
elkyi have the same problem as luissk800:31
luissk8elky: you can make it work, but with diferent windowmanager00:34
luissk8elky: just apt-get lightdm00:35
elkyi apparently already have lightdm00:36
elkyi don't recall installing it00:36
skpw_i'm having trouble getting a radio station to play in rhythmbox, anyone know why this might be?01:00
bjsniderlightdm is required to log into unity and is the default display manager in ubuntu01:14
elkybjsnider, ok, so why the blue screen?01:23
bjsniderwhat blue screen?01:24
elkywhen i boot up, i get the login screen etc, after logging in i have no unity and instead a blue desktop which i can still add files/folders to but no window decorators or anything like that.01:27
elkyoh wait, it does have decorators, but they're orange/brown. they disappear when i try start unity from the terminal i launch by browsing to /usr/bin01:31
nonubymy desktop background is stuck on the logging page (with the password box etc..) very weird, reboots havent resolved it, any ideas?01:38
bjsniderpeople seem to be having those issues at the moment01:39
bjsnideri'm assuming it's a lightdm bug, or maybe gnome-settings-daemon01:40
nonubyok, np, only other bug I have on new HP pavillion budget (pentium 987) laptop is fn brightness keys, decrease brightness works, however increase brightness shows the little dialog but  doesnt move it upwards. The brightness tool in Settings works though01:42
elkyit's kinda distressing that stuff is this broken only a few weeks from release01:52
IdleOneelky: not any different from other releases02:00
IdleOnethis is the trend for +1, runs awesome for 5 months and then everything breaks02:00
elkyi havne't run a +1 for ages, but it's the only thing that will run nicely on my new laptop02:01
IdleOnethat last two dev cycles I've had to go back to the latest "stable" release because my system would just stop booting02:02
bjsniderobviously if the hardware is brand new there could be big driver issues02:02
IdleOnefor me it always seems to come back to nvidia gpu issues02:04
bjsnidershouldn't be, unless it's old junk or you're using nouveau02:07
elkyi'm expecting this is something to do with the "lets change unity stuff now because sabdfl says so" thing02:08
elkyso i just installed ccsm and there's a whoooole lotta stuff that's disabled that shouldn't be02:09
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skpw_anyone having trouble playing radio stations in rythmbox?04:23
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chunkyheadhas the beta 13.04 released?11:10
chunkyhead has the beta 13.04 released?11:11
chunkyheadhello anyone there?11:15
chunkyheaddoes anyone know when's the 13.04 bea releasing11:15
otendcheck the release schedule11:15
otendthe beta released on the 14th11:16
otendfinal release is on April 2511:16
Bauerfucking hell, copy/paste still not working properly11:16
Baueror maybe its my keyboard thats faulty.. but I suspect its something between chrome and xchat11:17
bazhangBauer, no cursing here please11:19
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BauerI've opened a new bug report, but I cant see how to set that its affecting 13.04 - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/116134111:31
Baueronly managed to specify ubuntu generally11:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1161341 in Ubuntu "Lock screen assumes the language or last active application" [Undecided,New]11:31
jpdsBauer: You're going to have to click the > next to Ubuntu and select a Package.11:53
jpdsBauer: Which in this case would be 'gnome-screensaver'.11:54
BluesKajHey folks12:06
elkyugh, unity doesn't recognise when xchat is open and opens a new one/loses the existing one12:51
elkyi was seeing the same with inkscape yesterday before i got borked by the blue screen issue12:51
elkywoot, updates fixed it12:56
Bauerjpds: hmm, thanks but how to learn to know which package to select, in future bug reports? also how to specify the bug is for RR, and not other version12:56
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jpdsBauer: I don't think you can do that.13:40
jpdsBauer: But bug reports are for the development version by default13:40
yofelBauer: what you can do, is tag the bug with 'raring'13:47
Bauerahh ok, thanks.. I was sure I had to specify somewhere which version the report refers to..13:47
yofelBauer: specifying the release you're using, and the explicit package version in the description would help a lot actually13:48
yofelBauer: targeting a bug to a specific release is up to the developers13:49
