=== egerlach_ is now known as egerlach | ||
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BobJonkman | Hi all: Just a reminder that there's an IRC meeting here, in #ubuntu-ca tonight in about 5 hours... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2013-03-28 | 18:08 |
BobJonkman1 | Meeting in one minute! | 22:59 |
BobJonkman1 | Just barely got a WiFi connection again. Thanx be to Android tethering | 22:59 |
BobJonkman1 | #startmeeting Ubuntu Canada IRC Meeting | 23:01 |
meetingology | Meeting started Thu Mar 28 23:01:42 2013 UTC. The chair is BobJonkman1. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. | 23:01 |
meetingology | Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired | 23:01 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Forum: http://canada.ubuntuforums.org/ | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Next meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2013-03-28 — Thur, 28 Mar 4:00pm PDT, 7:00pm EDT, 8:30pm NDT | Response may take a while, please wait for an answer! | Ubuntu Canada IRC Meeting Meeting | Current topic: | ||
BobJonkman1 | Roll call! BobJonkman1 zykotick9 mars DarwinSurvivor dscassel FiReSTaRT IdleOne egerlach txwikinger2 ryanakca Kulag azend bregma jlamothe sipherdee zul cyphermox jaguar | 23:02 |
BobJonkman1 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2013-03-28 | 23:02 |
BobJonkman1 | That's the agenda | 23:02 |
BobJonkman1 | #topic Introductions | 23:03 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Forum: http://canada.ubuntuforums.org/ | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Next meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2013-03-28 — Thur, 28 Mar 4:00pm PDT, 7:00pm EDT, 8:30pm NDT | Response may take a while, please wait for an answer! | Ubuntu Canada IRC Meeting Meeting | Current topic: Introductions | ||
BobJonkman1 | I'm Bob Jonkman from Elmira, (currently at Almadina restaurant in anticipation of Ubuntu Hour) contact for Ubuntu Canada and chairing the meeting until dscassel gets here | 23:04 |
azend | I'm Verdi from Guelph. | 23:06 |
BobJonkman1 | Hi azend! | 23:07 |
azend | I don't think I've ever made a meeting because I either forget or it's just at a bad time | 23:08 |
BobJonkman1 | Well, you didn't forget :) Is it a bad time? | 23:08 |
azend | No. | 23:08 |
azend | You just caught me coding up some C++ | 23:09 |
BobJonkman1 | Great! I'm just waiting for Katherine to show up - she's just connecting to the WiFi now. | 23:09 |
BobJonkman1 | azend: Are you working on something Ubuntish? | 23:09 |
azend | Heh I wish | 23:10 |
azend | But it will run on a debian-ed raspberry pi | 23:10 |
BobJonkman1 | Close enough! | 23:10 |
azend | or Ubuntu technically | 23:10 |
azend | So BobJonkman1, while we're waiting, how do you feel about Mir? | 23:12 |
BobJonkman1 | There you are! Hi Katherine! | 23:12 |
Katherine | Hi Bob! | 23:12 |
BobJonkman1 | I haven't checked it out at all. But philosophically I'm in favour of refactoring old code to remove all the legacy X stuff | 23:13 |
BobJonkman1 | In practice, I'm not so sure that Canonical is going about it the right way. | 23:13 |
BobJonkman1 | OK, I guess we'll move on to the next | 23:14 |
BobJonkman1 | #topic Events | 23:14 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Forum: http://canada.ubuntuforums.org/ | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Next meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2013-03-28 — Thur, 28 Mar 4:00pm PDT, 7:00pm EDT, 8:30pm NDT | Response may take a while, please wait for an answer! | Ubuntu Canada IRC Meeting Meeting | Current topic: Events | ||
BobJonkman1 | There was only a brief Ubuntu Global Jam in Kitchener-Waterloo that piggybacked on Ubuntu Hour | 23:15 |
azend | bbiab | 23:16 |
BobJonkman1 | http://pix.ie/ubuntuca/3178393/size/800 is a picture of us at the Jam/Hour | 23:18 |
BobJonkman1 | I didn't attend any of the online hangouts for the UDS... | 23:19 |
BobJonkman1 | But Katherine and I were both at the coffeeshop for the Page Polishing Party | 23:19 |
BobJonkman1 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam received quite a facelift | 23:21 |
