harris | set up to boot from usb first | 01:28 |
alch3m157 | so when i log into my account compiz doesnt work, but when i logout and login compiz works...any idea why this is? my workspaces wont change to the preset 4 wallpapers i set for it | 03:45 |
freejack | hello | 03:59 |
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alch3m157 | hi | 04:00 |
Guest74600 | been awhile since I used IRC | 04:00 |
alch3m157 | same | 04:06 |
SunStar | #xubuntu-offtopic | 04:06 |
SuperLag | The icons in the bottom panel... what size are they, by default? | 04:14 |
SunStar | 48x48 | 04:17 |
SuperLag | thank you | 04:17 |
neonkidxy | Hello Is there anyone active? | 04:30 |
neonkidxy | I'm having trouble booting Xubuntu 12.10 64bit after installing it to a hard drive that had win7 64bit already installed. It doesn't boot grub. | 04:31 |
holstein | !grub | neonkidxy i would just recover grub and try again | 04:32 |
ubottu | neonkidxy i would just recover grub and try again: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 04:32 |
heoyea | dualboot windows and same hd is bad idea | 04:33 |
holstein | !dualboot | 04:33 |
ubottu | Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 04:33 |
holstein | heoyea: it'll work fine ^^ | 04:33 |
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neonkidxy | So recovering grub will make it the master boot loader? | 04:37 |
neonkidxy | Because right now it's just booting straight into windows | 04:38 |
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holstein | neonkidxy: try recovering grub if you want grub to replace the MBR | 04:39 |
noteneton | lol | 04:41 |
neonkidxy | Okay so I'm recovering grub right now, which partition do I install it to? The windows side or the xubuntu side? | 04:54 |
holstein | neonkidxy: i install grub on the hard drive.. | 04:54 |
heoyea | sda | 04:56 |
neonkidxy | It installed it originally to sda 7 | 04:56 |
neonkidxy | I moved it to sda | 04:56 |
holstein | neonkidxy: grub will replace the mbr.. then allow you to boot both windows and linux.. .right now, it seems you still have the windows bootloader in the way | 04:56 |
heoyea | if u put it on sda7 it only works on that parition thats why ur windows boots up windows only | 04:57 |
neonkidxy | Good to know, that may be a bug in your guy's installer | 04:58 |
heoyea | well is called advance mode | 04:58 |
heoyea | so u should know what u were doing | 04:58 |
neonkidxy | I really should have used advanced mode, I didn't this time because I figured that you had streamilined it. | 04:59 |
holstein | neonkidxy: the installer will let you insatll grub where ever you like.. even somewhere that it wont work | 04:59 |
neonkidxy | Or they not trying to put blame | 04:59 |
neonkidxy | Well thank you I'm going down for a restart. | 04:59 |
FRO5T | Hello guys, can you tell me how much seconds is taking you my website to load: http://linux.sytes.net | 05:41 |
FRO5T | it's not website promotion, just wanna know does I have to move all images on google because my current free webhosting has slower loading time or they've restriceted how much bandwidth all accounts can consume. | 05:43 |
pleia2 | FRO5T: please don't do that | 05:44 |
pleia2 | it's really really inappropriate here | 05:44 |
FRO5T | all of my friends are offline and don't know which man to ask :{ | 05:45 |
pleia2 | this is not the place | 05:45 |
FRO5T | ok | 05:46 |
FRO5T | by the way, which is the command to bind the windows key and once I press it to open the menu in 12.04 ? | 05:47 |
SunStar | launcher menu -> settings manager -> keyboard -> Application Shortcuts -> xfce4-popup-applicationsmenu | 05:52 |
FRO5T | thanks SunStar | 05:55 |
friedsoup_ | much less talkative in Xub than Ub... probably cause all our comps work >< | 08:03 |
FRO5T | :D | 08:19 |
jessica9898 | When xfce loads i always get message that something has crashed, but i can' see details what goes wrong. How to get details ? | 08:21 |
FRO5T | thunar /var/log | 08:21 |
TheSheep | also ~/.xsessionerrors | 08:23 |
jessica9898 | How to open this ? | 08:24 |
FRO5T | Hi sheep, happy fools day ;] | 08:25 |
jessica9898 | ~/.xsessionerrors | 08:25 |
jessica9898 | ? | 08:25 |
TheSheep | jessica9898: open a terminal and type `less ~/.xsessionerrors` | 08:27 |
jessica9898 | TheSheep i get " No such file or directory" | 08:28 |
FRO5T | jess - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1011096 http://markmail.org/message/2c4pajjzbuicn5v4 | 08:29 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 937132 in Ubuntu Single Sign On Client stable-3-0 "duplicate for #1011096 ubuntu-sso-login crashed with RuntimeError in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/overrides/Gdk.py: Gdk couldn't be initialized" [Undecided,Fix committed] | 08:29 |
