[07:59] * smartboyhw says hello! [08:34] len-dt: It would be good to sort those things out anyway. At least by documenting it [08:44] zequence: Hello! [08:45] smartboyhw: hi [09:57] zequence: I am thinking of starting a thread in the Ubuntu Studio section of the Ubuntu Forums to let people post feedback. [09:57] That way it will help us improve Ubuntu Studio. [09:59] That thread will be stickied. === ubott2 is now known as ubottu [11:42] smartboyhw: Not a bad idea, but in a way, the whole Forum is doing that [11:42] smartboyhw: But, of course, one could be more detailed. What do you guys think of this, and that.. [11:43] zequence, yep;) [11:43] smartboyhw: Before posting official threads on behalf of Ubuntu Studio, that do not have to do with your duties as release manager, I would like it if you let me review what you wrote and give you feedback first [11:43] zequence, sure do. [11:43] great [11:43] I wouldn't draft it till some time later though. [11:44] Just shouting out in this channel. [13:27] zequence, hmm how to deal with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2132668 ? [14:26] zequence, er I am having some sort of interim release/no interim release argument about Ubuntu Studio in the Kubuntu Devel channel... [14:31] * smartboyhw faints [14:35] ^ololololo [14:36] LOL [14:40] madeinkobaia, how's the artwork going? (Just asking, no pressure):) [14:42] Hi Smart : ) [14:42] :) [14:44] Things goin' on the good way I think, if you want more infos, I created a scheduling task file for graphics in the ubuntu ressource branch, that way you can have an overwiew of our projects for graphics (note thats "WIP") [14:45] :) [14:45] I start workin' with zequence on how organize the graphics parts :) [14:46] Good \o/ [14:46] :P [14:47] lol, wrong emo ; ) [14:49] lol [14:53] Be back, I am creating a testing project on launchpad for catch how blueprints management works. [14:54] madeinkobaia, +1 [14:54] :D [15:24] ... who changed the slideshow on ubuntustudio.org to the Beta 2 link!? === JTa is now known as JTa_aFK