obrama | 1+1 | 05:18 |
senator_ | Help pls, studio doesnt shut down, it always remembers my last session of Libreoffice which crashes in the process | 14:54 |
holstein | senator_: there is a "remember session" checkbox on shutdown | 14:55 |
senator_ | hey holstein :)... I checked that once before and unchecked it later but it keep on remembering | 14:55 |
holstein | senator_: try "sudo halt" and/or "sudo shutdown -h now" and report | 14:55 |
holstein | senator_: lets troubleshoot one at a time | 14:56 |
holstein | senator_: the shutdown is hanging, correct? try the terminal commands to shutdown and report | 14:56 |
senator_ | what the command to us | 14:58 |
senator_ | use | 14:58 |
senator_ | thing is I have once asked ubuntu to remember session and it did remember my session but later I unticked the option but it still remembers even when I shut down | 14:59 |
len-1304 | may have to remove ~/.config/xfwm4 | 14:59 |
holstein | senator_: is the shutdown hanging? | 15:00 |
len-1304 | I am not sure what the exact file that remembers this is. | 15:00 |
senator_ | it doesnt hang it suts down but when it comes back on it tries to remember the last session because I asked it to do so a long time ago (but not any more)... | 15:00 |
holstein | senator_: troubleshoot one thing at a time please | 15:01 |
holstein | senator_: try the shutdown from the terminal | 15:01 |
holstein | sudo halt | 15:01 |
holstein | sudo shutdown -h now | 15:01 |
holstein | do either of those shutdown the machine? | 15:01 |
senator_ | yeah... I am doing that, was just giving a response to your question | 15:01 |
holstein | so, no shutdown issues then? correct senator_ ? | 15:02 |
holstein | just the session persistence? | 15:02 |
senator_ | no shutdown issues | 15:03 |
senator_ | i was going to do the shutdown command just now tho, shd i continue? | 15:03 |
holstein | senator_: not if you have no shutdown issues | 15:04 |
senator_ | ok | 15:04 |
holstein | that was to troubeshoot the "studio downt shut down" issue you mentioned, but may not acutally have | 15:04 |
holstein | senator_: i would then try removing what len-1304 suggested | 15:04 |
holstein | the session persistence will me in there somewhere | 15:04 |
senator_ | Libreoffice and firefox were part of the previous session so it manages to open firefox but crashes libreoffice | 15:05 |
senator_ | ok holstein ... how do i do that, i see the command he gave above | 15:05 |
senator_ | not comment but the lines he gave as ~/.config/xfwm4 | 15:06 |
len-1304 | sorry you need: | 15:06 |
len-1304 | rm ~/.config/xfwm4 | 15:06 |
len-1304 | rm -r ~/.config/xfwm4 | 15:06 |
len-1304 | the -r is important :) | 15:06 |
holstein | senator_: or, just navigate to that in a filemanger and remove it | 15:07 |
senator_ | ok... lemme try the above command | 15:08 |
senator_ | hmmm, len-1304 , it says no such file or directory when I used rm -r ~/.config/xfwm4, so holstein I shd try looking for it manually? | 15:10 |
len-1304 | rm -r ~/.config/xfce4 | 15:11 |
len-1304 | sorry | 15:11 |
len-1304 | I was looking at two things | 15:11 |
senator_ | done that now len-1304 | 15:11 |
senator_ | pasted in terminal and hit entre | 15:12 |
len-1304 | logout and in | 15:12 |
senator_ | ojk doing that now len-1304 , holstein would be a minute | 15:12 |
holstein | senator_: ? | 15:15 |
holstein | would be a minute? | 15:15 |
senator_ | holstein, len-1304 back now... shut down and started again... situation remains same | 15:24 |
holstein | senator_: it *will* be a file in there | 15:26 |
senator_ | I just used the command he gave earlier | 15:26 |
holstein | senator_: yes | 15:27 |
holstein | senator_: that command removed a config file | 15:27 |
holstein | senator_: it will be a config file there that will reset that session | 15:27 |
holstein | which one? im not sure yet | 15:28 |
holstein | i am helping a few other folks, and about to run out the door | 15:28 |
holstein | but im searching and typing | 15:28 |
holstein | what can you do? | 15:28 |
holstein | ask int #ubuntu or #xubuntu | 15:28 |
holstein | http://askubuntu.com/questions/111010/how-do-i-remove-some-sessions-from-the-session-list-in-xubuntu suggests | 15:28 |
senator_ | this command rm -r ~/.config/xfce4 | 15:28 |
holstein | senator_: right | 15:29 |
holstein | rm = remove | 15:29 |
holstein | you deleted a config file | 15:29 |
holstein | thats what that command does | 15:29 |
holstein | but, you'll need to keep trying | 15:29 |
