
micahglen-1304: ok, will look at uploading tonight, you might need to poke someone in -release to get it out of -proposed though since we're in beta freeze03:21
len-1304micahg, Thank you.03:35
micahglen-1304: hrm, MailReader seems wrong as Firefox is a web client, not a mail client (I'm guessing you don't seed one by default)04:20
micahgTerminalEmulator=Terminal should work as Xubuntu has that04:21
len-1304When I use Terminal I get a dialog asking me to choose a terminal.04:54
len-1304When I choose one It puts the text in the user file I put in.04:54
len-1304micahg, Yes we don't have a mail client.04:54
micahgok, do you think studio needs a mail client?04:55
len-1304We have not had one as long as I can remember. Most people I know use a web client.04:56
len-1304A web client allows using it mobile04:57
len-1304We will not be adding one for R cycle for sure though.04:58
len-1304micahg, ^04:58
micahgok, so mailto links work with Firefox set?04:58
len-1304Probably not, should I rather leave it unset then?04:59
micahgidk, maybe experiment?04:59
len-1304Mailto links don't work either way.04:59
micahghrm, maybe leave it unset then?05:00
len-1304But there is a mailer item in our menu, right now it gives a dialog asking where the mailer client is.05:00
micahgright, but does setting to Firefox DTRT?  and what mailer item?, maybe that should be removed05:01
len-1304IDK where the menu item came from05:01
Len-nbOK, I'll unset it05:02
Len-nbmicahg, Ok, mailreader is unset05:06
Len-nbmicahg, the mailer menu item is part of exo-open05:15
Len-nbI don't think I should remove that05:17
micahgI think the idea is to have a sane default if there's a mail reader05:17
Len-nbanything wrong with leaving it unset then? micahg?05:19
micahgtechnically, no, but you're just guaranteeing a popup when they click on the exo item05:20
Len-nbYa better than having a new browser tab that is no help05:20
micahgit's your user experience, I'm just the upload monkey :)05:21
Len-nbA popup tells the user there is no client05:21
micahgif you're happy with that, it's fine :)05:22
Len-nbI'm not making a decision to include a mail client at this point though05:22
Len-nbok lets get it done, file manger and terminal are important05:22
micahgFWIW, I think there's a way to make Firefox work with mailto for stuff like gmail and the like, but not sure if it's worth doing that at the moment05:24
Len-nbNot everyone uses any one mail service05:24
Len-nbThe best I can get with mine is the login prompt05:25
micahgLen-nb: uploaded05:35
len-1304Ok, so I go to #ubuntu-release then? and ask what?05:35
len-1304micahg, ^05:36
len-1304I say it is in proposed then?05:36
micahghrm, it might still just migrate05:38
len-1304I'm putting an pointer to the bug anyway.05:38
micahglen-1304: you'll have to ask for it to be accepted05:38
micahgarchive is frozen05:39
len-1304micahg, I have asked05:40
len-1304micahg, having said I can't get mailto to work with squirrelmail... I just figured it out :) Helps me but not Studio.05:48
madeinkobaiaHi all, the banner preview for Google+ is on the ubuntustudio-art/ubuntustudio-resources/art branch (drafts folder) : )12:49
zequencemadeinkobaia: cool12:50
madeinkobaia: ) Hi zequence12:50
zequencemadeinkobaia: nice work!12:52
madeinkobaiaThanks a lot : )12:52
zequenceI like the wave you added 12:53
zequenceWe were thinking about something like that to emphezise what Studio is about12:53
madeinkobaiaGreat, yes it gives a graphical dynamic12:53
zequencemadeinkobaia: I like all of the material. I wouldn't mind using this right now. Also, it seems like something that would work for our next LTS, but perhaps then it would be nice to modify it a little. 13:00
zequenceJust to give it fresh feeling once LTS comes around13:01
zequenceI'd rather like to add this type of style to our website too13:02
madeinkobaiaOk, I was thinking you need something quickly for the social networks13:03
zequencelen-1304: I'm doing some updating on our Team Structure. I'm appointing madeinkobaia as our art lead. smartboyhw will be our release manager14:35
len-1304Sure, works for me.14:35
zequencelen-1304: I'll also want to add smartboyhw to our development team. I feel he's better in sync with how that works now, and he shouldn't be touching the source unless there's a reason (like when needing to fix a bug, and no one else is around)14:36
len-1304zequence, I don't know if you are keeping notes but it has been suggested we ship parted... not just on the ISO but to install as well14:36
zequencelen-1304: We don't have any partition manager at all?14:36
zequenceIf no, I agree14:37
len-1304I don't see it in my menu.14:37
zequencelen-1304: I kind of picture you as being responsible for desktop functionality, since you are doing most of the work on that14:38
len-1304I don't mind14:38
len-1304zequence, new version of our settings package today.14:45
len-1304zequence, as part of that update, we came across the question about a mail reader.14:46
