
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all and to all some good bacon!01:37
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else12:12
teddy-dbearstupid Clear :-/12:34
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!14:14
ChinnoDogNo bacon this morning. Pretty low on breakfast supplies.15:05
SamuraiAlbathat sucks15:10
SamuraiAlbaHow u doing otherwise?15:10
ChinnoDogfine. I found a couple eggs and a cup of coffee. I think I will get Chinese food for lunch.16:01
SamuraiAlbaChinese food AWESOMES!16:03
SamuraiAlbahave you seen my new website?16:03
ChinnoDogThe top graphic is highly misleading16:07
SamuraiAlbaPlease help me look for another.  I used what I had.16:08
ChinnoDogIf you are making a professional site you can probably afford to buy a stock image or two16:09
SamuraiAlbaIt's for my CS 183 class.  Internet Development16:09
SamuraiAlbaNot a pro site, per se16:09
ChinnoDogMaybe you can find free stock images then16:10
ChinnoDogOr take a photo that shows what the site is about16:10
SamuraiAlbaWhat type of image would you suggest?16:10
ChinnoDogI feel like that would be a lot more work than using a stock image16:10
ChinnoDogA guy patching network cables in a data center seems appropriate16:11
SamuraiAlbathank you :)16:13
ChinnoDogIt is difficult to make network hardware look exciting to all audiences at once16:25
=== io is now known as IdleOne
MutantTurkeygot my mac buddy at work to use a tiling window manager!18:12
MutantTurkeyhe dived right into it18:13
MutantTurkeypretty sweet18:13
adomwhich wm?18:13
waltmanMutantTurkey: on a mac?!18:23
MutantTurkeywell he used a mac before18:30
MutantTurkeymac laptop linux desktop19:14
MutantTurkeyhe was a luser before, now he is a user19:14

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