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capnkooc | hi! i just install the ubuntu preview on a galaxy nexus build number: JDQ39, all good it finish I was on a bootloader and chose reboot | 00:36 |
capnkooc | now I don't know how to return to the grub like bootloader | 00:36 |
capnkooc | I'm a little lost and can boot the phone :p | 00:36 |
capnkooc | can any one please point my to the right direction? | 00:36 |
capnkooc | can't boot the phone* | 00:38 |
wilee-nilee | capnkooc, grub like bootloader? | 00:39 |
capnkooc | wilee-nilee, i don't know the name, I'm searching for that I probably need to reboot and back to that app but I don't now how | 00:39 |
capnkooc | I just now the power volumes combo | 00:39 |
wilee-nilee | capnkooc, That install as far as I know is not a dualboot, if it were me I would load it again, it should be just when powerd on go to ubuntu touch. | 00:40 |
wilee-nilee | capnkooc, It is in testing might be a daily build if tha is what you have that is problematic on your phone, just a guess | 00:40 |
wilee-nilee | capnkooc, On my nexus7 you hold down the volumes and power on | 00:40 |
capnkooc | yes, then I boot on the android bootloader from here what I need to do to start the phone on ubuntu? | 00:41 |
capnkooc | wilee-nilee, If i select start the google logo loads and the phones halts | 00:41 |
wilee-nilee | capnkooc, Sure, you used the phablet ppa and followed the instructions right? | 00:43 |
capnkooc | yes everything was ok, on the installation I was on a different bootloader not the android basic one, I select the reboot options and I'm here :p | 00:48 |
capnkooc | wilee-nilee, but if you want i can start again from scratch | 00:50 |
wilee-nilee | capnkooc, I'm not a developer or expert, however on open source and android fairly experienced. If me I would just load it again, rather than trying to fix it. | 00:56 |
wilee-nilee | it should just work basically if all is good, not a bad daily, or download....etc | 00:58 |
wilee-nilee | capnkooc, Anyway good luck I gotta go shop for dinner. ;) | 01:03 |
capnkooc | wilee-nilee, thanks | 01:03 |
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RobbyF | anyway to get hands on that raring/mir unity build | 02:17 |
RobbyF | all free time is spent flashing ubuntu touch | 02:17 |
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Cw1200 | hi any one working on I8190 device porting? | 03:08 |
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Cw1200 | hi any one working on I8190 device porting? | 03:33 |
kaosphere | Hi everyone, ive got a problem restoring my andoid system after having tried ubuntu for the nexus 7, could someone give me some help? =) thx | 03:48 |
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theapant | I attempted to build this, by just adding the configs in the guide to the kernel defconfig and compiling. Unfortunately it just makes it past the splash and then it shuts off. Did I do something wrong? Thanks | 04:48 |
mattwj2002 | how is this progressing? | 04:51 |
theapant | Also another question. The out directory is about 2 G while other roms are 16 ish and the final zip is 46 mb while other roms are 120 mb. Is this usual? Also how are apps distributed and installed? thanks | 04:55 |
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amer | hi everyone | 06:00 |
amer | can anyone tell me is Ubuntu touch compatable for dell streak 5..? | 06:01 |
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bzoltan | pmcgowan: mhall119: next week we will release some packaging features ... not all, because the whole packaging story is very complex | 06:36 |
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nik90 | bzoltan: ping | 10:46 |
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ph0o | hi guys, is there a way to intall ubuntu-touch on a samsung ativ tab? windows 8 rt is too annyoing | 12:11 |
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lilstevie | ph0o, no | 12:47 |
ph0o | lilstevie, crap .. :/ and a default ubuntu-desktop-image? | 12:48 |
lilstevie | no | 12:48 |
ph0o | lilstevie, do you need a windows 8 tablet? :P | 12:49 |
lilstevie | I'm happy with my surface rt thanks | 12:50 |
ph0o | you have one? AND you are happy with it? | 12:50 |
ph0o | maybe i'm doing something wrong.. | 12:51 |
lilstevie | yes, I am very happy with my surface, gets almost as much if not slightly more use than my desktop | 12:53 |
ph0o | are you using google to sync your cal, mail, etc? | 12:54 |
ph0o | are there maybe some good apps i don't know? have you some tipps for me pls? | 12:54 |
