
ESphynxhey guys, why would a build fail, with no build log?07:21
geserESphynx: most probably LP lost track of the build, try a "retry" of it07:22
ESphynxgeser: It happened on 2 builds though ( at same time )07:23
ESphynxI clicked retry on both07:24
jfisame issue with my package few minutes ago, a build has failed without any log07:37
wgrantjfi, ESphynx: Which builds?07:40
jfiwgrant, https://launchpad.net/~jfi/+archive/psensor-unstable/+build/4406549 , I have "retried" it, so you can no more see the message07:42
wgrantjfi: Thanks.07:43
wgrantLooks like we have three builders that are a bit unhappy and breaking things.07:43
wgrantI've disabled them for now, so that should stop happening.07:43
jfiok, thanks wgrant for the quick solving:)07:43
wgrantThanks for letting us know.07:44
wgrant(if a build fails to start repeatedly, we try to work out if it's the builder or the build that's causing the problem... in this case I can see was the builder, but the automatic check erroneously decided it was the build instead, so it got failed to get it out of the queue)07:45
teolemonas for thanking, thanks wgrant for the LP translations fix :-)07:52
wgrantteolemon: Due to the long weekend it won't be fixed on production until the middle of next week, but I've confirmed that all the missing strings show up with the new code.07:54
jfiwgrant, hum, failed again, same message, you can see it at: https://launchpad.net/~jfi/+archive/psensor-unstable/+build/440654907:54
jfiwgrant, this time I have monitored to see which build it is: https://launchpad.net/builders/chindi0207:54
wgrantMaybe some more builders have joined the party...07:54
wgrantAh, no, that's just fallout from the previous failure.07:55
jfiI am going to do a test the build on my computer with pbuilder, maybe that's my fault07:55
wgrantRetrying doesn't reset the failure count07:55
wgrantIt's not your fault07:55
wgrantBut once a build gets killed once due to several successive failures, a single failure will cause it to be killed.07:55
wgrantRetrying it again will hopefully work07:55
wgrantIf not, I will find a bigger hammer.07:56
jfiok, I hit retry again07:56
jfihum the build score is strange, it has been changed to Build score:99999, never had this kind of value07:58
wgrantThat's because I want to make this work :)07:59
wgrantIt should be working now07:59
wgrantIt has a log07:59
jfiyes, sounds good, started on  chindi01 , instead of chindi02 previously08:01
jfi"Finished a moment ago (took 3 minutes, 48.0 seconds) "08:02
wgrantI'm fixing the retry code to reset the failure count, so a bad builder won't carry over after a retry.08:04
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shadeslayerhi, is the upload processing kaput?11:07
shadeslayerI uploaded a package quite some time ago, no emails so far11:08
czajkowskishadeslayer: hmm not seen any issues11:08
czajkowskiwgrant: something changed?11:08
shadeslayerhm, I guess maybe it didn't upload from my end then11:09
crassI've deleted some packages in a PPA, but the binary Mb usage has not gone down.  One it reaches the max of 2gb, will it delete the oldest binaries?11:09
shadeslayercrass: it'll delete the binaries whenever on the next cleaning run11:10
shadeslayerit takes time for the binaries to go away afaik11:10
crassok, thanks11:10
* shadeslayer uploads again to make sure11:10
crasswhy is this import stuck on "updating branch.."? https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/grub/grub2-bzr11:13
crassthe location appears to be correct11:13
voldymanguys i want to fetch all bugs realted to a project but the API doesn't provide something like that, any better way than scraping the site?11:15
shadeslayerczajkowski: I think my earlier upload didn't quite get uploaded11:16
geservoldyman: doesn't the "searchTasks" method of a project object doesn't work for you?11:20
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shadeslayerczajkowski: not sure if you're aware of the issue or not but https://launchpad.net/builders/ is inaccessible for me12:58
czajkowskishadeslayer: yup thats normal ;) stuff being built that people don't need to see12:59
czajkowskiit'll be fine in a bit12:59
shadeslayerczajkowski: but then won't that be visible in the build history of a builder?13:01
czajkowskiit'll be finshed son shadeslayer13:04
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dobeyi really wish that bug would get fixed14:43
czajkowskiit's marked as high as soon as we finish the last 100 criticals I'm sure they;ll get right on it :)14:44
wgrantdobey: We have a lot of bugs, many of which prevent users from doing things, and not very many engineers14:51
wgrantThat bug doesn't break any significant Launchpad functionality14:51
wgrantSo it's not terribly high priority.14:51
wgrantWe are, of course, happy to help people fix bugs like that.14:53
wgrantOr any bugs :)14:53
czajkowskipick a number any number14:53
wgrantBut we don't have the resources to fix everything today :)14:53
dobeyright. it's just distracting when it keeps coming up and people ask about it :)14:53
czajkowskidobey: oh indeed, every week I get asked14:53
czajkowskitoday it appeared on -devel14:53
czajkowskibut at the end of the day it's not breaking lp, :/14:54
czajkowskihave to draw the line somewhere14:54
czajkowskiI relaly should eat llunch at some point today14:54
davmor2czajkowski: 115:33
czajkowskiif you cna fixt bug 1 :)have fun15:34
ubot5bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115:34
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george_eThis is probably a strange question but... how do I delete ARM builds from my PPA?22:03
george_eOne of the packages in the PPA provides ARM builds but since that package is used as a dependency of another package that does NOT provide ARM builds, it's just wasting space.22:03
czajkowskigeorge_e: what ppa ?22:04
george_eczajkowski: https://code.launchpad.net/~george-edison55/+archive/nitroshare-dev/+packages22:04
czajkowskiARM isnt enabled on the nitroshare-dev ppa22:04
george_eThat's correct - I copied the binaries from another PPA.22:05
george_eI only wanted to copy the amd64 / i686 binaries, but the ARM ones were copied as well.22:05
george_eThere didn't seem to be an option to exclude any architectures.22:05
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