m_W | has anyone had trouble with dropping dns? the rest of my network is fine and i can ping googles dns but i it still drops out randomly | 01:28 |
holstein | what dns? | 01:29 |
m_W | any dns it doesnt matter what i set it to | 01:31 |
holstein | m_W: only on that one machine? | 01:32 |
m_W | yes | 01:32 |
m_W | and as i said i can still ping so i know its dns | 01:33 |
holstein | m_W: i dont know that that is true.. you know its isolated to that one machine | 01:33 |
m_W | yeah | 01:33 |
m_W | its a fresh xubuntu install. started right after the updates | 01:34 |
m_W | im thinking bug in the updates but i have no idea what | 01:34 |
holstein | m_W: try the live CD that you installed from.. try booting the older kernel.. if you have other network hardware, try that too | 01:38 |
m_W | i have new hardware is no help. funny thing is im on it right now talking to you but try to go to google or any other site i get unknown host | 01:40 |
m_W | it will come back in a few seconds to go down again | 01:40 |
holstein | m_W: try with the live CD you installed from | 01:44 |
holstein | m_W: then, try booting the older kernel | 01:44 |
holstein | m_W: does it work without issues from the live CD? | 01:44 |
m_W | yes thats why i think its a bug in the updates | 01:45 |
holstein | m_W: and, with the older kernel? | 01:45 |
m_W | booting the old kernal fixes everything im more trying to learn from this than enything | 01:46 |
holstein | m_W: sure, and im trying to help you learn | 01:49 |
holstein | m_W: so, in the installation, booting an older kernel, you have no issues? | 01:49 |
m_W | correct | 01:50 |
holstein | m_W: so, its something to do with the kernel upgrade.. is this wireless? | 01:50 |
m_W | no | 01:50 |
m_W | it is onboard an asues board if that helps | 01:51 |
holstein | m_W: im still not convinced its a dns issue, but i do think its a kernel issue | 01:51 |
m_W | the only reason i am thinking dns is it seems everything else works fine. as i said i can ping an ip and irc while its down so if that helps narrow it down cause im stumped | 01:54 |
holstein | well, the kernel narrows it down too | 01:54 |
m_W | when is the next kernel update roughly? | 01:56 |
holstein | m_W: depends.. you could try reinstalling that version | 01:57 |
holstein | i would just boot the older one | 01:57 |
m_W | i plan to | 01:57 |
m_W | thanks for the help unfortunately i have to retire work comes too early | 01:58 |
=== xubuntu584 is now known as propenfity | ||
pease | can anyone help me get java and minecraft running? | 03:10 |
holstein | !java | 03:10 |
ubottu | To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software Development Kit" (SDK). Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations. | 03:10 |
Unit193 | pease: Checkout http://askubuntu.com/questions/221981/how-to-run-minecraft too. | 03:15 |
pease | thanks | 03:15 |
Carlinhos | What's a light image viewer that supports mousewheel zoom? | 04:24 |
adjen | hi | 05:09 |
adjen | i discover a new great exploit to get root take a look http://ro0t.dyndns-server.com/ | 05:09 |
donnie | Anyone here use bleachbit? | 05:30 |
Con571 | Hello, I just installed Ubunt server in a company environment and would like to install a lightweight desktop. Is xubuntu-desktop a good option? | 11:35 |
Dr^Fets | likely | 11:36 |
Dr^Fets | I am fine with xfce | 11:36 |
bekks | It that computer that old that it isnt capable of Unity, KDE, etc? :) | 11:38 |
Con571 | xubuntu-desktop is the customized package of xfce from ubuntu? | 11:38 |
bekks | it is the meta package that will pull in xfce. | 11:39 |
Con571 | bekks: Not that old but will be using it only as a server and thus require minimum desktop capabilities | 11:40 |
Con571 | Would you recommend something else? e.g. is there a lightweight version of gnome ? | 11:40 |
bekks | A server requires no desktop. | 11:40 |
Con571 | I'm relatively beginner on linux so I guess some operations might be a little bit easier at the beginning using a desktop | 11:41 |
ochosi | many ppl refer to xfce as "gnome2 light" | 11:41 |
=== Con571 is now known as con571 | ||
ochosi | not sure that's really accurate, but imo it's really user-friendly while being ressource-efficient | 11:42 |
bekks | Which is entirely wrong. | 11:42 |
bekks | xfce has nothing to do with gnome2 or gnome in general. | 11:42 |