lilstevie | nope, I'm using exchange to do that | 12:59 |
ph0o | ok .. :) thanks | 13:01 |
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zqrt | can i install Ubuntu in my mobile huawei ascend g600? | 14:34 |
mhall119 | !devices > zqrt | 14:35 |
ubot5 | zqrt, please see my private message | 14:35 |
mhall119 | !devices | zqrt | 14:35 |
ubot5 | zqrt: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices | 14:35 |
mhall119 | that's what I meant to do | 14:35 |
zqrt | so did you have like for any info help | 14:35 |
zqrt | like=laky | 14:36 |
mhall119 | zqrt: if your device is on that list, it should have a link to instructions for installing | 14:36 |
zqrt | leaky or not leaky? | 14:36 |
mhall119 | most of the device images are community developed | 14:36 |
zqrt | ok can you get my the linke for the list | 14:36 |
mhall119 | I just did | 14:37 |
mhall119 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices | 14:37 |
zqrt | i will do what any one say to do | 14:37 |
zqrt | thanks | 14:37 |
zqrt | you did,t? | 14:37 |
zqrt | on G600 ? | 14:37 |
zqrt | i will do what any one say to do | 14:38 |
zqrt | you get my the link | 14:38 |
zqrt | ? | 14:38 |
mhall119 | I don't see the g600 on the list, which means nobody has started porting Ubuntu Touch to your device yet | 14:38 |
zqrt | aha | 14:38 |
zqrt | damm | 14:39 |
zqrt | i will do it in my gs3 | 14:39 |
zqrt | so be it | 14:39 |
zqrt | thanks agine mhall | 14:39 |
mhall119 | np | 14:46 |
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theapant | I was working on building this for ancora_tmo. I replaced frameworks av native and some media/display hardware and added the defconfigs but the phone just shut off after the splash screen. Help please? Th | 16:20 |
theapant | Also what app package should be flashed or does that not exist for ubuntu touch? | 16:21 |
wade|shull | any component qml specialist around? | 16:33 |
theapant | Think I found the error from my first question, i forgot to change the fstab | 16:34 |
DWorrall | Hello, im looking for a little help. | 16:43 |
wade|shull | hello DWorrall | 16:43 |
wade|shull | what kind of help ar you looking for | 16:44 |
wade|shull | if it is porting help, I will be of no use | 16:44 |
wade|shull | but qml coding maybe | 16:44 |
DWorrall | Hey, i installed Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 7, which is great. but i was expecting a little more. Is there a more regular linux experience i can get to or do i have to install a different version? | 16:44 |
wade|shull | the way I understand it, this is full ubuntu with its own UI | 16:45 |
wade|shull | also this isn't the full release as far as I understand | 16:45 |
wade|shull | this is developers preview to play with | 16:45 |
DWorrall | I have tried that, and it wasnt great. which is why i tried ubuntu touch. but it seems there isnt much to do on it : /. | 16:45 |
wade|shull | I have a feeling it the final version will be slightly different | 16:45 |
wade|shull | yeah the core apps are not fully developed yet | 16:46 |
wade|shull | this is a preview for developers to play with | 16:46 |
DWorrall | I am a developer, well... android developer. I was looking into this for fun. | 16:46 |
DWorrall | Are there any settings i can get to? i cant seem to find anything... | 16:46 |
wade|shull | I am trying to remember from the videos | 16:47 |
wade|shull | swipe up from the bottom maybe | 16:47 |
wade|shull | or swipe from the side | 16:47 |
wade|shull | the left side | 16:47 |
DWorrall | left side is quick menu, right side is app switching | 16:47 |
DWorrall | bottom does nothing | 16:47 |
DWorrall | and top are things liek wifi and time | 16:48 |
wade|shull | hmmm | 16:48 |
wade|shull | sorry, guess you can label me as the 'no help guy' | 16:48 |
DWorrall | hehe its not a problem. | 16:48 |
wade|shull | I want to get a 7 | 16:48 |
wade|shull | to play with, was it hard to flash it? | 16:48 |
DWorrall | Not at all | 16:49 |
DWorrall | Theres a toolkit for it | 16:49 |
wade|shull | ahh, since I don't have anything to flash to, I haven't looked much into it yet | 16:49 |
wade|shull | I wrestling with the qml components they made for QtCreator at the moment | 16:49 |
DWorrall | the easy installer, if everything goes OK, is as simple as enabling usb debugging and clicking a button heh | 16:50 |
wade|shull | wow | 16:50 |
wade|shull | nice | 16:50 |
DWorrall | thank the lord for virtual machines ^^ | 16:51 |
WebbyIT | DWorrall: if you want to be involved in development of app for Ubuntu Touch, see at http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/ | 16:52 |
