
Guest26841I need some help00:02
redderhsGuest26841: state your question and someone will try to answer as soon as possible.00:03
Guest26841Well i try to start lubuntu but it keeps giving me a earr saying i have no screens00:05
Guest26841How do i fix it?00:08
redderhsSomeone will respond when they are available. So just to clarify, you're getting an error message saying you have no screens?00:09
redderhsHave you tried anything to troubleshoot this yet? Which version of Lubuntu are you running?00:11
devilboywhy do i have 3 different sessions in lubuntu ?00:12
devilboynetbook and openbox00:12
Guest26841im running lubunyu 12.1000:13
redderhsGuest26841: When you installed Lubuntu, did you install it from the Live CD in it's GUI mode? If so, did you get the error message there too?00:14
Guest26841i installed it via usb from a iso00:15
redderhsand have you had this issue since installation?00:16
Guest26841yes i can not get the desktop to show00:17
redderhsyou might find this article helpful, i think it may relate to your issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192417000:17
redderhsdevilboy: when you say 3 different sessions, what do you mean and where do you see them?00:18
redderhsat startup near login?00:18
devilboyredderhs: they helped me in ubuntu channel.00:19
devilboyredderhs: thanks00:19
devilboyredderhs: am just thinking to remove them /netbook/openbox/00:19
devilboyby uninstalling00:20
redderhswell, if you're talking about the drop down selection of choices near username / password login, some come by default00:20
devilboyredderhs: i cant remove openbox from synaptics?00:21
redderhsThat type of session allows you to choose what type of desktop environment you'd like to use. There are lots of different choices in the Linux world.00:21
devilboyredderhs: will cause me issues?00:21
redderhsIt could if you have not established a replacement00:21
redderhsopenbox by default is part of the desktop experience.00:21
devilboyredderhs: ok ;p i wont uninstall openbox and netbook00:22
redderhsyou're welcome.00:23
Guest26841Oh i forgot to menchn that i installed it with windows.00:25
redderhsGuest26841: Did you install this on a computer with no Disc Drive?00:25
redderhsdo you still have the disc image you downloaded? If so I think based upon the link I shared with you, it might be helpful to check the hash value of the iso00:27
redderhsto make sure it matches the checksum on the website, if it does not match it downloaded improperly and may be a reason for the erroneous install.00:28
wxl!md5 Guest2684100:29
wxloh stupid bot00:29
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:29
wxl↑ see that Guest2684100:30
redderhsThanks wxl, gotta figure out all the bot command / resources here =P00:30
wxlredderhs: np. i'm lagging like heck over here anyways :)00:31
Unit193!factoids | redderhs00:32
ubotturedderhs: Hi! I'm #lubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots00:32
redderhsmmm brains.00:32
wxloh, pipe, duh.00:34
Unit193Yes wxl, it's never changed. :----D00:36
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!00:36
wxl!bug 100:37
ubottubug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100:37
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents00:37
wxlok i'll stop playing with the bot now00:37
Guest26841i found that the hashes are not the same00:46
wxlGuest26841: thus your problem. time to re-download and make sure to check your hash.00:47
Guest26841Gha well anouther night of downloding sigh ty00:48
wxlyou could try zsync Guest2684100:48
wxl!zsync | Guest2684100:48
ubottuGuest26841: Use zsync to update your Ubuntu CD image without needing to download the parts that didn't change. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ZsyncCdImage00:48
wxlthat will save you from having to download the whole thing00:48
redderhsor via torrent.00:49
wxlyeah torrents are darn quick00:49
wxland you probably already have a torrent client00:49
Guest26841zsync dont work on windows duse it00:54
redderhswell, it looks like it could be done on Windows, but from the link I am looking at it seems more hassle than it's worth. Are you familiar with Torrent files and Torrent Clients?00:55
redderhsthat would be a much more graphical and simplified way I'd imagine for Windows.00:56
Guest26841yes i have utorrent00:56
redderhspoint the torrent file to the location of the already downloaded iso. Filenames should be the same. If so, the Torrent client should try to analyze the already existing iso to see where it matches and where it does not.00:57
redderhsand it will only download what it needs to.00:58
Guest26841utorrent checked it but did not download any thing01:14
redderhsif you right click on the torrent in uTorrent and hit open folder, does Windows Explorer show you the same location as your downloaded iso?01:16
