[00:39] I'm getting a whole bunch of 503's, anything going on? [00:49] cjohnston: What is the content of the 503? [00:49] they've fone away, but browsing code [00:50] Ah [00:50] codebrowse is an entirely separate system [06:47] Hello, is there a news source I can go to to find out more about why imports are down/when they will be back up? Thank you! [07:31] staticfloat: They should be back on Monday. We took them down for a couple of days to ease load on some failing hardware as it's replaced. [07:35] Awesome, thank you for that wgrant. I can take the weekend off. :) === Guest11853 is now known as nesthib === blair is now known as blair_ === blair_ is now known as blair [20:35] hey guys, any reason why import is taking forever right now? :| [20:38] ESphynx: see the topic [20:39] ah! :) hehe tahnks