
=== doko_ is now known as doko
micahgFYI, whoever is driving Beta 2, I've got a few uploads that I won't be able to finish until after work tomorrow which will be a few hours past the freeze, it's either Xubuntu specific stuff (xubuntu-docs, gtk-theme-config) or catfish which Studio can pick up on a respin if it happens06:19
micahgso, please don't bother kicking off Studio beta 2 images until I get that stuff in06:20
micahgoops, I meant Xubuntu06:20
micahgI'll see if someone else has time before the freeze06:24
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=== balloons is now known as Guest41934
dokoRAOF, ^^^ now merged as well11:50
* cjwatson builds kubuntu/precise/daily-live again after a cdimage fix11:56
cjwatsoncdimage is now entirely in Python (apart from some remaining horribleness in etc/config), so hopefully that's the end of the upheavals11:57
vibhavcjwatson: What does " melior malum quod cognoscis" mean? :)12:01
ogra_it means "use google translate"12:02
xnoxogra_: that doesn't help though.12:03
stgraberbetter the evil you know12:03
vibhavogra_: yeah, gogle translate doesn't work12:04
vibhavstgraber: is it latin?12:04
vibhavah okay12:04
ogra_"Better the evil you know"12:04
ogra_thats what google translate gets me here12:04
vibhavGoogle translate thought its italian, but anyway, thanks12:05
ogra_you guys dont have latin as your first language set by default ?!?12:05
* ogra_ shakes head12:05
ogra_where did the world go ...12:06
ogra_oh, wow, unpacking the chromium package source on my chromebook only took 25min ...12:07
stgraberwell, that specific sentence should be easy enough for any french speaker with vague latin knowledge to translate without needing google ;)12:08
stgraberogra_: are you planning on building it on there?12:08
ogra_probably ...12:08
ogra_for now i just wanted to look why it doesnt find stdio.h12:08
ogra_and if v8 is probably easy to disable to at least get it building12:09
ogra_some little easter project :)12:09
davmor2stgraber: or any private schooled child in the uk who is still taught latin for some reason :)12:09
ogra_not really planning on anything though ...12:09
ogra_LOL !12:11
ogra_libc6-dev-i386 [amd64],12:12
ogra_so what could probably go wrong trying to build it on armhf here12:12
ogra_(no, there is no other libv6-dev entry at all in the deps)12:12
cjwatson"better the devil you know" is a more idiomatic English translation12:13
* ogra_ cant belive that nobody who looked at chromium hasnt catched that before 12:14
ogra_i know several people spent hours trying to get it to build12:14
cjwatsonit's a comment on risk management: given a current known state with problems, and a possible future state with unknown problems, the current state may be better despite the problems12:14
cjwatsonogra_: err, libc6-dev is build-essential12:14
ogra_v8/src/../include/v8stdint.h:34:19: fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory12:15
ogra_compilation terminated.12:15
ogra_thats the build error12:15
cjwatsonsure, but the fix is not to add libc6-de12:15
cjwatsonthat looks more like a broken include path or something12:15
xnoxdavmor2: or any average Finish school as per Linus' last g+ rant/blog post =)12:15
ogra_#include <stddef.h>12:15
ogra_#include <stdio.h>12:15
stgraberdavmor2: oh, they stopped teaching it in public school over there? I still had Latin and Ancient Greek as part of the standard classes in Switzerland (public school)12:16
cjwatsonwe need to explicitly build-depend on libc6-dev-i386 since it isn't build-essential, but it is strictly wrong to explicitly build-dep on libc6-dev12:16
ogra_not relly redefined ot something12:16
cjwatsonlike I say, more likely a busted include path12:16
xnoxstgraber: it was gone a long time ago from typical curriculum.12:16
cjwatsonperhaps it's building for a different target there12:16
ogra_ah, yeah, the build log shows it being installed12:16
cjwatsonin any case you can see at the top of the build log that libc6-dev is installed, along with libc6-dev-armel12:16
cjwatsonit's already in the base chroot, it's just upgraded in the build log12:17