holstein | as len-1304 said, that might not be the one | 15:29 |
senator_ | using same command or which | 15:29 |
holstein | but, it *will* be in there | 15:29 |
senator_ | ok | 15:29 |
holstein | senator_: use what you like | 15:29 |
senator_ | let me navigate to the folder | 15:29 |
holstein | you can literally open a filemanage | 15:29 |
holstein | filemanager | 15:30 |
senator_ | whats the command for that | 15:30 |
senator_ | i got it | 15:30 |
senator_ | thanks for the time, since you have to run... cheers | 15:31 |
holstein | did you try the file from the link? | 15:32 |
holstein | did you try the xubuntu or ubuntustudio session from the session list at login? | 15:32 |
senator_ | ubuntustudio | 15:38 |
holstein | senator_: sure.. try selecting others | 15:38 |
holstein | try the above suggestion | 15:38 |
holstein | try asking in #xubuntu | 15:38 |
senator_ | ok I will... reading up the link yu gave | 15:39 |
senator_ | holstein, I might havemanaged to solve it | 15:56 |
senator_ | whats the real difference between xfce session and Ubuntu studio session | 15:56 |
senator_ | I went into the xfce session and saw that remember session was ticked... maybe I ticked it a while ago, but I since never got back into xfce session, only using ubuntu studio session, the preference of xfce kinda super imposes on the ubuntu studio session and tried to remember the last session but there was no such last session in studio | 15:59 |
senator_ | my best guess... so the question again, whats the diff betwn xfce and ubuntu studion sessions | 16:00 |
zequence | senator_: There shouldn't be anyu | 16:17 |
senator_ | hey zequence ... I guess you are right but why duplicate the sessions and call it different names... if they have no differences | 16:18 |
zequence | senator_: Ok, seems like the Ubuntu Studio session might get named differently, and is not even read, perhaps | 16:18 |
zequence | We should look at that | 16:18 |
senator_ | yeah we shd or maybe someone has some other explanations... holstein | 16:19 |
zequence | senator_: We, as in the Ubuntu Studio development team | 16:20 |
zequence | senator_: Would you mind reporting a bug about this? | 16:21 |
senator_ | Oh ok | 16:22 |
senator_ | yeah I will report it... how do I do that | 16:22 |
zequence | senator_: Let me just have a look at how the session thing works. I'm usually not involved in the desktop specific stuff | 16:22 |
senator_ | I see | 16:23 |
senator_ | the challenge I had was that each time I try restarting my studio, it tries to remember the last session where I opened Libreoffice and Firefox, firefox opens but libreoffice crashes and this has been on for a while... I have checked out the shut down option and the remember session box is not ticked. | 16:24 |
senator_ | I later shut down, re started and loged into xfce instead of studio, then I tried to shut down then saw that the box for remember session was ticked, so I unticked it (inside xfce) then l restarted again and all was fine for xfce, then restarted into Ubuntu studio and it was now fine... so in my opinion even tho I did not ask Ubuntu Studio to remember session, because I said so in xfce, the Ubuntu studio is also trying to remember s | 16:29 |
senator_ | ession, but their is none to remember so the libreoffice crashes on start up... zequence | 16:29 |
len-1304 | senator_, zequence just did some playing around with session save. | 16:30 |
len-1304 | I found that, first I logged out after saving a session. as expected those apps showed up when I logged in | 16:30 |
len-1304 | then I logged out with the save session box unchecked. | 16:31 |
len-1304 | as not expected, the same apps as before showed up. | 16:31 |
len-1304 | I exited those apps and logged out with the save session turned on. | 16:31 |
len-1304 | when I logged back in my screen was clean. | 16:32 |
len-1304 | So the save session box saves a session. unchecking the box does not unsave that session | 16:33 |
len-1304 | to unsave the session one has to save what they want it to be next time. | 16:33 |
zequence | It's not a Ubuntu Studio bug as it seems. I also played around with this | 16:33 |
len-1304 | Am I making any sense? | 16:33 |
len-1304 | There is also a button in the settings manager->session and startup->sessiontab, called "Clear saved sessions" | 16:36 |
zequence | I was playing around with raring, the live DVD, and for me, after saving one session, doing a logout would skip the confirm window, so I had no chance to uncheck anything | 16:37 |