WebbyIT | DWorrall: for core-apps, see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-coreapps | 16:52 |
wade|shull | hey WebbyIT are you involved with the Ubuntu Touch Components? | 16:53 |
DWorrall | ah thanks. | 16:53 |
WebbyIT | wade|shull: nope | 16:53 |
wade|shull | arg | 16:53 |
WebbyIT | wade|shull: i just do some bugfix | 16:53 |
wade|shull | well I have what I think is a bug | 16:53 |
wade|shull | :) | 16:53 |
wade|shull | posted it on askubuntu but have no response as of yet | 16:53 |
WebbyIT | wade|shull: link:) | 16:54 |
DWorrall | installing the non-touch version now. will let you know how it goes | 16:54 |
wade|shull | http://askubuntu.com/questions/277221/ubuntu-touch-qml-tab-component-body-going-under-the-tab-header | 16:56 |
wade|shull | I have some things to finish not on the computer | 16:58 |
wade|shull | so I have to step away | 16:58 |
WebbyIT | wade|shull: I'm sorry man, but I don't know... I'm on Ubuntu 13.04 and core-apps works as expected! | 16:58 |
wade|shull | take care all | 16:58 |
wade|shull | maybe I should install 13.04 | 16:58 |
wade|shull | the only reason I have ubuntu installed is for this | 16:58 |
wade|shull | can anyone get 13.04? | 16:59 |
WebbyIT | wade|shull: 13.04 is very stable, if isn't your main system you can install it | 16:59 |
DWorrall | my virtual machine is 12.10 | 17:00 |
wade|shull | where do I donwload it? | 17:00 |
WebbyIT | wade|shull: you can download from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ | 17:00 |
wade|shull | thanks a lot WebbyIT I will try that next | 17:00 |
wade|shull | ok bookmarked | 17:01 |
wade|shull | peace out everyone | 17:01 |
WebbyIT | wade|shull: you're welcome ;) | 17:01 |
DWorrall | cya :) | 17:01 |
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DWorrall | "Erasing boot partition" taking a while lol. | 17:01 |
DWorrall | Hmm, still waiting on that. | 17:03 |
DWorrall | Odd | 17:03 |
DWorrall | Hmm the installer doesnt seem to work. i'll re-try later | 17:05 |
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royale1223 | http://imgur.com/gallery/vWevas9 | 17:36 |
dank101 | No | 17:45 |
dank101 | ಠ_ಠ | 17:45 |
dank101 | spam | 17:45 |
dank101 | is what you did | 17:45 |
dworrall | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/Installation on this, how long should it take to erase boot partition? | 18:10 |
wilee-nilee | dworrall, Once the image is down loaded it should go fairly quickly, about the same time as loading a rom | 18:19 |
wilee-nilee | more or less | 18:20 |
dworrall | It hangs at erasing boot partition | 18:20 |
dworrall | when i disconnect the device (after 15 mins) it sees that the device has been removed. so it knows the device is there | 18:20 |
dworrall | but wont erase the boot partition | 18:20 |
wilee-nilee | dworrall, THe first tome I did this a couple of months ago I had a to use the manual install the auto bricked, not sure why, but that was my experience. I just started the auto on my nexus just now. | 18:22 |
dworrall | alright ill give the manual method a try. ive done this before but it looked horrid. hopefully that's been fixed | 18:23 |
wilee-nilee | dworrall, When I did the manual I just removed everything in the bootloader menu first just to be sure it was wiped | 18:24 |
wilee-nilee | with the bootloader menu rather than in just to be clear | 18:25 |
dworrall | ok | 18:25 |
wilee-nilee | dworrall, I assume you recognize what I'm saying. ;) | 18:26 |
dworrall | ofcourse | 18:26 |
wilee-nilee | dworrall, Cool, I figured as such. ;) | 18:26 |
dworrall | just sending the userdata now | 18:31 |
dworrall | quite large, around 700mb | 18:31 |
wilee-nilee | dworrall, yeah it is a image close to a regular download of ubuntu. | 18:32 |
wilee-nilee | in size | 18:32 |
dworrall | almost done, ill let you know how it goes. | 18:33 |
wilee-nilee | the auto may run fine with it wiped, I just defaulted to the manual | 18:33 |
dworrall | when i last installed it, the UI was very small. Any way of changing this if the same happens? | 18:33 |
dworrall | And we have linux! And hopefully some Ubuntu soon :P. | 18:35 |
wilee-nilee | dworrall, Not sure the times I tried it, the performance was so chunky I tried installing lubuntu and just gave up after awile and reloaded my custom rom. | 18:35 |
wilee-nilee | more ram on mine would be helpful, mine is one gig, I have not kept up to see if this has changed in other models now, I rarely use the nexus having a dna droid cell that smokes. | 18:37 |