ogra_gyp: /var/tmp/builddeb-get-source-nCb6ts/export/chromium-browser-6169/src/build/common.gypi not found (cwd: /build/buildd/chromium-browser-25.0.1364.160/src) while reading includes of build/all.gyp while trying to load build/all.gyp12:18
ogra_make[1]: *** [Makefile] Error 112:18
stgraberxnox: that's unfortunate. The combination of Latin and Ancien Greek is very useful when learning additional languages and to understand a few works of languages you've never seen before.12:18
xnoxstgraber: true. I never did latin nor greek =(12:18
cjwatsonI wasn't privately-schooled and Latin was still on our default curriculum12:19
cjwatsonI've found it very useful for understanding languages, as stgraber said.  Could do with having Ancient Greek too but ENOTIME12:19
stgrabercdimage people, while working on the image based upgrades I've written a simple python tool that diffs squashfs images. I guess this may come up handy when we're wondering what changed between images.14:41
stgraberExample output is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5655298/14:41
stgraberthe tool simply takes a source and target squashfs, mounts them both and walks the whole tree doing a sha1sum of everything it sees, then gives the list of additions/changes/removals14:41
cjwatsonYep, would be useful; MP against lp:ubuntu-cdimage? :)14:41
cjwatsonAlthough cdimage doesn't have root14:41
cjwatsonI don't suppose it can be done with the userspace tools?14:42
cjwatsonI guess not, there's no lssquashfs, you'd have to unsquashfs the whole thing14:42
stgraberyeah and that'd be pretty bad performance-wise14:42
stgraberso not something we can easily run on nusakan, but easy to use on our own machines14:43
=== Guest41934 is now known as balloons
FourDollarsbdmurray: Could you help me to review https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus-chewing/+bug/1160414 ?15:07
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1160414 in ibus-chewing "Use shift keypress to switch to English mode." [Undecided,Confirmed]15:07
bdmurrayFourDollars: review as in upload or review as in approve from the SRU queue?15:10
FourDollarsbdmurray: I don't know what is the next step.15:11
bdmurrayFourDollars: it looks like upload and I can probably do both15:11
FourDollarsbdmurray: That will be great. :)15:12
ogra_cjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5655397/ does that look ok to you ?15:16
ogra_^^^ or infinity15:16
cjwatsonlooks mostly plausible15:17
cjwatsonthe multiarch setup is wrong though15:17
cjwatsonuse 'dpkg --print-foreign-architectures' rather than grepping /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch15:18
ogra_oh ?15:18
ogra_ah, right, that fails on my precise test machine :)15:18
cjwatson$ dpkg --print-foreign-architectures15:18
ogra_had it for testing15:18
cjwatsonyeah, but dpkg --add-architecture would fail on precise too :)15:18
ogra_yeah, exept that i have i386 indeed :)15:19
ogra_in multiarch15:19
cjwatsonIOW you're mixing old and new styles there15:19
cjwatsonyou also need to edit debian/install15:20
ogra_uh, oh, thanks !15:20
cjwatsonI think the rest is fine15:20
cjwatsonand of course you'll need an RT to update BuildLivecD15:20
cjwatsonwith correct capitalisation15:20
FourDollarsbdmurray: Is there anything else I should do for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus-chewing/+bug/1160414 ?15:20
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1160414 in ibus-chewing "Use shift keypress to switch to English mode." [Undecided,Confirmed]15:20
bdmurrayFourDollars: no, I'll handle the rest15:21
ogra_cjwatson, that can wait until i have the firewalls open ... cant test before anyway15:21
FourDollarsbdmurray: Thanks a lot.15:21
ogra_(in the real env)15:22
ogra_cjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5655424/ updated15:23
cjwatsonyep, looks better15:24
cjwatsonfeel free to ask if you want me to do the cdimage side15:24
ogra_k, committing and merging15:25
cjwatsonsince that's all rewritten from what you're likely familiar with15:25
