm highbank: add support for pl320-ipc driver" and there is a SATA fix needed to avoid matching the ahci_platform driver. I can send a patch for the latter.15:25
rtg_robher, sooner is better please15:26
robherrtg_: okay. Now that things seem to be moving I'll review the config and provide anything else I find. I do also need to add cpufreq driver that went into 3.9.15:29
rtg_robher, note that beta freeze is thursday, so it would be great if you could get that done soonest.15:30
robherrtg_: should be all doable by today or tomorrow.15:30
rtg_robher, what is the name of the cpufreq driver ? perhaps I can work on cherry-picking it whilst you are looking at other stuff.15:31
ppisatiogra_: mmcblk0p1 is the biggest, so that should be15:34
robherrtg_: git log --oneline -6 74c46c615:35
robherplus "091930a mailbox, pl320-ipc: remove __init from probe function"15:35
ppisatirobher: btw, do you know that there's a problem with reboot?15:36
robherppisati: this is the bug from 3.5?15:37
ppisatirobher: don't know where it comes from15:37
ppisatirobher: but i know 9 out of 10 times, when i issue a reboot15:37
ppisatirobher: using a 3.8 kernel15:38
ppisatirobher: it gets stuck at the end15:38
ppisatirobher: didn't debug it yet15:38
robherppisati: hadn't seen that. there had been some intermittent problems, but those were more like 1 out of 10 and I thought I'd fixed all of them. I'll look into it.15:40
rtg_robher, rebased 'UBUNTU: SAUCE: arm highbank: add support for pl320-ipc driver' et al out of existence and cherry-picked the patches you requested. pushed +master-next15:47
ppisatirtg_: about the R/omap4 kernel, what do we do? shall i send a pull req to sync it with Q or do we just copy the package from Q to R?15:48
rtg_ppisati, I think that is a good question for infinity. are we ever gonna touch omap4 again ?15:48
rtg_ppisati, AFAICT the raring ti-omap4 branch has never been used, right ?15:50
ppisatirtg_: never touched it15:50
ppisatirtg_: it's an old Q/omap4 kernel15:51
rtg_right, still stuck on 3.415:51
ppisatirtg_: but i think R/omap4 desktop images are generated out of it15:51
rtg_ppisati, generated from the Q kernel ?15:52
ppisatirtg_: yeah, since they need the pvr kernel module to work (unity 3d opengl etcetc)15:52
rtg_ppisati, so I guess the issue is what if we ever change the Q kernel ? The Q kernel won't get auto-synced into R15:53
rtg_ppisati, rmadison linux-ti-omap415:57
ppisatiogra_: my kernel update didn't go as expected16:01
ppisatiogra_: first i 'abootimg -u .../mmcblk0p1 -k vmlinuz', rebooted16:01
ppisatiogra_: but i still had the old one16:01
ppisatiogra_: so i thought "maybe is mmcblk0p2"16:01
ppisatiogra_: redo16:01
ogra_what was the output of abootimg doing that ?16:02
ppisatilinuz-3.1.10-10-nexus7 ablet# abootimg -u /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 -k foobar/boot/vm16:02
ppisatireading kernel from foobar/boot/vmlinuz-3.1.10-10-nexus716:02
ppisatiWriting Boot Image /dev/block/mmcblk0p216:02
ogra_(and also the output of abootimg -i )16:02
ppisatiogra_: for both p1 and p216:02
ppisatiogra_: anyhow, i ended up in cynogen recovery16:02
ogra_we probably need to update abootimg 16:02
ogra_might be that 4.2.2 needs a newer version of it or so16:03
ppisatiogra_: let me tinker with it a bit more16:03
ogra_ok, i'll jump on it myself around the weekend ... currently i'm busy convincing the amd64 livefs builder to produce pahblet android cross built images16:04
ogra_that will keep me busy until friday16:04
ppisatiogra_: ok so, the correct partition is mmcblk0p2 since it's LNX16:09
ppisatiogra_: p1 is recovery16:10
apwrtg_, will do indeed16:31
apwrtg_, given i have been playing with that across n7 today, it is all shiney and fresh in my mind16:32
rtg_apw, there are a number of references to omap, etc that are no longer appropriate16:33
apwrtg_, now to work out why i am not being given notifications in irc any more16:33
rtg_no flashy thingy ?16:33
jsalisburyapw, fyi, commit 3e8f4f40 fixed bug 1157952 but it introduced other errors, posted in comment #1916:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 1157952 in linux (Ubuntu) "SCSI keysense errors on console with Raring (3.8 kernel) within Windows Azure" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115795216:34
apwjsalisbury, heh ... oh so typical of that lot16:34
apwrtg_, yep will 'redo' the review and sort them out16:35
apwrtg_, indeed i have no OSDs fro irc all of a sudden, strange thing16:36
apwppisati, i take it the armhf-generic is bootable on omap4 as it is currently16:54
ppisatiapw: yep16:54
jsalisbury## Kernel team meeting in 5 minutes16:55
* ppisati goes to find some food, later17:11
=== jsalisbury changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues April 2nd, 2013 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
apwrtg_, ok ... initial fixups for arm -generic etc pushed ...17:37
rtg_apw, ack17:37
apwthere are some bits which need investigation which i'll poke next17:37
apwppisati, know of any reason we cannot enable CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_DMA on armhf -generic ?17:38
