ScottK | jtaylor: Your other option is file a removal bug. | 00:15 |
dholbach | good morning | 06:45 |
geser | good morning | 06:50 |
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ScottK | New version of openmsx-catapult needs to be packaged to allow openmsx to transition from proposed. FFe pre-granted if someone wants to work on it. | 15:52 |
jtaylor | ScottK: removal is an option, but on the other hand besides the easily fixed ftbfs there seems to be nothing wrong with it | 16:50 |
jtaylor | (re cssed) | 16:50 |
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jtaylor | oh well with thinking about it probably wasted more time than necessary to fix it, yay me :) | 16:53 |
lfaraone | A new version of libhesiod0 (DNS-based directory information, used by MIT, CMU, and some other institutions) was released that adds IDN support, resolves issues with setuid users, and removes GPL-incompatible code. The MIT Athena team would really like to see it in Raring. Based on the changelog, , is this likely to be approved for a FFe? | 16:55 |
lfaraone | ScottK: and before you ask, I'm talking with the fd about Barry :) | 16:55 |
ScottK | jtaylor: Sure. | 18:20 |
ScottK | lfaraone: I hope "talking with FD" isn't something ominious. | 18:23 |
lfaraone | filed as LP: #1164044 | 18:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1164044 in hesiod (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync hesiod 3.2.1-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] | 18:23 |
ScottK | lfaraone: Look at the output of reverse-depends -b libhesiod-dev and tell me (in the bug) what teting you've done with them. | 18:24 |
lfaraone | ScottK: will do. | 18:24 |
ScottK | If the answer is "not tested" you odds go way down. | 18:24 |
lfaraone | there's also some licencing stuff fixed here. previously libhesiod0 had 4-clause BSD code, which is... probably a problem since pidgin depends on it. (via libzephyr0) | 18:24 |
lfaraone | ScottK: we have tested some but not all of the reverse bin depends. | 18:28 |
ScottK | Right, I'm pretty open to approve it as long as you've tested stuff. | 18:29 |
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ScottK | Elbrus: I don't mind sync'ing motif into raring. If you can get someone to do the initial sync, I'll push it through New (count this as your FFe approval). | 18:55 |
Elbrus | ScottK: great, so I just have to find a motu to sync when motif becomes available? | 18:56 |
ScottK | Elbrus: yes. | 18:56 |
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Elbrus | I think I already know somebody... | 18:57 |
Elbrus | ScottK: actually, we are already slightly further in the packaging of motif (collab-maint), if I upload a newer version soon, would that also do? | 18:59 |
ScottK | If you upload it to Debian, yes. | 18:59 |
Elbrus | ok. | 18:59 |
chilicuil | hi there, I'm trying to test a package on pbuilder, but I'm unable because pbuilder doesn't mount sysfs by default, do you know of any way to add sysfs to the fs pbuilder mounts? | 23:19 |
RAOF | chilicuil: You could add it to the list of bind-mounts; I know how to do that with sbuild, but I've forgotten how to do that with pbuilder. | 23:19 |
chilicuil | RAOF: thanks for the fast reply!, that's all need, I'll look further at it | 23:20 |
maxb | ~/.pbuilderrc is a shell fragment, and is probably where you want to do this (unless you only want it as a one-off) | 23:24 |
chilicuil | maxb: yep, I've edit it, the exact syntax was, BINDMOUNTS="/first/path /additional/path" , pretty simple =) | 23:28 |
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