
=== SkavenXXI-[OFF] is now known as SkavenXXI
eskimoequick question for anyone, is ubuntu touch specific to tablets and phones?  more so than the 13.04 raring ringtail for nexus 7?  i've been running 13.04 on my nexus without many problems and just wondering if touch is worth looking into.00:27
=== Tassadar is now known as Guest18699
eskimoeyes worth it or just yes specific to tabs?00:28
eskimoedoes touch still have all the functionality of 13.04 or just a more dumbed down version for phones.  i rather like python and pygame development with gimp on the side on my tablet.00:30
RobbyFtouch doesn't get 13.04 until next week or so00:31
RobbyFand for now it's a dumb down version.00:32
eskimoeah so best to just stick with 13.04 for nexus00:32
RobbyFwell it's the exact same thing really.00:32
eskimoei havent seen too much of touch but from what i have it seems like a windows 8 kind of thing00:33
eskimoejust lacking a 'desktop' feel if theres such a thing for mobile00:33
RobbyFdesktop apps can work on it00:34
eskimoestill have a terminal or all gui based?00:35
RobbyFkeyword can, they have to be written for it. but lots are.00:35
RobbyFI havn't installed any gui working ones yet.00:35
RobbyFit's a pain to launch them until more development00:35
eskimoeah i see i know all this is very early in development but just trying to keep up with the latest lol00:36
RobbyFsame here.00:36
RobbyFI install the images daily for the past few weeks/months00:36
eskimoehave there been any annoucements for beta 13.04 on nexus?  i seen they announced for desktop already00:37
RobbyFThere was discussion that there will be automatic daily builds for raring in early april00:38
eskimoethats not bad00:38
RobbyFthe first paragraph has some info00:39
eskimoei love it so far just needs a few more bugs worked out00:39
RobbyFyou've been installing the daily images?00:40
eskimoeive kept up pretty good on dailies but i finally came to a fairly stable image and have been waiting for a full on beta release00:41
RobbyFyou use it as a regular device?00:41
eskimoei multirom with jellybean 4.2.2 for my android os00:42
eskimoeas far as using it i do python and pygame programming with gimp for sprite editing and an android app for sound00:43
eskimoethats why ive stayed with one image for a while since it works perfect to stream radio and code away mobile00:44
RobbyFya I use nexus 4 4.2.2 for my everyday and galaxy nexus for ubuntu00:44
eskimoeah nice00:44
eskimoethe only flaw is the touch controls crashes it more than anything.  bt mouse/keyboard work perfect though00:45
tassadar_by the way, if you're talking about raring desktop images for nexus 7, you can update it without reinstalling the whole daily image00:46
eskimoethats what ive been doing00:47
tassadar_ah, okay, just sounded like you were downloading the daily images00:47
eskimoemuch more stable as of late00:47
RobbyF< i reflash daily for galaxy nexus00:47
eskimoei have all my stuff setup a quick apt update works perfect00:48
eskimoei cant seem to get flash to go tho i have flash player on my droid os but i cant seem to get it on ubuntu00:49
eskimoei heard you can recompile from source and dl the droid libs but if its already on here couldnt i somehow use symlinks to get it working?00:49
tassadar_adobe flash sources are available? Oo00:50
eskimoegoogle flash player archive and click the first site00:51
eskimoefrom tars to zips all versions to 11.2xxx00:51
eskimoedroid specific ones as well00:51
eskimoea little glitchy but works well enough to youtube etc and like fb games00:52
eskimoehas any successfully been able to run blender on phone/tablet besides blenderplayer, the actual program?00:57
dank101Who else here is a Doctor who fan01:07
eskimoenever seen it01:07
dank101and you use ubuntu01:08
dank101WATCH IT NOW01:08
eskimoehaha hows it related to an os?01:08
dank101comes from Britain01:09
dank101most ubuntu user01:09
eskimoeah state side here friend haha01:10
dank101most ubuntu users watch it01:10
eskimoei see mite have to check that one out01:11
dank101its on BBC in a few hours01:11
dank10117 hours in Britain01:11
eskimoe-5 gmt here01:12
dank101same as me, eh?01:12
HazzaAt my local hacker space they built robot dog from doctor who01:12
RobbyF-5 gmt here01:12
dank1018 a clock EST01:14
dank101same as -5 GMT01:14
tassadar_2 AM, still awake, and I blame it on webOS!01:14
eskimoe9 here01:14
eskimoewell -5/-4 depends on dst01:14
eskimoeanyone play age of wushu?01:18
dank1019 for you01:34
dank101Doctor Whio01:35
eskimoeah yeah01:35
eskimoeim watching the universe haha01:35
moocow1452Knock Knock...01:49
dank101whos der01:52
moocow1452Disgrunteled Porter...02:01
moocow1452Anyway, what does the "refs/head/cm10.1" flag reference when importing a git from a Cyanogen project?02:06
dank101make the repo not explode02:06
dank101and your computer02:06
dank101and your mum02:06
moocow1452Wouldn't want that.02:07
