
kentbdoes anyone know who can kick off daily builds for ubuntu-server?  I really need to test some installer stuff this morning that landed last night15:11
cjwatsonkentb: ah, yeah, that got stuck behind a cdimage bug19:25
cjwatsonkentb: running now19:25
cjwatson(sorry about the delay, national holiday here)19:26
kentbcjwatson, oh ok.  Thanks for kicking it off.  No problem on the delay :)19:26
cjwatson(I've been rewriting cdimage in Python, recently finished; mostly unit tests have avoided the worst problems, but there've been a few bugs in areas not covered by tests)19:27
cjwatsonSo in this case specifically https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/ubuntu-cdimage/mainline/revision/121219:28
cjwatsonNot that you probably desperately care, but :)19:28
cjwatsonThe unfortunate bit about this one is that it failed sufficiently early that it didn't manage to send out build failure mails ...19:30
kentbgood to know19:32

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