dworrall | Yeh i need a new phone. money's short at the moment though. I'm using a HTC One V >.< | 18:38 |
wilee-nilee | dworrall, I would never have either without the financial aid for grad school, lol. ;) | 18:39 |
dworrall | "Preparing root file system" taking its sweet time xD | 18:39 |
wilee-nilee | I just hit that point as wel | 18:41 |
dworrall | mines just gone past it, so it isnt frozen. just taking its time | 18:42 |
wilee-nilee | cool | 18:42 |
dworrall | Firts boot config, yay it worked ^^ | 18:44 |
dworrall | first* | 18:44 |
wilee-nilee | cool ;) | 18:44 |
wilee-nilee | mine has loaded fine as well. | 18:50 |
dworrall | :) | 18:51 |
dworrall | Mines on, need to play around with it | 18:51 |
wilee-nilee | ;) | 18:52 |
wilee-nilee | I have a Ethernet adapter so I can run mine straight from the router at home | 18:53 |
dworrall | I'm just on wifi :P | 18:54 |
wilee-nilee | still slow and fairly unresponsive here, not really usable on my end, lol, no biggie just testing. | 18:57 |
dworrall | had to reboot lol. the mosue wopuld drag on the desktop but wouldnt press on the icons.... | 18:57 |
dworrall | and yeh im only doing it for a laugh :P | 18:57 |
dworrall | did it again, oh well... lol | 18:58 |
wilee-nilee | I got the terminal open and got two half of sudo in and it is just not allowing the keyboard up again or closing the terminal, lol. the touch install runs great but has limitations comparatively. | 18:59 |
dworrall | something to play with i guess | 19:00 |
wilee-nilee | I just figured out that hitting the power button to suspend it and then back on brought it back as usable, lol | 19:03 |
dworrall | sadly not for me, still cant open anything after opening the first window | 19:04 |
dworrall | i got the terminal up, wonder if theres anything i can do here | 19:05 |
wilee-nilee | dworrall, I ran a update upgrade just for fun the image is a daily so nothing to load, I rebooted mine, I had noticed before on another install this helped | 19:07 |
dworrall | just trying that now ;) | 19:08 |
wilee-nilee | I'm installing synaptic right now, I generally just use the terminal, but like having synaptic | 19:09 |
dworrall | just rebooted, fingers crossed | 19:09 |
dworrall | damn it seemed to work, just wont left click after around 10 seconds after booting | 19:11 |
wilee-nilee | still is problematic, it will be nice if this ever runs well on the nexus, I like the android roms that are available I have tried a bunch of them and just settled on the latest releases from google rooted in general. | 19:12 |
wilee-nilee | well back in goes the rom I had lol | 19:13 |
dworrall | Hmmm, three-finger window dragging works | 19:14 |
dworrall | but left click doesnt | 19:14 |
dworrall | odd | 19:14 |
LordShadowWing | Flashing Latest daily to my Gnex. Daily driver has become an old flip phone for the time being | 19:22 |
dworrall | its stupid i can drag but cant click | 19:23 |
wilee-nilee | I have cwm backing up the ubuntu just for kicks to see if it works. | 19:25 |
wilee-nilee | dworrall, I lost my backup on the nexus of my rom, however I have it saved in windows with the google nexus kit so I gotta boot to windows. | 19:28 |
dworrall | welcome back | 19:34 |
LordShadowWing | The new calculator app, although functional, is broken | 19:34 |
LordShadowWing | onscreen keyboard is still junk | 19:41 |
WebbyIT | LordShadowWing: we're working on it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calculator-app/+bug/1156523 | 19:43 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1156523 in Ubuntu Calculator App "Button padding/spacing inconsistent" [Medium,In progress] | 19:43 |
dworrall | well i fixed my issue by installing gnome, but now its constantly left-clicking on the bottom left cornr making it almost impossible to use | 19:45 |
dworrall | back to android i go | 19:46 |
kheeper | hello everyone | 20:09 |
IDWMaster | Hi. I have a multi-touch screen (atmel maxTouch) | 22:08 |
IDWMaster | How do I get it working with Unity? | 22:08 |
IDWMaster | It is listed as supported | 22:08 |
IDWMaster | But multitouch gestures don't seem to be working in any applications | 22:09 |
IDWMaster | And whenever I click something it still has a mouse cursor that just jumps over and clicks it, not really multitouch | 22:09 |
IDWMaster | Anyone know how to get multitouch working in Ubuntu? | 22:18 |
IDWMaster | For touchscreen displays? | 22:18 |
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wade|away | anyone around | 23:14 |
wade|away | nevermind | 23:15 |
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