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xnoxmpt: what's the story behind the timezone map & zoom. I'm adding database of all locations with >>15 000  population & now clicking on London gives "Leicester, Kettering and Scarborough" but not "London" =)15:48
mptxnox, 99% chance it's a bug, 1% chance it's political nonsense15:54
xnoxmpt: I mean it's really hard to click on london on the map size it is. And with much denser amount of "targets" how to best select something "more sensible" =)15:58
xnox(note this is for offline installation / no-geoip case)15:58
mptxnox, maybe the higher population a city is, the more it should "crowd out" points around it16:02
xnoxmpt: hm for point & click interface I guess I want: all capitals / timezone defining points (418) + top 5 by population cities in 10x10px area around the target click....16:05
xnoxand cycle around them....16:05
* xnox shall think about it.16:05
mptxnox, perhaps it would help, when testing theories like that, to generate a chart of how much cycling is required16:11
mpte.g. yellow = 1 cycle, orange = 2, red = 3, pink = 416:11
xnoxmpt: the UfA proposes to do 2 click (1) zoom (2) select.16:12
mptOh cripes, UfA has it's own design for things again?16:12
mptWhy why why why why16:12
mptxnox, we had zooming in early Ubuntu versions, about 6.10 to 8.0416:14
mptIt was pestilential16:14
mptxnox, is this a design document with a name on it?16:15
xnoxmpt: I think you are aware of which document it is. Let me look up again.16:17
xnoxmpt: note that UfA has much smaller than desktop screen. and fingers are much fatter than mouse.16:17
mptI'm really not16:17
mptxnox, wait, is this setup on a phone itself?16:17
mptSorry, I thought this was like the other UfA things that were slight variations of the PC version16:18
mptZooming on a phone would make a lot of sense ... Not only are fingers fatter than a mouse pointer, they can also move much more finely.16:19
xnoxmpt: well pinch-to-zoom ideally =)16:19
xnoxmpt: hmm... can't find it at the moment, never mind.16:19

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