czajkowski | c | 07:13 |
zmoylan | y :-) | 07:14 |
czajkowski | so sleepy | 07:14 |
zmoylan | you're not getting enough tayto or red lemonade in your diet :-) | 07:15 |
czajkowski | bingo | 07:15 |
czajkowski | or supermacs | 07:16 |
czajkowski | dying for a garlic chip ) | 07:16 |
czajkowski | :) | 07:16 |
zmoylan | glad to hear your cousins problem was not cancerous. still serious but at least not cancer | 07:17 |
czajkowski | yup me too | 07:23 |
czajkowski | been a long week | 07:23 |
czajkowski | she may be kept down there for the next 2 weeks as well | 07:23 |
zmoylan | they have to make sure she doesn't get an infection after brain surgery. or start building up fluids in abcess again. | 07:24 |
czajkowski | yup | 07:24 |
zmoylan | knew a woman who had similar problem, she has cerebral palsy. | 07:25 |
airurando | afternoon | 11:28 |
zmoylan | hi | 11:29 |
czajkowski | airurando: hi | 11:30 |
airurando | hi zymoylan | 11:31 |
airurando | hi czajkowski | 11:31 |
zmoylan | airurando: has power gone to your head yet? :-) | 11:31 |
airurando | czajkowski: real good to hear you cousin is on the mend. | 11:31 |
airurando | zmoylan: nothing can stop me know! | 11:32 |
airurando | ;-) | 11:32 |
zmoylan | first the irc chatroom, then the twitter! :-D | 11:32 |
airurando | :-) | 11:33 |
czajkowski | hehe | 11:37 |
airurando | whatever dohickey was used to pull our photos from into our LTP page seems to be busted or am I just missing something? | 12:16 |
czajkowski | andru183: if you knwo of anyone graduating and looking for work | 13:52 |
czajkowski | any ubuntu server users here - | 15:18 |
tdr112 | We use it a lot in work | 15:23 |
airurando | evening all | 19:26 |
victor9098 | Evening! | 19:27 |
zmoylan | hi | 19:27 |
tdr112 | yo | 19:27 |
airurando | 20:30 | 19:31 |
airurando | we'll give it a few more mins | 19:31 |
tdr112 | ok | 19:31 |
zmoylan | i think people are sleeping off the 4 day weekend :-) | 19:31 |
airurando | :-) | 19:32 |
victor9098 | Or turning up an hour late everywhere | 19:32 |
andru183 | hi all | 19:32 |
andru183 | sorry, distracted with projects | 19:32 |
airurando | hi andru183 | 19:32 |
andru183 | :D | 19:32 |
airurando | we'll start I think | 19:34 |
airurando | shouldn't take too long | 19:34 |
airurando | #startmeeting Ubuntu Ireland Team Meeting April 2013 | 19:34 |
meetingology | Meeting started Wed Apr 3 19:34:57 2013 UTC. The chair is airurando. Information about MeetBot at | 19:34 |
meetingology | Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired | 19:34 |
airurando | evening all and welcome to this 03 Apr 13 Ubuntu Ireland Team IRC meeting | 19:35 |
airurando | The agenda for this meeting can be found at: | 19:35 |
tdr112 | here | 19:35 |
airurando | | 19:35 |
airurando | If you are here to attend the meeting please indicate so by typing PRESENT | 19:35 |
airurando | PRESENT | 19:35 |
andru183 | PRESENT | 19:35 |
airurando | wait for it tdr112 | 19:36 |
airurando | :-) | 19:36 |
victor9098 | PRESENT | 19:36 |
zmoylan | PRESENT | 19:36 |
airurando | Only one item on the agenda for discussion so lets get to it. | 19:36 |
airurando | #topic Regarding Raring Ringtailed Racoon Release Revelries | 19:37 |
tdr112 | PRESENT | 19:37 |
airurando | So I was wondering would we like to host any Release Parties for Raring and if so when and where? | 19:37 |
airurando | I would hope we'd host at least one Release Party. | 19:38 |
airurando | Is there any interest in this? | 19:38 |
andru183 | We host one in UL no prob | 19:38 |
airurando | nice one andru183 | 19:38 |
