=== jta_afk is now known as JTa [01:48] card reservation bugfix for PA, patch-ified [01:48] uploaded to PPA. Will test tomorrow [01:48] Hopefully, that will be hitting the "stores" withing the next couple of weeks [06:02] zequence: What sort of things has changed in between Beta 1 and Beta 2? [06:05] Bah, we only have 31 hours fo testinf [06:05] s/testinf/testing/ [06:05] smartboyhw meant: "Bah, we only have 31 hours fo testing" [06:11] smartboyhw: Right now, all I can think of is a new kernel, new -default-settings, out of the Ubuntu Studio specific updates [06:12] smartboyhw: I'll have a look at that in a couple of hours. I'll be leaving to school in a momen (1 1/2 hours in a bus) [06:13] zequence: School!? [06:13] I'm a student currently :) [06:13] Ok, need to go. bb in two hours [06:15] ............ [06:15] Anyways [06:16] astraljava: You here? Please help me to update the topics [06:16] * smartboyhw really needs to ask the IRC Council to add op rights to zequence and him [09:28] zequence: Looking at the linux-lowlatency LP page, aren't you also responsible for maintaining Raring kernels? [09:28] smartboyhw: Not yet [09:29] smartboyhw: May I give you advice for the future :). Don't put blame on other people too quickly. It usually never adds up to anything good [09:29] zequence: So you only do SRU kernels? [09:29] Yes [09:29] And sorry for putting you to blame [09:30] Nice info on the links BTW [09:30] It's ok. I will need to get used to that anyway [09:30] zequence: I think doing the upgrades today is bettee [09:31] I'll do as many tests as I can once I get home. I'm sure we'll get through all of them in time [09:31] zequence: why? [09:32] smartboyhw: As a lead, you are outmost responsible. Which often means, when something goes wrong, the responsible people get blamed [09:32] This is a small project, so not much storms here [09:33] It's different when you're a known politician, or a CEO of a company [09:33] zequence: So what big ones will you want to join in the future? [09:34] Only Debian, probably. I'll do Ubuntu Studio for as long as I'm needed. Then, I'll start focusing more on Debian [09:34] I don't expect to work for any company like Canonical, but one never knows. Probably I will either work as a musician, or doing something with computers here in Sweden [09:35] smartboyhw: What are your plans for the future? [09:39] I will try to find technical jobs. Google and Canonical are my targets [09:40] zequence: I just don't like to work in Microsoft lol [09:41] And BTW I've done the Beta 2 release notes!!! [09:41] My sister has been asked to accept Google interviews twice already. She declined both times. [09:42] It is in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/Beta2/UbuntuStudio [09:42] They do active head hunting, sending emails to people who they find interesting [09:42] zequence: Why? [09:42] Google has the best work environment [09:43] Wasn't the right period in her life. But, if she is asked again next year, she might do it [09:43] Oh OK [09:46] She's been studying computanional linguistics a lot. A bit of AI stuff. Took her PhD in Switzerland, where she's living now [09:46] zequence: Speaking of falktx, is it that you are planning for something to enable the WHOLE fxstudio repo? [09:46] at install-time [09:47] No, but I think Scott had some ideas around that [09:47] o [09:47] It would be bad, since fxstudio uses KDE [09:48] Personally, I don't think adding PPAs is a good thing, but it might be suitable for some applications that Ubuntu does not distribute, like linux-sampler [09:48] In that case, we should have our own repo for that [09:48] KXStudio is its own distro after all [09:49] * smartboyhw agrees [09:49] However I think our final target is to get all of them into the Ubuntu repos [09:49] Ubuntu Studio is Ubuntu. And we should work closely with the community. Fix problems upstream. Not only locally [09:49] Which means, we sometimes need to fix things in Debian [09:50] as well as communicate with usptream developers directly [09:51] yep [09:53] The most local sort of fix, is when it only exists in your computer. I'll want fixes to be as global as possible. But, there are differences between Debian and Ubuntu, and sometimes, you'll need to fix thing locally on one repo. Realtime privilege is one thing that we fix locally on the Ubuntu Studio flavor - and we shouldn't need to [09:54] The most global fix is when it happens