JoseeAntonioR | jono_: ping | 01:13 |
vibhav | good morning | 04:23 |
vibhav | bkerensa: Happy Birthday! | 04:23 |
bkerensa | vibhav: Thank You | 05:09 |
vibhav | :) | 05:09 |
IdleOne | jono_: +1 to less bureaucracy | 05:47 |
jono_ | IdleOne, :-) | 05:47 |
dholbach | good morning | 06:45 |
czajkowski | aloha | 07:06 |
jussi | dholbach: I hope you dont have to go anywhere htis morning... seems some delays on the public transport in berlin... | 07:54 |
jussi | | 07:54 |
philipballew | dholbach, go and see if you can snatch the bomb before anyone else. Might make for a good collectors item, or something to sell on Ebay. | 07:57 |
dholbach | I didn't even hear about this | 08:07 |
dholbach | but whatever... I'm sure it's all going to be fine | 08:07 |
JoseeAntonioR | happy birthday, bkerensa! | 11:58 |
jcastro | another day, another AWS price drop | 13:00 |
jcastro | heya popey | 13:09 |
jcastro | don't recommend people with freezes to post on AU, the question will just get closed | 13:10 |
popey | wat | 13:10 |
jcastro | freezes/crashes are bug reports | 13:10 |
jcastro | what can we possibly do to help that guy other than "try a new kernel"? | 13:10 |
popey | but we dont even know what it is yet | 13:11 |
popey | kernel / driver / hardware / x | 13:11 |
jcastro | he's better off submitting whatever apport comes up with | 13:11 |
popey | it doesn't. he just gets a lockup | 13:11 |
popey | (from my understanding) | 13:11 |
popey | ah well. | 13:11 |
jcastro | yeah its just questions like that never have enough detail | 13:12 |
popey | I assumed there would be a page "what to do about lockups" | 13:12 |
popey | my bad | 13:12 |
jcastro | though, I am willing to bet a new kernel/X/GPU thing in 13.04 will work | 13:12 |
jcastro | yeah | 13:12 |
jcastro | there is | 13:12 |
jcastro | | 13:12 |
popey | awesome | 13:12 |
jcastro | but it's pretty much a list of educated guesses | 13:12 |
popey | that's better than "tough luck buster" <closed> | 13:13 |
jcastro | yeah | 13:13 |
jcastro | well it would be duped to that | 13:14 |
jcastro | but still, freezes are pretty much the hardest thing to try to figure out over the internet | 13:14 |
jcastro | I am not trying to sound mean or anything | 13:15 |
jcastro | it's just, hard. | 13:15 |
Riddell | pleia2, czajkowski, dholbach: community council meeting with kubuntu tomorrow? | 13:16 |
jcastro | popey: I am willing to bet a new kernel fixes it | 13:16 |
jcastro | every single time I've seen a freeze, a new upstream kernel or next ubuntu version tends to fix it. | 13:16 |
jcastro | </knock on wood> | 13:16 |
popey | ya | 13:17 |
dholbach | Riddell, yes, according to that's correct | 13:17 |
jcastro | who wants to make fun of me? | 13:57 |
jcastro | so yesterday I watched this series called "classic albums", where they talk about how rock bands made their most iconic records. And Def Leppard was on. So now I am jamming to Def Leppard this morning | 13:58 |
jcastro | I feel like I should have a mullet, and I am ok with that. | 13:58 |
jcastro | dholbach: or mhall119: do any of you have a minute to post a link to the juju survey on facebook for me? | 14:08 |
jcastro | my account is temporarily locked out due to some security thing | 14:08 |
jcastro | | 14:09 |
dholbach | jcastro, any preferred piece of text for it? | 14:09 |
jcastro | | 14:09 |
jcastro | something like that | 14:10 |
AskUbuntu_ | How to contact Canonical to sponsor an Event | | 14:10 |
dholbach | jcastro, was that supposed to go on the g+ ubuntu page too? | 14:10 |
dholbach | jcastro, facebooked | 14:12 |
jcastro | yeah | 14:13 |
jcastro | I put it on the G+ ubuntu page | 14:13 |
jcastro | thanks! | 14:13 |