andru183 | I'm not on the comp soc anymore but the lads will host one for sure | 19:38 |
airurando | will you take care of that? | 19:39 |
airurando | getting the details up on the LTP? | 19:39 |
andru183 | can do of course | 19:39 |
airurando | great stuff | 19:39 |
airurando | I'd love it if there was a release party also held in Dublin | 19:40 |
airurando | I sincerely hope to be able to attend but it will depend on a few things falling into place for me. | 19:40 |
zmoylan | if there were one in dublin how many here would turn up? | 19:40 |
airurando | zmoylan I'd love to | 19:40 |
tdr112 | I cant am away that time | 19:40 |
zmoylan | me too but i can't guarantee it either | 19:41 |
airurando | but it depends on how the leg is doing, my return to work and my return to driving. | 19:41 |
airurando | Victor9098 | 19:41 |
airurando | Victor9098 would you be interested in being the anchor member for a Dublin Release party. | 19:42 |
airurando | nothing major. Just could you guarantee being present for the party | 19:43 |
airurando | Of all the parties I have attended the two I thought were most fun were 10.10 in the market bar and 11.10 in the Porterhouse in Templebar. | 19:43 |
airurando | I'd vote for a return to the Porterhouse in Templebar. | 19:44 |
=== victor9098_ is now known as victor9098 | ||
airurando | Victor9098 would you be interested in being the anchor member for a Dublin Release party. | 19:44 |
airurando | nothing major. Just could you guarantee being present for the party | 19:44 |
airurando | Victor9098 we have no one present at the meeting who can say for certain they will be there | 19:45 |
airurando | It would be great if you could take the lead on this | 19:45 |
victor9098 | I can't promise anything at the moment, my vehicle is off the road and trying to get a replacement | 19:45 |
airurando | no problem | 19:46 |
airurando | hmmmmm | 19:46 |
airurando | of the people here who might go to a Dublin party would the Porterhouse in Templebar be an acceptable venue? | 19:46 |
zmoylan | never been there i don't think. need to find it on map but should be able to reach on crutch | 19:47 |
victor9098 | Looks pretty on Google | 19:47 |
tdr112 | its a nice pub | 19:48 |
zmoylan | yeah, i can make it there. | 19:48 |
airurando | great | 19:49 |
zmoylan | name a time and date and i'll do my utmost to make it. | 19:49 |
airurando | I reckon Saturday after the release for Dublin | 19:49 |
zmoylan | would it be quieter/preferable on a sunday? | 19:50 |
airurando | would that be more limiting in terms of attendance? | 19:51 |
victor9098 | Should hit up Canonical for a stall and set-up in Temple Bar :-D | 19:51 |
zmoylan | i'm easy, just pointing out that saturday in temple bar is their busy time | 19:51 |
airurando | indeed zmoylan | 19:52 |
zmoylan | a penguin costume handing out disks in front of central bank :-) | 19:52 |
airurando | i don't know | 19:52 |
airurando | Saturday night is busy for a reason as it is the night folks like to party | 19:52 |
airurando | I'm happy to try a Sunday slot | 19:53 |
airurando | tdr112 would you be around on Sunday evening? | 19:53 |
tdr112 | what date | 19:53 |
zmoylan | whatever others want i'm happy to go along with. sunday was just a thought | 19:53 |
airurando | 28th | 19:54 |
victor9098 | No partying for me, hour drive in and home (if I can get sorted) | 19:54 |
airurando | victor9098: orange juice? | 19:54 |
tdr112 | sorry flying back from newcaste , i am at maker faire that weekend | 19:55 |
zmoylan | i'm on public transport for an hour either way. stone cold sober for that :-D | 19:55 |