ogra_well, do you think its a quick job for you ?15:25
ogra_else i'll try it myself and move the WI to next month15:26
cjwatsonshould be pretty quick if I know what all the filenames are and what the expected output is15:27
ogra_at some point i have to get familiar with the new code ... not sure thats the right moment though15:27
ogra_cjwatson, the output files will be cm-10.1-${iso_date}-UNOFFICIAL-${subarch}.zip15:30
cjwatsonback in ~30mins, picking bike up from shop.  live filesystem downloading is in lib/cdimage/livefs.py, depending on what you're doing you may also need to adjust lib/cdimage/build.py, and publication is in lib/cdimage/tree.py; test code in lib/cdimage/tests/ and ./run-tests.  if you want to look in that half an hour then feel free, otherwise I'll look when I get back15:30
ogra_i.e. cm-10.1-20130328-UNOFFICIAL-mako.zip15:30
ogra_plars, looking at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-1303-cdimage-android-builds i assume your WI is for next month ? (just miving mine around, happy to do that for yours too)16:39
plarsogra_: ah, it had the wrong lp id so I haven't even seen this one16:47
plarsogra_: I've actually got that all covered in another BP16:47
ogra_well, not sure who added it there :) should i rip it out ?16:47
plarsogra_: I think so, it's already covered elsewhere for desktop, and I'm getting IS to fix the firewall rules at the moment16:48
plarsogra_: probably it will happen next week. For touch I'd still like to sync up with sergiusens a bit on it, but he's going to be doing basically the same thing from a different jenkins for that image16:49
plarsogra_: and I don't think the desktop stuff fits in a bp for android builds :)16:49
ogra_next week is next month ;)16:49
ogra_plars, we wont buuild on jenkins anymore once that BP is implemented16:49
ogra_(thats the whole point of it)16:52
plarsogra_: yes, but the tests run out of jenkins16:52
plarsogra_: and that's what will trigger the transition16:52
plarsogra_: the ones I have are in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-r-staging-iso-testing16:52
ogra_i'm not so sure we can even test the android images in jenkins ...16:53
plarsogra_: it will just cover a few images at first, and move on to more as we have smoke coverage for them16:53
ogra_do you have any automated tests runing on the HW ?16:53
plarsogra_: we have automated tests running on the ubuntu touch images right now if that's what you mean16:53
ogra_for the android side ? or just for the ubuntu container content ?16:53
plarsogra_: I don't think anything specifically targets the android specific bits - sergiusens might have something but we don't16:54
ogra_right ... we should work something out for this ...16:54
ogra_since i belive the android side is totally uncovered atm16:54
ogra_dropped the desktop item from the WI list for now16:55
ogra_fo android testing i think we need a separate spec for later (not right now though)16:55
cjwatsonogra_: if we can automatically test them anywhere, we can test them in jenkins - since jenkins typically just farms out tests to slaves16:56
ogra_cjwatson, yes, but it needs HW backing16:56
ogra_and i doubt there is anything set  up16:56
ogra_the specific WI above was clearly stating desktop isos thogh16:56
ogra_which is why i removed it from that spec ... (and plars seems to cover it in his other spec already)16:57
cjwatsonwell, uh16:58
cjwatsonthe *original* WI was for touch16:58
cjwatsonwe embraced and extended it for desktop because that could be done first16:58
plarscjwatson: it still includes a WI for the touch image, assigned to sergiusens16:59
ogra_let me put it back then and rephrase a bit16:59
plars[sergiusens] Update PS Jenkins to poll cdimage and trigger /pending update on Touch images once smoke tests pass: TODO16:59
cjwatsonah, yes, that way round.  the desktop WI is fine in the qa spec17:00
ogra_oh, and its exactly the same text17:00
ogra_with s/Touch/Desktop/17:00
* ogra_ leaves it as is then ... waiting for feedback from sergio to move his WI to month-6 too17:01
ogra_sorry for all the mail spam ... i wish we could restrict that to WI owners and the approver or so17:01