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xubuntu476 | Hi, I am new to the linux system and have just downloaded Xubunt 12.04. I set up time in the top panel, but it is off one hour back. How can I fix it? | 16:37 |
xome | Hi! | 16:38 |
xubuntu476 | hey | 16:38 |
xfce | xubuntu476 : xfce menu -> system -> time and date | 16:39 |
xfce | xfce menu is top left corner | 16:39 |
xubuntu476 | o.k. I'll try | 16:40 |
xome | can somebody help with instalation xubuntu 12.04? Problem that this distr doesn''t see network cards on my laptop | 16:41 |
xome | atheros 8165 and realtek rtl8188ce | 16:42 |
xubuntu476 | Awesome! It worked! Thank you so much. I fixed an old broken down Windows Vista with Xubuntu 12.04 download and am so pleased with it! | 16:42 |
xome | i tried to update kernels on just installed xubuntu. and all i got that on kernel 3.4+ wifi card was detected and connection was establi | 16:47 |
xome | established but it doesn't work properly, packets was not going. | 16:48 |
xubuntu428 | What's the difference between xfce session and xubuntu session - am new to linux. | 16:57 |
TheSheep | xubuntu428: the initial layout of panels | 16:58 |
TheSheep | xubuntu428: in xubuntu session, they are like the old ubuntu -- small panel at the top and bottom | 16:58 |
TheSheep | xubuntu428: in xfce session, they are the xfce defaults | 16:58 |
TheSheep | xubuntu428: you can always change them anyways | 16:59 |
xubuntu428 | When I set up Xubuntu session, xfce session followed suit it looks like. I see no difference. Is one better than the other? | 17:00 |
TheSheep | xubuntu428: the choice only works on the first login | 17:01 |
TheSheep | xubuntu428: then you can customize it anyways | 17:01 |
xubuntu428 | Can you make one different than the other? I mean, can I have different desktop pictures for each one? | 17:01 |
TheSheep | xubuntu428: some people prefer one, others the other | 17:01 |
xubuntu428 | is there a difference in how it runs in cpu? | 17:02 |
TheSheep | xubuntu428: they only differ in what defaults are taken on the first login, later on it uses your custom settings anyways | 17:02 |
TheSheep | I don't think so | 17:02 |
xubuntu428 | so, after I custum set xubuntu session, the xfce session does the same? Why would one want to choose between one or the other? I guess only at the beginning when you set it up is when the two are different, right? | 17:04 |
FRO5T | TheSheep, where gone my wireless connection ? http://imgbox.com/adoLWVJO | 17:07 |
TheSheep | xubuntu428: before that there was only the xubuntu session, but many people coming from other distributions wanted to have the xfce default instead | 17:08 |
FRO5T | My router is broadcasting the BSSID but xubuntu doesn't listed it when I click onto the networkorking app | 17:08 |
TheSheep | FRO5T: what does ifconfig -a show? | 17:09 |
TheSheep | FRO5T: only lo or your network device too? | 17:09 |
FRO5T | everything is normal there | 17:09 |
FRO5T | wlan0, lo are fine | 17:09 |
TheSheep | ok | 17:09 |
FRO5T | got assigned ips | 17:09 |
FRO5T | lo on localhost and wlan0 to | 17:10 |
xubuntu428 | oh, I see... If I have the same time, weather, and desk top picture the same, what else is different with the default in xfce session than in xubuntu session | 17:10 |
xubuntu428 | whatever I don't change? | 17:10 |
xubuntu428 | I don't know what the difference is | 17:11 |
FRO5T | ew fixed it, had to click "disable networking" and then waited few seconds until I enable the networking. That's bug in xubuntu | 17:11 |
TheSheep | xubuntu428: after the first login there is no difference | 17:11 |
TheSheep | xubuntu428: if you really want to see the difference, you can create a new user and try the other session on that account | 17:12 |
xubuntu428 | o.k. you mean the very first? sorry I'm new at this | 17:12 |
xubuntu428 | Ya, how DO you do that? | 17:12 |
TheSheep | !user | 17:12 |
xubuntu428 | what do you mean !user? | 17:13 |
FRO5T | oh dear | 17:13 |
TheSheep | hmm, ubottu is dead? | 17:13 |
ubottu | To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo | 17:13 |
xubuntu428 | o.k. Thank you! | 17:13 |
boris_ | hi | 17:22 |
xome | can somebody help with instalation xubuntu 12.04? Problem that this distr doesn't see network cards on my laptop | 17:25 |
xome | atheros 8165 and realtek rtl8188ce | 17:25 |
FRO5T | no networks ? | 17:25 |
xome | i tried to update kernels on just installed xubuntu. and all i got that on kernel 3.4+ wifi card was detected and connection was established but it doesn't work properly, packets was not going. | 17:26 |