victor9098 | :-D Safety first | 19:55 |
airurando | victor9098: would you prefer a sat or sun party? | 19:56 |
zmoylan | saturday 27th i have an rpg game that would make it difficult to attend. standing game for last saturday of month | 19:56 |
airurando | settled so | 19:56 |
zmoylan | that's why i have missed last few. :-/ | 19:56 |
zmoylan | time then? | 19:56 |
airurando | as you are the MOST likely to attend I reckon it your decision | 19:57 |
airurando | Sunday at 8pm | 19:57 |
airurando | ? | 19:57 |
zmoylan | works for me | 19:57 |
victor9098 | If I can get in I will drop in either/both. Partial to a Sun brew myself, but since I might not even turn up stick with a Sat night party. Might be light on the Ubuntu loaded laptops though | 19:57 |
airurando | maybe tdr112 could drop in on his way home from the airport | 19:57 |
airurando | victor9098: I think Sunday has been decided upon | 19:58 |
tdr112 | :) dont land until 22.30 | 19:58 |
airurando | :-) | 19:58 |
airurando | zmoylan would an earlier start be more preferable | 19:58 |
airurando | say 7pm till 10pm? | 19:59 |
zmoylan | would it make it better for anyone else? | 19:59 |
airurando | victor9098: would a 7pm till 10pm party suit you better that a party starting at 8pm? | 19:59 |
victor9098 | Early start I reckon, especially for those of use travelling a distance | 20:00 |
zmoylan | 7-10 it is | 20:00 |
victor9098 | Dinner in Zaytoons beforehand, yummy :-D | 20:00 |
airurando | I was just thinking an early start early finish party on a Sun would be better | 20:00 |
airurando | victor9098: single venue for simplicity | 20:01 |
airurando | can arrange Zaytoons at a later date for pre party munchies. :-) | 20:02 |
victor9098 | Well, if I can make it I will send an email about it before the day | 20:02 |
airurando | will we just go with the Porterhouse TempleBar from 7pm till 10pm on Sunday 28 Apr 13 so? | 20:03 |
zmoylan | sounds the easiest | 20:03 |
victor9098 | Vote? | 20:03 |
airurando | #vote | 20:03 |
meetingology | Please vote on: | 20:03 |
meetingology | Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) | 20:03 |
airurando | +1 | 20:03 |
victor9098 | +1 | 20:03 |
tdr112 | +0 | 20:03 |
zmoylan | +1 | 20:03 |
andru183 | +0 | 20:03 |
zmoylan | unless you want to have a later date for tdr112 and others? | 20:04 |
airurando | zmoylan he isn't available the following weekend either :-( | 20:04 |
tdr112 | i am on away in india the week after for 2 weeks too so not stop for me | 20:04 |
airurando | #endvote | 20:04 |
meetingology | No vote in progress | 20:04 |
zmoylan | fair enough | 20:05 |
airurando | #agreed Ubuntu Ireland will host a Release Party for Ubuntu 13.04 at the Porterhouse TempleBar from 7pm till 10pm on Sunday 28 Apr 13. | 20:05 |
airurando | #action andru183 will organise a Release Party for Ubuntu 13.04 in Limerick. | 20:06 |
meetingology | ACTION: andru183 will organise a Release Party for Ubuntu 13.04 in Limerick. | 20:06 |
andru183 | :) | 20:07 |
airurando | ;-) | 20:07 |
airurando | that's that | 20:07 |
airurando | #topic Any Other Business? | 20:07 |
tdr112 | yes | 20:07 |
zmoylan | i'll be the one on a crutch with a tux baseball cap | 20:07 |
airurando | shoot tdr112 | 20:07 |
tdr112 | if you did not hear airurando is now a ubuntu member | 20:08 |
tdr112 | well done | 20:08 |
airurando | zmoylan I look forward to it | 20:08 |
andru183 | well done indeed airurando | 20:08 |
airurando | :-) | 20:08 |
airurando | thank you all | 20:08 |
zmoylan | congrats on your election airurando | 20:08 |