len-1304I am not sure why we don't ship one. (I don't use one and so don't care personally)14:47
len-1304But I am guessing it is the same as why we don't have a word processor etc.14:47
zequenceIf we ship those, we should either use what Xubuntu uses, or use really light weight alternatives14:48
zequenceDo they include Libre Office (that would be too much IMO)14:48
len-1304That is just it, they have abiword, but anyone who needs a word processor would install libre office anyway.14:49
len-1304So why provide anything?14:50
len-1304We already have an office sw installer, maybe just add mail clients that way too.14:51
len-1304A lot of people use some sort of web mail client anyway.14:51
zequencelen-1304: sw isntaller sounds good14:53
zequenceIt's probably something publishing would want, btw14:53
len-1304Well there is one in office too., but some of those things could be duplicated in publishing... but really the default place for a word processor is in office.14:54
zequenceok, just became member of Debian Multimedia Team :)15:42
len-1304whats next? :)15:47
zequencelen-1304: I'll start doing some packaging for them. Probably some puredata libraries. Should be simple enough. 15:48
len-1304Good start15:48
zequenceI think I want to see about what would be the best way to package jackd though15:48
zequenceConsidering the problems with realtimeprivilege, and groups15:48
zequenceWe might need to introduce a new group, and make it default on Debian, Ubuntu and other derivatives15:49
zequencerealtime is one that is suggested. It makes sense for realtime but not much else15:52
zequencefirewire devices need audio group atm15:52
zequenceMaybe that could be changed to "multimedia"15:52
len-1304I am still not understanding what the problem with the audio group is.16:06
len-1304As long as the audio servers are in user space...16:08
zequencelen-1304: According to Ubuntu, it's bad security policy to have the users in audio group, or something. It feels like it's been hijacked by pulseaudio16:09
len-1304any group will be a possible problem for remote logins16:09
len-1304Why? what is the security problem?16:09
zequencelen-1304: Don't ask me16:10
len-1304Maybe that is the case for the average desktop user where pulse is the only sound server.16:10
len-1304but where the user must be able to stop and start sound servers, even if RT was run under some other group, the user would need to be able to control pulse.16:11
zequencefirewire devices point to audio group, but perhaps they should have their own group, a new one called firewire. and realtime privilege to realtime16:12
len-1304The jack-pa bridge should be RT so there would still be a group shared by pa and other audio stuff16:12
len-1304Should a strictly video FW device have audio or rt? Or just audio devices?16:13
len-1304Doing something blanket for FW devices seems wrong too.16:14
zequenceAre you maybe mixing things up?16:15
len-1304Audio is inherently a low latency or RT process. so really the audio group makes sense16:15
zequenceAFAIK, applications want realtime, and if the user has the privilege, the apps will get it16:15
zequencefirewire devices can't be run, unless the user has the athority. Currently, the athority is given through audio group. It could be anything16:15
len-1304SO the same is true for a camera too?16:16
zequenceI have no idea16:16
zequenceI only know about the specific devices that ffado needs privilege for, and those are listed in the udev rules file16:16
zequenceYou can use firewire devices without rt privilege, but not without being in audio group as the udev rules file grants permission through that group16:17
zequenceSo, the audio group problem is not only limited to realtime16:18
len-1304Does PA use RT priv for it's normal operation.16:19
len-1304Lets say we have an RT group. Now in order for jack to have access to the device would it still need to be in the audio group?16:20
len-1304If not, why does PA need to be in the audio group?16:20
zequenceNot using the audio group, I dont' think.16:23
zequenceI have no idea16:24
len-1304audio:x:29:pulse,joe why is pulse in the audio group if it doesn't need it?16:24
zequencepulse is not in the audio group because of RT anyway16:25
zequenceWhat makes you think it doesn't need the group16:25
len-1304No, because it is there if jack is installed or not16:25
len-1304I am just wondering why.16:26
len-1304My thought is that if pulse needs it then how can jackd run without it? (though not in RT)16:26
zequenceTo get rtprio and memlock, you just let /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf point to another group, and make the user member of it16:27
len-1304My thought is that jackd should have to be both a part of the audio group and a part of the RT group16:27
len-1304the audio group would give access to the device and the rt access to rt.16:28
len-1304So it would still be proper for FW devices/drivers to need audio group.16:29
zequencejackd is not a member of any group16:32