in the upstream application source [09:54] But, if it's a critical bug fix, it might also need to be implemented locally on both Debian and Ubuntu, separately [09:54] +1 [09:56] zequence: Would it be possible for us to get op rights (or rights to change topic) in here? [09:57] smartboyhw: You'll need to become member of the ops team. There's some info on the wiki about that [09:57] smartboyhw: I think the important changes are when we do actual releases. Of course, having old info on development releases is no good [09:58] For me it would be enought to change the topics every half a year [09:58] zequence: No in this channel [09:58] There's no such team to regulate it [09:58] no? [09:59] Then, I don't know how it works :) [09:59] Maybe astraljava knows? [10:08] zequence, I am asking about it in #ubuntu-irc [11:47] Yeah I think you needed to request to become -irc-ops, and in my case I think there was just a subset for ubuntustudio-, could have been xubuntu- as well (but I forget now). [13:07] astraljava: Ah, so if you're in the -dev team, you'd get rights for this channel? [13:07] zequence: That's interesting..... [13:09] hm, really? [13:09] astraljava: Would you please add "13.04 Beta 2 testing in progress" to the end of the chan topic in here please:) [13:13] zequence: Err... no? I'm fairly sure you had to do it individually. But it might have changed since. === astraljava changed the topic of #ubuntustudio-devel to: Ubuntu Studio Development Channel | https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio | Ubuntu Studio 12.04.02 LTS is released: ISO- http://goo.gl/FEAxP Notes-http://goo.gl/29QaS | Ubuntu Studio 12.10 is released http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/12.10/release/ | Ubuntu Studio 13.04 Beta 1 Released http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/13.04/beta-1 | 13.04 Beta 2 testing in [13:14] grrr... too long. [13:14] smartboyhw: Can we take out the beta-1 released news? === astraljava changed the topic of #ubuntustudio-devel to: Ubuntu Studio Development Channel | https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio | Ubuntu Studio 12.04.02 LTS is released: ISO- http://goo.gl/FEAxP Notes-http://goo.gl/29QaS | Ubuntu Studio 12.10 is released http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/12.10/release/ | Ubuntu Studio 13.04 Beta 2 testing in progress [13:15] Let me know if you want it changed, I'm off home. [13:15] astraljava: It's OK [13:21] zequence, i am chatting with spreadshirt legal dpt to check if I can use the merchandising license on their website [13:22] ttoine: \o/ [13:22] ttoine: It would be nice to know more about how that works [13:23] zequence, I will need some artwork asap [13:23] ttoine: I'd rather we decide the artwork in good time first :) [13:24] I don't think there's any big hurry. More important that we do it well, I think [13:24] I still don't know much about this, business wise [13:24] zequence, i don't need artwork to launch production tomorrow [13:24] ttoine: I'm on their website now. Which kind of deal were you thinking of doing with them? [13:24] I just need some "sample" so they can validate this is possible [13:25] I'd very much like to know the business part of this before anything else [13:25] madeinkobaia isn't here.... [13:25] the business part ? [13:25] I see there are three options, designer, open a shop, become a business partner [13:25] ttoine: It is a business, isn't it? [13:26] spreadshirt, that is [13:26] zequence, yes [13:26] but as any supplier I would ask to produce stuff [13:26] for us, they are just providing service [13:27] ttoine: Could you be more specific? What kind of deal is this? Where can I read more about it? [13:28] ttoine: If I start here, where would I go? http://www.spreadshirt.com/start-selling-shirts-C3598 [13:28] ttoine: Are you actually chatting with Spreadshirt NOW? [13:32] smartboyhw, by mail [13:32] email [13:32] Oh OK [13:33] zequence, first, I have to check the licences issues. If both Canonical and SpreadShirt are ok, then I can create the Ubuntu Studio shop [13:33] smartboyhw, I called them by phone, too [13:33] ttoine: Ok, so it's about creating a shop [13:33] I just want to read about it, that's all [13:33] http://www.spreadshirt.com/open-free-tshirt-shop-C3600 [13:34] ttoine: We need to talk with madeinkobaia about making artwork samples [13:34] zequence, yes, it was my idea: spreadshirt actually