redderhsthe status in utorrent, does it say a percentage? or if it is paused or downloading?01:19
Guest26841it say seeding01:20
redderhsif it's seeding, it may have finished downloading that quickly. there may have not been that much of a difference.01:21
redderhsI would run the iso again through a checksum to see if it matches now01:21
Guest26841Gerr the sum is diffrent sigh01:22
redderhswhat is the name of the iso you have?01:23
Guest26841i redid the check its the same01:25
redderhsfrom here, if you have to use usb, go ahead and install the iso how you did before01:26
redderhsthat should fix the issue you were experiencing01:26
Guest26841well im trying to install it on a netbook01:33
Guest26841well thank you01:37
redderhstake care.01:37
Guest26841i might be back01:38
redderhsdont you ever come back! haha, if you still need help feel free to ask.01:38
Guest26841and lol01:38
pvl1hey all, do i have to keep openbox to run LXDE? my understanding is no04:08
redderhsi think you just need something to replace it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Window_manager04:11
pvl1oh i thought lxde came with a window manager04:13
redderhsyeah its coupled with openbox04:13
redderhsi'm pretty sure that's how it works.04:14
pvl1it is04:14
pvl1thats fine04:14
redderhsi think my setup, i have compiz running ontop04:14
redderhsto give me more functionality.04:14
pvl1my netbook wont handle it04:14
pvl1maybe it will04:14
pvl1but i dont really need that on there04:15
redderhswhat're you looking to do?04:15
pvl1well the question basically started because i started messing with packages to free up space on my 4gb microsd... and lubuntu04:16
pvl1was logging into only openbox, without lxde04:16
pvl1i reinstalled what i removed04:16
pvl1i couldnt get it to work off an 8 gb microsd04:16
pvl1ima try to dd it over the weekend04:17
pvl1but another q, i installed  lightdm-remote-session-freerdp , and it wasnt showing up in the sessions at login04:17
redderhshmm, i'm not too familiar with that package04:19
pvl1oh well ill keep playing with it04:19
pvl1since i reinstalled everything ima try to reboot04:19
pvl11well lxde works now04:23
pvl11installed way too much bloatware tho04:23
pvl11im going back to lubuntu-desktop04:24
pvl11actually i think the package is lubuntu-default-settings04:25
pvl1it is04:30
redderhsi'm glad to hear you got everything working again04:30
pvl1lol john_barleycorn04:36
pvl1good ame04:36
Kamilionheh, always funny when you google how to do something and the first result you come up with is the last time you did it... http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/10/22/%23lubuntu.html#t04:4707:26
Kamiliongoogled for "lubuntu lxde panel cpu meter"07:27
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sasha|O hai14:28
sasha|I'm having a bit of an issue with setting custom display resolutions14:28
sasha|can someone help?14:28
sasha|I tried http://askubuntu.com/questions/95977/set-a-specific-screen-resolution-with-xrandr14:29
john_barleycornPossibly sasha| , what's the problem exactly14:29
sasha|but it doesn't work too well14:29
sasha|john_barleycorn: the LCD on the netbook has a streched image14:30
sasha|and it goes down to the BIOS14:30
john_barleycornOk, what's the resolution you're after?14:30
sasha|but there is only 1024x76814:31
john_barleycornAnd I assume you didn't find it in Preferences>Monitor Settings?14:33
john_barleycornHave you tried adding a new resolution mode with xrandr?14:34
sasha|I tried14:34
sasha|but seeing as I'm running off a live usb, it doesn't change until I restart14:35
sasha|and when I restart, I go back to zero14:35
john_barleycornDid you create the live USB to be persistent?14:36
sasha|it's just DriveDroid on my phone14:36
sasha|and it's read write, but it doesn't write it seems14:36
john_barleycornNot familiar with DriveDroid14:37
john_barleycornYeah I was just reading up14:38
john_barleycornI don't know how (or if there even is a way) to make DriveDroid persistent. I think you may have to create a bootable USB flash drive in order to get what you want.14:38
sasha|but if I install Lubuntu on the hdd, will I be able to set the custom resolution?14:39
john_barleycornI don't know why not14:39
pavel989is there an irc where i can get some help with lightdm? i cant seem to figure out how to gree the freerdp session to work16:23
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robotChild901hi ppl.16:50
wxl!hi | robotChild90116:50
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wxl!hi-#lubuntu | robotChild90117:04
ubotturobotChild901: Hi!, Welcome to #lubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:04
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