
philipballewkdub, makin your way down?02:10
philipballewSD Ubuntu hour is goin good02:24
philipballew6 people including myself02:25
akkHi everybody in SD!02:26
philipballewhello akk!02:27
MarkDudeHmmm BAMF account was erased apparently on G+02:41
=== jono is now known as Guest21379
philipballewAny cool San Fransico people wanna let me sleep on their floor/couch on Monday may 27th so I can catch as early flight to texas linux fest?17:48
raevolphilipballew: how was the ubuntu hour17:58
philipballewpleia2, yeah, probably someone17:59
raevolphilipballew snubs me because i had to miss the ubuntu hour :(18:01
raevoli'm sorry philipballew i am sorry!18:01
philipballewraevol, had 5 new people. Went really well18:02
raevolwow that's like more than double?18:02
raevolubuntu is hot in san diego18:02
philipballewUbuntu is getting pretty hip18:04
philipballewMight outgrow the venue sooner or later18:05
philballewpleia2, did you do post meeting, or would you like me to tackle that?20:37
pleia2philballew: if you have time, it'd be great if you could take care of it :)21:33
philballewpleia2, alright!21:35

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