moocow1452I'm porting to the Nook Touch, and reffing the Kernel and Device as bn/encore seem to toss an error when looking for it. Would that be something wrong with the repo or my code?02:08
moocow1452It's a tablet and I use it, and it can run 10.102:10
moocow1452FInally, needed to use the NookieDevs  branch, and the head flag...02:11
dank101Yeah :P02:11
moocow1452Is this what good feels like?02:11
dank101Now get ready for so much work your brain will explode02:13
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=== SkavenXXI is now known as SkavenXXI-[OFF]
zikalifyhi all, I've got UTouch on xoom and some text is garbled (just blocks where letters should be) I was thinking about resetting the install either by reinstalling it or something else, what will happen if i go to recovery and press wipe data, does ubuntu os get deleted then?02:48
eskimoejust the install the package should still be there tho02:49
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eskimoeeither tar.gz. or .zip or whichever02:49
eskimoejust make sure to always back up everything before doing anything at least what you want to keep02:53
eskimoeis there a way to upgrade the nvidia tegra 3 drivers?  according to my sys info i have unknown drivers etc02:59
dank101on your port or your comp03:01
dank101it's too risky03:01
eskimoeon this preinstall desktop image03:04
dank101it to dangerous to go alone take this03:06
eskimoei read something about being able to somehow build from source into the install or your system but im not quite sure on it03:06
eskimoevia https://developer.nvidia.com/linux-tegra03:07
dank101it's too dangerous03:08
dank101and no03:09
dank101android based03:09
dank101it's CHROOT and android03:10
dank101it would break it03:10
eskimoeah so there is no way to do a full install even running a rom?03:13
dank101it would break EVERYTHING03:14
dank101it comes in CM03:14
zikalifyhow often are ubuntu touch images released?03:14
eskimoetheyre all just dev versions atm i believe03:15
eskimoenothing officially 'released' yet03:15
zikalifyAh ok, my xoom is suffering from this atm D: https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/115750803:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1157508 in touch-preview-images "Keyboard not showing up for wifi password entry on Nexus 10" [High,Confirmed]03:16
eskimoeit does that on nexus 7 the only way it shows up is in portrait03:17
zikalifydo i have to do anything to get mine to switch to portrait? simply turning the device doesnt do anything :(03:18
dank101battery pull03:18
dank101thats the fix03:18
dank101(no joke)03:18
eskimoenot sure on 10".. ^^ try that ^^03:20
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eskimoeyou could always get a usb/bt keyboard to use that works great also03:38
dank101not really...03:43
dank101not implemented03:43
eskimoeworks not to bad for me at least03:43
zikalifyI don't have a way to plug in a keyboard to my tablet :/ i did leave my wifi open yesterday just to check the wireless worked (it does)03:43
dank101doesn't have a cursor03:44
zikalifyApparently this is the reason for the blocky text in the build im running http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=38660637#post3866063703:45
eskimoealso may be slightly different between touch and preinstalled.. didnt think of that03:45
eskimoefood sounds about right03:57
dank101i kinda like blood taste03:58
dank101because it doesn't actually work03:59
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dzpqzbubuntu touch is so demo04:12
dzpqzbcan not send sms04:12
dzpqzbhow long will it take that is able to send sms04:13
eskimoeonce theres a full release i would think at least they should be then haha04:15
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zikalifyI think I can do with a late night mini pizza :P04:24
eskimoemaking me some sort of pf changs dinner thing sounds tasty04:25
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wfiregood evening everyone04:48
wfireis there anyone around who would like a curiosity discussion about the tabs qml ubuntu component for ubuntu touch04:48
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wfireit has me at a stand still on my app04:49
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dank101wfire, Ask in a few hours when it everyone is awake04:59
wfirehehehe I will be asleep05:00
wfirebut thanks anyway05:00
wfirethink I am going to wipe everything out and start over05:00
wfirenothing seems to be easy with this stuff05:00
wfireI just keep banging my head against the wall05:00
dank101what time zone05:00
wfireUSA eastern05:00
wfireits 1 am right now for me05:00
dank101i knpw05:01
dank101i am USA eastern too05:01
wfireyeah I am falling asleep in my chair right now05:01
dank101ask abot 6am - 4pm05:01
wfiretoo tired to fight it05:01
wfirethanks dank101 I will come back05:01
dank101no prob05:01
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zikalify5.20am here05:20