BobJonkman1 | Did anyone go to UbuntuSDKDays? | 23:22 |
BobJonkman1 | Finally in Events, the LoCo Council meeting did not take place on 19 March | 23:23 |
BobJonkman1 | Apparently there were no items on their agenda. | 23:23 |
BobJonkman1 | I did not know that we were required to add our own ReApproval request to the agenda. | 23:24 |
BobJonkman1 | The next LoCo Council Meeting is on 16 April 2013 at 4:00pm EDT (although there have been glitches with Daylight Saving Time, so that might be off by an hour) | 23:26 |
BobJonkman1 | It seem the LoCo Council Agenda page has not yet been updated for this meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda (still says 19 March 2013) | 23:27 |
BobJonkman1 | I haven't added our ReApproval Request yet, because I will not be available on 16 April, and *someone* from Ubuntu-ca needs to attend | 23:28 |
BobJonkman1 | So, any volunteers? | 23:28 |
BobJonkman1 | OK, we'll leave that for the moment | 23:29 |
BobJonkman1 | #help Need someone to attend the LoCo Council meeting on 16 April 2013 at 4:00pm EDT to represent Ubuntu-ca for the ReApproval Request | 23:30 |
BobJonkman1 | OK, onwards, I guess. | 23:31 |
BobJonkman1 | #subtopic Ubuntu Release Parties | 23:31 |
BobJonkman1 | Q: Are there any planned for Canada? | 23:32 |
BobJonkman1 | #idea We could delay the Release Party until the RaringRingtail CD/DVDs have arrived (which requires that Ubuntu-ca gets their re-approval first) | 23:33 |
BobJonkman1 | That way we'll have something more to give away than devilled eggs and burned DVDs marked up with sharpie markers | 23:34 |
BobJonkman1 | But first we need to find venues | 23:34 |
* bregma wakes up | 23:34 | |
BobJonkman1 | Howdy, bregma! | 23:35 |
bregma | hey | 23:35 |
Katherine | Hi bregma | 23:35 |
bregma | sorry to go back a topic, but if you need a volunteer for the lococouncil, I can probably show up | 23:36 |
BobJonkman1 | Slow meeting. azend stepped out, and Katherine can talk to me in person | 23:36 |
BobJonkman1 | bregma: Great! | 23:36 |
bregma | I'm not quite sure what I'd need to do | 23:36 |
azend | I'm back | 23:36 |
BobJonkman1 | Quorum is achieved! | 23:36 |
BobJonkman1 | (not that I know what quorum is) | 23:36 |
azend | Just need to read the backlog first. | 23:36 |
BobJonkman1 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/ReApprovalApplication2012 is the page with our ReApproval info | 23:37 |
BobJonkman1 | Hopefully you can just point the LoCo Council there, and it'll speak for itself. | 23:37 |
BobJonkman1 | (you == bregma) | 23:37 |
bregma | mkay, sounds easy enough | 23:38 |
BobJonkman1 | bregma: Will you add our ReApproval request to the LoCo Council agenda? | 23:38 |
azend | When are the install CD/DVDs set to arrive? | 23:39 |
bregma | sure, I can do that | 23:39 |
bregma | more buy-in for me | 23:39 |
BobJonkman1 | azend: Typically, CD/DVDs arrive 2 to 4 weeks after release | 23:39 |
BobJonkman1 | dscassel gets them, but has had to pay duty/tariff/taxes/fees to get them across the border | 23:40 |
BobJonkman1 | At a previous meeting someone said either that shouldn't happen, or there's a way to get reimbursed | 23:40 |
azend | BobJonkman1: I wouldn't mind running my first Ubuntu launch party in Guelph | 23:40 |
BobJonkman1 | Zounds! That's great, azend! I'm a mere 20 minutes from Guelph (by car), so I'll come! | 23:41 |
Katherine | I can't get to Guelph on local public transit | 23:41 |
BobJonkman1 | #action azend offers to host an Ubuntu Release Party in Guelph | 23:42 |
meetingology | ACTION: azend offers to host an Ubuntu Release Party in Guelph | 23:42 |
azend | I've been to a few of dscassel's parties @KwartzLab in the past and they were fun | 23:42 |
BobJonkman1 | Katherine: I'm sure some kind soul from KW may be available for carpooling | 23:42 |
Katherine | I'll keep that in mind | 23:43 |
azend | I'm in KW every day | 23:43 |
azend | It isn't a fun bus ride | 23:43 |
azend | But the greyhound isn't bad if you're nearby the terminals | 23:44 |
BobJonkman1 | I'm not sure how often GO Transit makes the trip. Probably not on weekends. | 23:44 |