zequencepulse is member of audio group. The user doens't need to be a member of audio group as long as the other two configs point to other groups16:33
zequencesuch as, for example, realtime and firewire16:33
zequencepulse has no interest in firewire devices16:33
zequenceand to my knowledge, has no need for rt prio either, through the user group, anywayu16:34
len-1304jack is a member of whatever the user is.16:41
len-1304But, the question is still why does pulse need the audio group?16:41
zequencepulse is a user, btw. jack is not.16:42
len-1304If the user can access alsa direct without being the the audio group then pulse should not need it either16:42
zequenceWhile of course, pulse the app is not the user.16:42
len-1304So pulse is in the audio group just in case it runs system wide?16:43
len-1304but then if it needs audio group for that then the user should need audio group for a user space pulse server as well.16:44
zequenceAs it is now, pulse is a member of audio group, the user is not. And for some reason, the user should not. This has nothing to do with either jack of firewire configuration16:46
zequenceSo, to fix jack and firewire, one way to do it is add one or two new groups, that the user *is* a member of by default16:46
len-1304perhaps pulse does not need to be either.16:46
zequenceA perfectly good question to ask Ubuntu or pulse devs, I guess16:47
len-1304This page: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/PerfectSetup gives some info.16:52
len-1304Look for the section "Should users be in the "audio" group?"16:53
len-1304We are "group" 216:53
len-1304It says "ast user switching doesn't work properly if users are in the "audio" group." 16:54
len-1304Reading that, I would say the user running jackd(bus) should be in the audio group if they are running real time or not.16:56
len-1304The user running jack would not want another user to suddenly have access to the sound device anyway.16:57
len-1304The user with audio group overrides a user without. That sounds like a good feature in a pro audio system to me.17:00
len-1304zequence, having a user in the audio group breaks the expected operation that two sessions can be open and when one is made active the audio access dynamically follows.17:02
len-1304So if I have a session for user len open and am streaming audio to pulse from a web browser, and then select switch user and login joe as well, now the joe session is being controlled by the KB/mouse then joe has access to the audio IF. If I switch back to the len session audio should follow me there.17:05
len-1304I don't know if any of this makes sense. But using a user in the audio group seems to me to break something we want to avoid anyway.17:05
len-1304My opinion is that having the pro audio user in the audio group is correct even if there is another group for RT.17:07
zequencelen-1304: All of that only affects pulseaudio, since whatever group you use with jack, that would be user specific17:12
zequenceWhat you are saying is basically, jack users are out of luck, and need to administer groups manually17:12
zequenceMy goal is to make pro audio possible without additional configs on any Debian derived distro17:15
zequenceThat has been my goal all along. 17:16
zequenceor, to clarify, no group is ever used with jack. jack wants to use rtprio and memlock, and those are administered through a group of any choice17:18
zequencethe audio group is in no way related to getting jack to work17:27
zequenceother than currently, the package adds a file which points to audio group. 17:27
madeinkobaiaBe back tomorrow, see u all :)18:42
em_Im looking for insights on thermal problems19:54
em_ping zequence19:55
em_!ping zequence19:56
em_everybody seems to be asleep...19:58
zequenceem_: What kind of problems are you having?20:01
zequence4 min is a short time to expect anyone to answer ;)20:02
zequenceMight take hours, or sometimes days depending on who is available20:02
em_Hi, Wow, thanks...20:02
em_I seldom use irc, but when I have it's usually very active20:03
zequenceem_: And, this is not really a support channel20:03
zequenceWe have #ubuntustudio for that20:03
em_I want to do some testing and file some bug reports20:03
em_but I want to make sure that I am doing it properly so that the effort is not wasted20:03
zequenceOk, that would belong on this channel :)20:03
zequenceSo, what kind of bug are you having?20:04
em_okay greta20:04
em_two bugs, both are specific to the hardware20:04
em_one bug is overheating = 81C20:04
em_other bug is audio input -- totally flakey20:05
em_I would expect that these are know issues, but not sure how to search for them20:05
zequenceWhat is overheating?20:05
em_PSensors reports cpu and video are both very hot.  video seems to run about 2 degress hotter so I suspect it may be source of problem20:07
em_its a radion (sp) video,  I have tried both the generic and propriatery drivers20:08
em_under load this laptop gets as high as 85 degress celsis yow!20:08