jcastro | man, the G+ ubuntu group has 65k members! | 14:14 |
JoseeAntonioR | jono__: ping | 14:33 |
jono__ | hey JoseeAntonioR | 14:33 |
jono__ | JoseeAntonioR, is this re. the loco session? | 14:34 |
JoseeAntonioR | yep | 14:34 |
jono__ | I think I am going to need to pass again - | 14:34 |
jono__ | I will respond to the thread | 14:34 |
JoseeAntonioR | just wanted to confirm this is going straight after your Q&A today | 14:34 |
jono__ | JoseeAntonioR, I will still do my Q+A today | 14:34 |
JoseeAntonioR | jono__: so, you're doing the Q&A and just after it the loco session, right? | 14:36 |
jono__ | JoseeAntonioR, no, I will do my Q+A, but not the loco session | 14:36 |
JoseeAntonioR | ok, so when are those starting? | 14:37 |
JoseeAntonioR | (I assume you got to talk to Randall, I mailed him yesterday) | 14:37 |
jono__ | JoseeAntonioR, my Q+A is at the normal time - I can take care of it | 14:37 |
jono__ | JoseeAntonioR, I don't really need you to coordinate the Q+As now that I have the account, so don't worry about it | 14:37 |
JoseeAntonioR | yeah, but I'm talking about the loco sessions | 14:37 |
JoseeAntonioR | I'm still waiting your input on that, Randall said those would go right after the usual Q&A, but I need you to confirm so I can add it to the calendar | 14:38 |
dholbach | hey JoseeAntonioR, did you write | 14:40 |
JoseeAntonioR | dholbach: yep, I did, and it's on the wiki too | 14:40 |
dholbach | JoseeAntonioR, mind if I add a proposal for a bit different text at the bottom of it and we look at the two together? | 14:41 |
JoseeAntonioR | sure thing! | 14:41 |
dholbach | rock on | 14:41 |
JoseeAntonioR | I'm here for one more hour :) | 14:41 |
dholbach | ok cool | 14:42 |
philipballew | Upvote anyone? | 14:47 |
philipballew | | 14:47 |
czajkowski | philipballew: brilliant idea | 14:48 |
czajkowski | I'm in .ie atm will get one and send :) | 14:49 |
philipballew | czajkowski, Thank you. | 14:49 |
czajkowski | philipballew: are you free on Friday sometimes so we cna work on stuff together for slides? | 14:49 |
philipballew | czajkowski, yes. I should be free most all of this Friday. | 14:50 |
philipballew | When works best for you? | 14:50 |
czajkowski | any time up t 19:00 UTC as I plan on sleeping friday evening early :) | 14:50 |
czajkowski | in theory at least | 14:50 |
philipballew | czajkowski, alright, How about on your Thursday or Friday morning, I catch you on irc and we plan when that day? | 14:53 |
czajkowski | sounds good | 14:53 |
philipballew | Perfect. | 14:53 |
* philipballew wonders off... | 14:54 | |
jono__ | balloons, call now | 15:01 |
JoseAntonioR | dholbach: did you send the pass? | 15:31 |
dholbach | JoseAntonioR, send the pass? | 15:31 |
JoseAntonioR | to jono, he said he needed it | 15:31 |
dholbach | uhhh | 15:32 |
dholbach | not sure what we're talking about :) | 15:32 |
dholbach | you mean for the ubuntuonair account? | 15:32 |
JoseAntonioR | yep | 15:33 |
dholbach | ah ok | 15:33 |
dholbach | will do | 15:35 |
JoseAntonioR | thanks | 15:35 |
dholbach | de nada | 15:35 |
jono__ | mhall119, UDS dates confirmed | 15:44 |
jono__ | mhall119, can you update summit? | 15:44 |
dholbach | all right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! | 15:45 |
=== JoseAntonioR_ is now known as JoseAntonioR | ||
mhall119 | jono__: yup | 15:49 |
mhall119 | jono__: same rooms and tracks as last time? | 15:49 |
mhall119 | bkerensa: happy birthday! | 15:58 |
philipballew | Hey LoCo council people! Accidentally send t message to your list when it was supposed to go to LoCo contact list. Feel free to delete or whatever. | 16:28 |
philipballew | s/t/a | 16:29 |