azend | Don't ride go. You get stuck out by aberfoyle for like an hour at most times | 23:45 |
BobJonkman1 | Yech. Aberfoyle is nice, but not from the inside of a GO bus | 23:45 |
Katherine | I don't mind riding intercity buses, I just can't afford to pay for the rides right now | 23:45 |
BobJonkman1 | I'm sure the Vancouver LoCo will have some kind of Release Party event | 23:46 |
azend | You're not in a GO bus; You're in a small terribly heated glass box | 23:46 |
BobJonkman1 | And genii-around is usually good for a party in Toronto | 23:46 |
BobJonkman1 | And dscassel may offer Kwartzlab again in KW | 23:46 |
BobJonkman1 | Party, party party! (and it's not even Friday) | 23:46 |
bregma | I'll probably be celebrating by catching up on sleep | 23:46 |
BobJonkman1 | bregma: You're in Quebec, aren't you? | 23:47 |
dscassel | Oh, hey! Meeting! | 23:47 |
bregma | nope, nearth Perth, ON | 23:47 |
BobJonkman1 | Oh, hey! dscassel! | 23:47 |
dscassel | Sorry, I've gotta pack for my trip home, but I can check in occasionally. | 23:47 |
Katherine | Hi dscassel | 23:47 |
BobJonkman1 | bregma: So we can expect a Perth Release Party? | 23:47 |
BobJonkman1 | OK, dscassel. There'll be minutes and such. We won't volunteer you for too much/ | 23:48 |
bregma | I think the other guy here that uses Ubuntu may be away at school that day | 23:48 |
BobJonkman1 | bregma: :) Perth is just north-west of KW, isn't it? | 23:48 |
bregma | no, that's Perth County, people always mix them up | 23:49 |
BobJonkman1 | Guilty as charged. | 23:49 |
BobJonkman1 | OK, that's Release Parties wrapped up. azend, keep us posted on the mailing list! Looking forward to it! | 23:50 |
BobJonkman1 | #topic Other Stuff | 23:50 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Forum: http://canada.ubuntuforums.org/ | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Next meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2013-03-28 — Thur, 28 Mar 4:00pm PDT, 7:00pm EDT, 8:30pm NDT | Response may take a while, please wait for an answer! | Ubuntu Canada IRC Meeting Meeting | Current topic: Other Stuff | ||
BobJonkman1 | I guess bregma is taking care of our representation for the LoCo renewal | 23:51 |
BobJonkman1 | #action bregma is taking care of our representation for the LoCo renewal | 23:51 |
meetingology | ACTION: bregma is taking care of our representation for the LoCo renewal | 23:51 |
BobJonkman1 | Anything else? | 23:52 |
BobJonkman1 | Has anyone been looking at the Ubuntu On Air stuff? | 23:52 |
BobJonkman1 | http://ubuntuonair.com/ | 23:53 |
dscassel | I do sometimes, but not the last few weeks. | 23:53 |
dscassel | Work's been hectic. | 23:53 |
BobJonkman1 | Looks like IRC meetings, but with voice and video | 23:53 |
dscassel | Basically. | 23:53 |
bregma | it's much like vUDS | 23:54 |
dscassel | Jono does his Q&A thing there as well. Which if you have any questions or concerns, is a good place to bring them up. | 23:54 |
azend | I looked at watched the first one | 23:54 |
BobJonkman1 | I saw part of something with Jono Bacon, Elizabeth Krumbach and Laura Czajkowski. | 23:55 |
BobJonkman1 | Randall Ross was there too. Might have been a vUDS at that. | 23:55 |
BobJonkman1 | I had to find a different computer to view the video, since this one is Googlefree. Would be nice if the whole thing could be hosted on Ubuntu servers. Google has enough of my demographic profile without giving them my Ubuntu interests | 23:57 |
BobJonkman1 | OK, it's approaching 8:00pm at Almadina and the rest of the timezone. | 23:58 |
bregma | well, I wouldn't be suprized if "Ubuntu servers" were virtual servers running on a google farm | 23:58 |
bregma | or on Microsoft Azure even | 23:58 |
BobJonkman1 | bregma: You might be right. I'm logged into irc.ubuntu.com but it's just Feenode.net by a different name | 23:59 |
bregma | all that cloudy stuff makes my head swim | 23:59 |
BobJonkman1 | bregma: Really?!? | 23:59 |
bregma | give me silicon | 23:59 |
BobJonkman1 | ("Really?!?" was directed at MS Azure, not bregma's swimming head) | 23:59 |
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