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dholbach | good morning | 06:44 |
iulian | Gooood morning dholbach. | 08:51 |
dholbach | hey iulian | 09:43 |
jussi | hrm, found something not in the repo's, gpl2, packaging pretty much done... anyone want to volunteer to get it into the repos ? :D | 10:28 |
jussi | http://www.zpanelcp.com/ | 10:28 |
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Laney | tumbleweed: btw I mailed DSA about that UDD thing | 14:04 |
Laney | seems that SSL cert validation is knackered | 14:04 |
Laney | laney@ullmann> python -c "import httplib2; httplib2.Http().request('https://eff.org', 'GET')" ~ | 14:04 |
Laney | Traceback (most recent call last): | 14:04 |
Laney | … | 14:04 |
Laney | httplib2.SSLHandshakeError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:504: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed | 14:04 |
tumbleweed | aah | 14:05 |
tumbleweed | yay | 14:05 |
Laney | not sure how all that stuff works, but it corresponds to some mtimes in /etc/ssl/ | 14:05 |
AnAnt | Hello, I've done an upload & forgot to close the LP bug, is anyone a distro manager ? | 14:43 |
tumbleweed | AnAnt: you shouldn't need any rights to close a bug | 14:44 |
AnAnt | tumbleweed: what I meant is that the upload needs approval of a distro manager, and I don't think that a distro manager would approve without knowing the bug this upload fixes | 14:46 |
tumbleweed | oh, I see what you are asking | 14:47 |
tumbleweed | which package is it? I'm a release team member, I can reject it | 14:47 |
AnAnt | tumbleweed: dia | 14:47 |
AnAnt | LP #704990 | 14:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 704990 in Ubuntu App Developer site "Provide a web development landing page" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/704990 | 14:47 |
AnAnt | oops, wrong LP | 14:48 |
AnAnt | LP 1166203 | 14:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1166203 in dia (Ubuntu) "dia crashes on raring" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1166203 | 14:48 |
tumbleweed | AnAnt: rejected. please re-upload | 14:48 |
AnAnt | ok | 14:48 |
tumbleweed | too late, someone accepted it | 14:49 |
tumbleweed | you just get to close the bug by hand | 14:50 |
AnAnt | sure, no problem | 14:53 |
AnAnt | by the way, is that considered an FFe ? | 14:54 |
tumbleweed | AnAnt: it looks like that was a merge, without -v | 14:55 |
AnAnt | -v ? | 14:55 |
tumbleweed | when you merge, build with -v | 14:55 |
AnAnt | erm, I merged manually | 14:55 |
tumbleweed | in this case, debuild -S -v0.97.2-8ubuntu1 | 14:55 |
tumbleweed | doesn't matter that you merged manually | 14:56 |
tumbleweed | you want the changelog that goes out to -changes (and shows up in LP) to show everything that changed in Ubuntu in that upload | 14:56 |
tumbleweed | so, you want to include all the Debian changes in the .changes file | 14:56 |
AnAnt | ahhhh, I understand now | 14:56 |
tumbleweed | that's what -vOLD_UBUNTU_VERSION does | 14:56 |
tumbleweed | (it has a side-effect of closing any bugs that debian uploads closed) | 14:57 |
AnAnt | ok | 14:59 |
tumbleweed | but to really answer your question about FFes | 15:00 |
tumbleweed | this upload looks like bugfixes only, so no FFe required | 15:00 |
AnAnt | ok | 15:00 |
AnAnt | thanks | 15:00 |
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TheLordOfTime | any free MOTU/bugcontroller available for a few minutes? | 16:50 |
TheLordOfTime | oh, and any sponsors awake? | 16:50 |
tumbleweed | !ask | TheLordOfTime | 17:05 |
ubottu | TheLordOfTime: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 17:05 |
TheLordOfTime | tumbleweed, the bugcontroller question is unrelated to MOTU, though. as for sponsors, I pinged mdeslaur to sponsor a debdiff which fixes my own previous patch which accidentally introduced a bug (and that was also sponsored by mdeslaur) | 17:06 |
* TheLordOfTime was getting zero response in -bugs :P | 17:06 | |
TheLordOfTime | anyways, it's irrelevant, i'll let it sit since i already answered my own question | 17:06 |
saiarcot895 | Are merges into ubuntu raring currently being approved by ubuntu-sponsors, or are they still frozen? | 20:46 |
jtaylor | depends on the merge | 20:46 |
jtaylor | bugfix can just go in | 20:46 |
jtaylor | new features need an Freeze exception from ubuntu-release | 20:46 |
saiarcot895 | new upstream versions? | 20:46 |
saiarcot895 | already have that | 20:47 |
jtaylor | then its just a matter of someone finding time to do it | 20:47 |
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