murthy_ | Riddell: are you there? | 01:17 |
murthy_ | Riddell: If "debuild -S" fails for nootka, its due to a .directory file inside picts dir in the original tar, i justed test built and its successfull. only one lintian warning, "W: nootka: hardening-no-fortify-functions usr/bin/nootka" | 01:37 |
ScottK | xnox: Same source package. | 05:15 |
ScottK | xnox: There will be a PyQt5 later. | 05:15 |
ScottK | xnox: Also, only python3 support is known to work at the moment. | 05:16 |
ScottK | (qith Qt5) | 05:16 |
ScottK | with | 05:16 |
lordievader | Good morning | 08:21 |
* Riddell out for the day rolling easter eggs | 10:03 | |
* yofel wonders if people really read the trello cards and moves both qtwebkit 2.3 cards from todo to done | 10:45 | |
who_me | hello, is there any chance that the fix for kde bug #298895 will make it on the next respin of the LTS images ? | 10:51 |
ubottu | KDE bug 298895 in DSL "does not allow "Service" entry to be blank - can't connect" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 10:51 |
shadeslayer | seeing how precise only has the bug was fixed in ... don't think so | 10:56 |
yofel | nope, at least not unless someone files a bug and does the SRU paperwork | 10:56 |
shadeslayer | ^ | 10:57 |
yofel | hm | 10:57 |
shadeslayer | and if you're doing that, why not just SRU if it's a bug fix only release | 10:57 |
yofel | it has no micro release exception. So have fun reviewing the .1 -> .8 diff | 10:58 |
shadeslayer | ^^ :P | 10:58 |
yofel | I'm not convinced that it's bugfix-only either, at least thingking about stuff like openconnect | 10:59 |
yofel | *thinking | 10:59 |
yofel | shadeslayer: how about a trello board for LTS fixes? | 11:00 |
shadeslayer | well ... sure | 11:02 |
yofel | that sounded incredibly... unenthusiastic | 11:03 |
shadeslayer | heh :p | 11:03 |
yofel | not that I don't understand you ^^ | 11:03 |
shadeslayer | you know how much paperwork one has to file to get SRU's | 11:04 |
shadeslayer | and so much work to do | 11:04 |
shadeslayer | even after that things get stuck in the queue or in -proposed | 11:04 |
shadeslayer | so unless someone actually follows through with everything, there's little point in doing so much work | 11:04 |
who_me | so I'm stuck I guess. It's a long shot but I'm going to ask very very nicely for a patch against If that happens, maybe it gets integrated... | 11:09 |
shadeslayer | won't the Kubuntu Backports PPA have an updated package for this? | 11:09 |
shadeslayer | or we could throw an updated package into -backports | 11:10 |
shadeslayer | ( assuming it builds ) | 11:10 |
yofel | 0 | 11:11 |
yofel | 50 precise/main amd64 Packages | 11:11 |
yofel | the updates PPA has .3 | 11:11 |
yofel | backports has .7 | 11:11 |
yofel | [12:00:37] <who_me> problem is that with the particular setup I simply can't get online, so no updates | 11:12 |
yofel | so that won't help much... | 11:13 |
lordievader | Download the package from another machine and carry it over using a usb-stick? | 11:14 |
shadeslayer | ^ | 11:14 |
shadeslayer | tether your phone? | 11:14 |
who_me | would a newer package for precise (for example the on in backports) be a drop-in replacement ? Would installing it cause trouble when attempting to upgrade to KDE 4.10 ? | 11:22 |
who_me | one* | 11:23 |
yofel | no | 11:24 |
yofel | erm, a) yes, b) no | 11:24 |
yofel | who_me: at least .3 should be a drop-in replacement | 11:25 |
who_me | ok, will try to do that. | 11:31 |
BluesKaj | Happy Easter all | 12:49 |
Quintasan | \o | 12:58 |
Quintasan | Happy Easter btw | 12:58 |
Quintasan | Riddell: Did the plasma-mediacenter -> seed change got merged? | 12:58 |
murthy_ | BluesKaj: happy Easter | 13:03 |
BluesKaj | thanks murthy | 13:04 |
murthy_ | Riddell: what happened to nootka? | 13:05 |
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy | ||
=== murthy is now known as murthy_ | ||
lordievader | Good afternoon | 13:12 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: yep | 13:56 |
xnox | ScottK: ok, will require some further hacks then. As I'm patching it up at the moment locallly to give me some sensible packages. I'm hitting the caveat that our Qt5 is build with no deprecated api, where is pyqt expects qt4 api to still be present and the -no-deprecated option does actually fully build without deprecated functionality. | 13:56 |
xnox | There doesn't seem to be any public pyqt repository so I will be mailing their mailing list. | 13:57 |
shadeslayer | Mirv: you were indeed correct | 13:57 |
shadeslayer | I was missing qt4-dev-tools for some reason 0.o | 13:58 |
shadeslayer | sorry for that | 13:58 |
Quintasan | shadeslayer: Splendid | 14:01 |
* shadeslayer hands some chocolate eggs to Quintasan | 14:01 | |