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dank101anyone else here doctor who fans06:26
tzappel-tobi@ all07:24
tzappel-tobii have installed Ubuntu on my Nexus-4 Phone07:26
tzappel-tobii have some issue on the phone and i will be sure that i don't do any mistakes on flashing Ubuntu on my phone07:27
tzappel-tobii started to installed quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip on my phone, is that right ??07:28
harishhi am having a karboon tablet want to install ubuntu touch07:53
harishany advice07:53
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dmj_novaSo I'm still a bit unclear on how to theme some of the core ubuntu qt elements09:01
dmj_novahow would one modify the theming on the page header?09:02
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dank101Mwa, ha, ha... Humans and there desires! I'm free at last! I bring you destruction... I bring you terror.. I am Czar... Prepare yourselves!09:53
* ogra_ guesses sergiusens isnt around ... looks like we dont have a new image today ...11:33
=== SkavenXXI-[OFF] is now known as SkavenXXI
don-mc-selfHi @ all12:03
don-mc-selfhi is there a possible way to close the open applications on ubuntu mobile ?? i can't find any button for close12:04
don-mc-selfbetter i mean the running apps12:04
ogra_swip from the bottom until you see the looking glass ...12:06
ogra_then tap on the X that shows up at the bottom12:06
don-mc-selfthanks for that ogra ..12:08
don-mc-selfit's working12:08
sergiusensogra_: always around, let me ask.... there were hardware upgrades going on last night, but I think they shouldn've finished by now (might be wrong), mmrazik might know12:13
ogra_yeah, as i read it they shouldnt affect the image builders12:14
ogra_but i cant even reach jenkins atm12:14
ogra_(though my VPN isnt really solid on the chromebook)12:14
ogra_as long as it comes back i'm not worried :)12:15
sergiusensogra_: unless there were IP changes, and that just makes it _interesting_12:15
ogra_ugh, hopefully not12:15
ogra_i didnt plan to actually work this weekend :)12:16
ogra_(though a one line change in my scripts might be doable ... )12:16
sergiusensogra_: don't forget about IS :-/12:16
pmcgowansergiusens: martin said jenkins would be out most of today12:17
pmcgowanback sometime today hopefully, worst case by monday12:17
sergiusenspmcgowan: thanks, let me send out an email12:18
mmrazikogra_: jenkins changed IP address12:18
ogra_ah, the mail sounded different12:18
ogra_mmrazik, EEK !12:18
mmrazikogra_: see the mail12:18
mmrazikpmcgowan, sergiusens: I consider jenkins to be up12:18
mmrazikdid some tests, fixed some issues. No issues I'm currently aware of12:19
mmrazikwas about the send an e-mail12:19
sergiusensmmrazik: thanks, I'll go and see if I can reach IS12:20
mmraziksergiusens: I was actually asking about that couple of days ago on IRC12:20
mmraziksergiusens: the VMs didn't change their IPs12:20
mmrazikso I would hope all still works12:20
ogra_sync script updated12:20
ogra_should sync at :3512:21
sergiusensmmrazik: cdimage pulls from jenkins (the webfront)12:21
ogra_it will now ...12:21
sergiusensogra_: check if you can reach it12:21
ogra_i missed the bit that talked about the IP change in the mail12:21
ogra_sergiusens, i do12:21
sergiusensogra_: just to see if I need to talk to IS12:21
sergiusensogra_: so I don't need to go to IS?12:22
ogra_should be all fine ... you should get sync mail around :40-:4512:22
ogra_only if that mail doesnt show up :)12:22
ogra_i could sync manually but i want to be sure the cron job works fine, so lets just wait12:22
ogra_Ip is updated in the script and i can reach the site in my browser just fine12:23
sergiusensogra_: let automation do its thing :-)12:23
ogra_yep :)12:23
sergiusensmmrazik: sorry, I missed the IP change in the email too :-/12:23
ogra_you should have used <blink><red> :) for us blind people12:24
mmraziksergiusens: I originally wanted naartjie to be jenkins and have the other stuff moved. But in the end it was more practical to move the jenkins service as it dosn't need as many resources as a virtualization and/or build server12:24
* ogra_ blames his age 12:24
sergiusensmmrazik: yeah I recall that initial conversation, that might have made my mind slip12:26
mmrazikso is the cdimage thing a big deal or can we fix easily?12:27
* mmrazik wonders if we need to workaround12:27
sergiusensmmrazik: it's already fixed12:27
sergiusensmmrazik: read ogra_ 's comment above :-)12:27
ogra_just waiting for the automation to prove its alright12:28
mmraziksergiusens: btw the jenkins startup time is now superb12:28
ogra_sync starts at :35 and should be finished about 10min later12:28
mmrazikI start to think we didn't migrate all the jobs (but couldn't find any missing)12:28
ogra_the image builds are definitely fine12:28
ogra_i see build 51 in my browser from today12:29
