
infinitycjwatson: I vaguely recall it being discussed a week or two back, but did we decide if we were going to hard freeze with queue reviews, or just do some sort of massive britney block?00:06
infinitycjwatson: (I actually prefer the hard freeze, honestly, the reviews are helpful, and a britney block could just lead to a ton of crap in proposed that we need to dump at release...)00:07
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micahgcan someone please help chromium-browser ubuntu2 to the release pocket?01:34
vibhavSorry for cross posting, but the topic needs to be updates here too :)04:23
vibhav(feature freeze->final beta freeze)04:23
=== infinity changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Ubuntu 12.10 and 12.04.2 released | Archive: Final Beta Freeze | Raring Ringtail Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | we accept payment in cash, check or beer | melior malum quod cognoscis
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ogra_cjwatson, hmm, something is wrong with the cdimage publisher code ... the nexus7 desktop image /current link is stuck on an image from the 15th11:42
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ogra_cjwatson, hmm, seems to be even worse ... http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-preinstalled/ has subdirs for the 15th, 26th and 27th but only the 15th is populated11:48
ogra_the others are empoty dirs11:48
ogra_weird, in the log i see it downloading the ext4 file ... but it doesnt seem to find it (and in fact its not in the preinstalled subdir on nusakan)12:08
ogra_cjwatson, aha, seems the preinstalled filesystems end up in /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu/raring/daily-preinstalled/live/ instead of /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu/raring/daily-preinstalled/preinstalled/12:24
ogra_ah, line 509 in livefs.py12:31
ogra_(or rather 510 since it is wrapped)12:33
cjwatsoninfinity: there was a thread on -release about that, I think - I haven't really been following12:38
cjwatsonogra_: ok, give me a minute to have a look12:38
cjwatson(holiday today so may get interrupted)12:38
ogra_cjwatson, ah, i didnt even expect to see you around ... was just starting to quickly hack a "default_dir" var in to switch it for preinstalled :)12:39
cjwatsonI'd rather you didn't12:39
ogra_yeah, quick hack ...12:39
cjwatsonThere's really no reason to have a different path there12:39
cjwatsonI was deliberately trying to consolidate live and preinstalled, since the bulk of the differences there were entirely artificial12:40
ogra_ah, so you fix it on the publisher side ... k12:40
ogra_thats the part i hadn't looked at yet12:40
cjwatsonI hadn't realised that debian-cd cared12:41
cjwatsonIt's like a single giant layering violation12:41
cjwatsonThe reason it's safe to have it be .../live/ is that the image_type is always different12:42
cjwatsonSo I'm just going to s/PREINSTALLEDIMAGES/LIVEIMAGES/g, basically12:43
cjwatsonSorry for not noticing the failures12:44
ogra_well, it was me not noticing it12:44
ogra_and i still wouldnt have ... if there wasnt a user in #ubuntu-touch complaining about the n7 desktop images12:44
cjwatsonJust trying a fresh build now12:45
ogra_well, essentially complaining about compiz still crashing in ubiquity-dm :)12:45
cjwatsonUrgh, what12:45
* cjwatson has broken something else, hang on a minute12:45
cjwatsonall hail pdb12:46
cjwatsonAnd it's broken really early which is why we haven't even been getting failure logs12:47
ogra_the livefs builds look all fine, i dont think you need to re-do them ... unless you want to test buildlive12:47
* ogra_ sees proper rootfs.tar.gz for all of them12:48
cjwatsonNo, I hadn't been planning to12:48
cjwatsonAh, missing test12:51
ogra_oh, the path was even hardcoded in CONF.sh12:52
cjwatsonRight, cdimage.config fixed (and test cases added); cron.daily-preinstalled running now12:53
cjwatsonI'm not likely to be around much more for several hours - if anyone wants to start builds of other things affected by the same problem (which won't have been everything - it was any project/image_type combination for which there was an open-ended series range in etc/default-arches), feel free, otherwise I guess cron will sort it out12:55
ogra_yeah, lets leave it to cron12:57
* ogra_ didnt plan to work during his vacation either ... i would have added a hack to be ripped out on tuesday 12:57
cjwatsonogra_: that seems to have worked13:14
ogra_yep, and i see a /pending dir too now :)13:14
* ogra_ would dance ... but its good friday and i cant break the law :P (dance prohibition in germany) 13:18
ogra_(its that one law that makes germans feel like americans :) )13:19
* skaet figures that as long as germans can drink beer on good friday, they can survive without the dancing ;)13:29
ogra_skaet, haha, yeah ...13:36
ogra_(some here call it footloose friday here :) )13:37
ogra_clubs make a lot of money though ... people tend to gather at 11 and the music starts at 1213:38