zequenceI've seen overheating problems with AMD, but only with free drivers. Are you sure this is an OS problem? I recently blew out some dust from my laptop fan, and dramatically decreased the temp. I mean, really much, and I didn't see the dust with my eyes20:09
zequenceThat is, I've only seen problems with AMD graphic cards20:09
em_yes, defintely os problem...  the newer the os the hotter it runs20:10
zequenceI would begin by filing a bug against the kernel, and then the AMD driver. Don't think there's a point in filing a bug towards the proprietary driver at launchpad20:11
zequenceYou could mention in the bug reports that there are two of them, and link to each other in the comments later20:11
em_on 10.10 average temp is 55C (generic),  on 12.04 average temp is 65C (low-latency),  on 12.10 avg temp is about 70C  on 13.04 avg temp is 80C  these are at idle20:11
zequenceHow about when you are doing something actively. Is the difference still as large?20:12
zequenceem_: Just for the sake of minimizing possibilities, if this is a laptop, I would open up the back, and then blow through the fan hard a few times. If you see dust, it will make a difference20:13
em_in active use on 13.04 it peaks at about 86C   temps that high make me nervous.  case gets very hot to the touch20:13
zequenceIt's important to open the back, or the dust will fly around all over inside20:13
zequenceem_: As for the audio input. Is this only on pulseaudio, or do you have problems with jack too?20:14
em_on 10.10  fan hardly even comes on.  on 12.04 fan runs quietly.  on 13.04 fan is screaming banshee.  this is all on the same laptop, all within 5 minutes of each other..  e.g.  I have all of these oses currently installed multi-boot20:15
em_I dont beleive it is a fan/dust problem.   actually I have opened the case and fan is inaccessible without major disassembly...  leary of going that far.  inside seems pretty clean anyway20:16
zequenceSeems clean is not the same as clean. So, if it is a laptop, I would really encourage you to blow the fan clean, just for the sake of science20:17
em_I believe it affects both similarly.  again, it is very os specific.  but!  I installed same os version on different brand laptop and both of these problems do not exist.  these problems are specific to this particualr laptop.  HP dv7-4270us20:18
em_logic says that if 10.10 does not even turn on the fan, and 13.04 the fan is maxed out, and this is identical machine with identical amount of dust...  then the dust is not the primary factor20:19
zequenceIt is machine specific, absolutely. The cause for the diff in release is unkown. One could be a heavier use of system resources on newer release, which would case a higher temp20:21
zequenceOne could be a kernel bug20:22
zequenceTo exclude the first, blow out the fan20:22
zequenceOnce excluded, file a bug against the kernel20:22
em_ok, thanks, where do I go to file a kernal bug?  launchpad or elsewhere?20:22
zequenceThere's a command line tool for that20:23
zequenceI'm not on Ubuntu right now, but I belive it's ubuntu-bug or ubuntubug20:23
zequenceSo: ubuntu-bug <yourkernel>20:23
zequenceThe kernel would either be linux-generic, or linux-lowlatency20:23
zequenceI prefer you file it against linux-generic, if the symptom is the same on both20:24
em_oh,  okay, thanks...   thats very helpful20:24
zequencelinux-lowlatency is principally the same as -generic20:24
zequenceem_: About the audio input problem, do you only use pulseaudio with it?20:24
zequenceIt would be helpful to know if the problem is only with pulseaudio or not20:25
zequenceIf yes, then you would do: ubuntu-bug pulseaudio20:25
zequenceI may be remembering the name of the tool wrong20:25
zequenceNo, it's "ubuntu-bug" allright20:26
em_I think the problem is the same with jack too, but I seldom use jack, I can retest it though and see20:26
zequenceem_: If it's the same with jack, the problem is most likely with alsa20:27
zequenceI dont' know what your problem is though20:27
em_ok, that makes sense20:27
em_I think its to do with this specific audio chip, it the intel HD audo20:27
em_alright, thank you very much.  I think that info will get me started20:28
em_any further thoughts?20:29
zequenceem_: When you make a report, just look through carefully the alternatives you get whether a bug already has been reported. Also, doing a couple of web searches on your model, audio chip, Ubuntu release, kernel version, words like bug, overheating, etc, might show some results20:31
zequenceSearching on the symptoms is of course a good idea20:32
em_for testing, does it matter which version of the beta I'm using...  I see they have dailies as well as the initial release.  should I download the daily for doing the testing or is the one I already downloaded good enough?20:32
zequenceem_: Right now, the kind of testing we prefer is doing release upgrades from Quantal to Raring. Beta1 is preferred20:32
zequenceBut, if you just want to try it out, and happen to stumble on a bug, it would be great if you reported it, or let us know about it20:33
