dlumberg | Where are screensaver settings in 13.04? | 00:16 |
=== azeam is now known as azeam_afk | ||
xubuntu705 | hi i need some help with xbuntu | 02:03 |
xubuntu705 | xubuntu* | 02:04 |
xubuntu705 | anyone there? | 02:04 |
xubuntu818 | hello anyone help me fix no sound, xubuntu 12.04? no videos either | 03:36 |
holstein | xubuntu818: what do you mean, no video? | 03:37 |
xubuntu818 | no videos play, got updates and plugins, and flashplayer, nothing still | 03:37 |
holstein | xubuntu818: what videos? | 03:38 |
holstein | xubuntu818: are you there? will you go to http://www.russianlessons.net/audio/audio-test.php and tell me how the audio tests go.. tell me what browser you are using | 03:39 |
xubuntu818 | hey holstein, yellowmans. | 03:39 |
holstein | xubuntu818: yellowmans? | 03:40 |
xubuntu818 | im using firefox. the volume goes to mute, and had an application crash recently the one for the sound | 03:40 |
xubuntu818 | yes yellowmans, you helped me previoulsy with wireles mouse | 03:41 |
holstein | xubuntu818: open the page i linked above | 03:41 |
xubuntu818 | ok | 03:41 |
holstein | xubuntu818: click on the audio tests and report.. please | 03:41 |
xubuntu818 | ti ruski? ya gavari nimnoshka. yes i heard it | 03:42 |
holstein | xubuntu818: ok. so, there is no problem with your sound then | 03:43 |
xubuntu818 | and was able to hear misic cds, but not no more | 03:43 |
xubuntu818 | musi cds. i play music cds, and it shows as playing but no sound comes | 03:43 |
holstein | xubuntu818: test a known good audio file please.. if you hear that audio from that site, you should have audio | 03:44 |
holstein | xubuntu818: let me konw, and we will move on to the other issue | 03:44 |
xubuntu818 | mm known good audio file>? | 03:44 |
holstein | xubuntu818: just like it reads.. a file that you know is good.. one that plays or has played for you on a known good player.. a player that works.. one that has worked, and does currently work | 03:45 |
xubuntu818 | well im not sure. the cd that is in, used to play... | 03:45 |
holstein | xubuntu818: open a *.ogg ..something that requires no codecs | 03:46 |
xubuntu818 | mm let me look | 03:46 |
stlu | the more I lurk, the more impressed I am with IRC support volunteers! | 03:48 |
n-iCe | hi | 03:51 |
holstein | stlu: its a great community :) | 03:51 |
xubuntu818 | thank you holstein i will come back | 03:52 |
holstein | xubuntu818: also http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ | 03:52 |
jackln | I have a 1366x700 resolution, what is the best res for GRUB for my screen?? | 08:01 |
jackln | boot screen is streched out | 08:01 |
jackln | maybe it isn't grub | 08:01 |
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam | ||
xubuntu119 | hello | 09:36 |
xubuntu119 | i'd like to know if someone is willing to help me on a really unusual problem (for me) | 09:37 |
xubuntu119 | xubuntu 13.04 beta, done updates yesterday and today lan is not working if the power cable is not fitted (laptop HP ProBook 6450b) | 09:38 |
YathWarp | hi everybody ! | 15:35 |
YathWarp | i got a desktop computer Acer aspire X3200, and I got problems booting up Xubuntu on it | 15:37 |
YathWarp | It had Windows XP on it, was booting fine everytime. I use a sd card to boot the live cd. The live CD boots fine sometimes (maybe 2/10 time) | 15:39 |
YathWarp | so i tried to install, but everytime i get a screen saying "CPU#0 stuck for 24s" | 15:39 |
YathWarp | and no X, no prompt | 15:39 |
YathWarp | tried Xubuntu 12.10 32bits, LM13 xfce both 32 and 64, LM14 xfce 32/64, LM14 cinnamon, Fedora 18 Xfce 32 and 64 bits | 15:41 |