FRO5T | I mean you can't see any wireless network ? | 17:26 |
xome | Frost, yes no networks at all wired and wireless | 17:26 |
FRO5T | Untick Enable Networking and wait 5~10 seconds then tick it back to Enable Networking , it should work because same thing happens to me few minutes ago | 17:27 |
FRO5T | http://imgbox.com/adoLWVJO image what happens to me few minutes ago , connection estabilished but can't see my broadcasted network e.g bssid | 17:28 |
xome_ | to Frost is any way to prepare distributiv with updated kernel? | 17:29 |
FRO5T | never tried | 17:30 |
xome_ | hmm :( | 17:31 |
xome_ | and last question in 12.04.2 - default kernel 3.5? | 17:31 |
FRO5T | 3.2.0-39 | 17:32 |
xome_ | oh :( | 17:33 |
TheSheep | hmm, on my 12.04 it's 3.5.0 | 17:33 |
TheSheep | ah | 17:33 |
TheSheep | sorry | 17:33 |
TheSheep | it's 12.10 | 17:33 |
FRO5T | :D | 17:33 |
TheSheep | sorry | 17:33 |
xome_ | that's problem looks like support for my hardware appear in 3.4+ | 17:33 |
FRO5T | then you should try 12.10 as thesheep mention the kernel number | 17:34 |
TheSheep | xome_: well, install 12.10 then? | 17:34 |
xome_ | problem with repo | 17:34 |
xome_ | for example, Ubuntu tweak see only 5 repos :( | 17:34 |
FRO5T | you can always add repos | 17:35 |
xome_ | by hands only? | 17:35 |
FRO5T | yup | 17:36 |
FRO5T | no my bad , take a look | 17:36 |
FRO5T | http://linux.about.com/od/xubuntu_doc/a/xubudg13t05.htm | 17:36 |
xome_ | ok try it. | 17:37 |
xome_ | thanks anyway : | 17:37 |
FRO5T | ;] | 17:37 |
Makdaam | hi, where can I find the xfce-power-manager-settings configuration file? or how can I disable HDD spindown in 12.10? | 17:42 |
TheSheep | Makdaam: just use xfce4-settings-editor | 17:44 |
TheSheep | Makdaam: everything in one place | 17:44 |
TheSheep | Makdaam: the files are as usual all in ~/.config/xfce4 | 17:45 |
FRO5T | ScreenSaver->Mode: Disable Screen Saver | 17:45 |
FRO5T | oh power settings, lol | 17:46 |
FRO5T | read screen settings | 17:46 |
TheSheep | there is also a huge icon in the settings manager | 17:47 |
TheSheep | hard to miss, really | 17:47 |
TheSheep | a gigantic power plug with "power manager" written next to it | 17:47 |
FRO5T | Power Manager-> On AC and drag to Never | 17:47 |
TheSheep | FRO5T: he just wants to uncheck "spin down disks" | 17:48 |
FRO5T | it's there where I mentioned , below on ac is "untick or tick" spin down hdd | 17:48 |
TheSheep | yup | 17:48 |
TheSheep | Makdaam: found it? | 17:48 |
FRO5T | seems i will have to make an snapshot tutorial.. | 17:49 |
TheSheep | a snapshot? | 17:49 |
Makdaam | but the "spin down hard disks" option is grayed out :/ | 17:49 |
TheSheep | Makdaam: LIES | 17:49 |
Makdaam | TheSheep: I found the file, now I'll have to search for the file format | 17:49 |
TheSheep | Makdaam: xml | 17:49 |
Makdaam | ... | 17:49 |
Makdaam | do you happen to have an XSD to validate it? | 17:50 |
TheSheep | Makdaam: you can use the editor, as I suggested | 17:50 |
TheSheep | Makdaam: the editor has | 17:50 |
xome_ | Frost but your karma is getting better and better! :) | 17:50 |
TheSheep | Makdaam: did you, by any chance, disable power management on your laptop? | 17:50 |
TheSheep | Makdaam: because that could be one reason why it's grayed out | 17:51 |
Makdaam | I don't recall doing so after the reinstall | 17:51 |
TheSheep | also, I don't think changing anything in the file will help when it's grayed out anyways | 17:51 |
Makdaam | :/ | 17:51 |
FRO5T | check the screen saver settings to Untick the Cycle after.. | 17:52 |
FRO5T | and see the Advanced tab to uncheck the power management boxes too | 17:52 |
Makdaam | FRO5T: autoscreen saver was disabled and the power management was off too | 17:53 |
TheSheep | Makdaam: maybe you don't have hdparm installed? | 17:53 |
Makdaam | it's here | 17:54 |
Caesi | Hi all. I'm using Ubuntu 12.10. How can I (using the command line) uninstall Ubuntu graphical interface and use xfce? | 17:55 |
FRO5T | Makdaam http://hd-idle.sourceforge.net/ | 17:55 |
Caesi | Got it.. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu | 17:56 |
FRO5T | sdparm,hdparm.. | 17:57 |
Makdaam | FRO5T: thanks | 18:00 |
FRO5T | Thank on TheSheep :} | 18:01 |
Makdaam | FRO5T: I thank him on a regular basis. | 18:05 |
FRO5T | ;] | 18:05 |
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dlumberg | I asked in devel but everyone is sleeping (waited a while for an answer) | 23:52 |
dlumberg | in Xubuntu 13.04 beta Settings Manager > Appearance doesn't change when I change the selected theme... | 23:53 |
dlumberg | and my gtk?? theme that was working before is gone | 23:53 |
dlumberg | any ideas? | 23:53 |
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