
=== zmoylan1 is now known as zmoylan
chrono800hello, anyone home?? =-O22:43
chrono800I'm a friend of airurando and come in peace and seek more knowlege of the ubuntu world ! Am I in the right place?? :-D Anyone?22:47
moylan70you are, but it's late and few are about22:47
moylan70can i help?22:48
chrono800cool !22:48
chrono800I haven't been into an IRC chat room since 1994 so abit rusty of the correct current protocols !!22:49
chrono800Any must know ones in here?22:50
moylan70it's a monitored channel for ubuntu so they ask that you adhere to their tos, mostly no profanity22:51
chrono800I can manage that, I'm an old school friend of airurando's You can blame him for letting me in22:52
chrono800he never shuts up about ubuntu, the man is possessed and obsessed with it!! :)22:53
moylan70much too late for airurando to be about22:53
moylan70it's a game changer in an industry to now ruled by megacorporations22:54
chrono800I just spoke to him on phone !! Apparently there is a gettogether in here next wed 8.30pm.  Might pop back then!22:54
moylan70should be here myself22:55
moylan70usually about due to insomnia :-/22:55
chrono800I was at the UL skynet conf last year with Mike, where you at that too?22:56
moylan70not last years one, no22:56
chrono800I was really impressed, I've worked for some of these megacorporations including dare I say it MS !! Oh its out....!22:57
chrono800They are not all BAD !!22:58
moylan70oooooh, brave admission :-)22:58
chrono800I knoooooow!! ;)22:59
moylan70i know some channels that would have the tar warming up on that admission22:59
chrono800whats your interest in ubuntu, are you a techie lover like me?23:00
moylan70worked in i.t. programmer, tech support and general geek23:01
chrono800Say it LOUD and be PROUD !! Brother? Sister?23:02
moylan70human, allegedly :-)23:03
chrono800That will do :) !! Anything after that is just gravy...;)23:04
chrono800What do you prefer programming or tech. support?  I was never much good at code myself?23:05
chrono800Prob a daft q. might see you here next wed. bye :)23:08
moylan70programming, cya23:10

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