
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
k1l<jswagner>s task seems to be getting everyone to the gnome remix or uninstall compiz :/10:39
bazhangBluewolf has lots of these what if type questions with no real point10:50
bazhanghow do I "open my D: drive with wine" and such like10:51
harrisbazhang, can i please be unmuted15:08
harrisIdleOne, can i please be unmuted15:09
IdleOneYou will have to wait for k1l to be active. He will see the message when he is back at his computer and I will make sure he sends you a message letting you know to join here when he is.15:12
IdleOnetill then, no.15:12
IdleOnethis conversation in here we are having right now.15:13
ubottuIn ubottu, MiNa said: joomla is a one program15:33
Tm_Talso 24 hours isn't up, oh well15:38
k1lIdleOne: any action on/with harris in the meantime?17:03
k1lif he comes back again (and im not here) im fine with releasing the mute when he is told to pay some more attention and not to spam his question every minute.17:04
bazhang[angelicrape] (~ubuntu@ help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation  <--- ban dodging?17:58
bazhang<wilee-nilee> ero-jiji, Cool, any hd over 70% full will start to fragment even in linux so keep an eye on that.18:11
bazhangcorrect? or suspect18:11
IdleOnenever heard that before but who knows18:14
bazhangthought ext3 removed that possibility18:15
k1li think that was why ext3/4 got a journaling18:16
k1l@ angelicrape. i kicked him for linkspam and his nick. but didnt set a ban18:28
=== jtrucks is now known as techmuse
=== techmuse is now known as jtrucks
ubottuwilee-nilee called the ops in #ubuntu (DunEvenOit)21:39

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