skaetdancing starting at midnight hmm... in the US the equivalent is probably holiday shopping starting on the Friday after Thanksgiving.13:44
TrevinhoHello, do we really need a FFe for this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1152477 ?14:14
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1152477 in unity "[FFe] Window list in right click context menu should indicate the focused window" [Medium,In progress]14:14
Trevinhoit's a really minor change, involving no API change or string change14:14
ogra_its a new feature ...14:15
ogra_and the doc team will need to take it into accound in screenshots for example ...14:15
didrocksogra_: we do agree :)14:15
ogra_its definitely a "just nod it off" FFe14:16
ogra_buut nonthelsee an FFe14:16
xnoxTrevinho: doesn't it now need a UserInterfaceFreezeException as well now?!14:21
Trevinhoxnox: it does not affect any screenshot or big ui change.14:24
ogra_how do you know the docteam didnt make a screenshot of the right click menu ?14:24
Trevinhoogra_: the right-click menu could not been affected in all the cases by this change14:25
Trevinhoogra_: you need that the doc team has two-windows of the same app opened and one of them focused to notice a change14:25
ogra_well, the process is to get the FFe nodded off and i think xnox is right that you also need the docteam to agree14:25
ogra_its not like thats hard or anything14:25
Trevinhoogra_: and the change would be trival anyway (not seeing a * in an item is really a small thing)14:25
ogra_sure, still we're past freezes and there is a process for this ...  if the change is trivial it will go very fast ...14:26
Trevinhoogra_: ok...14:27
ogra_(the time you spent discussing it here might have been sufficient to mail the docteam ;) )14:27
Trevinhoogra_: I only was asking this because in the past we never neded it for such trivial changes.14:27
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infinitycjwatson: Ahh, indeed, it was on the list.  I've followed up.  Thanks for having a slightly less swiss-cheesy brain.15:32
ogra_infinity, so you got some sleep ?15:33
infinityogra_: I did!15:33
infinityogra_: It does happen once in a while.  Just not every night. :P15:33
ogra_yay !15:33
infinity(But last night, I actually slept, uhm... 5 hours?)15:33
infinityWhich, for me, isn't a bad stretch.15:34
ogra_athst something at least15:34
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MirvFYI I'm not sure what's the story behind qtpim upload at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text= , but from my point of view it shouldn't have been uploaded (packaging is not complete, the organizer doesn't work at all without some patches I and a community member have submitted upstream etc)17:21
=== pgraner-afk is now known as pgraner
pgranerinfinity, can you trigger a rebuild for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/112994917:25
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1129949 in ubuntu "corrupt package libgrail5_3.0.6-0ubuntu0.12.04.01_i386.deb on archive.ubuntu.com" [Undecided,New]17:25
ScottKMirv: Rejected.17:27
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infinitypgraner: Erm, wait.  What?17:27
pgranerinfinity, tiaz pinged me and asked that I do it, but I don't have the voodoo to make it happen17:28
infinitypgraner: If the actual file is corrupt, we should just fix it.17:28
MirvScottK: thanks17:28
infinity(And if it is, that's worrying, to say the least)17:28
ScottKEasy decision since there's no FFe.17:28
pgranerinfinity, I asked tiaz to join so you can talk to him :)17:30
infinitytiaz: Yo.17:30
infinityWhy are we rebuilding packages to fix filesystem corruption?17:31
infinity(And why do we have corruption at all?)17:31
tiazinfinity: sorry, it occurred to me that I hadn't checked that we're still serving the bad package. I did confirm the one provided was bad17:32
tiazlooking for it now, just a sec17:32
infinitySo, the one on pepo matches the librarian.17:33
infinityIs it broken on syncproxy, or the archive frontends?17:33
tiazinfinity: I think it was broken on the frontends and is no longer. the one I just fetched from a.u.c is correct, but I don't know which mirror I got it from. I'm going to pull it from all of them to make sure, but this may be a noop17:34
infinityIf you just make sure all the archive frontends (and syncproxy) match pepo, and artificially touch the package to futz the timestamp, it should cascase and fix all the mirrors.17:34
infinityThe timestamp/touch thing is essential, since most people don't rsync with sums (cause, ow, painful on a 0.5TB mirror), so if the file name/length/time don't change, they won't fix the file locally.17:35
infinityI'll touch it on pepo now, so it doesn't revert on mirror pushes.17:35
infinityAll I can assume here is that one archive frontend broke, and it happened to be a parent to some other ccTLD mirror.17:36
infinityWould be nice if we knew which frontend that was, since it could point at something much worse.17:36
