
IdleOneazend: I was 30 when i got my first discs and it was still fun :)02:56
azendI actually don't remember when I first got my discs02:57
azendThe only way I can remember distro versions from back then is by their default wallpapers02:58
azendI think I started in 6.04 or 6.1002:58
azendI guess I was 12 at the time then02:59
azendGot started using Ubuntu as a desktop and Mandriva as a server03:00
azendGood times :)03:00
BobJonkmanazend: You still good for a release party?03:23
DarwinSurvivordscassel: I found a CD in a geocache once. Might be something to use them for :)03:45
azendBobJonkman: so you're where the notification came from!04:35
azendmy client notified me but didn't tell me where it came from04:35
azendA release date of April 25th huh?04:38
azendI can host one a couple of days after04:38
azendThat way the ubuntu repos are being smashed less04:39
azendit would be nice if I could get an apt-mirror up and running before hand though04:39

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