lousygarua | philipballew, hej you there? | 00:16 |
philipballew | lousygarua, yeah! | 00:17 |
philipballew | whats up? | 00:17 |
lousygarua | philipballew, all good. just had a little success with installing some wiki software for developing linux.org.il | 00:20 |
lousygarua | so i'm happy :) | 00:20 |
lousygarua | and I am both a Dutch and Israeli citizen | 00:20 |
philipballew | lousygarua, oh nice! | 00:20 |
philipballew | so you have two passports? | 00:20 |
lousygarua | yeah :) | 00:21 |
lousygarua | like a spy | 00:21 |
philipballew | taxes must suck! | 00:21 |
lousygarua | philipballew, actually i have no idea about taxes | 00:22 |
lousygarua | taxes about what? being a citizen? haha | 00:22 |
lousygarua | i think i only pay for Israel | 00:22 |
lousygarua | the dutch passport is.. smt else | 00:22 |
philipballew | well in america you have to pay taxes on everything | 00:22 |
lousygarua | maybe i'm not a citizen yet | 00:22 |
lousygarua | i just know i got my dutch passport | 00:23 |
lousygarua | america is great :) | 00:23 |
lousygarua | haha | 00:23 |
philipballew | lousygarua, Its alright. It's all I know in many respects | 00:25 |
lousygarua | philipballew, well I might be paying something that I just don't know of or too tired to remeember. I don't check my pills too good | 00:27 |
philipballew | oh, what time is i there? | 00:28 |
lousygarua | philipballew, 3:30pm :) | 00:30 |
philipballew | ah, so its the 4th there? | 00:30 |
lousygarua | yeah | 00:32 |
philipballew | lousygarua, thats tight. So what do you do work work or fun there? | 00:34 |
lousygarua | currently fun | 00:36 |
lousygarua | i'm between work | 00:36 |
lousygarua | s | 00:36 |
lousygarua | jobs | 00:36 |
philipballew | me to. | 00:36 |
lousygarua | more like after a job and starting working as a freelancer | 00:36 |
lousygarua | what is your profession? | 00:37 |
lousygarua | need to see if i'll manage freelancing | 00:37 |
lousygarua | philipballew, what's your profession? | 00:37 |
philipballew | Currently a college student | 00:37 |
philipballew | so if I ever found myself in Tel Aviv, how long can I manage to sleep on someones couch there? | 00:37 |
philipballew | so I can be able to speak properly and see the sights? | 00:40 |
Avis_bot | pc__: Welcome to #ubuntu-il! Feel free to ask questions. Note that it may take at least around half an hour until you get a response. Enjoy! | 04:38 |
Avis_bot | pc__: ברוכים הבאים ל #ubuntu-il! הרגישו חופשי לשאול שאלות. שימו לב שעלולה לקחת לפחות כחצי שעה לקבלת מענה. תהנו! | 04:38 |
asw3 | בעעע | 05:47 |
asw3 | למה לעזזל עם vpn | 05:47 |
asw3 | הוא לוקח את כל התעבורה ממנו | 05:47 |
asw3 | לא רוצה ככה | 05:47 |
asw3 | מה אפשר להגדיר | 05:47 |
asw3 | ? | 05:47 |
=== pc__ is now known as Ardethian |
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