
marandisalam , bache ha man vasate nasbe oracle java laptopam khamoosh shod hala dpkg va apt-get lock shodan , chetori mitoonam releaseshoon konam ?07:43
anoNxeRomarandi, bebin in file vojod dare /var/lib/dpkg/lock07:44
marandianoNxeRo: ok , let me check07:44
marandianoNxeRo: are voojood dasht va man proccessesh ro kill kardam dorost shod alan , faghat ye chizi07:46
marandianoNxeRo: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.07:46
anoNxeRokhob dashte nasb mikarde vasadesh koshtish07:47
marandianoNxeRo: dige nemikham in java e install she che konam ke yadesh bere ? :D !07:47
anoNxeRomarandi, ono bezan07:47
anoNxeRobad bezan apt-get -f install07:47
anoNxeRoapt-get check && apt-get clean && apt-get autoclean && apt-get autoremove07:48
marandikhow ina cachamo pak mikone ! aval beram cach ro repository konam ke roo pc ham nasb konam ( agha bandwidth nist khow che konam ? :d ) bad remove mikonam07:49
anoNxeRokhob pas nemikhad inkaro bokonimarandi07:50
anoNxeRo-f install ro bezan ba autoremove07:50
anoNxeRodige clean nemikhad bokoni07:50
marandianoNxeRo: alright !07:50
mahdi67kasi hast11:40
mahdi67soal daram11:40
mahdi67help me?11:40
anoNxeRo!ask | mahdi6711:42
lubotu3`mahdi67: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:42
mahdi67help me?11:43
anoNxeRostate your question, first then ask for help11:43
mahdi67wireles do not enable in ubuntu in laptop11:44
mahdi67what? me type in terminal?11:45
mahdi67laptop me acer Experience teaches slowly and at the cost of mistakes.11:46
anoNxeRomahdi67, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide11:47
mahdi67~ James A. Froude (1818 - 1894)tanx11:48
=== help is now known as Guest56512
Guest56512ege bade nasbe QT creator error bede12:27
Guest56512:-1: error: Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options.12:28
Guest56512chi kaar konim?12:28
Guest56512chiaa ro daghighan bayad nasb konim?12:30
Melissa-Guest56512: go to Tools -> Options -> Build & Run and try to change your compiler12:35
Guest56512cmake chie <Melissa->12:38
Melissa-Guest56512: http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake/Tutorials/Qt12:40
Melissa-Guest56512: Not at all12:54
Guest56512<Melissa-> tnx12:58
Melissa-yes i understood and i replied Guest56512 :)13:01
Melissa-not at all= you're welcome=no problem =not mention ;-)13:02
Guest56512 <Melissa-> farghe QT creator baaa QT framework midoonid chie13:12
ubuntu1narmafzaari ke14:23
ubuntu1masalan roo desktope14:23
ubuntu1baa che dastoori nasb konim?14:24
ubuntu1yani baa apt-get14:24
ubuntu1khodesho daaarim14:24
ubuntu1sudo install masiresh ??????????14:24
ubuntu1mage nist14:24
ubuntu1ye soali15:00
ubuntu1dl mikonam15:01
ubuntu1gcc 4.615:01
ubuntu1kojaaaa DL mishe15:01
ubuntu1masiresho az kojaa biaram15:01
ubuntu1akharesh kaci nemidoone maa in compilre qt creator che joori nasb konim?15:21
marandisalam , bache ha man kerio vpn client ro nasb kardam (  ubuntu 64 daram ) bad alan apt-getam mige ke baiad apt-get -f install ro run konam oon ro ham ke run mikonam mikhad ke package e kerio-control-vpnclient:i386 ro pak konam inam pak beshe dige kerio vpn client kar nemikone , chi kar konam in apt-get bikhial she ?!15:56
earastehHi. I have some problem on ubuntu 10.04:17:42
earastehI'm running it on a laptop and I cann't change display brightness.what can I do?can anyone help?17:43
Melissa-earasteh: serch brightness and clock or something which contain brightness17:44
earastehMelissa: U mean in internet?17:45
Melissa-in your laptop..in your ubuntu17:46
centooos earasteh, in your dash home :)17:48
Melissa-i'm not sure this work for you...but most of the time it solved the problem in ubuntu 10:open terminal17:48
Melissa-gksu gedit /etc/default/grub17:48
Melissa-change this17:49
Melissa-hey be careful ok?17:49
Melissa-then save it and close terminal17:50
Melissa-then open it again17:50
Melissa-and sudo update-grub17:50
earastehOK :)17:50
Melissa-restart ubuntu17:51
Melissa-most of the time it work but there is some exception .17:51
Melissa-i hope it work for you17:51
earasteh Melissa: thanks for your help! But I have to wait till my update manager download all its stuffs and then I'll restart.17:52
earastehIs all poeple here Iranian?17:54
fvahidربطی نداره17:54
earastehجوابم رو گرفتم :)17:54
fvahidMelissa-: گراب چه ربطی به روشنایی صفحه داره17:55
fvahidهر دری بری که تو اینترنت نوشتن که لزوما که درست نیست17:56
Melissa-fvahid:  ye bug boode https://bugs.launchpad.net/emgd/+bug/71117217:56
lubotu3`Ubuntu bug 711172 in Intel® EMGD driver "Brightness doesn't work using acpi from video driver" [Low,Confirmed]17:56
earastehپس احتمالا با آپگرید کردن هم درست بشه؟من نسخه ی ۱۰ رو دارم و دارم به ۱۲ آپ می کنم17:58
Melissa-aslan chera az aval noskheye payin rikhti?17:59
earastehقبلا ریخته بودم ولی باهاش کار نمی کردم الان که یکم باهاش ور رفتم خوشم اومده از لینوکس! حالا می خوام آپدیتش کنم18:01
fvahidearasteh: toys measure /sys/....... he file hast me bayad megdaresho kam o ziyad koni18:01
fvahidfile e marboot be GPU hastesh masire daghigesh yadam nist18:02
marandisalam , bache ha man kerio vpn client ro nasb kardam (  ubuntu 64 daram ) bad alan apt-getam mige ke baiad apt-get -f install ro run konam oon ro ham ke run mikonam mikhad ke package e kerio-control-vpnclient:i386 ro pak konam inam pak beshe dige kerio vpn client kar nemikone , chi kar konam in apt-get bikhial she ?!18:05
marandisalam , bache ha man kerio vpn client ro nasb kardam (  ubuntu 64 daram ) bad alan apt-getam mige ke baiad apt-get -f install ro run konam oon ro ham ke run mikonam mikhad ke package e kerio-control-vpnclient:i386 ro pak konam inam pak beshe dige kerio vpn client kar nemikone , chi kar konam in apt-get bikhial she ?!19:36
marandiagha yeki berese be dadam19:50
=== lubotu3` is now known as lubotu3

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