
bazhang!free speech01:48
ubottuPlease don't pepper the channel with cries of buzzwords like "free speech!", especially when you don't know what they mean or if they're applicable to the current situation. See http://tonyyarusso.com/politics/what-free-speech-isnt for more information.01:48
IdleOnedr_willis doesn't help with the off topic either01:50
bazhanghis noise to signal ratio is a lot better than yahbah, and the others though01:52
IdleOnetrue, but sometimes I wish he would tone down the noise a little more01:52
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bazhang<jfc> link or direct link??16:02
bazhang#xubuntu  forwarding to #dentistry16:13
bazhang<cantstanya> Goranek: you are tmux17:02
bazhangI AM JOB17:02
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bazhangwhat does being a self-professed "newbie" have to do with reading links/documents etc?!17:24
ioweak excuse for laziness17:24
jbroomemaybe they're new to reading?17:24
iooh look at me17:24
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bazhangjbroome, heh17:25
bazhangits not about ops. tgm4883 argues with just about everyone18:08
bazhangjpds, smudger just went through this same rigmarole in #xubuntu18:16
jpdsbazhang: Nice.18:16
bazhangwhat file?   "any text file"18:17
bazhangwhere?  "any location"18:17
jpds"Who?" "Anyone".18:18
bazhangheh yeah18:18
bazhang<smudger> hehe18:33
bazhanghe was just there to troll18:33
IdleOneI would expect an fsf/member to be less trolly18:44
bazhangwell when ubuntu members are setting the bar...18:47
IdleOneNot sure what you mean.18:49
bazhangcough tgm cough18:49
IdleOnehas he been a problem in the last 18 hours?18:49
bazhangits been that long?18:50
bazhangI remember a time when it was *never*18:50
IdleOneyeah, ideally all ubuntu members would follow the rules all the time, but when they do we try to point it out and not hold it against them for ever. Same with non members.18:51
IdleOnewhen they do break them*18:52
bazhangforever? seriously? less than a day is forever?18:56
IdleOneHow long does it take before someone is forgiven for past indiscretions?18:57
topyliwell that's what i do with IdleOne. works pretty well19:04
IdleOneyou forgive me daily?19:04
IdleOneI appreciate that, I usually do something wrong everyday19:05
topyliyeah. you always follow the rules, but i keep notifying you for not doing so19:05
topyliit's sort of fun19:05
IdleOneI don't always follow the rules. I bend them a lot, sometimes I down right break them.19:06
topylilet me know if you get tired of that19:06
IdleOnetopyli: 7 years and not once have I gotten tired of you19:06
IdleOnenow get off my lawn19:07
topylianyway, rules are rules and common sense is common sense19:07
Myrttiy'all making noise, shuddup and eat your conflakes.19:07
IdleOneso it is common sense that we should not hold grudges19:07
jbroomeMyrtti: rest yo finger19:07
MyrttiI already removed the bandaid19:08
topyliMyrtti: what's wrong with noise? and if i'm not allowed to make noise, what am i supposed to do?19:08
bazhangIdleOne, hold grudges? really?19:09
IdleOnecan't just talk with you. everything is taken literally.19:10
topylinow that's a grudge19:11
bazhangbetter word choice leaves less room for misunderstanding, innit19:11
IdleOnenot being a huge douche helps with that also19:11
jbroomeso is he litterally a giant bottle of vinegar and water? if so, how does he type?19:12
IdleOneseeing how I just insulted you I should be removed and given a !attitude and !codeofconduct19:12
IdleOnebut I'm an ubuntu member and we apply the rules different19:12
jbroomei'm probably offtopic as well19:12
bazhanghoney catches more flies than vinegar, but why waste the honey!19:12
tonyyarussoApparently that's actually not true.....19:12
IdleOneshit catches more flies19:13
bazhangand time flies like an arrow...19:13
topylitonyyarusso: :)19:14
tonyyarussobtw, XKCD is the fourth Google result for "flies with vinegar"19:15
IdleOneI should give myself a !language also19:31
bazhangwolf_  trolled #k , now trying #u19:53
k1l<ph1rmw4r3> dont worry im in a development enviroment << actually means: i play with backtrack to hack the neighbours wifi20:02
bazhangwhat a surprise20:02
bazhanghe was like not supported here's greatest hits20:03
bazhangall he needed to do was throw in a reference to Debian Hurd20:03
bazhangjust a kick on the gateway is effectively a ban k1l . the fbots ban20:05
k1lbazhang: ok. but i didnt check before if he is a web-user20:06
bazhangk1l, ok, apologies. just wanted to let you know if you were not previously aware20:06
bazhangthen in -ops-monitor it will warn when a banned gateway user re joins, ie they are still +q20:08
k1lbazhang: no problem. im using chanserv helper and that is a quick one to choose if to kcik kick-ban or mute etc20:09
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Morbo said: ubottu: I know how to do it...my problem is that I'm already on a live usb stick...that has no free space20:22
bazhang"trouble at the mill"20:26
bazhang_good luck getting details20:44
k1lyeah, is think i know where that is going20:44
bazhang_getting my wisdom <impacted> teeth removed was less work20:45
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k1lcoming to #u and ask about roms and avast antivirus?23:22
Unit193Technically, http://www.avast.com/linux-home-edition23:23
k1lyes i know. there are some "clean windows from viruses" cds with that preinstalled.23:24

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