yofelBauer: the version information is automatically added to a bug if you file it using apport btw ;) (ubuntu-bug)13:49
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thebishopi installed a raring nightly from the 25th, and certain apps didn't integrate properly with the launcher.  Pidgin and Xchat in particular didn't show the ">" marker that means they're running.  they also didn't show up in alt-tab.  after doing a dist-upgrade today, pidgin works but xchat doesn't.  what's different about these apps?13:59
EDinNYHas anyone used MTP to connect to media players or phones? Does it work as expected?14:10
EDinNYI have read that backports only work on unlocked phones...is that the same with 13.04?14:10
philinuxEDinNY: my galaxy s3 shows up in 13.04 fine as a mass storage device. I can copy mp3 files to it.14:14
saryAre the (Raring Ringtail) Daily Build download links broken , or is it from my end! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/16:10
bazhangworks here sary16:14
saryalright, thanks bazhang!16:18
fgexperienced a problem when updating software center not too long ago  : WARNING:softwarecenter.db.update:The file: '/usr/share/app-install/desktop/sonic-visualiser:x-sonicvisualiser-layer.desktop' could not be read correctly.17:00
fganyone experienced anything similar17:00
philinuxfg: i seem to remember such a warning. I ignored it as all worky fine17:06
fgphilinux: ok17:06
philinuxfg: someone bugged it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/app-install-data-ubuntu/+bug/115902317:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1159023 in app-install-data-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "File .. could not be read correctly: sonic-visualizer, gmpc, workrave" [Undecided,New]17:09
philinuxfg: this is the active bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/app-install-data-ubuntu/+bug/115894917:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1158949 in app-install-data-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Warnings during upgrade in Raring" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:10
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RPG_Master_Updated kernel, now I'm getting some error about boot/vmlinuz and loading kernel first. I can still log in through an older kernel, so what can I do to fix it?21:09
penguin42well you need to get the actual error message21:15
SonikkuAmericaActually, we have it on the #ubuntu channel...21:17
SonikkuAmerica"error: file 'boot/linuz- not found \ load kernel first" ( \ represents line br)21:18
RPG_Master_Oh, sorry. Should have copied that bit21:20
SonikkuAmericaHonestly I've never seen the word "linuz" alone without it being "vmlinuz"21:20
RPG_Master_Yes it said vmlinuz... I'm off today.21:23
SonikkuAmericaYou may need to check your GRUB entry for the image then21:23
RPG_Master_SonikkuAmerica: OK, so what do I do now?21:25
SonikkuAmericaYou'll need to look at GRUB and see if it's pointing to the location of the linux-image21:29
LoRezterminal seems unbearably slow on an NVIDIA Corporation G86 [Quadro NVS 290] (rev a1) on raring.21:37
LoRezswapping between terminal tabs takes several seconds.21:38
LoRezis there something tweakable?21:39
RPG_Master_SonikkuAmerica: OK, so I've got the grub thing open for the latest kernel, and nothing is standing out to me. What am I looking for?21:41
RPG_Master_SonikkuAmerica: If it'd help you, I can type it up on pastebin for you21:43
yofelRPG_Master_: there should be a line with "linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-15-generic root=..." somewhere21:49
SonikkuAmericaOr "linux /vmlinuz"21:51
BlueProtomanWhat's the general consensus of the Ubuntu 13.04 beta?  Is it looking like I'm gonna have to wait 3 months for the bugs to be fixed like last time?22:08
SonikkuAmericaBlueProtoman: depends. Studio was all finished in time for the beta, all that has to be done for them is fix bugs that haven't been solved or randomly show up; the rest don't even have finished roadmaps22:10
BlueProtomanSonikkuAmerica: Studio?22:10
BlueProtomanWhere's the feature list?22:11
SonikkuAmericaI use Kubuntu with the studio pointers22:12
BlueProtomanSonikkuAmerica: No, I mean, what's Studio?  I've never heard of it.22:13
SonikkuAmerica!studio < here22:13
ubottuSonikkuAmerica: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:13
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org22:13
SonikkuAmericaIt's a variant of Xubuntu22:13