sergiusensmmrazik: I'm trying to connect to the VPN and figure that out12:29
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sergiusensmmrazik: awesome!12:35
sergiusensmmrazik: on startup time :-)12:35
sergiusensmmrazik: so phablet-dput is missing12:36
mmraziksergiusens: checking12:40
don-mc-selfHi, also a new question, is it normal when i try to edit a contact, that at first comes up the Keyboard Layout and later i can save or delete  the contact  or must be at first comes the submenu with delete and safe ???12:40
mmraziksergiusens: weird. the job directory is completely missing12:41
mmraziklet me compare12:41
denz_does anybody know how to contact canonical via email, e.t.c without leaving your job references?12:43
Guest1538salve a tutti...ho appena installato ubuntu touch sul mio galaxy nexus e vorrei, se possibile, qualche aiutino12:46
ogra_denz_, what team/category do you want to contact specifically ?12:46
mmraziksergiusens: phablet-dput should be back12:47
Guest1538c'รจ qualcuno?12:47
k1lGuest1538: most chances to get an answer is to ask in english12:47
sergiusensmmrazik: thanks, its the only noteworthy one I saw... did you just copy over the job dir?12:48
Guest1538hi i've just installed on my galaxy nexus ubuntu touch12:48
Guest1538and i need help12:48
Guest1538someone can help me?12:48
mmraziksergiusens: yes. comparing the "jobs/" directories there is one more missing (which is mine). I'm a bit more worried there are ~80 more jobs on psoglav12:48
k1lGuest1538: what is the problem?12:48
Guest1538first of all how i can import my contacts?12:49
mmrazikand it looks like I was deleting a good bunch of those additional jobs recently12:49
ogra_Guest1538, see the ReleaseNotes wikipage from the channel topic12:49
sergiusensGuest1538: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes12:50
Guest1538i did already, but something didn't work12:50
ogra_sergiusens, mmrazik.... hmm, looks like IS needs to change the firewall rules for the new IP ... i see wget being stuck on cdimage12:51
sergiusensogra_: so it isn't reachable? :-/12:51
ogra_right, i assume so12:52
ogra_even a manual wget doesnt work12:52
mmrazikogra_, sergiusens: maybe we scp what we need to naartjie once the job has finished?12:52
sergiusensmmrazik: well the firewall rule is only for IP _and_ port12:53
ogra_well, currently only the old IP via port 8080 seems to be open12:53
ogra_so they need to move the rule to the new IP12:53
sergiusensogra_: no vanguard today though12:53
ogra_and an RT will also take until mon/tue at least12:54
sergiusensogra_: well I'm logging an rt12:56
sergiusensogra_: we can live without a Sat/Sun build...12:56
ogra_i think so too12:56
sergiusensogra_: first vanguard should be avail Sunday evening in the far east12:57
ogra_ah, yeah, they might not have a oliday on monday12:57
* ogra_ never is sure which countries have which days off around easter12:57
ogra_we germans are spoiled :) fri and mon .... :)12:58
sergiusensogra_: I was supposed to be off from this past Thursday and be back on Wednesday ;-)12:59
ogra_ahah, enjoy your vacation then :)12:59
don-mc-self Hi, also a new question, is it normal when i try to edit a contact, that at first comes up the Keyboard Layout and later i can save or delete  the contact  or must be at first comes the submenu with delete and safe ???13:19
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webcommanderHow do you import a .csv file to a nexus 4 running ubuntu touch15:58
dank101get ready17:47
TofeHello !18:36
TofeIs there a lightweight version of the build of the android binaries ? I mean, downloading 15Gb of sources to simply build the lowest layers seems a bit overkill...18:44
SanjayUbuntu touch for micromax devices19:35
SanjayIs it available19:35
SanjayIs ubuntu touch developer preview available for micromax devices ?19:38
=== darkness is now known as Guest41531
Guest41531i just installed successfully. where is the keyboard?21:17
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desktopi'm trying to port touch to the HTC Vision/Desire Z/T-Mobile G2, there isn't official support for cm 10.1 on the Vision, however Andromadus provides unofficial support for it, is it still possible for me to port touch to my phone using the files Andromadus provides?23:19
dank101you can even use AOSP23:20
desktopahh yeah i knew that... just didn't click lol23:20
desktopif i do successfully port it, how would i go about making it publically available?23:20
desktopis it some lengthy complex process, or is it fairly simple/23:21
dank101i'm porting to 86x right now23:21
desktopcool, well i may be able to add the vision to the supported devices list then :P23:22
desktopomg phablet takes forever23:33
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MBaumiis there any vid of clock or calendar in action?23:36
MBaumi*clock or weather23:36
MBaumiany1 here or all AFK? or sleeping? :D23:39
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