provide that as a service. nothing to pay in advance, they produce only when ordered by customer, deliver everywhere [13:35] we just have to select what we want to sell [13:35] But, that also depends on what objects we need art for [13:35] ttoine: Does Spreadshirt only help to sell shirts? [13:35] smartboyhw, on spreadshirt, you can buy mugs, etc. too [13:36] I am not sure if the whole range is available in custom shops [13:36] Ah good. I was worrying about thay:) [13:38] ttoine: I'm guessing that they keep all the profits, and we just provide them with products? [13:39] How much profit do we (Ubuntu Studio Team) take [13:39] They had samsung phone covers. I'm kind of keen on getting a mug myself [13:39] smartboyhw: We don't need profit, but it is good to know the details [13:39] And will Canonical want profit? [13:39] We don't work for profit. It's just that, business deals are business deals [13:40] smartboyhw: no [13:40] If we do get profit, that is actually a little problematic [13:40] zequence: I'm not sure about Canonical [13:41] They seem to get more and more profitized [13:41] smartboyhw: Not concerning the Ubuntu Studio trademark [13:41] ok [13:41] And, I disagree. They were always like this. The difference is, now, they are being more in control of software development [13:42] Oh. [13:43] zequence, actually, if I would make a business, Spreadshirt would tell what is the price of the product. then, I should set the amount of margin I want. For us, it is 0 (zero) [13:43] But the strange thing is: How would the Ubuntu Studio team be called under the agreement? [13:43] then, the customer add the delivery cost [13:43] ttoine: Ok. Sounds good [13:43] canonical don't want profit [13:43] that's the purpose of the licence [13:45] zequence, I agree with you, they have always been very careful about profit, brand uses, etc. the change is just about the software management developement [13:45] zequence: Hmm should I change the Ubuntu Studio origin in DistroWatch from "USA" to "Sweden"? [13:45] Just a jokr [13:46] zequence: I just hope that ogra's April Fools Day joke won't happen in the future [13:47] smartboyhw: No, I think the origin of Ubuntu Studio belongs in USA, as it was started there :) [13:48] smartboyhw, actually, the origin is french and canadian [13:48] It is? [13:48] Why? [13:48] zequence, me and a canadian user, before Kory took the lead [13:49] ttoine: Oh. We should probably write down some history about this, so people know how it all happened :) [13:49] but the distribution really started at the UDS of november 2006, at google headquarters, where the early contributers have been invited [13:49] I guess the origin should be international then [13:49] (including me) [13:50] zequence: +1 [13:50] actually, Ubuntu Studio started from a wiki page [13:50] ttoine: Google Headquarters!?!!?!?? [13:50] the UbuntuStudioPreparation page on the help wiki [13:50] lol [13:50] Interesting [13:50] we where all music enthusiast [13:50] ttoine: If an organization would be made, as we discussed (but doesn't seem nessecary now), in France, then the origin would be France. But, we are really from all over the world, we who work at this right now [13:50] and the first name would have been Mubuntu for Music Ubuntu [13:51] zequence, writing a bit of history is not the same as writing where is the address of the organisation [13:51] ttoine: Can't find that page [13:52] the mubuntu name was already kept by another project, something like Micro Ubuntu, so we decided to take the name of the wiki page [13:52] ttoine: I'm quite aware of that. We are discussing two subjects in paralell [13:52] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation [13:52] Ah I missed community [13:52] smartboyhw, I still doing my best to maintain this page since 2006 [13:53] woe [13:53] s/woe/wow/ [13:53] smartboyhw meant: "wow" [13:54] the co author of the first page quit in 2007, because he realised that is Ubuntu was very popular, he dislike the Canonical vision. and so he returned to Debian Multimedia [13:54] oh [13:55] smartboyhw, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation?action=info [13:55] ttoine: When did you leave the team (for a while)? [13:55] is you look at the bottom, you will find the nickname of this guy, he actually created this wiki page [13:56] smartboyhw, I don't know. actually, I always followed, tested, reported bugs and so on even when "off" [13:56] :) [13:57] my real come back was when Scott took the lead. For me, the worst thing ever for Ubuntu Studio was the lead of Cory [13:57] ? [13:57] * smartboyhw does not know anything pre-Scott Era [13:57] smartboyhw, but when I attend to my Ubuntu membership, it has been noticed that I was off too much time ;-) [13:57] ttoine 5 [13:57] Why did I type 5? [13:58] Anyways try rerunning sooner or later… [13:58] This would be the first revision https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation?action=recall&rev=1 [13:58] yep [13:58] Lot shorter compared to the current one [13:59] smartboyhw, in short, I disagreed completely with Cory objectives. He was centered around his own needs, not on the user needs. Imho, Scott put Ubuntu Studio on the good way [13:59] Hmm.... [13:59] zequence: Are you in the team already at that time? [14:00] At that time, I didn't had time enough to lead Ubuntu Studio... it is still the case today :-) [14:00] so I am here [14:00] still here ;-) [14:00] lol [14:00] smartboyhw: I started hanging out here about 2-3 years ago [14:01] That's in Cory's Era I think, right? [14:01] I'd very much like to have votes on who will be the next lead. But, I want to make the team bigger first [14:01] smartboyhw, of course, notice that there is less stuff to do: most of things are working out of the box now. but at the beginning, I spent all my free time to boost developper so they can fix major bugs and package working versions [14:01] +1 [14:01] ttoine: Jeez that's hard [14:01] zequence, for me, you are the natural lead at the moment. Scott did a brilliant choice [14:02] ttoine: Thanks :) [14:02] smartboyhw, think that I am not a all a developer. I can"t package... [14:02] by the way, I hosted the first ever real time kernel for Ubuntu, back in 2005, on my server ;-) [14:02] it was before PPA [14:03] smartboyhw, think that I am not a all a developer. I can"t package... [14:03] * smartboyhw has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [14:03] by the way, I hosted the first ever real time kernel for Ubuntu, back in 2005, on my server ;-) [14:03] it was before PPA [14:03] ttoine: It's difficult to push people in packaginf OK apps [14:03] Whoa [14:03] I think the hardest stuff was to get sound card firmware working, with the help of Medibuntu, alsa dev, etc... [14:04] I can tell I managed that ;-) [14:04] Actually is Medibuntu still active these days? [14:04] they provide updated packages for every new release. they still host libdvdcss [14:05] but hosting alsa-firmware is not needed. there is a better version in kxstudio [14:05] ttoine: falktx will be happy hearing this [14:07] smartboyhw, I think he already know that I enjoy his work a lot ;-) [14:07] One workitem I will add to the S or permanent blueprint is to investigate the rebirth of the -rt kernel in Ubuntu [14:07] ttoine: :) [14:08] the rebirth ? what do you mean ? [14:08] Well the linux-rt package isnt in 12.10 or 13.04 [14:09] smartboyhw, if you are rewriting the wikipedia page, or history page about Ubuntu Studio you can tell that it was really created at the November 2006 UDS, at Google Headquarters [14:09] The tricky part is not building it, but providing security support for it, especially if the version is not the same that Ubuntu uses [14:10] smartboyhw, do we really need a -rt kernel ? [14:10] ttoine: Nah but I will spend one day rewriting the wikipedia page too? [14:10] the -rt kernel is intended for industrial use, actually. and most trials I did in time with the -lowlatency kernel where good enough [14:10] I'm not against creating a -rt kernel again, but not to replace -lowlatency. It would be an addition [14:11] zequence, I agree [14:11] ttoine: Some people like -rt more than -lowlatency. If we can provide them with it it satisfies them [14:11] However there will be security issues and indeed manpower issues [14:11] cookies time at the office kitchen, bbl [14:11] Time to go home for me. See you guys later [14:12] I would rather us to have an -rt kernel for LTS releases [14:12] I guess I should think about how I'm going to do tests tonight [14:12] smartboyhw, don't care too much about security issues. someone using -rt kernel in production will not let the computer connected to internet or in a public place [14:12] zequence: Um do the upgrades first? [14:12] ttoine: reason? [14:13] smartboyhw, in any studio, no production workstation is connected. When