scottbomb | OK I'm getting a weird error. I can't navigate Samba shares all of a sudden. I tried to restart samba and got this error: The program 'samba' is currently not installed. Does anyone know if it was removed recently through updates?? | 14:01 |
scottbomb | I am able to open a samba GUI from the settings menu | 14:01 |
scottbomb | Just got a message that keyboard input methods has started. Very weird! Going to reboot... | 14:02 |
scottbomb | launchpad.org is loading a blank page. Anyone else been there this morning? | 14:30 |
holstein | scottbomb: i get http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/http://launchpad.org/ | 14:31 |
holstein | scottbomb: you are talking about http://launchpad.org/ ? | 14:31 |
holstein | you mean https://launchpad.net/ubuntu ? | 14:32 |
holstein | mabye is https://launchpad.net/ you are wanting? | 14:32 |
scottbomb | I guess it's .net then not .org. Thanks! | 14:33 |
holstein | scottbomb: cheers | 14:42 |
drc | Anyone have a URL for the 12.04 ISO...not .1 or .2, the original 12.04 ? I can't seem to find one, all I can find is 12.04.2 | 15:04 |
bekks | drc: Thats the current version. | 15:18 |
drc | I <know> it's the current version, I want the original version. | 15:19 |
guest-U4KoWp | how do i set myself up as a new user with all the default settings as owner/user? | 15:19 |
holstein | guest-U4KoWp: make the new user, and copy over the ~/home (in theory) | 15:20 |
guest-U4KoWp | from recovery for example | 15:20 |
guest-U4KoWp | k but something in my home may be corrupted as lightdm login loops for me unless i login as guest | 15:21 |
guest-U4KoWp | is there not something like the utility that created my userspace during install? | 15:23 |
holstein | guest-U4KoWp: i would just put over what i want, and test | 15:23 |
bekks | guest-U4KoWp: Did you check the logs? | 15:23 |
holstein | guest-U4KoWp: the data, some of the specific configs.. for example | 15:23 |
guest-U4KoWp | yep i checked the logs nothing amiss from what i can see except that nothing happened after authorisation etc | 15:24 |
foobArrr | drc: the canada mirror seems to still have them: http://hex1a4.net/xubuntu/mirror/releases/12.04/release/ | 15:25 |
guest-U4KoWp | so if a add a new user the only shell config i need to do is add sudo rights? | 15:26 |
foobArrr | (Canada (Ontario)) | 15:26 |
drc | foobArrr: Thanks, the torrent doesn't work but the DL does...thanks again. | 15:28 |
scottbomb | Does anyone know how to restart samba in 13.04? I tried "samba restart" and the shell is telling me that samba is not currently installed. I do believe it is as I can browse network shares. | 15:28 |
drc | scottbomb: Does http://askubuntu.com/questions/79078/how-to-restart-samba-server work? | 15:30 |
drc | I don't have samba installed so I can't test it. | 15:30 |
scottbomb | sudo service smbd restart | 15:30 |
scottbomb | ... | 15:30 |
scottbomb | Yes it does, thanks. I wish I had found that page previously. | 15:32 |
guest-U4KoWp | is there a %sudoers group in xubuntu? | 15:32 |
guest-U4KoWp | holstein: so i just adduser newuser and add newuser to group %sudoers (is that all i have to do?) | 15:34 |
holstein | guest-U4KoWp: depends on what you are doing | 15:36 |
holstein | i was thinking you were doing a fresh install, and restoring from backup | 15:36 |
drc | Does making a newuser pull all the stuff from /etc/skel? I know a fresh install using a existing /home/$USER doesn't. | 15:38 |
guest-U4KoWp | no i just have a corrupted lightdm login profile or something | 15:39 |
guest-U4KoWp | so i want to avoid a reinstall when i could setup a new user | 15:39 |
eitzei | drc: At least adduser-command uses /etc/skel | 15:39 |
guest-U4KoWp | i have no idea what skel is | 15:39 |
drc | eitzei: Thanks, I've never had to do it, so I wan't sure. | 15:40 |
drc | guest-U4KoWp: some basic config files placed in ~ | 15:41 |
guest-U4KoWp | they must be ok it must be specific to the corrpted user | 15:42 |
holstein | guest-U4KoWp: setup the new user.. test.. then pull all the configs from the main user acount and test | 15:42 |
holstein | you will get new config files.. you can replace them with what backups you need/want.. | 15:42 |
guest-U4KoWp | how do i set up new user - do i use useradd or adduser? | 15:43 |
holstein | i use sudo adduser | 15:43 |
dimitrirs | algum brasileiro | 15:45 |
dimitrirs | olá pessoal alguém aqui fala português? | 15:46 |
knome | !pt | dimitrirs | 15:46 |
ubottu | dimitrirs: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 15:46 |