cjwatsonogra_: any luck with cdimage or would you like me to look?17:02
ogra_cjwatson, had a little cat emergency here, didnt even get to look at it yet17:02
ogra_so yes, if you dont mind ... else i'll make it my easter task (have nothing palanned there anyway)17:02
ogra_we cant really test it in production yet ... until the IS bits are done, so if you have something more urgent to do, dont bother17:03
cjwatsons'what the test suite is for :)17:04
cjwatsonin "cm-10.1-20130328-UNOFFICIAL-mako.zip", which bits are variable and based on what?17:04
cjwatsonalso can you make there be symlinks so I don't have to guess the livefs-side build id?17:04
ogra_makoi is the subarch ... (at least thats how i planned it)17:04
ogra_*mako ...17:04
cjwatsonso there's one livefs build for each subarch?17:05
cjwatson(mentally substitute something more appropriate for "livefs")17:05
ogra_maguro mako grouper manta17:05
ogra_thats the list of subarches we'll build for now17:06
* plars can't help but apply the linaro concept of hwpack here17:06
ogra_plars, well, yeah, it kind of is a hwpack17:06
ogra_theoretically they are "targets" ... not even arches ...17:07
ogra_and practically they are armel+$subarch ... as android builds arent armhf17:07
ogra_very chaotic ...17:07
ogra_plars, hmm, not even "kind of" ... it *is* a hwpack17:08
cjwatsonit'll be much less painful to refer to them as subarches within cdimage17:08
plarsogra_: yeah, but it's hard to make that shift given that hwpacks were something we did for the ubuntu images, not android17:09
ogra_since the rootfs we use on top is totally HW independent17:09
plarsogra_: but yeah17:09
ogra_cjwatson, right, thats why i used that term :)17:09
cjwatsonsince that already has the right arch+subarch representation17:09
ogra_well ...17:09
ogra_we dont really have armel17:09
ogra_(anymore ... officially ... blah blah ... )17:10
cjwatsoncdimage doesn't care about that :)17:10
cjwatsonit's certainly a little exciting that this is armhf on top of armel+blah, but I'm sure we can cope17:11
ogra_yup, i know ... but i know i'll have to answer silly questions about it :)17:11
ogra_(already had)17:11
ogra_the rootfs build will be intresting though ... i think its the first time we build armhf without any subarch17:13
ogra_will show us all the corner cases in teh code where we assumed there will always be a subarch17:14
ogra_(though i guess these are rather in debian-cd than in cdimage)17:14
infinityogra_: It's not the first amrhf without subarch, there's core.17:17
ogra_oh !17:17
ogra_totally forgot that one17:17
ogra_and we should actually be able to re-use all its code for touch rootfses ... since they dont need any post processing for bootability17:20
davmor2hey guys is the latest iso missing the secureboot stuff?17:22
cjwatsondavmor2: not that I know of, --verbose17:28
davmor2cjwatson: I've just tried an install on my ideapad Y580.  I get the EFI boot menu from the cd, the install went fine on reboot it says "Ubuntu has been blocked by the current security policy."17:30
cjwatsonwould need to see installation logs to see if it remembered to install the right things17:31
davmor2cjwatson: can I get those from a live cd or not?17:31
cjwatsonsure, mount your installed system and look in /var/log/installer/ within it17:32
davmor2cjwatson: that's fine then give me a few minutes17:33
davmor2xnox: was the webcam page removed from the install process too out of interest?17:34
cjwatsonogra_: is "cm-10.1" a constant string?  what does it mean?17:34
cjwatsondavmor2,xnox: yes, intentionally17:34
ogra_cjwatson, cyanogenmod 10.117:34
davmor2cjwatson: ah that's fine17:34
cjwatsonogra_: presumably that might change at some point in the future?17:34
cjwatsonshould it be tied to Ubuntu series or something?17:34
ogra_cjwatson, if we bump to a newer cyanogenmod, yeah17:34
ogra_thats how we call them in the end17:35
cjwatsonRight.  I wonder if it would be smarter to create symlinks on the livecd-rootfs side then?17:35
ogra_yeah ...17:36
