=== Md_ is now known as Md | ||
skrode_ | hi, has anyone here managed to get nginx work with upstart? | 17:45 |
skrode_ | i'm using this script: http://pastebin.com/DFVLDRCZ. it works fine unless if i kill the master process using kill command | 17:45 |
skrode_ | after killing it with kill command the pid keeps changing every few seconds | 17:46 |
gansbrest | hi. I need to run a service only after mount is done, ie all volumes defined in fstab were mounted | 17:55 |
gansbrest | how would I do it with upstart | 17:55 |
xnox | skrode_: after starting it for the first time. Does the pid of the master process match the one in `status nginx` ? | 18:02 |
SpamapS | gansbrest: start on filesystem | 18:02 |
SpamapS | gansbrest: but really, unless it is very special, just do 'start on runlevel [2345]' | 18:02 |
SpamapS | gansbrest: and stop on runlevel [016] | 18:03 |
gansbrest | I do start on runlevel now, but noticed that my startup happens before volume was mounted | 18:03 |
SpamapS | gansbrest: runlevel what? | 18:03 |
gansbrest | is that even possible that 0123 would execute before mount..? | 18:03 |
SpamapS | gansbrest: runlevel 2 is 'start on filesystem and static-networking-up' .. so .. | 18:04 |
gansbrest | my runlevel is 3 | 18:04 |
SpamapS | gansbrest: why 3? | 18:04 |
SpamapS | oh, RH I bet | 18:04 |
gansbrest | yes, centos | 18:04 |
SpamapS | gansbrest: check /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf | 18:04 |
SpamapS | gansbrest: what is the 'start on' there ? | 18:04 |
gansbrest | hm, I don't have this file | 18:05 |
SpamapS | oh wow | 18:05 |
* SpamapS is checking his own centos test box | 18:05 | |
skrode_ | xnox: yes it does | 18:05 |
SpamapS | the way its done is.. | 18:05 |
SpamapS | really weird | 18:05 |
gansbrest | I think upstart starts systemV right? | 18:06 |
gansbrest | for comparability | 18:06 |
SpamapS | gansbrest: yeah but.. the way its being done is.. really broken IMO | 18:06 |
SpamapS | no wonder lennart got frustrated and wrote systemd | 18:07 |
gansbrest | do you know which init script runs mounts? | 18:07 |
SpamapS | I have no idea | 18:07 |
gansbrest | I'm wondering if it's systemV script or upstart one ) | 18:08 |
gansbrest | if it would be systemV - then I could do "start on stopped rc" | 18:09 |
SpamapS | gansbrest: rc.sysinit does a lot of mount stuff | 18:09 |
SpamapS | gansbrest: yes start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=3 would do it | 18:09 |
gansbrest | but theoretically runlevel 3 should come up with mounts..? | 18:10 |
skrode_ | xnox: the pid of the master process matches always the one in `status nginx`, but the /var/run/nginx.pid doesn't update after killing the master process with kill command | 18:10 |
SpamapS | gansbrest: yes it should | 18:22 |
gansbrest | ah, I think my problem could be related to nework mount | 18:23 |
gansbrest | forgot to mention it | 18:23 |
gansbrest | it's not normal mount | 18:23 |
gansbrest | ntf sort of thing | 18:23 |
SpamapS | gansbrest: those are done by sysv | 18:31 |
gansbrest | yes, on stopped rc worked, thanks SpamapS | 18:35 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | hello | 23:34 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | so i was trying to create an upstart job on Ubuntu that would call "openvpn /home/roland/AirVPN_United\ States_UDP-443.ovpn" as root | 23:35 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | i created a job as launchvpn.conf which is in the /etc/init/ folder. it is not executable as per the instructions | 23:36 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | # launchvpn - service job file | 23:37 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | description "Launch VPN" | 23:37 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | author "FRITZ|FRITZ" | 23:37 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | # Start the media server after network and filesystem | 23:37 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | # Otherwise this lead to a unresponsive server | 23:37 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | start on filesystem and net-device-up IFACE!=lo | 23:37 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | echo "test" | 23:38 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | # When to stop the service | 23:38 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | stop on runlevel [016] | 23:38 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | # Automatically restart process if crashed | 23:38 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | respawn | 23:38 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | # Sets nice and ionice level for job | 23:38 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | nice -5 | 23:38 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | # What to execute | 23:38 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | script | 23:38 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | openvpn /home/roland/AirVPN_United\ States_UDP-443.ovpn | 23:38 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | end script | 23:38 |
SpamapS | FRITZ|FRITZ: in the future, please paste these things into a pastebin, such as paste.ubuntu.com | 23:38 |
SpamapS | FRITZ|FRITZ: "start on filesystem and net-device-up IFACE!=lo" is not what you want. You want 'start on runlevel [2345]' | 23:39 |
SpamapS | FRITZ|FRITZ: echo "test" is also wrong | 23:40 |
SpamapS | FRITZ|FRITZ: you don't need the 'script/end script', just do 'exec .....' | 23:40 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | let me give it a shot thanks | 23:41 |
SpamapS | FRITZ|FRITZ: finally you probably want to use the keyword 'task' , as this is a one time thing, not a constantly running job | 23:41 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | well the vpn connection I do want to have constantly… | 23:41 |
SpamapS | FRITZ|FRITZ: ah ok, then not task :) | 23:43 |
SpamapS | FRITZ|FRITZ: note that openvpn already has sysvinit scripts that will do this for you | 23:44 |
SpamapS | FRITZ|FRITZ: you just have to put the config file in /etc/openvpn/whatever.conf | 23:45 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | hmm it still does not seem to be executing properly… if i were to run sudo openvpn /home/roland/AirVPN_United\ States_UDP-443.ovpn once logged into my user account it would work… (but remain in the foreground) | 23:47 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | how come the upstart job doesn't seem to work? | 23:48 |
SpamapS | FRITZ|FRITZ: not sure, but check /var/log/upstart/name-of-your-job.log | 23:51 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | ahh usefull | 23:53 |
SpamapS | FRITZ|FRITZ: but, like I said, probably just toss that file in /etc/openvpn/airvpn.conf and it will work | 23:54 |
FRITZ|FRITZ | that's what i was about to try… currently the files are sitting in my home directory. the log showed it unable to find the keys | 23:55 |
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