=== defunctzombie_zz is now known as defunctzombie [01:00] I just bootstrapped an aws environment for the first time; I'm surprised that the controller instance doesn't show in the ec2 console. am I missing something? [01:01] sarnold: no, that is the expected (if a little confusing) behavior [01:02] davecheney: is that only the zookeeper instance that doesn't show up in the dashboard? or will none ever show up in the dashboard? [01:03] sarnold: the zookeeper instance, so called, machine/0 [01:03] has some services on them [01:03] davecheney: .. and how do I double-check that all my instances are terminated at the end of the day, so I don't wind up with a higher credit card bill than expected...? :) [01:03] but they are intenal to juju [01:03] sarnold: if you juju destroy-environment, machine/0 will be terminated [01:04] along with everything else, of course [01:05] davecheney: that's my hope :) I was hoping to double-check its death in the console though. I'm a bit surprised juju-created instances don't show up in the amazon interface. [01:05] sarnold: all juju created instances show up in the console [01:05] make sure you are looking in the right region [01:05] well lets get a mysql or something deployed... [01:05] oh.... [01:06] davecheney: yay! [01:07] davecheney: I had missed that drop-down in the upper right corner of the browser window. [01:07] from memory, the ec2 provider in py juju (i work on the go port postly), will deploy into us-east-1 [01:07] unless you have provided a region: key in your environments.yaml [01:08] davecheney: thanks :) [01:08] np [01:10] error: Environments configuration error: /home/sarnold/.juju/environments.yaml: environments.sample.region: expected 'us-east-1', got 'us-west-2a' [01:10] hahaha [01:11] yes, sorry, we don't let you specify down to an availablity zone [01:13] ah, knocking off the 'a' does fix that. thanks. :) [01:14] are availability zones supported in the go port? or .. some larger understanding of regions and zones? [01:17] sarnold: only regions are supported [01:18] it may be possible to support some handling of availability zones via constriants [01:18] but to my knowledge that is not being actively worked on [01:18] i suggest raising an issue [01:18] https://launchpad.net/juju-core [01:40] davecheney: thanks; I filed 1160667, I hope it's both concise enough and verbose enough. :) [01:40] sarnold: thanks [01:40] tbh, don't expect it to be prioritised before 13.04 [01:41] we have a full docket at the moment [01:41] davecheney: hehe, yes, this feels like a long-term-goal. [01:42] sarnold: we're shooting for parity with the python 0.7 version for 13.04 [01:42] we'll prioritise new features after that [01:42] davecheney: I could even see 14.10 or something -- get the juju core _polished_ for 14.04 and then start looking at shiny new features. but that's just my guess. [01:42] s/see 14.10/see an initial sketch of the feature for 14.10/ [01:43] 1.5 years away is hard to chop up into an agile development schedule [01:43] :D === _mup__ is now known as _mup_ === defunctzombie is now known as defunctzombie_zz === teknico_ is now known as teknico === teknico_ is now known as teknico === defunctzombie_zz is now known as defunctzombie === bcsaller_ is now known as bcsaller === BradCrittenden is now known as bac === frankban_ is now known as frankban === andrewdeane is now known as awd === wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood === wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away === wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood === wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away === wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood === teknico is now known as teknico_mobile === salgado is now known as salgado-lunch === teknico_ is now known as teknico_mobile_ === imbrandon_ is now known as imbrandon === teknico__ is now known as teknico === teknico__ is now known as teknico_mobile === medberry is now known as med_ === salgado-lunch is now known as salgado === bac_ is now known as bac === salgado is now known as salgado-bbl === salgado-bbl is now known as salgado [18:59] gary_poster: Is http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8080/ supposed to work? [18:59] looks like the initial connection is all slow? [19:00] jcastro_, it does work for me [19:00] initial connection is slower than it has been since we went up to 100 demo units [19:06] oh, heh [19:34] sarnold: heh, that unattended upgrades sub charm looks useful [19:34] jcastro_: thanks :) i stole it from jdstrand, it was his idea to get it packaged up :) [19:36] yeah [19:37] I wanted to steal it but he wouldn't let me [19:43] jcastro_: hehe, sorry to steal it from you, too :) [19:56] I'm just glad it exists [22:28] heh, seems a few charms never got the editing they deserve, "interface-name" shows up in both provides and requires a handful of times: http://jujucharms.com/interface-charm-map [22:29] (if there isn't a charm proof test for that string, it might be useful :) === wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away