drc | dimitrirs: !br | 15:46 |
foobArrr | "adduser on the other hand also creates a home directory for the user, populates it with the content of /etc/skel and lets you set the password interactively." http://serverfault.com/questions/218993/whats-the-difference-between-useradd-and-adduser | 15:46 |
foobArrr | I always mix those two up | 15:46 |
dimitrirs | thenks | 15:47 |
guest-U4KoWp | with all these screw ups i'm creating i sure am getting a crash course in basic admin .. | 15:47 |
drc | best way to learn | 15:48 |
guest-U4KoWp | can i do all this transfer stuff in gui tty7 after logged in as new user? | 15:49 |
drc | guest-U4KoWp: You do know that the $NEWUSER will not have the same UID of the $OLDUSER...usually that's not a problem, but just so you know. | 15:49 |
guest-U4KoWp | uid | 15:49 |
guest-U4KoWp | i will want to remove the old user i think | 15:51 |
guest-U4KoWp | will new user have sudo? | 15:52 |
guest-U4KoWp | drc: will new user have sudo? | 15:52 |
drc | guest-U4KoWp: I would assume it would, seeing as how the 'buntu's don't have a root user, but I've never make a new uswewr, so I can't promise it will. | 15:53 |
drc | and I can't type today :( | 15:54 |
guest-U4KoWp | k holstein said he has made new users so i will try to get his attention ;) | 15:54 |
guest-U4KoWp | holstein: will the new user have sudo by default? | 15:54 |
eitzei | guest-U4KoWp: In my opinion new user isn't sudoer by default. You have to add newuser to sudo groups | 15:56 |
bekks | eitzei: Correct. | 15:58 |
drc | guess he didn't want to wait, but just for the sake of completeness http://askubuntu.com/questions/7477/how-can-i-add-a-new-user-as-sudoer-using-the-command-line | 15:58 |
bekks | eitzei: You just have to add the user to the admin group, which is allowed to sudo. | 15:58 |
drc | and I was wrong :) | 15:59 |
drc | again :( | 15:59 |
Unit193 | Well, you may actually want to use the sudo group. | 16:00 |
Unit193 | !admingroup | 16:00 |
ubottu | Up through Ubuntu 11.10, administrator privileges using sudo was granted to the "admin" Unix group. In Ubuntu 12.04, privileges are granted to the "sudo" group, for consistency with upstream and Debian. For compatibility, the "admin" group will continue to have access in 12.04. | 16:00 |
scottbomb | Thunar is driving me insane this morning. It has been browsing network shares just fine until now. I click on a machine and it says "Failed to retrieve share list from server: connection timed out." Every single machine. I do believe smb is configured fine as I have been able to access shares just fine until today. I CAN access them on the command line BTW: thunar pops up thunar with all that machine | 16:12 |
smudger | k added new user and using old user login in shell added to group sudo that must have been setup already. no need to visudo thank god | 16:14 |
smudger | adduser is good thanks | 16:14 |
ChesterX | hi everybody, i am using xubuntu 12.10 . after the latest update today, all my desktop disappeared. any idea why? and how i can fix this? | 16:44 |
bitcycle | Hey all. I'm on centos, and I'm wondering if there's a package available for xfce ui like its packaged for xubuntu. Is something like that out there? | 16:48 |
TheSheep | bitcycle: you would need to ask on the centos channels | 16:49 |
smudger | new user no longer seems to have usual access rights to shared folder that seems to be 'owned' by old user | 17:08 |
TheSheep | just change the ownership | 17:09 |
TheSheep | or the rights | 17:09 |
smudger | in multiboot system i want myself to have equal access no matter what my username. can i change chown all files to user:users ? | 17:09 |
TheSheep | you can, but that wouldn't do what you think it would | 17:10 |
smudger | explain please ? | 17:10 |
TheSheep | a file or directory can be owned by a single user and group at a time | 17:11 |
TheSheep | but there are access rights for users, group and all other | 17:11 |
smudger | so i just need to change group ownership and access rights | 17:11 |
TheSheep | what you probably want is to change the access rights of the files, not their ownership | 17:11 |
smudger | say a file is owned by a deleted user what happens then? | 17:12 |
TheSheep | nothing | 17:12 |
smudger | so it doesn;t matter | 17:12 |
TheSheep | I don't understand | 17:12 |
TheSheep | what doesn't matter? | 17:12 |
TheSheep | anyways | 17:13 |
smudger | the fact that files are owned by a deleted user | 17:13 |