it works, don't fix it [14:13] even apple workstations, etc. [14:13] ttoine: I don't think that covers the whole community of users. Rather only the studio production machine, and I would think most people do not user their PC in that way [14:13] Anyway that's still a discussion:) [14:14] Ok, going now :) [14:14] Grrrr [14:31] Hey madeinkobaia [14:31] ttoine wants some art for merchandise [14:33] zequence, of course ;-) I just meant that people who use -rt kernel are often needing full performance of their computer, and this is not the need of average users [14:34] Hi all, hello smartboyhw :) [14:35] ttoine: And why would full performance users need no internet? [14:35] ttoine, meet madeinkobaia, our new Artwork Lead [14:36] madeinkobaia, meet ttoine, the PR guy working on Ubuntu Studio merchandise [14:36] Hi ttoine :) [14:36] smartboyhw, when you are not using your pc for music, it is better to use the -generic kernel. of course, on a laptop, but on workstation too [14:37] hi, madeinkobaia [14:37] ttoine: talk to madeinkobaia about the merchandise art you need:) [14:41] ttoine : you can explain that quickly here and write a detailed description of the project in the art branch, also as french is my native language as you, don't hesitate on private to speak with me "en français" : ) [14:41] XD [14:41] Strange there [14:41] madeinkobaia and ttoine are French [14:42] holstein and len-dt (plus ScottL) is American [14:42] zequence is Swedish while I am Chinese [14:42] I am Belgian, but french speaking :D [14:42] madeinkobaia: Dam I forgotten that [14:42] madeinkobaia, ah super, c'est bien de ne plus être seul à parler français ;-) [14:43] Uh oh French time [14:43] nevermind, smart :) [14:43] smartboyhw, ;-) [14:43] * smartboyhw escapes [14:43] no in english it is ok. [14:43] madeinkobaia, actually, I would need at least one generic stuff we could print on t-shirt and mugs [14:43] ttoine : ok [14:44] so, maybe, some cmyk artwork, with icc profile if any, and cmyk or pantone color for our blue [14:45] ttoine : ok, no problems for the technical specifications, do you have a graphical design idea or made ? [14:45] keep it simple [14:45] and maybe, have a look to ubuntu official merch' [14:47] Shoud it be a generic design, I mean no specifications of a released version on it, just Ubuntu Studio + logo ? [14:48] zequence: we don't exactly need a #ubuntustudio-offtopic channel do we? (After seeing micahg' words about things going offtopic in IRC bax [14:48] s/bax/backlog)/ [14:48] smartboyhw meant: "zequence: we don't exactly need a #ubuntustudio-offtopic channel do we? (After seeing micahg' words about things going offtopic in IRC backlog)" [14:50] madeinkobaia, something like that. so we will not have to respend time at any new release [14:50] ttoine: I would want something specific for LTS though [14:50] madeinkobaia, maybe, it would be interessant that any artwork should be available to enthusiat on our website. I don't know if you already spoke about that with zequence [14:51] ttoine: It's in a bzr art [14:51] s/art/art branch/ [14:51] smartboyhw meant: "ttoine: It's in a bzr art branch" [14:51] smartboyhw, is there a link somewhere on the website explaining where to find our bzr art ? [14:52] madeinkobaia: might be good to create a wiki page though [14:53] Actually zequence has a template for S in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork/Official1310 already [14:54] ttoine: friends, we need to speak and fix a lot of things about our branding layout, colors etc... maybe it will be better to re-organize to art aspect before to create a new project, I mean... [14:55] madeinkobaia: Yeah. Our artwork effort has stopped after 12.04 [14:55] tee-shirt printing cost money, and I would be sure that the print layout is working for a long time, hope I am understandable [14:56] The ex-lead went to develop his own distro [14:56] ok [14:56] madeinkobaia, it doesn"t cost anything, depending how you manage that. [14:56] madeinkobaia: And you are the one to pick the effort back [14:57] ok, in that case no huge problems :D [14:59] madeinkobaia, don't think there will be a problem [14:59] just create a beautiful thing to print ;-) [15:00] madeinkobaia, is graphics your job ? [15:00] ttoine: +1 [15:01] ttoine : yep, no problems, I just arrive so I need to feel how that works here, I have personally no doubts that we're gonna do great things : ) [15:02] ttoine : sure it is :D [15:02] madeinkobaia: Which Ubuntu Studio release are you actually using? [15:04] For the moment no one, six month ago I just keep Debian, but I will of course bring back Ubuntu Studio that I used for years before [15:05] madeinkobaia, feel free do it your way [15:05] * ttoine is using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, not Ubuntu Studio... [15:05] * smartboyhw is using Ubuntu Studio 13.04 [15:06] ok : ) [15:07] Ive got also a working PC, Debian is for my internet one. [15:08] madeinkobaia, http://blog.ttoine.net/2013/01/28/harrison-mixbus-et-ubuntu-12-04-chez-azarecord/ [15:08] Unity workstation in a recording studio [15:11] Wow, things have greatly been improved. Stunnin' [15:12] ttoine : feel free to visit my homepage too : http://madeinkobaia.deviantart.com/ [15:14] I am also guitar player and composer. (even if my priority is graphics from 4 years now) [15:17] madeinkobaia, if I want to download your background, what should I do ? [15:18] http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/The+Vu-Meter?content=147278 [15:19] ttoine: Sorry about wich background you're talking ? [15:20] the one on devianart === smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhe === smartboyhe is now known as smartboyhw [16:04] ttoine: I'm actually more leaning towards a unified theme [16:04] ttoine: We have been discussing this before [16:04] ttoine: I don't think there's such a big hurry with this now [16:04] madeinkobaia: ^ [16:05] ttoine: I mean, getting the art ready for t-shirts and mugs [16:05] ttoine: Unless, we do something quickly and then redo it again later [16:05] zequence, it was not for Ubuntu Studio, but more to show the vu-meter background to madeinkobaia [16:06] ttoine: I don't understand [16:06] ttoine: I'm talking about the t-shirts and mugs [16:08] The most important thing about that art IMO is logo and symbol design. I'd like those to be well thought out first. One could add variety with lots of imagination around that [16:09] But, it's better to have the branding stuff worked out well first [16:10] It's of course possible to do lots and lots of versions. In many generations. That could work too [16:11] zequence, actually, having a white mug with the logo and ubuntu studio should be enough for a start [16:11] At the moment, I need artwork quick in order to setup stuff, not to put them in production [16:11] ttoine: So, what you are saying it won't be used. It will only be there as an example, right? [16:13] zequence, yes [16:14] so we can validate example [16:14] I can go ahead, and not only wait for madeinkobaia [16:14] once madeinkobaia has released the definitive stuff, we launch the prod' [16:15] ttoine: Ok, that was the picture I got initially. Sorry for misunderstanding [16:15] Sounds terriffic [16:15] \o/ [16:16] So, now on to testing :P [16:18] bbl : ) [16:18] \o/ [16:18] madeinkobaia, /away [16:32] bbl [16:37] Leave my cooking 2 minutes : D I will create a new folder in the branch and created some basing tee-shirt / mug projects, that will be on line in +- one week [16:45] madeinkobaia: \o/ [16:52] See you tomorrow : ) [18:04] hello, darndest thing, but I cant install the beta1... can you help? [18:04] zequence: How many tests have you done for Beta 2? [18:04] em22: Hmm why? [18:05] What's the problem? [18:07] everything was going fine... and I was at the repart drives screen, and then I changed my mind, did a revert, did a quit, then started over... now installer never advances past the initial Preparing to Install screen. cursor just spins.... I freaked, thinking disk damaged, but no, everything still boots. [18:07] eh!? [18:08] I was using a flash... so I figured, well maybe it saved a setting and that screwed it up. so then I tried the dvd and got idential result, very strange indeed [18:08] zequence: Think of a good reason for this? [18:09] len-1304: ^ [18:10] I was using the SOMETHING ELSE install that goes to the manual partition screen. I've got a dozen partitions and about 5 versiions of linux [18:11] the point where it spins is where it detects if any partitions are currently mounted. [18:11] well, I guess if beta2 is available I could try that [18:28] download times are really slow from the archive I'm upgrading from [18:28] These tests will take some time.. === TheDrums is now known as 77CAAVMF2 [21:03] FYI regarding install problems. I found an answer over on #ubuntu-installer