YathWarp | always getting this screen | 15:41 |
YathWarp | and sometimes, live cd works. Install never did but I didnt try many times | 15:42 |
FRO5T | YathWarp - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1757773 | 15:45 |
xubuntu041 | this is the third time i've installed xubuntu with btrfs - i add a disk reboot and it won't boot anymore, even if I take the disk off the system | 15:46 |
xubuntu041 | any ideas why | 15:46 |
xubuntu041 | all works fine until i do btrfs device add /dev/sdc / | 15:48 |
xubuntu041 | then reboot and it seems to get stuck on usb devices - this is with 13.10 raring | 15:48 |
xubuntu041 | gotta go - this is the connect to irc option during 13.04 that is - install - bye | 15:50 |
Pici | xubuntu041 :Raring/13.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion. | 15:52 |
xubuntu571 | salve qualcuno sa spiegarmi come mai non vedo i filmanti su you tube? (flash aggiornato) | 17:01 |
Pici | !it | xubuntu571 | 17:03 |
ubottu | xubuntu571: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 17:03 |
xubuntu571 | grazie | 17:04 |
scottbomb | iso test | 17:18 |
GermainZ | If I want to run multiple root commands in a script, would starting a root shell inside which everything will be executed be a good idea? | 17:59 |
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest15777 | ||
Guest15777 | i've got a question about installingxubuntu: is there an way for installing ubuntu firectly from windows without an livecd or with an usbstick? | 18:08 |
GermainZ | On a different partition? | 18:08 |
Guest15777 | yes | 18:08 |
genii-around | Conceivably you can use loadlin and debootstrap | 18:09 |
GermainZ | I've never tried, but it should be possible by using Cygwin | 18:09 |
GermainZ | So you'll be installing Ubuntu from another Linux (Cygwin) | 18:09 |
Guest15777 | so ill boot a virtual linux in windows and use this linux to install xubuntu? | 18:11 |
GermainZ | Pretty much | 18:12 |
GermainZ | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux | 18:12 |
Guest15777 | but the website says that debootstrap just runs on win95,98,me? | 18:17 |
Guest15777 | mine is xp | 18:17 |
Guest15777 | correcting: loadlin just works on this os | 18:17 |
Guest15777 | but using this way its not possible to install xubuntu directly? | 18:28 |
Guest15777 | well have to go | 18:30 |
Guest15777 | thanks for your help!!! | 18:31 |
=== Cheri703_ is now known as Cheri703 | ||
=== TheDrums is now known as 77CAAVMF2 | ||
CorySimmons | Hi, I've been using Ubuntu 10.04 for a while and just switched to the latest Xubuntu, but it feels incredibly sluggish. Any reason for this? | 18:51 |
CorySimmons | I'm using a virtualbox btw | 18:51 |
CorySimmons | Same memory/space allocated to the install as ubuntu 10.04 | 18:51 |
bazhang | a vbox will do that | 18:52 |
lderan | mmm can't see any lag in my Xubuntu CorySimmons. have you installed anything extra? | 18:56 |
CorySimmons | No, I literally just fired up the box | 18:56 |
CorySimmons | Looking into swappiness now | 18:57 |
CorySimmons | Ubuntu doesn't do this. :( I thought xubuntu was supposedly faster. | 18:57 |
xubuntu907 | hello eveyone | 18:58 |
CorySimmons | It's not just laggy, it's like, really.... really bad | 18:58 |
lderan | how much memory are you giving it? | 18:59 |
lderan | hi xubuntu907 | 18:59 |
CorySimmons | 512mb | 18:59 |
CorySimmons | Ugh, that's the problem | 18:59 |
xubuntu907 | well i am having a problem installing xubuntu on my machine | 18:59 |
bazhang | try 1Gb | 18:59 |
CorySimmons | Wish I could just update the vbox to add more mem, but it won't let me | 18:59 |