* yofel has real colored eggs to share | 14:10 | |
=== jono is now known as Guest21379 | ||
shadeslayer | I only have virtual eggs :( | 14:11 |
Quintasan | Why, thanks shadeslayer | 14:14 |
xnox | Do we have phonon build against qt5 yet? | 14:42 |
shadeslayer | xnox: it should build | 15:21 |
shadeslayer | same goes for the backends | 15:21 |
* yofel pokes release team wrt. 4.10.2 | 15:37 | |
soee | can someone confirm: | 16:38 |
soee | put panel on left screen side, make it autohide, open some app (will make panel hide) and trigger notification - notification will shows up at the position where normally panel side is visible | 16:40 |
ScottK | xnox: I suspect that "no deprecated" will have to go at some point. | 16:52 |
ScottK | shadeslayer: Do you want to help maintain rekonq in Debian mayber? | 17:15 |
yofel | soee: confirmed | 17:37 |
ScottK | did anyone update kscreen to RC 1? | 18:57 |
xnox | ScottK: what do you mean? I don't know how previous Qt versions were build but qt5 is build with no deprecated functionality enabled =( thus on the pyqt side there is not much choice i have. | 19:50 |
ScottK | xnox: What I mean is that I think Qt5 will have to be built without no deprecated eventually. | 19:51 |
ScottK | Not every single potential user of Qt5 willl be fully ported. | 19:51 |
xnox | ScottK: wouldn't that introduce Qt4 api & abi for ever into the qt5 packages? | 19:58 |
ScottK | xnox: Probably, but I don't see a way around it. | 19:59 |
ScottK | I mean it's a different ABI than no deprecated, but it's not the same as Qt4. | 20:00 |
ScottK | API too. | 20:00 |
xnox | It will just come back to bite us around 5.2 or 6.x time whenever deprecated stuff will be removed. They kept it in due to commercial licenses. | 20:05 |
xnox | But we will continue to have 4.x in the archive. | 20:05 |
xnox | Even with deprecated enabled it will not be a drop-in replacement for e.g. all of pyqt apps. | 20:05 |
ScottK | Sure. | 20:28 |
ScottK | I guess it'd be good to know if KDE is going to depend on any of the deprecated stuff. | 20:28 |
yofel | ScottK: doesn't seem like anyone did. We're missing a few commits in kscreen, so I'm not sure whether that really needs to be in beta | 20:31 |
ScottK | yofel: If you'll update it, I'll let it in if needed. | 20:32 |
ScottK | I think it'd be good to match the actual RC even if we're already close. | 20:32 |
yofel | k | 20:32 |
ScottK | xnox: Did you sponsor jtaylor's PyQt fix? | 20:52 |
xnox | ScottK: yes. | 20:53 |
ScottK | xnox: Thanks. | 20:53 |
xnox | np. | 20:53 |
* ScottK marks that off TODO. | 20:53 | |
ScottK | After all, an action passed is an action complete. | 20:53 |
ScottK | s/complete/completed/ | 20:54 |
kubotu | ScottK meant: "After all, an action passed is an action completed." | 20:54 |
yofel | ScottK: uploaded lib/kscreen | 20:59 |
ScottK | yofel: Thanks. | 21:13 |
Riddell | evening | 22:15 |
Riddell | Quintasan: yep that got in | 22:15 |
Riddell | murthy_: nootka needs a patch for arm | 22:16 |
ScottK | Riddell: Did you see my ping about bug 1069072? | 22:25 |
ubottu | bug 1069072 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) " launches browser as root" [High,Triaged] | 22:25 |
Riddell | ScottK: yeah, I must have written that years ago and nobody noticed | 22:26 |
Riddell | I wonder if I want to faff around with dropping permissons or just put up a url like the gtk one does | 22:26 |
ScottK | Riddell: Actually, you could just call ubuntu-bug with the right permissions and that would probably be even easier. | 22:27 |
Riddell | "with the right permissions" is the tricky bit | 22:27 |
Riddell | ubiquity does all sorts of machinations to get it to use the right permissions | 22:28 |
ScottK | This is an upgrade though. | 22:28 |
ScottK | You can get the correct username from the environment. | 22:28 |
ScottK | SUDO_USER="$USERNAME" | 22:28 |
Riddell | that's only half the faff, need to work out if it's effective user or real user and then it might need some other environment variables | 22:29 |
Riddell | it might be easy I'll give it a shot | 22:29 |
* xnox recalls switching to pkexec and adding hacks to keep username correct instead of using sudo.... | 22:38 | |
Riddell | mm | 22:40 |
ScottK | pkexec --user $(SUDO_USE) ubuntu-bug $PACKAGENAME should at least get the CLI version of apport running as the correct user. | 22:42 |
ScottK | s/USE/USER/ | 22:43 |
kubotu | ScottK meant: "pkexec --user $(SUDO_USER) ubuntu-bug $PACKAGENAME should at least get the CLI version of apport running as the correct user." | 22:43 |
Riddell | could a nice user helping person handle this? I'm away tomorrow too | 23:43 |
Riddell | | 23:43 |
Riddell | Darkwing, Mamarok? | 23:43 |
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