
Omnifroghahahahahahaha   http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2013/03/north-korea-puts-its-war-machine-on-display/100481/01:38
Omnifroghow do youuu remove a ban from IRC03:04
Omnifrogthis is a very quiet place. I'm really surprised there are so many lurkers and so few chatters04:22
Omnifrogthis must change04:22
Omnifrogso I have a proposal04:31
Omnifroga live g+ hangout where anyone here can join it it will be broadcast live so everyone can listen04:33
Omnifrogjust a thought04:34
Omnifrogpick a time04:35
Omnifrogonce a week04:36
=== Omnifrog is now known as Omnifrog|pond
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
cyberangerOmnifrog|pond: Sunday 2am, my lunch hour05:31
cyberanger(highlighting the unfortunate nature of the problem)05:32
=== Omnifrog|pond is now known as Omnifrog
wrsthello chris458520:58
chris4585hey wrst21:11
wrstnot much how are things going for you chris4585?21:12
chris4585wrst, alright, just busy and tiring21:32
chris4585ordered a computer case, I shall receive it thursday, then I'm going to order an fx8350 and another computer case friday :)21:33
chris4585got that because the handle and size is just amazing21:33
chris4585and I kind of love NZXT21:34
wrstnice chris458521:40
wrstneat looking case21:40
chris4585thanks, its a small one21:42
chris4585but it can hold what it needs to21:42
wrstsmall is in :)21:44
chris4585well, that is an older case, but I don't care21:57
wrstcases are just cases as long as air flows and I can connect stuff I'm very happy21:58
chris4585well, I got that specifically because its an matx that can if I wanted to install an itx board, enough room in the back fro cables, big fine mesh area on the side which practically acts like a window, the handle, etc...22:13
wrsti have a mini itx for my freenas nice size sets on the hutch on my desk real nicely22:19
chris4585I'd like to have an itx computer, but they are a tad bit expensive22:47
wrsti'm using an old atom board its a little slow but works ok, zfs needs more ram is my only issue22:48
chris4585ah yeah22:55

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