zequence | ~/.cache/sessions is empty initially | 16:38 |
zequence | After deleting its contents, the next login caused a crash for xfce-session | 16:38 |
zequence | And the result was I got a default XFCE wallpaper instead of the Ubuntu Studio one | 16:38 |
len-1304 | That sort of makes sense | 16:41 |
len-1304 | If you removed the directory it would be differetn again | 16:41 |
zequence | It was empty initially, as I said | 16:41 |
zequence | I will look at what other changes happen. Will cp the entire home dir | 16:42 |
zequence | and do a diff | 16:42 |
len-1304 | Ya. | 16:42 |
len-1304 | The idea of the programer seems to be that saving the session makes that the "Default" startup. to change that you have to save something else. | 16:43 |
len-1304 | BRB | 16:43 |
len-1304 | Ok, zequence, the Clear saved sessions button in the settings manager does work | 16:48 |
len-1304 | The save Session button in Session and Startup also works correctly and as expected. (saves session except for the settings manager) | 16:55 |
zequence | I'm just wondering where the option for saving the session is stored | 16:56 |
len-1304 | I think this is not a bug so much as just not understanding what the save session checkbox does | 16:56 |
zequence | Think I found it | 16:57 |
len-1304 | ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml | 16:59 |
zequence | Yeah, that's the one | 16:59 |
len-1304 | "PromptOnLogout" | 16:59 |
zequence | There is one bug that happens for me concerning sessions | 17:00 |
zequence | I check the save session button. Log out. Login. Logout - the confirm window for accepting logout does not appear. It just logs out | 17:00 |
zequence | No way to uncheck the button | 17:00 |
len-1304 | We could set that false by default | 17:00 |
zequence | It is false by default | 17:01 |
zequence | hmm, now it logged out automatically. Think I've heard of this before | 17:02 |
len-1304 | By default it is not set either way. | 17:02 |
len-1304 | (/etc/xdg/...) | 17:02 |
len-1304 | Save on exit is false | 17:03 |
len-1304 | but prompt on exit does not show. | 17:03 |
len-1304 | creating new user... | 17:04 |
zequence | Ah, there was that too. I missed you saying that | 17:04 |
len-1304 | brb | 17:05 |
zequence | Something buggy about how that works | 17:08 |
len | Ok, with a new user there is no session file saved. (~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml) untill after the first logout. | 17:10 |
len | It does not mirror the default in etc. | 17:10 |
len | The new user got <property name="SaveOnExit" type="empty"/> | 17:11 |
zequence | len: If you want to go ahead and find out what is wrong here, please do. I'll just return to what I was doing before | 17:11 |
zequence | I find the session handling buggy. If I were a XFCE but, I would disable saving completely. It doesn't work well IMO | 17:12 |
zequence | XFCE dev*, not but | 17:12 |
len | etc is <property name="SaveOnExit" type="bool" value="false"/> | 17:12 |
len | I think that is a bug. | 17:13 |
zequence | Let me know if you find out why the session crashes, if you find out | 17:13 |
len | But I should ask the xfce guys | 17:14 |
len | crashes? | 17:14 |
zequence | I just mentioned that a few times | 17:14 |
len | I haven't had crashes | 17:14 |
zequence | Anyway, I'll be doing something else now | 17:14 |
len | I've been loggin in and out, so I may have missed it. | 17:14 |
len | k | 17:14 |
senator_ | len-1304, , zequence thanks for your time here, you guys spoke in some rather high level language but I was able to catch up... | 18:07 |
zequence | senator_: It's just config files. And I think we confirmed that your problem was not a bug at all, even though, one would probably want the saved session to be deleted when unchecking save session | 18:14 |
zequence | I did find some other buggy behaviour | 18:15 |
senator_ | which ones zequence ? | 19:45 |
senator_ | the log out one right? not showing you the window for options | 19:47 |
=== whoo is now known as prpl | ||
studio-user-Guer | nothing happening here | 23:37 |
goodtime | so who is good with this os | 23:44 |
goodtime | im used to other linux os's | 23:45 |
goodtime | kubuntu - ubuntu- fedora- etc etc ..... | 23:46 |
goodtime | i like this one so far | 23:46 |
goodtime | hard to tweek it | 23:46 |
goodtime | ok is anybody going to interject a comment? | 23:47 |
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