TheSheep | it matters, just as if it was owned by any other user | 17:14 |
TheSheep | there is no difference whether the user is deleted or not | 17:14 |
smudger | yes but no negative issues arising? | 17:14 |
TheSheep | anyways | 17:14 |
TheSheep | if you just change the righst to all your files, then that will give all users access to them, but any new files would still be a problem | 17:15 |
smudger | why? | 17:15 |
TheSheep | because they would still have the default rights | 17:15 |
smudger | so i need to change the default rights to the top folder? | 17:16 |
TheSheep | that doesn't affect the rights of new files | 17:16 |
TheSheep | you know what, if you don't feel like learning the linux file rights, maybe you shouldn't mess with them | 17:17 |
TheSheep | and not try to force them to behave like on windows | 17:17 |
TheSheep | on the other hand, if you do want to reasearch the topic, it's one google search away | 17:18 |
smudger | i never recall this as a problem before. every time i added a new distro the ownership of eeverything in the shared folder in home changed depending on which username i was logged in as | 17:18 |
TheSheep | they must have used some trick to do that | 17:19 |
smudger | i am new to ubuntu and something different seems to be happening. maybe becuase i've had to create a new user and can;t use the old one due to some corruption issue with lightdm or polkit or something | 17:20 |
smudger | but when i installed xubuntu all the ownerships were changed to reflect the new owner. | 17:21 |
TheSheep | I've never heard before about the "shared folder" behavior you describe, but I don't play too much with various "user friendly" distros recently, so I might have missed it | 17:21 |
smudger | but not persisting if i boot up from another | 17:21 |
TheSheep | I'm sure xubuntu doesn't change any ownerships | 17:21 |
smudger | its just a folder i created in home partition for common files | 17:21 |
smudger | that's all i did | 17:22 |
TheSheep | folder? you mean a directory? | 17:22 |
smudger | yes | 17:22 |
TheSheep | so how would it be special if you created it yourself? | 17:22 |
TheSheep | personally I would hate it if xubuntu changed the rights to my files behind my back | 17:22 |
smudger | well i created it in a previous distro life as joe bloggs | 17:22 |
smudger | if i boot into another distro as fred bloggs they are now owned by fred | 17:23 |
TheSheep | let me guess, with previous distros you only had one user and it always was the first user on that system | 17:23 |
smudger | and back again to joe if i boot in as joe | 17:23 |
smudger | yes | 17:23 |
TheSheep | xubuntu doesn't *change* the rights, those users just have the same user id | 17:24 |
TheSheep | rights are not by user name, but by user number | 17:24 |
smudger | ah ! | 17:24 |
TheSheep | and those are assigned in order in which users are created | 17:24 |
smudger | i would never have discovered that via google | 17:24 |
TheSheep | you would, but that's beside the point | 17:24 |
smudger | unless i knew already.. | 17:24 |
TheSheep | how do you think I know it? | 17:25 |
bazhang | manpages | 17:25 |
TheSheep | bitcycle: you got me, but they are on google now too | 17:25 |
TheSheep | bazhang: ^^ | 17:25 |
bazhang | perhaps man hier | 17:25 |
TheSheep | bitcycle: sorry, tab fail | 17:25 |
bazhang | heh | 17:26 |
smudger | well there is no point in support channel if man could live by manpages alone ;) | 17:26 |
TheSheep | bazhang: man chown | 17:26 |
bazhang | TheSheep, thanks for the correction | 17:26 |
TheSheep | smudger: no, I was just getting tired explaining and was hoping someone would take over | 17:26 |
smudger | ok so the easiest thing would be to swap user id's? | 17:27 |
TheSheep | I suppose so | 17:27 |
smudger | k i'll try that | 17:27 |
TheSheep | I would create another user just to be safe | 17:27 |
TheSheep | so that you don't lock yourself out | 17:27 |
smudger | k | 17:28 |
TheSheep | I think you would need to edit /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow | 17:28 |
smudger | etc/shadow i don't know | 17:29 |
smudger | before i just added new user to sudo group - apparently passwd method deprecated or so duckduck told me | 17:30 |
TheSheep | it's like /etc/passwd, but with additional information | 17:30 |
smudger | k i'll research it tnx | 17:30 |
TheSheep | man /etc/passwd | 17:30 |
TheSheep | :D | 17:30 |