CorySimmons | Oh! Yeah it will! w00t | 19:00 |
xubuntu907 | it is kind of stuck i think | 19:00 |
CorySimmons | xubuntu907: What's wrong? | 19:01 |
CorySimmons | You running vbox? | 19:01 |
xubuntu907 | it is at the end of installing files and it is stuck on this message "Running post-installation trigger update-notifier-common" | 19:02 |
xubuntu907 | it is not completing the installation | 19:03 |
xubuntu907 | any suggestions? | 19:05 |
xubuntu907 | can anybody tell me what to do, please? | 19:13 |
knome | !patience | xubuntu907 | 19:15 |
ubottu | xubuntu907: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/ | 19:15 |
xubuntu907 | well i am stuck with a message on the xubuntu installer "Running post-installation trigger update-notifier-common" | 19:17 |
xubuntu907 | it is not completing the installation | 19:17 |
z0ran | i installed xubuntu 12.10 on kvm-qemu, installation went without problem, but after is done installig it cannont boot again, any idea why....please | 19:19 |
lderan | z0ran, what happens? do you get a blue background at all? | 19:20 |
z0ran | onlly on installation | 19:20 |
z0ran | but after i reboot its only blank screen | 19:20 |
z0ran | nothing | 19:20 |
z0ran | no errors, nothing, black screen only | 19:21 |
z0ran | but installation went with no problems | 19:21 |
z0ran | im going to try with ubuntu, do you guys think that is going to be any difference | 19:23 |
lderan | its possible but i don't know, it sounds like a problem with the x | 19:24 |
bazhang | I would try nomodeset | 19:25 |
bazhang | !nomodeset | 19:25 |
ubottu | A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 19:25 |
mumin | Can anyone assist me with installing gimphoto on xubuntu? | 19:26 |
z0ran | thanks guys | 19:27 |
mumin | maybe point me to a how-to? | 19:27 |
GridCube | what is gimphoto? | 19:28 |
bazhang | !find gimphoto | 19:29 |
ubottu | Package/file gimphoto does not exist in quantal | 19:29 |
mumin | its like gimp.. except it has the same commands as photshop | 19:29 |
bazhang | gimpshop is what you mean | 19:29 |
GridCube | apparently its just a rebuild of gimp to resemble photoshop | 19:29 |
mumin | yes | 19:29 |
GridCube | http://www.gimphoto.com/ | 19:29 |
mumin | essentially | 19:29 |
mumin | I am more familar with photoshop | 19:30 |
GridCube | its not a default program, its not recommended, and its not supported | 19:30 |
bazhang | is there a PPA for that mumin | 19:30 |
GermainZ | mumin, you might be interested in running Photoshop w/ WINE | 19:30 |
mumin | doing basic tasks in gimp like deselecting had me searching | 19:30 |
GermainZ | I'm doing that with CS6. | 19:30 |
mumin | bazhang, I don't see a ppa | 19:30 |
mumin | GermainZ, I can't afford photoshop | 19:30 |
GridCube | mumin, http://www.gimphoto.com/2008/02/gimphoto-for-linux.html | 19:30 |
mumin | GermainZ, I don't use it that often | 19:31 |
GermainZ | I thought you already had it considering you're more familiar with it | 19:31 |
mumin | I used to do that.. but not anymore | 19:31 |
GridCube | GermainZ, that doesnt work well | 19:31 |
mumin | I mean... I used to download the software..but not anymore. | 19:31 |
GermainZ | GridCube, works fine with me. | 19:32 |
mumin | what is Gridcube? | 19:32 |
GermainZ | GridCube, just wondering if you were referring to WINE in general or just PS under WINE? | 19:45 |
xubuntu876 | Hi all | 20:51 |
xubuntu876 | I'm having issues with java on xubuntu 12.10 in both mozilla and chrome | 20:52 |
xubuntu876 | can anyone help me out with a small issue? | 21:06 |
GermainZ | What's the issue? | 21:08 |
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