
zequencelen-1304: I'm looking at orphanded Debian packages, to see if there's something worth maintaining, as a step towards learning packaging http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/orphaned13:41
len-1304I wish I had one off the top of my head to tell you :)13:42
len-1304gcdmaster :)13:42
zequenceDoesn't seem to be on that list13:42
zequenceIt has a maintainer Christian Hübschi13:43
len-1304sounds ominous. 13:43
len-1304does that mean someone is actually updating it or that it is just being used for cdrdao?13:44
zequenceHere's a list of packages up for adoption http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/rfa_bypackage13:44
zequenceIt jsut means it's considered to be maintained13:44
zequenceIf it's not being maintained, it should probably be orphaned13:44
len-1304Well cdrdao is being maintained and there is a package13:44
len-1304it is just being build without the GUI13:45
len-1304(which it does automatically if it can't find the right libs)13:45
zequencecdrdao is actually orphaned13:47
zequenceSame maintainer13:48
len-1304gcdmaster is a part of  that13:48
len-1304cdrdao once is used by a number of other projects... including ardour13:49
len-1304though not directly13:49
zequenceTo me it seems it's the other way around13:49
zequencegcdmaster depends on cdrdao13:50
len-1304how so?13:50
len-1304k3b, ardour and others also depend on cdrdao13:50
len-1304not as a depend, but the workflow depends on it13:51
len-1304I don't think there is any other disk at once cd writer, is there?13:51
zequenceI'll think about taking this on. I'll put it on a list13:52
len-1304I can't get cdrdao once to build even, but I am not using the package from ubuntu or debian.13:52
len-1304I am using the tarball13:53
len-1304The needed libs for gcdmaster are still in repo BY the way.13:53
len-1304zequence, cdrecord does do some DAO recording (the cdrkit page on the other hand just says it is a fork but has almost no documentation at all) using .cue files14:47
len-1304I do not know if cue files allow all the features that .toc files allow... or for that matter if ardour uses all the features cdrdao provides14:48
zequencelen-1304: I just applied for Debian Multimedia Team membership15:01
len-1304OK, I thought you had already :) good15:02
zequenceI was waiting. Was going to work on bug fixing and such first, but it seemed like now was a good time as my packaging skills have improved that much15:03
zequenceI'll be taking over maintenance for cdrdao and maybe gcdmaster as well15:04
len-1304They are both the saem package.15:04
zequenceto begin with15:04
zequenceThey are not15:04
zequenceNot in Debian, anyway15:05
zequenceah, no15:05
zequenceI see15:05
zequenceI never checked the source package15:05
zequenceMade a mistake about cdrdao. Not considered a multimedia package. There's one team that deals with cdr-tools, and is a fairly small team15:13
len-1304Just reading the cdrtools (the cdrecord page)15:14
len-1304It appears that cdrkit is also unmaintained15:14
len-1304My look at the cdrkit page seems to confirm that15:15
len-1304cdrkit has not been touched since 200715:15
len-1304zequence, ubuntu and debian use cdrkit. It also appears unmaintained. Soon there will be no cd writing packages :)15:18
zequenceLast commit to cdrkit on Debian was 201015:21
zequenceBy a former Debian project lead15:21
zequenceThat was upstream though15:21
zequenceLast debian changelog entry is 201115:21
len-1304I was just gong by their web page15:47
len-1304The last release was old15:48
len-1304Ya 201015:49
len-1304I'm looking at too many pages.15:49
len-1304Anyway, there are still some issues with cdrkit in some modes.15:50
len-1304It seems to work fine if the image is first written to disk, but has problems doing on the fly writing... taking a collection of files and writing them to a dvd without making an image first.15:51
len-1304k3b tries to do this by default.15:51
len-1304I am told cdrecord works this way.15:52
zequenceWhen I added the PromptOnLogout, it worked once. then each time I tried clicking the menu i never got the menu. It would jsut logout17:10

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