smudger | hehe | 17:31 |
TheSheep | sorry | 17:31 |
TheSheep | man 5 passwd | 17:31 |
TheSheep | and man 5 shadow | 17:31 |
smudger | do i have to man 5 ? | 17:33 |
smudger | is that page 5 | 17:33 |
TheSheep | you need to type 'man 5 passwd' it tells it to look for passw in the section 5 of the man | 17:34 |
smudger | that's actually more user-friendly than i've seen before# | 17:34 |
TheSheep | because there is also passwd in section 2 that it would pick if you didn't specify it | 17:34 |
smudger | much more accessible | 17:34 |
smudger | ah section 5 | 17:34 |
TheSheep | you can always do 'man man' :D | 17:35 |
bazhang | smudger, manpages.ubuntu.com if you prefer online | 17:39 |
smudger | k | 17:42 |
smudger | k i am running into a problem that the original user is not showing up as logged in but users and groups seems to think he is and will not allow me to change userid. very persistent. | 17:56 |
smudger | ok terminal method as per manpages worked. now to see if it makes any difference.. | 18:07 |
smudger | geronimo it works a treat | 18:08 |
bernz | hi, channel. :-) so... my fairly-standard xubuntu system has two audio output devices, the mainboard built-in audio controller, and an HDMI out on the third-party video card. i'm using an HDMI cable to connect the PC to my TV, but i also have a third-party amplifier that connects with line-audio (not HDMI); i can select my output device, but can i have output mirrored on both devices? i'm comfortable with editing config files :-) | 19:09 |
holstein | i would try pavucontrol | 19:11 |
TheSheep | bazhang: I think you should be able to do it with pavucontrol | 19:11 |
bazhang | TheSheep, sure, sounds right | 19:12 |
bazhang | bernz, ^ | 19:12 |
TheSheep | bazhang: my tab is failing today :( | 19:12 |
bernz | pavucontrol? okay, looking into it, thanks :-) | 19:35 |
bernz | right, okay, this is the GUI audio control panel, so... on there, there's a "default" check... what i want, essentially, is to be able to make both devices the "default" (yes, that's strictly speaking nonsense, but you know what i mean ;-) ) | 19:36 |
bernz | i want both drivers to produce an audio stream | 19:36 |
bernz | (so i can connect my onboard audio-out to my amplifier) | 19:36 |
bernz | now... IF hdmi works passively, then i could just buy another HDMI cable, and hook that up to my amplifier | 19:37 |
bernz | (i want to be able to play music with the amp, with the TV off) | 19:37 |
holstein | bernz: route what you want, on a per application level in pavucontrol | 19:38 |
bernz | okay, in the 'Playback' tab, processes that are making sound are listed, and i can choose a device... how can i choose more than one, so to speak? | 19:42 |
bernz | it's a picklist; i can only choose one item :-/ | 19:42 |
bernz | i want a checklistbox :-] | 19:43 |
bernz | do i need a special ALSA plugin, perhaps? | 19:43 |
holstein | for what? | 19:45 |
holstein | i would just look in pavucontrol and route | 19:45 |
holstein | OR, i migt just do it outside the box.. analog | 19:45 |
smudger | fwiw just found this tip to improve xfce stuff like making it a lot easier to use the handles to resize windows | 19:53 |
smudger | sudo xfwm4 --replace | 19:54 |
smudger | it doesn;t just pretty up borders but makes the windows a lot more stable and manageable | 19:55 |
smudger | https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/xubuntu | 19:56 |
bernz | holstein, my amp has an HDMI-in, and HDMI-out, so i can pass both A+V through the amp, then on to the TV's HDMI-in, but i only have one cable at the moment. i thought i might be able to get the HDMI audio and analog audio producing the same output (more or less) and run the analog to the amp, so when the TV is off, there's still music. :-] | 20:07 |
bernz | thought there might be a virtual device that's a "cloner" that lets you set up a few slave devices, and then if you set that "device" as your default, it would play to all devices simultaneously | 20:08 |
bernz | oh snap, i just found this: http://alsa.opensrc.org/.asoundrc#Joining_devices_to_make_multichannel ... looks promising | 20:11 |
bernz | actually, even better: http://alsa.opensrc.org/.asoundrc#Dupe_output_to_multiple_cards | 20:11 |
bazhang | nice find | 20:13 |
socket939 | how many african-americans use ubuntu? | 20:19 |
bazhang | socket939, thats not a support question, nor appropriate | 20:20 |
socket939 | well, i'm waiting for an answer | 20:20 |