cjwatsonSince we need symlinks to avoid cdimage needing to guess the build ID anyway17:36
ogra_oh hmm, might be that i will have to extend livecd-rootfs later anyway ...17:36
ogra_i currently dont take "boot", "system" and "recovery" into account17:36
davmor2cjwatson: it's been a while /var/log/installer/syslog anything else you need17:36
ogra_not that they are overly important atm17:37
cjwatsondavmor2: that'll do for starters.  (note I'm about to finish for Easter, it may not be a good idea to assume I'll be able to deal with it right now)17:37
cjwatsonogra_: doesn't phablet-flash use them?17:37
davmor2cjwatson: I'll be happy with a debug for now :)  I can use my non-uefi system without issue till it is fixed :)17:38
cjwatsonBut yeah, it would be nice if livecd-rootfs could just create "quantal-preinstalled-armel+*.zip" symlinks17:38
cjwatsonor raring- of course17:38
ogra_cjwatson, phablet-flash only uses quantal-preinstalled-armel+$subarch.zip and the rootfs zip17:39
ogra_the others are for use with fastboot directly17:39
ogra_if you tinker manually with the device ...17:39
ogra_(phablet-flash works on the adb level, doesnt touch fastboot/bootloader mode)17:40
ogra_i'll fix my script to provide them from livecd-rootfs but dont bother with them yet17:44
davmor2cjwatson: http://ubuntuone.com/7AYGMhTAuDswfLCCn9y8W517:46
ogra_done ...17:50
cjwatsondavmor2: Well, it installed the right pieces, but looks as though there's something wrong with either the kernel or your firmware, perhaps?18:02
cjwatsonMar 28 17:12:54 ubuntu kernel: [  716.795993] efivars: set_variable() failed: status=800000000000000918:02
cjwatsonthen a couple more of those and then18:02
cjwatsonMar 28 17:12:57 ubuntu ubiquity: Can't access efivars filesystem at /sys/firmware/efi/efivars, aborting18:02
cjwatsonSo I think that probably confused the installer into not installing SB pieces18:03
cjwatsonIt just installed the right *debs*18:03
cjwatsonI *think*.  It's a little hard to tell18:04
davmor2cjwatson: I'm assuming a trip to #ubuntu-kernel is possibly in my near future then :)18:04
cjwatsonlivecd-rootfs actually calls its symlinks livecd.ubuntu.squashfs and that kind of thing18:09
cjwatsonOr things like livecd.ubuntu.kernel-generic when it needs additional information18:09
cjwatsonIt might not be a terrible idea to try to line up with it, although it's not required18:10
ogra_cjwatson, well, i dont want to keep the 20G build tree around ...18:10
cjwatsonI don't see how the build tree is relevant ...18:10
ogra_i need to copy them out there18:10
ogra_before wiping it18:10
cjwatsonI meant symlinks to cm-10.1-20130328-UNOFFICIAL-mako.zip18:11
cjwatsonNaturally you need to copy out to that18:11
cjwatsonHowever, please do make sure that at least your output directories and log files line up with how livecd-rootfs does things18:11
ogra_livecd.ubuntu-touch-$timestamp-armel.$image-$subarch then ...18:20
ogra_(for system, recovery and boot)18:20
ogra_i'm not really sure how to call the actual zip though ...18:20
ogra_just .zip ?18:21
cjwatsonPutting $subarch at the end wouldn't be uniform18:22
cjwatsonWell, sort of, I suppose18:22
cjwatsonHave a look at e.g. how cadejo is laid out18:22
ogra_well, thats what i see on the other armhf builds18:22
ogra_looking at nexus7 output atm18:23
cjwatsonThey have livecd.ubuntu-$subarch.$image[-$kernel_flavour]18:23
ogra_oh, crap ... nexus7 is special ... the flavour name has the subarch in it18:23
cjwatsonThe weird bit is that livefs subarch builds get the subarch tacked onto the project name; that's really for being able to build multiple subarches independently18:24
cjwatsonWhich you want here as well18:24
cjwatsonSo the full path would be something like /~buildd/LiveCD/raring/ubuntu-touch-mako/livecd.ubuntu-touch-mako.zip ?18:25
cjwatsonThe naming is a bit mad; it depends where you think it's better to put the extra complexity due to differences, really18:26
cjwatsonfor system etc., I suppose you get to make something up18:26
cjwatsonWouldn't be too unreasonable for it to be .system.zip or -system.zip18:27
cjwatsonEr, except it's .img, YKWIM18:27
