cerebrate | some of my fonts have shrunk | 00:04 |
cerebrate | how do i change default fonts? | 00:07 |
phillw | cerebrate: have you looked at http://askubuntu.com/questions/218458/how-to-increase-text-size-on-lubuntu ? | 00:17 |
cerebrate | no, but i did get it working as i like through rebooting :3 | 00:17 |
cerebrate | ty phillw | 00:17 |
phillw | cerebrate: remember, google-fu is a very useful skill to learn... In your case it was "lubuntu set default font" as the question. There are a lot of answers, but I chose the graphical solution as 1st reply to you. :) | 00:19 |
Eino | have you guys experienced this odd bug in libreoffice, sometimes the screen won't update the fields when I scroll, i.e. the text of a table will vanish until I highlight it | 01:46 |
holstein | Eino: no i havent.. whats the bug #? | 01:47 |
Eino | I don't know | 01:48 |
holstein | ok. dont assume its a bug.. or a bug with libreoffice then.. could be related to your graphics driver | 01:48 |
Eino | it's a bug somewhere | 01:49 |
Eino | I ment with "bug in libreoffice" that it's a bug appearing in libreoffice | 01:49 |
holstein | Eino: and im saying, it could be with your graphics driver | 01:50 |
Eino | I understood | 01:50 |
* Beanaroo waves Hi! | 04:30 | |
Beanaroo | Greetings, channel Lubuntu. Installed 12.10 today, very snappy on my HTPC. Could anybody please explain to me how I can turn off the removable media popup? | 04:31 |
wxl | Beanaroo: you know people ask for some weird things someitmes :) | 04:33 |
wxl | hold on | 04:33 |
Unit193 | Beanaroo: In PCManFM, Edit > Preferences > Volume Management. | 04:33 |
wxl | darn, beat me to it | 04:33 |
Beanaroo | oh goodness... I was there just 20 minutes ago and related the word Volume to sounds. Liberally apply palm to face. Thank you guys :) I have had great experiences so far with the distro. | 04:35 |
wxl | Beanaroo: feel free to hang and ask other questions | 04:36 |
wxl | Beanaroo: and don't take offense to what i said; i'm just playing :) | 04:36 |
Unit193 | He's know, he does some weird stuff... | 04:38 |
Beanaroo | haha, none taken at all. I have setup xbmc on the TV and the popup steals window focus when insterting disks or audio devices. Does Lubuntu community have it's own Forums? | 04:39 |
Beanaroo | *its | 04:40 |
Unit193 | Easier to have them with the normal forums and just tag them as Lubuntu, there's not a ton different at the core. | 04:41 |
Beanaroo | Ah, I understand. Haven't used Debian/Ubuntu in over 4 years. | 04:42 |
Beanaroo | Thanks again, guys! | 05:07 |
cerebrate | how do i modify default font size? i feel necessity to acquire a magnifying glass for this very small text I see. | 05:44 |
phiscribe | im used the lubuntu software center to install fontmatrix. it stated it was version 0.60. when it installed it is version .9.99. why did it lie? how can i get version .60? do i need to add a repository? fontmatrix .9.99 is just about alpha code. version .60 was usable. | 11:13 |
phiscribe | i used that is | 11:13 |
amjjawad_ | phiscribe: maybe check their website? | 11:40 |
phiscribe | amjjawad, not much there. just in general how does one go about using programs in earlier releases? just add jaunty to my repos? would that blow up on me? | 12:12 |
amjjawad | I'm sorry I didn't understand your Q | 12:14 |
phiscribe | symantic package manager can force an app to install to an earlier version, IF it is in your sources.list. fontmanager .60 was in earlier lubuntu/ubuntu releases. how can i add one of those earlier releases to my sources so the package manager can see the earlier version, and force it to install in a way that doesnt destabilize my whole system and apt set up. | 12:17 |
phiscribe | say like from lucid or jaunty | 12:17 |
Grouver | wxl, Hello. I guess you remember from yesterday? So before I buy a new NIC? Should I try something else or look somewhere else where they maybe know whats the cause? | 17:41 |
wxl | Grouver: what was the last thing i suggested to you? | 17:44 |
Grouver | wxl, sorry i was downstairs. I guess the last thing was trying a newer version. | 18:30 |
wxl | Grouver: yep, live. did you do that? what were the results? | 18:31 |
Grouver | well. No i didnt do that yet. :p so.. | 18:34 |
Grouver | but y ou where also doubting about that i can remember. | 18:34 |
wxl | or i'm testing whether or not you'd be inclined to think that. | 18:35 |
wxl | and now perhaps i'm really questioning your character. :) | 18:35 |
phillw | wxl: I'm just finishing the last amd64 alternate. So far, so good :) | 18:37 |
Grouver | huh? :p | 18:41 |
wxl | Grouver: shh, i'm just messing with you now. | 18:42 |
=== TheDrums is now known as 77CAAVMF2 | ||
Grouver | so okay... trying the newest lubuntu then. | 18:49 |
xnox | Lubuntu folks. Skype™ logo and reference is dropped from the lubuntu slideshow, due to request for takedown from Microsoft® | 19:12 |
xnox | bug 1163504 | 19:12 |
ubottu | bug 1163504 in unity-asset-pool (Ubuntu Raring) "Trademarked assets" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1163504 | 19:12 |
Unit193 | Wow. | 19:13 |
wxl | oh no? | 19:13 |
Unit193 | xnox: Thanks, I'll see if I can catch one. | 19:13 |
wxl | time to suggest jitsi | 19:13 |
cerebrate | somehow the fonts on my computer get really really small | 19:14 |
wxl | cerebrate: how small? | 19:14 |
cerebrate | hardly legible from ~5 centimeters | 19:15 |
cerebrate | or so | 19:15 |
wxl | um | 19:15 |
wxl | what size is the font set to? | 19:15 |
cerebrate | i dont know | 19:18 |
cerebrate | can you modulate that | 19:18 |
wxl | cerebrate: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Setup#Change_Font_Size_in_Interface | 19:18 |
cerebrate | y ty ^^ | 19:20 |
wxl | cerebrate: i also notice phillw gave you a similar link before http://askubuntu.com/questions/218458/how-to-increase-text-size-on-lubuntu | 19:21 |
phillw | xnox: thanks for the update, do the artwork team need to anything? | 20:02 |
xnox | no. | 20:16 |
phillw | thanks :) | 20:25 |
=== tbeemster is now known as TImo_ | ||
=== TImo_ is now known as Timo_ | ||
Timo_ | Hi, at work I use an external monitor without my laptop monitor turned on. After getting home, I wanted to turn on my laptop, but after logging in, I get a black screen. This is (I assume) because the settings are still saved from my work session. How can I reset my monitor settings so that my laptop screen is enabled again? | 22:00 |
Timo_ | exit | 23:08 |
SonikkuAmerica | Hey everyone! Is it possible to configure a desktop entry to run multiple terminal commands at a time, such as [ sudo apt-get update ; read -p "Press ENTER to continue ..." ]? | 23:45 |
SonikkuAmerica | Never mind, it's kind of a stupid question | 23:55 |
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