socket939 | how many use ubuntu? | 20:20 |
bazhang | socket939, please stop | 20:21 |
socket939 | please answer my question | 20:21 |
bazhang | socket939, please see my PM | 20:21 |
socket939 | how do i see PMs | 20:21 |
jkas69 | hola | 20:23 |
bernz | alright, i'm off to read up on ALSA. bye for now. :-) | 20:25 |
cc | i thought i had this fixed but nope. im loosing dns it seems to come and go. all other network tasks work fine but dns lookup fails for a few seconds at a time. i have tryed the old kernal it seemed to work but now is doing it as well. | 20:29 |
itz_ | hi | 20:37 |
itz_ | I need a bit of help | 20:37 |
itz_ | How can I display the window list menu (the thing that pops up when I middle click on desktop) *from a script or a program*? | 20:38 |
bazhang | then ask a question | 20:38 |
itz_ | basically, I want to bind it to a keystroke | 20:39 |
itz_ | hmm anyone? | 20:44 |
holstein | itz_: whats the issue? | 20:46 |
itz_ | How can I display the window list menu (the thing that pops up when I middle click on desktop) *from a script or a program*? | 20:46 |
holstein | http://askubuntu.com/questions/90513/how-do-i-change-my-keyboard-shortcuts-in-xubuntu | 20:46 |
itz_ | but what is the program I need to start? | 20:47 |
holstein | itz_: not sure.. i used kupfer | 20:48 |
holstein | itz_: when you press the super key? | 20:48 |
itz_ | I have several other Super-X combinations already. I did them just with the xfce GUI. | 20:49 |
itz_ | but this operation is not listed in the GUI. | 20:49 |
holstein | itz_: from a default install is it he superkey menu? | 20:49 |
holstein | the* | 20:49 |
itz_ | hmm I don't know - maybe. because I have used the Super key for things, if there was a defualt binding it is gone. | 20:50 |
holstein | itz_: you can try from a live CD, or as a newuser.. the guest users | 20:50 |
itz_ | ok that is in idea | 20:50 |
itz_ | but even if that works, that will not tell me the program I need to invoke | 20:51 |
holstein | mabye http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfdesktop/advanced is relevant | 20:51 |
itz_ | it will be just some GUI name for the operation | 20:51 |
holstein | "You can open the menu or window list from the commandline as well. This can be useful for keyboard shortcuts. To open the menu run the command xfdesktop –menu, and for the windowlist use xfdesktop –windowlist. To cause the current running instance to quit, run xfdesktop –quit." | 20:51 |
holstein | from "xfce open menu command" search | 20:52 |
itz_ | Great!! you're a darling. | 20:53 |
Hank_in_SD | I keep getting a java is missing error but I have java installed in xubuntu 12.10 can anyone please help? | 21:37 |
MaxBoivin | Hello, I have a weird problem I don't know if someone will be able to help me; when I maximize a window in xubuntu 12.10 it doesn't go all the way to the bottom panel. | 21:42 |
slarty | hi, does anyone know of a *definitive* solution to sound issues in xubuntu, namely pulse/alsa/Master/Headphone inconsistencies? | 21:43 |
slarty | I'm still using xubuntu 11.10 and have tried many solutions for over a year to no avail. | 21:46 |
slarty | sorry MaxBoivin, I don't know - possibly your bottom panel is set to 100% transparent? | 21:49 |
MaxBoivin | No, I see my bottom panel. I only use one panel and there is some dead space between the top of the panel and the botom of the windows... I don't see anything that would stop the windows. | 21:51 |
slarty | and you've right-clicked and played with 'Panel Preferences'? Tried moving it/ changing vertical? | 21:57 |
MaxBoivin | Yes I have tried all this... I have tried adding another panel on top of the panel I have... the window was then going all the way to this new panel. When I removed this extra panel the window didn't adapt. | 21:59 |
slarty | odd, I'm afraid I don't know an answer sorry | 22:01 |
MaxBoivin | nope | 22:02 |
MaxBoivin | no problem | 22:02 |
slarty | Anyone know of the "proper" way to control sound under xubuntu? Pulse/Alsa, Master/Headphones/PCM shortcuts, mousewheel. == headache for months | 22:12 |
braden_ | Is there a way to work around elevated privileges for network setting and other apps that require root? Like network setting... Cant save eth settings... I know I can gksu nm-connection-editor form terminal but what a pain. Should it not prompt me for root access password when required? | 22:15 |
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