ogra_yeah, i had looked at n7 and made it -system.img-$subarch ...  i'll flip that around so it ends in system.img18:28
ogra_thats what i have now18:29
ogra_and livecd.ubuntu-touch-$codename.zip for the zip#18:29
cjwatsonYeah, I don't think this is really analogous to a kernel flavour, so best not at the end18:30
cjwatsonOK, sounds good18:30
* ogra_ commits and uploads new livecd-rootfs18:31
ogra_i didnt make them links btw ... just changed the cp commands18:31
ogra_or is there any reason to artificially have links for them ?18:32
ogra_ah, BuildLiveCD creates them anyway, for the timestamps18:33
cjwatsonIt might be useful to know the underlying cm-10.1- naming, but your choice18:35
ogra_if its needed i can just add a link with the original name easily later18:35
ogra_i doubt there is any need for it ever though18:35
ogra_and uploaded18:37
cyphermoxScottK: re bug 1126205 ; just about done reviewing and getting everything to build and rebuild20:12
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1126205 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Bring Unity appmenu / HUD integration to Qt5" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112620520:12
cyphermoxI'll upload qtbase-opensource-src in a minute, and then I'll start the builds for appmenu-qt and libdbusmenu-qt in didrocks' daily release jenkisn jobs... I'm just not sure how long that's goingto take exactly to build20:13
cyphermoxhopefully not long20:13
cyphermoxFYI, I'm waiting after jenkins / cu2d/ builds in the ubuntu-unity/daily-build PPA to complete to auto-release appmenu-qt and libdbusmenu-qt (to go with the bug above), those might be a little bit late20:46
infinity(And before anyone suggests scoring them up, I already said I wouldn't do that, because security builds trump random attempts to beat arbitrary freeze deadlines, but I'm fine with those PPA copies coming a bit late)20:47
seb128infinity, you could score them between ordinary builds and security20:49
seb128infinity, or you could just stop doing IRC during your days off ;-)20:49
infinityThey'll be fine.20:49
xnoxcyphermox: which qtbase-opensourse-src are you uploading? as staged in the lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtbase-opensource-src ?20:49
xnoxhmm... that looks released already.20:49
xnoxcyphermox: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src/5.0.1+dfsg-0ubuntu4 it's building already with appmenu support.....20:50
xnoxbah, that is your upload. and me fail to look at the clock =)20:51
cyphermoxyeah, that's my upload, and yes it comes from that branch precisely20:52
cyphermoxit was already in the branch and checked by didrocks, tested by sil as well20:52
xnoxand tested by me =) Yeah for GtkStyle fixes, to make qt5 apps non-ugly ;-)20:55
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursula
=== pgraner is now known as pgraner-afk
marruslme again... hat in hand....  would any SRU folks mind looking at the unapproved alsa-utils uploads in the precise and quantal queues for me?  They're really trivial changes, I know, but it's blocking for some people.21:29
infinitymarrusl: Sec.21:36
infinitymarrusl: Why the different CaSe sEnSiTivItY between precise and quantal?21:39
infinitymarrusl: Fairly sure that dpkg-gencontrol fixes that on the fly to be correct, but not positive.  Would be better to have it correct in the packaging.21:40
marruslinfinity, weird and good catch.  I was always trying to be consistent before.  apparently not.  I don't mind resubmitting.21:41
infinitymarrusl: I'll commit the fix to bzr, forcefully mangle the tag, and reupload for you.21:42
marruslinfinity, dpkg-gencontrol is something I would run manually?21:42
infinitymarrusl: No, dpkg-gencontrol being the thing run by dh_gencontrol that turns debian/control into package/DEBIAN/control in the binary packages.21:42
marruslinfinity, ah.  thanks.  i see now.  still, no reason to have inconsistent source packages.21:46
infinityYup, already fixed.21:46
infinityAnd uploaded.  And will accept shortly.21:48

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