airurando | I am both delighted an honoured having been accepted as an Ubuntu Member | 20:09 |
airurando | your support at the meeting was very much appreciated | 20:09 |
airurando | as were your testimonials | 20:09 |
zmoylan | may not be many of us, but we make a noise | 20:09 |
airurando | indeed a welcome noise! | 20:10 |
airurando | #topic Any Other Business? | 20:10 |
tdr112 | nope | 20:11 |
airurando | as there doesn't appear to be any further items we'll finish up. | 20:11 |
victor9098 | Might be our last release party until 14.04lts!!! | 20:11 |
airurando | thanks all for attending and participating | 20:11 |
andru183 | np | 20:12 |
airurando | #endmeeting | 20:12 |
meetingology | Meeting ended Wed Apr 3 20:12:19 2013 UTC. | 20:12 |
meetingology | Minutes (wiki): | 20:12 |
meetingology | Minutes (html): | 20:12 |
airurando | thanks everyone | 20:12 |
victor9098 | That's for chairing airurando | 20:12 |
victor9098 | *thanks | 20:12 |
zmoylan | thanks airurando | 20:12 |
airurando | I'll get the minutes onto the wiki shortly | 20:12 |
airurando | evening chrono800 | 20:13 |
tdr112 | night all | 20:13 |
airurando | night tdr112 | 20:13 |
zmoylan | cya | 20:13 |
victor9098 | dropping details into my gcal :-D | 20:14 |
airurando | zmoylan: victor9098: will I generate the LTP listing for the dublin party? | 20:14 |
zmoylan | probably for the best. i have no idea how :-) | 20:14 |
airurando | will do :-) | 20:15 |
victor9098 | Sooner the better, Laura passed on the email today looking for listings to add | 20:15 |
victor9098 | I have no idea either :-D | 20:15 |
airurando | I just hope we get a few more souls interested in attending. | 20:15 |
victor9098 | Wish I could commit, but in a tough spot at the moment | 20:16 |
victor9098 | Will certainly broadcast the event though, hopefully get a few 'walk-ins' | 20:18 |
airurando | chrono800 you interested in attending a release party in Limerick or Dublin? | 20:20 |
chrono800 | Do you have a date for Limerick yet? | 20:20 |
airurando | not yet | 20:21 |
airurando | andru183 has agreed to firm up the details for the Limerick release party | 20:22 |
chrono800 | Well maybe Dublin could work for me! | 20:22 |
chrono800 | I know the porterhouse in Templebar...;) | 20:22 |
chrono800 | Can you make the dublin party airurando? | 20:23 |
airurando | I would love to attend the Dublin one. Hope my leg/work/driving don't scupper my plans. | 20:23 |
airurando | I have the raring ringtail and all | 20:23 |
chrono800 | :) | 20:24 |
airurando | | 20:24 |
zmoylan | look for the lame table, and not just because it's full of geeks :-D | 20:24 |
airurando | proof | 20:24 |
airurando | nice one zmoylan | 20:24 |
chrono800 | If you can make it, I'll do my best to go!! Should be fun..! | 20:24 |
airurando | I see a funny mail to the list in the next couple of days. | 20:25 |
airurando | "so far we have a couple of cripples and a guy with a dodgy car who HOPE to attend the party.... Surely we can do better than that" and so on... | 20:26 |
airurando | I'm back for a checkup tomorrow | 20:26 |
zmoylan | fingers crossed it goes well | 20:26 |
airurando | so the wiki LTP and mailing list will all be Fridays work for me. | 20:27 |
airurando | chrono800: great stuff!!! | 20:27 |
chrono800 | good luck with your checkup airurando!!!! | 20:27 |
airurando | thanks zmoylan and chrono800 | 20:28 |
airurando | must dash. | 20:28 |
chrono800 | bye | 20:28 |
zmoylan | cya | 20:28 |
airurando | need to get things ready for the morning | 20:28 |
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