[04:50] zequence, FYI - http://mhall119.com/2013/04/uds-13-05-ubuntus-second-online-developer-summit/ [08:52] zequence: len-dt: ttoine: madeinkobaia: holstein:UDS-1305 was announnced. We should plan a session. [09:11] ok [12:16] zequence, what is funny: now that I use my @ubuntustudio.org address, spreadshirt is ok with my licence. it will help us a lot for PR ! [12:18] ttoine, +1 [12:18] \o/\ [13:54] zequence, holstein len-dt Len-nb nice calc in http://people.ubuntu.com/~unit193/pisg/ubuntustudio.html [15:39] * smartboyhw thinks zequence has got a job now since he seems so busy that he isn't responding to me now... [16:16] lol [16:35] smartboyhw: I am always busy :) [16:36] Was just out cycling for the first time this year. Still cold, but it works. [16:38] smartboyhw: Len-nb: Saw the notice about UDS. Don't think we need to do sessions for our own sake, but it might be interesting to try to involve our user community, and have them join [16:39] madeinkobaia: holstein: ^ [16:39] ..and whoever else who might be interested [16:39] zequence: +1 [16:39] I actually have a doodle poll readied. [16:40] lol [16:40] smartboyhw: What's a doodle poll? [16:40] zequence: To vote on what time the session is. [16:41] smartboyhw: I think as there are so few of us, we just decide a time - unless we can' decide for ourselves [16:42] OK. [16:43] smartboyhw: Do you have a link to this doodle poll? [16:47] wait. [16:48] http://doodle.com/a77tkefnxy7wy69s [16:55] new jack2 packages went in! yay! [16:55] ...finally [16:56] falktx_: \o/ [16:57] falktx_: I missed that. Great news [16:58] Only Precise so far, it seems [16:58] no, quantal too [16:58] Ok. I haven't got a notification about that yet [16:59] I haven't even got a report from the bug yet. Was changed 4 min ago :) [17:00] I've been a little busy, so haven't yet got the PA patch working. Only that one left still [18:54] See you all :)