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cyphermox | bkerensa: still around? | 02:09 |
vibhav | Can someone change the topic to "Archive: Final Beta Freeze?" | 03:05 |
vibhav | s/?"/"?/ | 03:05 |
=== sladen changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Final Beta Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: | ||
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neosrix | i did a make deb-pkg and the kernel image turned out to be 600 MB | 08:29 |
neosrix | the config file was copied from 12.10 lubuntu | 08:29 |
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kentb | Is an ubuntu-server build for March 29th going to be posted on cdimage today? | 12:59 |
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vibhav | How does Ubuntu mount /dev/sdb1 without root permissions? | 16:18 |
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jpds | vibhav: polkit, I think. | 16:38 |
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ScottK | mterry: I rejected your qtpim upload because there's no FFe. | 17:27 |
ScottK | Mirv: ^^^ | 17:28 |
Mirv | thanks. qtpim is broken at least for the organizer part without a new snapshot, and the packaging should separate the QML plugins + update copyright at least. | 17:30 |
mterry | ScottK, it was part of the touch stack, which has a standing FFe, but sure. There's no rush on it, I think the touch stack is mostly landing in S now anyway | 17:31 |
Mirv | mterry: I don't think we want any more of the git snapshot modules in archives, since they're not very supportable | 17:31 |
Mirv | before s, at least | 17:31 |
ScottK | mterry: OK. That wasn't clear. Mirv has some issues with the package, so please work it out with him before you upload again. | 17:31 |
mterry | ScottK, yah, I should have mentioned in the changelog | 17:32 |
Mirv | for touch image building we will need to use updated packages from PPAs | 17:32 |
ScottK | Mirv: The touch stuff does have a standing FFe so it's legit from a process perspective to upload it. I'll let you two fight it out on the technical merits. | 17:32 |
mterry | Mirv, you mean as a project or as PS? git snapshots happen all the time, and this package came from PS, so I figured it was fine | 17:32 |
Mirv | ScottK: ok | 17:32 |
mterry | Mirv, I didn't see any qml plugins in this package. It looked like mostly straight qt libraries. Maybe I missed it | 17:33 |
Mirv | mterry: it might need more discussion, but since the snapshot modules are nonsupported by upstream and often broken, I don't think it makes much sense to upload them to archives - qtlocation/qtsensors were exceptions since qtwebkit build-depends on those | 17:34 |
Mirv | mterry: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/* should be in qtdeclarative5-pluginname-plugin packages | 17:34 |
mterry | Mirv, sure, I understand why git snapshots are not necessarily the best thing since sliced bread. But we had this git snapshot already | 17:34 |
Mirv | mterry: but since you fixed many problems with the package already, could you perhaps push your branch to https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtpim-opensource-src ? | 17:35 |
Mirv | the copyright file would still need fixes as well, it's out-of-date | 17:36 |
mterry | Mirv, yes they should. I see that in the contacts library now | 17:36 |
mterry | Mirv, ah! I wondered; that should have been documented in Vcs-Bzr | 17:36 |
Mirv | mterry: yes, it should have been :) | 17:36 |
Mirv | mterry: I've also packaged the snapshot builds of qtsystems, qtfeedback, qtconnectivity and qtwayland, and I don't think they are suitable for the archives either at this point - we haven't used them, they might be broken and the upstream future is uncertain | 17:37 |
mterry | Mirv, regardless, this doesn't need to hit raring | 17:37 |
Mirv | IMHO they're fine material for PPA and trying to figure out slowly which modules we really want to be part of the core stack | 17:38 |
mterry | Mirv, sure, again, I get that snapshots aren't the plan A for any package. But since we had this package already and were using it... it seemed to make sense to continue to use it, rather than downgrade the version for the archive | 17:38 |
Mirv | mterry: to be exact, there's no released version of qtpim available (Qt5 compatible one), and I'm not sure if we're yet really using it since at least the organizer part is broken | 17:40 |
mterry | Mirv, speaking of qt5 versions of things, what's with the telepathy-qt5 code we have in the PPAs? It seems like we've made non-debian-patched changes to the upstream code? | 17:41 |
Mirv | but I might be wrong, I don't really know which of the modules are in active use | 17:41 |
mterry | Mirv, qtpim is a build-depend for phone-app at least. not sure which of its modules are used by which apps | 17:42 |
mterry | Mirv, (regarding telepathy-qt5, upstream git seems to support both qt4 and qt5, but our code only seems to support qt5) | 17:42 |
mterry | Mirv, hmm, the kubuntu-packaging link above is 404? | 17:43 |
Mirv | mterry: I'm not familiar with the telepathy-qt5. good to know qtpim is build dependent on | 17:43 |
Mirv | mterry: pushed now. I hadn't pushed my packaging branch there since it was on my list of "fix it to be proper", which you now mostly did already | 17:45 |
mterry | Mirv, ok, will propose a branch | 17:45 |
Mirv | mterry: anyway this upstream thread (latter part of it) is some of the reason of my wariness of uploading non-supported snapshot modules to archives: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.qt.devel/9851 | 17:46 |
Mirv | upstream doesn't want those to be mixed with actual Qt 5 | 17:46 |
Mirv | so I started adding also warning texts to the package descriptions of qt3d etc | 17:47 |
Mirv | anyhow, I should be on holiday now :) | 17:48 |
mterry | Mirv, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/kubuntu-packaging/qtpim-cleanup/+merge/156199 | 17:56 |
mterry | Mirv, oh on holiday? nm about the merge until later :) | 17:56 |
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bdmurray | ScottK: is there somebody who could look at bug 1069072? | 20:20 |
ubottu | bug 1069072 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "DistUpgradeViewKDE.py launches browser as root" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1069072 | 20:20 |
ScottK | Riddell: ^^^ | 20:30 |
ScottK | He's probably the best person. | 20:30 |
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