micahg | chrisccoulson: 50k wasn't the problem (I agreed in that case), it seemed to be ballooning though which is why I was rethinking doing something about it, but then when it hit the archive, it dropped back to 50k | 01:04 |
micahg | also, there's a difference between the globalmenu package which already has another DE that can consume it (KDE plasma) and the unity integration for webapps which no other DE seems to want | 01:07 |
mlankhorst | morninggg | 07:43 |
jibel | good morning | 07:46 |
didrocks | hey mlankhorst, jibel! | 07:46 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch | ||
olli | didrocks, ping | 13:35 |
didrocks | hey olli | 13:36 |
olli | didrocks, did the experimental PPA have everything needed for in dash payments? | 13:36 |
didrocks | olli: you mean in dash payments only? | 13:38 |
didrocks | olli: I didn't receive any branch from OLS | 13:38 |
olli | no | 13:38 |
didrocks | olli: ah, yeah, all 100 scopes + in dash payments is in the experimental PPA | 13:38 |
olli | my understanding from your comment in the in dash payment ffe, was.... ok, what you just said | 13:38 |
attente | when uploading to a ppa, is there a way to depend on another package within the same ppa? | 13:55 |
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didrocks | attente: do you mean build-dep? | 14:12 |
didrocks | attente: or just a traditional dep? | 14:12 |
didrocks | attente: normally if you upload A | 14:12 |
didrocks | then B is build-dep on A | 14:12 |
didrocks | if A is built in the same ppa, B will use A from the ppa | 14:12 |
didrocks | xnox: hey | 14:22 |
didrocks | xnox: I guess you got my spreadsheet's email | 14:23 |
xnox | didrocks: hola =) | 14:23 |
xnox | Hmm... | 14:23 |
* xnox checks email | 14:23 | |
didrocks | it was this morning :) | 14:23 |
xnox | didrocks: don't see anything. | 14:23 |
didrocks | interesting, mterry you did get an email with my explanations in it? | 14:24 |
xnox | didrocks: yesterday I got emails delayed by ~30minutes and missed booking flights =( | 14:24 |
didrocks | xnox: well, that would be a delay by 7h | 14:25 |
didrocks | xnox: you can almost go to SFO :) | 14:25 |
didrocks | xnox: let me try resharing it with you | 14:25 |
didrocks | xnox: done | 14:26 |
xnox | didrocks: found it now. | 14:27 |
didrocks | xnox: so, sorry, I don't have the message I sent again with it | 14:27 |
didrocks | xnox: basically, the idea is to have this reminder of all the requirements for our AC | 14:27 |
didrocks | so once all the columns for the components are set to "yes", we can consider the component ready to upload to ubuntu | 14:28 |
didrocks | xnox: would be cool if (no hurry for this week, I guess you should be on holidays, right?) you can fill it in | 14:28 |
xnox | didrocks: right. are we landing hybris and platform-api in the archive as well then?! | 14:29 |
didrocks | xnox: I think not this cycle, apart if you can have everything set to "yes" quickly I think | 14:30 |
didrocks | xnox: which TBH, I doubt in terms of integration tests, and so on :) | 14:30 |
xnox | didrocks: I now got the new email from you =) | 14:30 |
didrocks | but yeah, if the AC are met, we can have daily releases even (for things we are upstream for) | 14:30 |
didrocks | xnox: weird, I deleted/added you back… | 14:30 |
xnox | didrocks: I will ponder about it. But I'm using holidays excuse card to do that next week =) | 14:31 |
didrocks | xnox: well, you shouldn't even be connected IMHO :-) | 14:31 |
didrocks | thanks xnox and enjoy your long week-end! | 14:31 |
mterry | didrocks, yeah, I got a notification from google about the spreadsheet | 14:31 |
didrocks | ok mterry, thanks for confirming :) | 14:32 |
xnox | didrocks: meh. I'm not sure how slangasek was involved initially, but "foundations" involvement seems to be delegated to me on these packages ;-) | 14:32 |
didrocks | xnox: yeah, there is still the vuds session where I put back our Acceptance Criteria we have for everything we are upstream for (not new, 1 year and half old!). If I knew you got the delegation, I would have invited your to the hangout. | 14:33 |
xnox | didrocks: i'm not pretty enough for hangouts anyway =) ;-) | 14:34 |
ogra_ | just use a fishtank wallpaper ... that will distract people enough | 14:35 |
didrocks | xnox: roh! :-) | 14:35 |
ogra_ | (animated fishtank indeed) | 14:36 |
didrocks | ogra_: there are also hangouts ui tweaks for that | 14:36 |
didrocks | with the head tracking :) | 14:36 |
xnox | the camera man for foundations team is cjwatson's ginger beard =)))) | 14:36 |
ogra_ | :) | 14:36 |
didrocks | :) | 14:36 |
didrocks | hey robru | 14:55 |
robru | didrocks, hey | 14:56 |
didrocks | robru: did you have a look at the spreadsheet? I think we can declare a WI DONE as I told there once all the fields are in green :) | 14:56 |
robru | yeah, I had a look | 14:56 |
didrocks | robru: meaning, we need integration tests | 14:56 |
didrocks | robru: of if not, we need to tell why | 14:56 |
didrocks | robru: which I guess it's fine for qtubuntu-cameraplugin-fake | 14:57 |
didrocks | robru: as it's a mock, right? | 14:57 |
