smartboyhw | Tm_T (and the IRCC): You need to apply to the ~irc-ubuntustudio-ops team to get op rights in #ubuntustudio. But I don't see such a team for #ubuntustudio-decel | 10:05 |
smartboyhw | *-devel | 10:05 |
smartboyhw | So how does one get op rights in #ubuntustudio-devel? | 10:06 |
smartboyhw | Or is the main channel team responsible for BOTH support (#ubuntustudio) and dev (#ubuntustudio-devel) channels? | 10:07 |
smartboyhw | .. | 10:07 |
Tm_T | smartboyhw: very good question | 10:07 |
smartboyhw | lol | 10:08 |
Tm_T | devel channels are a bit differen,t but shouldn't be that different | 10:08 |
smartboyhw | Yep | 10:08 |
Tm_T | nice typo there | 10:10 |
smartboyhw | I always make typo:* | 10:11 |
* smartboyhw patiently waits for a nice answer:) | 10:13 | |
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Tm_T | smartboyhw: | 10:14 |
smartboyhw | I saw it | 10:15 |
smartboyhw | And the IRCC does NOT directly manage the dev channel | 10:15 |
Tm_T | smartboyhw: so I'd say contact whoever is the channel owner there | 10:15 |
smartboyhw | Tm_T how to see which person is the channel owner? | 10:16 |
smartboyhw | I mean which + flag | 10:16 |
smartboyhw | +o ? | 10:16 |
Tm_T | f and F | 10:16 |
Tm_T | o is just "can op themselves" | 10:16 |
Tm_T | O is "be auto-opped on join" | 10:17 |
smartboyhw | Tm_T I am crying then, the +f and +F flags refer to long-time inactive people who arent in the channel for at least a year | 10:18 |
smartboyhw | Except the IRCC | 10:19 |
smartboyhw | This is gonna be a headache | 10:22 |
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Myrtti | here's something you might consider to help translate: | 12:48 |
Pici | smartboyhw: who is leading ubuntustudio development these days? | 12:49 |
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=== smartboyhe is now known as smartboyhw | ||
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ubot5 | In #ubuntu-touch, mhall119 said: !devices is You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at | 17:35 |
ubot5 | In #ubuntu-touch, mhall119 said: ubot5 !devices is You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at | 17:35 |
ubot5 | In #ubuntu-touch, mhall119 said: ubot5: !devices is You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at | 17:35 |
mhall119 | trying to teach ubot5 some new tricks | 17:36 |
IdleOne | !devices is<reply> You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at | 17:36 |
IdleOne | !devices is <reply> You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at | 17:36 |
ubottu | I'll remember that, IdleOne | 17:36 |
IdleOne | there you go, ubot5 should know it too now | 17:36 |
smartboyhw | mhall119 make suree you put things with <reply> | 17:37 |
smartboyhw | IdleOne saw my earlier problems? | 17:38 |
IdleOne | or let us figure out the right syntax, either way your attention to detail is greatly appreciated :) | 17:38 |
IdleOne | smartboyhw: I didn't | 17:38 |
IdleOne | hmm, That seems an issue the IRCC would have to deal with. | 17:39 |
smartboyhw | IdleOne yep | 17:39 |
smartboyhw | Most of the ops aren't active now | 17:39 |
IdleOne | I am not on the IRCC, sorry i can't help. Tm_T and Pici are aware now and they will get to it ASAP. | 17:40 |
smartboyhw | And now even our Project Lead (zequence) doesn't have op | 17:40 |
smartboyhw | Pici to answer your question: Kaj Ailomaa (zequence) is the Project Lead | 17:48 |
smartboyhw | I am the release Manager | 17:48 |
smartboyhw | I think both of us want op rights | 17:48 |
smartboyhw | Since while he needs to be in control, I constantly need to update channel topics these days | 17:49 |
smartboyhw | And I always needed inactive people to help with it. | 17:49 |
zequence | I'm quite fine if we update our IRC statuses once every half a year, but it is practical if someone who is easy to get a hold of has OP rights :) | 17:51 |
smartboyhw | Yep | 17:51 |
mhall119 | thanks IdleOne, smartboyhw | 17:52 |
mhall119 | do I need to request all factoid additions through you guys? | 17:52 |
smartboyhw | mhall119 the IRC Ops yes (I am not one) | 17:52 |
mhall119 | ok | 17:53 |
IdleOne | mhall119: unless you get added as a factoid edit approver in the bots (see AlanBell for that), yes. | 17:53 |
smartboyhw | IdleOne and I think AlanBell will probably add him:) | 17:54 |
mhall119 | IdleOne: so factoids will affect the bot in all channels? | 17:54 |
IdleOne | if mhall119 writes a cheque for the correct amount and it clears. Money talks.... | 17:55 |
IdleOne | :P | 17:55 |
IdleOne | mhall119: no, we can make channel specific factoids | 17:55 |
smartboyhw | srsly? | 17:55 |
mhall119 | IdleOne: I'll start with $1. and you tell me how many zeroes you want at the end :) | 17:55 |
smartboyhw | That's bribery:( | 17:56 |
IdleOne | mhall119: Money is not what I am in need of. What I need you can't give me unfortunately, or maybe fortunately. | 17:56 |
mhall119 | TMI | 17:56 |
smartboyhw | IdleOne what is it? | 17:56 |
mhall119 | I'm not that kind of girl IdleOne | 17:56 |
IdleOne | I meant Love | 17:56 |
IdleOne | previrts! | 17:56 |
smartboyhw | Oh ..... | 17:56 |
IdleOne | lol | 17:57 |
* hggdh wonders if the stress of a looming release is causing some weird behaviours to appear | 17:59 | |
smartboyhw | hggdh lol | 17:59 |
hggdh | :-) | 18:00 |
IdleOne | I don't know what is so wierd about needing love | 18:00 |
IdleOne | hggdh: why do you hate me!!! | 18:01 |
hggdh | ROFL | 18:01 |
Fuchs | everybody does | 18:01 |
IdleOne | oh. ok then. | 18:01 |
smartboyhw | lol | 18:01 |
smartboyhw | IdleOne: Everyone is equal. But some are more equal than others. | 18:02 |
IdleOne | that only applies to one person in the Ubuntusphere | 18:02 |
smartboyhw | IdleOne: Yeah. | 18:03 |
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Myrtti | IdleOne: or two | 19:03 |
Myrtti | IdleOne: a few at most. | 19:03 |
IdleOne | Myrtti: even those 'few' are not as equal as the most equal. | 19:04 |
hggdh | this sounds line discussions on infinity, alephs, and the continuum | 20:01 |
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