tiazinfinity: all the current mirrors are correct. I've touched them just in case, I'm now looking at if we had a different set when this was opened, just in case17:38
infinityOh, I didn't notice the bug was a month old.17:39
infinityThat makes it a bit harder to trace.17:39
infinitytiaz: I assume you double-checked syncproxy too?17:39
tiazinfinity: yeah17:40
infinityKay.  Well, no one should be rsyncing (or, in fact, allowed to rsync) from anything that isn't a child of one of the archive frontends.  So, if they're all happy, it should resolve itself.17:41
infinityAnd, like I said, I futzed the timestamp on pepo, and that should bubble out to the world and force every mirror to re-sync the package for no reason. :P17:41
infinityBut that's still better than a whole new SRU for nothing.17:42
infinityI do wish the original reporter had been a bit more verbose.17:42
tiazit would be really nice if they'd specified what mirror they got it from, yeah.17:43
cjwatsonFor all we know it was from an apt proxy of some kind.17:43
cjwatsonAnd they only think it was corrupt on a mirror.17:43
infinityBut this quick touch faff isn't harming anyone.17:43
infinitySo, whatever.17:43
infinityBelt and bracers.17:44
infinityAnd such.17:44
cjwatsonSome versions of apt-cacher-ng, say, are REALLY good at corrupting packages17:44
cjwatsonLike the one in precise17:44
infinityMy apt-cacher-ng behaves quite well.  I must be lucky.17:44
cjwatson(Yes, there's an SRU in train for this, I believe)17:44
infinityOh, or I've never run the precise version. :P17:44
cjwatsonThe one in precise occasionally thinks headers are data.17:45
cjwatsonComedy results.17:45
infinityI still need to sit down with a large stick and beat the notion of combined mirrors into its tiny brain.17:45
tiazinfinity: I was going to close it as we checked and it's not a problem, but I see adconrad just commented. should I leave it?17:45
cjwatsontiaz: /whois17:46
infinityYou can sort of fool it into putting archive.u.c and ports.u.c into the same cache (so you don't have to download _all.deb twice), which is shiny and all, but then the cron job explodes when it tries to verify things.17:46
infinitytiaz: ... srsly?17:46
infinitytiaz: How long have we worked together, dude? :)17:46
ScottKNot long enough apparently.17:47
infinityOr too long.  I've been known to drive people insane.17:47
tiazinfinity: ha! I'm terrible with names and tend to remember irc nicks :)17:48
xnoxinfinity: who can accept stuff if you freeze the archive. Release team + archive admins?20:27
ScottKxnox: Technically yes, but by policy the release team.20:31
xnoxScottK:  infinity: will there still be britney block for everything on CDs?20:32
ScottKWe've yet to actually write the britney block that would manage that.20:33
ScottKAlthough we got close.20:33
* ScottK doesn't see much point.20:33
infinityI see no point in a britney block if we freeze the queue.20:40
xnoxOk. Also archive rebuild in progress....20:45
xnoxinfinity: AAs can't twiddle archive block as easily?20:48
ScottKThe ones that aren't also on the release team should know better.20:52
xnoxScottK: I'm confused about bug 1077624.21:02
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1077624 in simgear (Ubuntu) "Raring: Update Flightgear to version 2.10.0" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107762421:02
xnoxit doesn't look like FFe has been granted yet, but it shows up in the sponsorship queue.21:02
ScottKxnox: OK.  It does now.21:14
xnoxScottK: about bug 1159832, am I ok to sync the new bitcoin from experimental?21:15
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1159832 in bitcoin (Ubuntu) "[FFE] bitcoin: Mandatory upgrade on May 15" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115983221:15
ScottKxnox: Yes.21:15
xnoxScottK: thanks.21:15
* xnox testing.21:15
ScottKNo problem.21:15
ScottKThanks for checking.21:15
phillw1cjwatson: if you're still about, I have a failure on a mini-iso who should be informed?23:39
phillw1cjwatson: for your, and others information https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/116189823:42
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1161898 in debian-installer "Raring 1386 mini.iso complains about mismatched kernel" [Undecided,New]23:42
cjwatsonphillw1: It's invalid.  I'll reply on the bug.23:47
cjwatsonstgraber: ^- You might want to look at that, though, to see if there's some reason the tracker hadn't been updated.  I don't know whether that's usually automatic or manual.23:51
cjwatsonstgraber: The tracker said 20101020ubuntu225 for all the netboot images, despite the last d-i update being a day or two ago.23:52
phillw1cjwatson: thanks, it's one of the lubuntu testers trying to get some pre-testing in for the mini iso's that we do use as 'worst case' smallest installs :D23:52
cjwatsonstgraber: I don't know whether this is related to the upgrade testcases not being updated, as mentioned on ubuntu-release@; I don't know whether that's normally automatic or manual23:52

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