RPG_Master_SonikkuAmerica, yofel , I see the line, but everything past root=uuid= is gibberish22:13
SonikkuAmericabut has a GNOME base22:13
RPG_Master_I'm sorry if I'm getting on y'alls nerves, but I've never messed with grub like this22:14
yofelRPG_Master_: the line says vmlinuz? Then the boot error is weird o.O22:14
yofelthe uuid gibberish is correct. UUID's look like that22:14
RPG_Master_Yep it says vmlinuz22:14
RPG_Master_so whats my deal?22:15
RPG_Master_is it possible ot log into an older kernel and just reinstall the update?22:15
BlueProtomanDo you guys think the Ubuntu 13.04 beta is stable enough to upgrade to?  (For context, I don't use Unity.)22:16
yofelsure, just reinstall linux-image-3.8.0-15-generic22:16
yofelnot sure why it would fail though...22:16
steveireI just upgraded, and now I can't connect with wired or wireless network to the internet on that computer22:16
steveireWhen I try to connect to the wireless it hangs and then fails.22:16
steveireI expected wired network connection to be trouble free, but as that doesn't work either, I think something bad is going on22:17
yofeldefine "doesn't work". Is the interface down? connection fails? connection there but no data transmitted?22:19
yofelalso, look at /var/log/syslog. That's where network-manager puts the debug output22:19
steveireyofel: I can see the essid. When I select it in the network manager applet it gets stuck at configuring nework interface or something like that22:20
yofelcan you pastebin your syslog?22:20
steveireIt's large. I'll tail -f it and grep for NetworkManager. It seems to take 45 seconds to timeout22:22
steveireyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5656527/22:26
steveireHad to find a usbkey :)22:26
steveireLooks like it's trying to show me an auth dialog, but I'm not seeing one?22:26
steveireCan I try to connect on the command line somehow so that it asks me to auth there?22:27
yofelhm... not sure how to do that with NM. There's nmcli, but that doesn't seem to be able to create new connections...?22:30
yofelsteveire: any device errors in dmesg or is that clean?22:30
steveireyofel: I don't see any errors in there, nope22:33
yofelmaybe verify that the password is correct in the connection settings. Otherwise I think NM has some setting to make it even more verbose, but I can't remember that now22:35
steveireI have some progress to report22:40
steveireIf I boot with an old kernel, I can connect with the wired network cable22:40
steveireWireless still does not work22:40
steveireI'm surprised the old kernels are there actually22:41
steveireIt's a 3.5 and a 3.8 that are there under 'alternative ubuntu' or whatever in grub22:41
steveireThe 3.5 one allows me to connect wired22:41
Bauer1is there anyway to make Ubuntu notifications not loose focus and blur when I get close to them with the mouse?22:44
Bauer1its annoying I cant click it to bring the relevant application to the front22:44
RPG_Master_Thanks yofel ! Reinstalling the kernel did it. :D22:45
steveireyofel: Would that indicate something fault with drivers in the newer kernels?22:45
yofelsteveire: possibly, but then it's weird that dmesg shows nothing22:48
yofelsteveire: try to file a bug like this: when running the broken kernel, run 'apport-cli linux --save=report.apport', then boot to the old kernel and report the bug with 'apport-cli report.apport'22:50
steveireIf dmesg shows something would it be near the start or near the end? What would I look for?22:50
steveireOk, I'll try that.22:50
yofelnear the end, anything that would be related to the network card22:50
steveireyofel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/116165523:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1161655 in linux (Ubuntu) "Wired and wireless networking don't work after upgrade" [Undecided,New]23:02
steveireThanks for the detective work help23:02
Belial3.8.0-15 fixed high load issue.23:03
steveireHmm, I wonder if it's akonadi related23:06
maxbI have a problem with the totem media player, which I've filed in OMT1158594. If anyone has some spare time and feels like checking if it reproduces, that would be nice.23:13
maxbI mean bug 115859423:13
ubottubug 1158594 in totem (Ubuntu) "Video is too yellow/bright, as if a grossly exaggerated gamma transform is applied (raring regression)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115859423:13
maxbWrong issue tracker prefix :-)23:13
maxbIf it occurs generally, I should probably make more noise about the bug - if it's somehow just me, less so.23:14

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