robru | didrocks, well, the -fake is literally just a stub, I don't think it needs much in the way of testing. think of it as part of the testing apparatus | 14:57 |
robru | yeah | 14:57 |
didrocks | robru: yeah, can you please precise it in the cell? | 14:57 |
robru | didrocks, what do you mean? | 14:58 |
didrocks | robru: replace your "No" for integration tests with "No (but not really need as it's a stub)" | 14:58 |
didrocks | robru: perfect! thanks :) | 14:58 |
didrocks | robru: does this spreadsheet help to track what we need to check for each component? | 14:59 |
didrocks | (and if you can think of anything else missing, feel free to edit :-)) | 14:59 |
robru | didrocks, yeah, it's pretty good. Some of the column headers could be more specific but even as-is I would have loved to have this a week ago | 14:59 |
didrocks | robru: yeah, it was only told and pretty natural to me, as I'm in the Acceptance Criterias for a year and half | 15:00 |
didrocks | robru: I didn't realize that telling it in the hangout was so new for you guys :) | 15:00 |
didrocks | sorry, at least, we have a good base on building on! | 15:00 |
robru | didrocks, yeah, it's great | 15:03 |
robru | mhall119, ping | 15:03 |
mhall119 | robru: pong | 15:12 |
robru | mhall119, hey, can we delete this blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-twitter-app/+spec/initial-twitter-development ? it's cancelled as far as I know | 15:12 |
robru | it's showing up as a TODO ;-) | 15:12 |
mhall119 | robru: we're not actively persuing it anymore, no | 15:13 |
mhall119 | a TODO for who? | 15:13 |
mhall119 | oh, you have a WI I see | 15:13 |
robru | mhall119, yeah | 15:13 |
mhall119 | robru: just remove your name | 15:13 |
robru | mhall119, ok | 15:14 |
mhall119 | I'll mark the BP as obsolete, but leave it in LP in case anybody wants to reference back to it | 15:14 |
robru | ok | 15:14 |
robru | brb, breakfast | 15:16 |
didrocks | robru: enjoy! | 15:18 |
* ogra_ always though ubuntu touch people are obligated to use brunch ... | 15:19 | |
mhall119 | breakfast and brunch are not mutually exclusive | 15:23 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea | ||
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g | ||
robru | didrocks, ping | 16:15 |
didrocks | robru: pong | 16:15 |
robru | didrocks, jenkins can make your debian/changelog for you if you have bugs filed, right? | 16:15 |
didrocks | robru: it's not jenkins, it's the daily release, yeah | 16:16 |
didrocks | robru: so if the component is daily releasing, either you attached the bug to the MP before it's merged | 16:16 |
didrocks | or you can have it on your commit message | 16:16 |
didrocks | like bzr commit -m "fixing foo (LP: #12345)" | 16:16 |
didrocks | or even | 16:16 |
ubot2` | Launchpad bug 12345 in isdnutils (Ubuntu) "isdn does not work, fritz avm (pnp?)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12345 | 16:16 |
didrocks | bzr commit -m "fixing foo" --fixes lp:12345 | 16:16 |
didrocks | as you wish ;) | 16:16 |
didrocks | then, at next daily release it will be collected | 16:17 |
didrocks | and complete in the changelog | 16:17 |
didrocks | robru: more info on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/FAQ#My_name_deserves_to_be_in_the_changelog.21 | 16:17 |
robru | kenvandine, ^ | 16:17 |
robru | didrocks, thanks. ken and I forgot how it works ;-) | 16:17 |
didrocks | no worry! | 16:18 |
kenvandine | but if there is no linked bug, then we need to make sure there is an entry right? | 16:18 |
kenvandine | i just remembered didrocks yelling at webapps for not doing that in libunity-webapps :) | 16:18 |
didrocks | yeah, because imagine you have a release | 16:18 |
didrocks | without any bug attached | 16:18 |
didrocks | you just end up with | 16:18 |
kenvandine | yeah | 16:18 |
didrocks | "New release snapshot for…" | 16:19 |
didrocks | no useful info :) | 16:19 |
kenvandine | so if there is a linked bug, then we don't care about debian/changelog | 16:19 |
kenvandine | i'm happy with that :) | 16:19 |
kenvandine | robru, so your quote-urls does need one :) | 16:19 |
robru | kenvandine, ok, adding it | 16:19 |
didrocks | yep! :) | 16:20 |
didrocks | kenvandine: if it's not merged, you can still link the branch to the bug before getting the merge done ;) | 16:20 |
didrocks | robru: kenvandine: also, you can still complete debian/changelog manually if you think that the bug title doesn't reflect what you want to put in debian/changelog | 16:21 |
didrocks | it will deduplicate by author | 16:21 |
didrocks | (even if the branch is linked to the MP) | 16:21 |
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo | ||
* didrocks waves good evening and good week-end! | 17:31 | |
BigWhale | Any Germans and French here? We figured that 'ear wax' in Slovenian is actually 'ear butter' and in Bulgarian it is 'ear mud'. Now we're extending our research ... | 17:46 |
sarnold | BigWhale: http://www.dict.cc/?s=earwax | 17:47 |
mdeslaur | BigWhale: it's wax in french. Definitely not as exciting as butter or mud :) | 17:48 |
=== bschaefer_ is now known as bschaefer |
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