
pleia2philipballew: did we get any hats in the scale conference pack?05:51
philipballewpleia2, no we did not :(05:52
pleia2bkerensa: ^^05:52
pleia2so it looks like they changed up the packs recently, no more hats :(05:52
philipballew4 shirts, some buttons, and some stickers iirc.05:52
pleia2I was all "oh yeah, they're still there" /lies05:52
philipballewpleia2, whats up with our old banner from before we got the approved one?05:53
pleia2philipballew: it's in my closet05:53
pleia2I picked it up from mpaoli a couple weeks ago05:53
pleia2(he brought it to the last sf ubuntu hour)05:53
philipballewpleia2, I see! probably good we have a banner in both parts of the state just in case someone needs one in a hurry.05:54
pleia2philipballew: yeah, I'm actually checking with canonical to see if we can buy a second one from them05:54
pleia2would probably end up cheaper than me shipping it all over the place all the time :\05:55
philipballewpleia2, how much would that costs us?05:55
pleia2it's like $10-15 each time05:55
pleia2not sure, they're looking into it for me05:55
philipballewpleia2, I saw the shipping label when you shipped it to ib.05:55
pleia2I think that was the cheapest one since it wasn't a rush :)05:55
pleia2still like $8-something I think?05:56
philipballewsomething like that yeah.05:56
pleia2to be honest the old banner is really too old to be used05:56
pleia2unless we're trying to be funny :)05:56
pleia2retro ubuntu booth!05:57
philipballewpleia2, If you ever need to get rid of it, let me know and ill use it for the san diego stuff. But I am sure we can find some use maybe?05:57
philipballewMaybe a dance mat?05:57
pleia2we've used it as a 2nd banner for some booths05:58
pleia2like solano stroll05:58
philipballewI or someone could use it for a google hangout background maybe.05:58
pleia2it was on the outside: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/6138397951/in/set-7215762765008611605:58
darthrobot`Title: [IMG_1699 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!]05:58
pleia2inside was new one: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/6138397205/in/set-72157627650086116/05:58
darthrobot`Title: [IMG_1696 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!]05:58
pleia2"hide my messy office!"05:59
philipballewyour office looks nice!05:59
pleia2yeah, my favorite part about my office is the mac in the background05:59
darthrobot`Content type: [image/jpeg] Size: [184782]05:59
philipballewWay to be a hipster with your mac pleia206:00
pleia2I actually did clean up that filing cabinet after that hangout :)06:00
pleia2still has a mac on it though06:00
pleia2(sadly, nothing else to sync my fitbit with)06:00
philipballewRead something from Leigh about that last week or so.06:01
philipballewThey look interesting.06:01
pleia2it's silly, but it works for me06:02
pleia21.43 miles traveled today06:03
pleia2I haven't left my condo06:03
pleia2that's a lot of wandering around home!06:03
philipballewYou usually work outside right pleia2 ?06:04
pleia2I try for 2-3 hours on days when it's warm enough06:04
pleia2not today, too cold, not sunny06:05
philipballewpleia2, oh nice, gotta get that wedding tan because sf is a great place to tan?06:05
pleia2my tan situation is a mess :) my maid of honor is going to freak06:05
pleia2I have a wicked farmer's tan!06:06
pleia2so smart for my sleeveless dress06:06
pleia2hella wicked06:06
pleia2there, maine and california :)06:07
philipballewdo you like your dress though?06:07
pleia2love it06:07
* pleia2 princess06:07
philipballewthats cool. So where are you going after the wedding?06:07
philipballewHey! Thats hella cool. What part?06:08
pleia2yucatan peninsula, doing the resort thing for a week, then exploring some mayan ruins for a week06:08
philipballewoh nice, that sounds good. I am gonna fly down there in June for a month. (think I said that to you earlier). I'm sure your gonna be really excited to take a break from life on the Honeymoon.06:09
pleia2yeah, we talked about your trip :)06:10
pleia2very excited, it's been a long.. year06:10
philipballewFor sure, You gonna ply there from Philly?06:10
* philipballew remembers where pleia2 is getting married.06:11
pleia2gold star!06:11
philipballewIf only.You seem to have been tired a lot lately. Hope you can get away from the Internet/work and stuff.06:12
pleia2yeah, I have :\06:12
pleia2new job + wedding planning + ubuntu dramaz06:13
philipballewUbuntu is back on track though, and your wedding is gonna be great!06:13
pleia2that's what I'm saying :)06:13
philipballewat least you get to travel with your job!06:13
pleia2yeah, I love my job06:14
philipballewI assume your gonna live tweet your wedding?06:14
pleia2haha, doubtful06:14
philipballewlol, I have a lot of friends here who have live streamed their wedding so school friends to poor to fly there can see. I did it once, but it was kinda weird.06:15
pleia2going pretty traditional with the wedding stuff06:15
pleia2we'll have a videographer though, so if it's not horrible and/or boring it may be shareable06:15
philipballewTraditional weddings are nice because they can be "low key"06:16
pleia2yeah, no surprises :)06:16
philipballewI have a good friend getting married in Pennsylvania in May as well. Pittsburgh though, so not anything like Philly. Hope you have a nice time!06:17
bkerensaepic fail07:54
bkerensaim awake for no reason :(07:54
* bkerensa blames UTC07:54
philipballewbkerensa, Sleep is overrated08:01
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