zequencein either case, beta1 is preferred20:33
em_well I've been trying the beta, and the audio works butter but still not usable, whereas the temp is much higher.  so I figured since it is current focus, that filing bugs against it would be more effective than filling against older versions.20:34
em_thank you very much I think you have answered all my questions about how to file the bugs.20:35
em_any final thoughts or shall we call it a day?20:36
zequenceem_: Not really. Don't be a stranger here if you want to continue contributing though. We'll try to help in any way we can20:39
em_great, THANKS,  happy whatever day it is for you :-)   20:40
zequenceAh, yeah. It's Easter :). Easter witches day here in Sweden actually20:40
em_Sweden.... COOL!!!   I love the internet eveybody connected....   Im in Seattle20:41
em_well, it's been great chatting with you20:42
em_witches???  you have easter witches???  Ive never heard of such a thing20:42
em_over hear it's mostly a jesus thing...  except that many people realise it actually has nothing to do with him.   it's a celebration of the end of winter and the rebirth of life.  thats why it is celebrated with eggs.20:44
em_<<over here20:44
zequenceem_: Churches have their Easter too, but we have a weird tradition with Easter witches, who fly on brooms20:47
zequenceKids like to dress up like 'em20:47
em_hmmm,  that sounds like our halloween which is in october20:47
zequenceEaster is older than any know religions probably, yes20:47
zequenceWe have halloween too, but dressing up is a tradition we've imported from US, I think20:48
zequenceNot that common with Easter witches anymore though20:48
em_yes, same with christmas which is really an ancient celebration of the solsctice  (sun's shortest day)20:49
zequenceWe still call it Jul, which in English is Jule20:49
zequenceOr Yule, perhaps20:49
zequenceAnd in Finland, the month of December is called Yule Month, as it was in other nordic countires too in the past20:50
zequenceSo, not as Christianized, as the church would have wanted it to be ;)20:50
em_yes, Yule is a frequently heard name for the christmas season.  I've never inquired about its origin20:50
zequenceIt's an old Germanic name20:50
zequenceFrom Viking times probably20:50
em_hmmm  that is very interesting.20:51
zequenceMidsummer is probablyu the least Christianized day. Especially here in Sweden20:51
zequenceSo, some traditions have survived20:52
zequenceFor better or worse20:52
em_the christian church has lost it's strangle hold on culture, but still has a very strong influence...  just not any longer dominant...20:53
zequenceIronically, I feel US has is more Christianized than other Lutheran dominant countries20:53
zequenceJust hearing politicians talk about God is something that would never happen here20:54
em_they call it the "Age of Reason"  it's when people started thinking beyond the dogma.  It actually started in renasiance europe  as you probably already know.20:54
em_well, there are right now some trends that are very disturbing20:54
em_but basically a polotician cant get elected if they dont at least pay lip service to christian religion20:55
zequenceThat is very, very weird20:55
zequenceIf a politician talks about religion here, they won't get taken seriously20:56
em_I think the younger generations are pretty much breaking away from it20:57
zequenceActually, I think in US there was a big step back with Reagan20:57
em_but the brain is not such a logical thing...  people are more ruled by emotion and fear than by clear thought20:58
zequenceI think he introduced a lot of the garbage that exists now, that politicians didn't need to worry about before him20:58
zequenceSo, in some ways, it's actually a modern thing20:59
zequenceAnd it comes mostly out of the right wing20:59
em_kenedy was very controversial for being a catholic...  but my impression is that he kept religion very much out of polotics, so yes reagon was a throw back to "conservative values"20:59
* micahg would comment in an -offtopic channel :)21:00
em_@micahg  are you saying we should take this somewhere else??   sorry if we abused the channel... nobody else was here...21:01
em_guess we got carried away21:01
zequenceHe's quite right. Some people like to read through history, etc. I need to grab some food anyway21:02
micahgwell, not necessarily, just saying I won't add my 2 cents in a logged channel :)21:02
micahg(though, yes, I think it really belongs in OT, but zequence is a main contributor, so I won't tell him what to do in the -dev channel :))21:03
zequenceWe don't have a off topic channel ourselves, but there is #xubuntu-offtopic that may work21:03
micahgzequence: if you feel the need, you can ask for #ubuntustudio-offtopic to be created in #ubuntu-irc or something like that)21:03
micahgthough what's OT is relative, -motu can get very OT sometimes21:04
em_okay, well it's been wonderful, chatting.   21:04
em_I guess I will go file some bugs.   21:05

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