
micahgknome: I can try, I've got two other packages to upload tonight and not so much time04:16
micahgmr_pouit: if you have time before the freeze, bug 1155335, bug 1156555 and xubuntu-docs need uploading, otherwise, I'll get to them when I get home tomorrow (about 23:00 UTC)06:25
ubottubug 1155335 in Ubuntu "FFe: Include gtk-theme-config in Raring" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115533506:25
ubottubug 1156555 in catfish (Ubuntu) "[FFe] New Catfish version" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115655506:25
micahgmr_pouit: FYI, catfish seems only to install .pyc files which is why I haven't uploaded it yet06:26
Len-nbtodays xubuntu upgrade installs systemd-services, is ubuntu replacing upstart?20:31
Len-nbThis is a new install.20:31
Len-nb(that is the above package is a new install or part of xubuntu)20:33

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