czajkowski | philipballew: tis ok I moderated it anyways | 16:33 |
czajkowski | always nice to get nice mail | 16:33 |
czajkowski | might get coolbhavi to send one from india | 16:34 |
philipballew | czajkowski, thats a good idea. I would think the more I can get from "non American/European" places, the better. | 16:35 |
czajkowski | cool will send one from .ie | 16:35 |
czajkowski | and one from .Uk when I get back there tomorrow | 16:35 |
czajkowski | and off to italy next week :) | 16:35 |
* philipballew just became aware that czajkowski is a world traveler | 16:36 | |
czajkowski | no I live in the UK but had to fly to .ie to my parents house for family stuff | 16:37 |
czajkowski | next week we're going ona 4 day trip me , my sister , dad and the mothership it's their wedding anniversay next month so 35 years married, so kinda small celebration | 16:38 |
philipballew | ah, I see. I do the same here in CA often as well. Apparently staying close to family is a good thing. 35 years sure is a long time. | 16:39 |
czajkowski | yup | 16:39 |
* popey changes dns as per RT 60139 / cc jono__ jcastro mhall119 | 17:03 | |
popey | and jose if he were here | 17:03 |
mhall119 | popey: what change is that? | 17:15 |
popey | mhall119: YHM | 17:16 |
philipballew | popey, jose is at high school for 4 more hours iirc, but he told me he is not online because znc is down. | 17:17 |
popey | philipballew: thanks, mailed him | 17:17 |
mhall119 | popey: don't make me open the RT system, that's just cruel | 17:19 |
popey | no need, mail contains the content ☺ | 17:20 |
mhall119 | popey: don't make me open my inbox, that's just cruel | 17:20 |
popey | haha | 17:20 |
* popey pastes 40 lines in a pm to mhall119 | 17:20 | |
popey | plus 20 more lines of amusing .sig | 17:20 |
mhall119 | s/inbox/IRC/ | 17:21 |
popey | /ignore mhall119 | 17:21 |
popey | "oops" | 17:21 |
mhall119 | lol | 17:21 |
=== nhandler is now known as Guest38409 | ||
pleia2 | bkerensa: happy birthday | 18:39 |
nhandler | Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Benjamin. Happy birthday to you! | 18:45 |
IdleOne | +1 | 18:46 |
jcastro | +1.5 | 18:48 |
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler | ||
jcastro | heya balloons | 19:12 |
balloons | si jcastro ? | 19:12 |
jcastro | hey so | 19:12 |
jcastro | we're having some jenkins problems over in charm world | 19:12 |
balloons | :-( | 19:12 |
jcastro | tldr, we are publishing our tests | 19:12 |
jcastro | but can't get them to publish on | 19:13 |
jcastro | we need some debugging help, etc. | 19:13 |
jcastro | someone who has access to the logs and whatnot | 19:13 |
balloons | jcastro, ok, I can hook you up | 19:15 |
jcastro | that would be awesome | 19:15 |
balloons | jcastro, which job(s) is having issue? | 19:16 |
jcastro | can you hop on #juju? | 19:16 |
balloons | sure | 19:17 |
jcastro | balloons: thanks for the hookup | 19:30 |
jcastro | I think they have it in hand now | 19:30 |
jcastro | <--- caffeine time! | 19:30 |
balloons | ;-) | 19:31 |
balloons | yw | 19:31 |
IdleOne | jono__: I am hearing what you meant by c2c is awesome. | 20:05 |
* IdleOne turns it up! | 20:05 | |
jono__ | IdleOne, :-) | 20:05 |
jono__ | their album, Tesla, is stunning | 20:05 |
IdleOne | going to check it out | 20:05 |
IdleOne | you meant Tetra | 20:11 |
jono__ | IdleOne, oops, yep, Tetra | 20:22 |
jono__ | ok, heading to lay down | 20:22 |
jono__ | get rid of the sickness | 20:23 |
jcastro | you're not getting down with the sickness? | 20:24 |
jcastro | open it up your hate, and let it flow into me | 20:24 |
SergioMeneses | bkerensa, happy birthday!!! | 22:42 |
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