rtg_apw, ACPI was an issue, but I think there is a patch for it17:38
zequenceapw: I'm a little confused on versions. pull-lp-source pulls 3.5.0-26.28, but when I look here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lowlatency, it seems it's still in proposed. What's the best way to check which is the last released kernel? I'm about to build quantal and need to know which version I should use (suddenly, I'm not that confident on this)17:41
zequenceI mean, which version I should use for the -v argument..17:41
* rtg_ -> lunch17:45
apwzequence, for -v you can use 'rmadison -a source linux-lowlatency' which will show you the versions in alll pockets17:47
apwlinux-lowlatency | 3.5.0-25.25 | quantal-security/universe | source17:48
apwlinux-lowlatency | 3.5.0-25.25 | quantal-updates/universe | source17:48
apwlinux-lowlatency | 3.5.0-26.28 | quantal-proposed/universe | source17:48
apwzequence, for exasmple that is quantals entries which shows -25.25 in -security and -updates, and -26.28 in -proposed17:48
apwppisati, CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HDRC is marked as =y (boot essential on omap) but is m on -generic, any issues or shall i lose the annoataion17:49
apwppisati, CONFIG_EXT2_FS isn't that 'flash-kernel essential' on arm ?17:50
apwppisati, let me knwo on those and i'll get them cleaned up17:50
zequenceapw: kernel sources ready18:08
ppisatiapw: loose annotation on MUSB18:29
ppisatiapw: vfat is essential on omap18:30
ppisatiapw: ext2 might be essential on imx6, lemme check18:30
rtg_ppisati, did you figure out the magic runes for updating an N7 kernel after installing the touch image ?18:56
ppisatirtg_: not yet18:56
ppisatirtg_: 'abootimg -u /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 -k vmlinuz' should be enough18:56
ppisatirtg_: but it's not :P18:56
rtg_hmm, too bad. it seems like it wuold be rightr18:57
ppisatirtg_: rtg_ i'll give it another shot later18:58
rtg_ppisati, ok, it'll come in handy for testing where one doesn't wanna reinstall the whole image (nor make one from scratch)18:58
ppisatiapw: ok so, ext2 is not mandatory for imx618:59
ppisatiapw: but on highbank, /boot is uses it19:00
ppisatiapw: actually we can mount using ext3 on it19:00
ppisatiapw: so it's either ext2 or ext319:00
ppisatiapw: uhm no19:00
ppisatiapw: it's really ext319:00
ppisatiapw: /dev/sda1       /boot           ext3    defaults        0       219:00
ppisatiapw: i think you can turn off ext2 and leave ext3 compield in19:01
rtg_which looks OK19:02
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apwrtg-afk, yep, it is the annotations which are wrong in that case, ppisati lets catch up in the morning :)19:09
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* ogasawara lunch19:38
mdalacuHi, how can i report a kernel bug, if it does not boot? Can someone help me? I have read the guidlines, but it is very difficult for me to follow them.20:07
mdalacuThe problem is simple, i can't boot with IOMMU option in BIOS active with any kernel above 3.7 version. It drops to busybox.20:08
jsalisburymdalacu, Can you boot from a LiveCD, or a prior kernel, or even with the IOMMU option disabled?  You should be able to report a bug with 'ubuntu-bug linux' if you can boot with one of these three options20:20
infinityapw: BenC fixed the ACPI/CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_DMA conflict in linux-ppc.  If that's not upstream, you might want to cherry-pick from him.20:21
mdalacuWith kernel version 3.6 and oneric kernels i can boot raring just fine. Any raring live cd with IOMMU disabled boots fine.20:21
BenCinfinity: rtg said he was grabbing it, IIRC20:22
BenCIt is upstream20:22
infinityBenC: Ahh, cool.  Check.20:22
mdalacuI have already reported the bug, but this is as far as i can go...20:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 1159219 in linux "Ubuntu Raring , IOMMU, fails to boot" [High,Triaged]20:22
jsalisburymdalacu, ok, I've seen that bug.  I can perform a bisect to identify the commit that introduced the regression in 3.6.  I'll post some comments to the bug.20:23
mdalacuThank you , should i post any new files to that bug, a dmidecode or something?20:24
rtg_BenC, 'serial: 8250_dw: Use ifdef with ACPI' ?20:24
BenCrtg_: yep20:25
jsalisburymdalacu, no need to post additional info.  The apport data should be good enough for now.20:27
mdalacujsalisbury, OK, thank you very much. I will go now. Bye.20:28
* rtg_ -> EOD20:32
markus-jdoes someone here know if the next precise/quantal-lts kernel will contain the patches mentioned here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/1157649/comments/1521:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 1157649 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "GPU hang" [Undecided,Fix released]21:18
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greearbhello!  I'm starting work on re-mastering a 12.10 live-cd image, and I'm curious if anyone knows if the 'raging' kernel can be used on 12.10 (as live-cd)?22:43
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