=== Azelphur_ is now known as Azelphur | ||
llstarks | Testing new nvidia blob. Very exciting and hope to figure out the randr 1.4 stuff soon | 04:05 |
mlankhorst | it only supports UDL from what I can tell | 05:04 |
mlankhorst | no optimus yet | 05:04 |
RAOF | And can't be a render slave? | 05:05 |
mlankhorst | well thats what i gathered from actually reading the readme | 05:07 |
RAOF | Likewise. | 05:12 |
llstarks | I'm 90% of the way to getting this setup. X just wants to be black | 05:15 |
llstarks | But nvidia is rendering something in the background | 05:15 |
mlankhorst | from what I can tell it won't cooperate with intel unless intel is the slave | 05:17 |
llstarks | Instead of modeset? | 05:18 |
mlankhorst | well modeset too | 05:19 |
mlankhorst | anyway there's always nouveau to play with | 05:20 |
mlankhorst | it actually has a drm driver that does more than passing around a page array :P | 05:21 |
llstarks | Nvidias optimus xorg.conf confuses me. How do specify my lvds output | 06:14 |
tjaalton | anyone here have radeon SI? | 07:15 |
tjaalton | aka HD7xxx or such | 07:16 |
tjaalton | packaging glamor atm.. | 07:18 |
tjaalton | project name is 'glamor', tarball glamor-egl, builds libglamor, and it's hosted under xorg/driver.. | 07:19 |
tjaalton | something is not right | 07:19 |
=== llstarks is now known as llstarks|phone | ||
=== erapp_000_ is now known as llstarks | ||
RAOF | tjaalton: I do, but I'd need to build a desktop system to actually power it ;/ | 07:26 |
tjaalton | ah :) | 07:26 |
tjaalton | ok, I'll keep on looking | 07:26 |
tjaalton | if mesa 9.1 is accepted there's little reason not to add glamor too | 07:26 |
tjaalton | I have a new (unreleased) card, but it's not SI based :/ | 07:27 |
tjaalton | despite the promisingly high model number | 07:27 |
tjaalton | hmm the hwe guys certainly does have those | 07:28 |
tjaalton | *do | 07:28 |
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RAOF | How can you possibly have an unreleased card that's *not* SI based? | 07:30 |
RAOF | They're releasing more last-gen cards? | 07:30 |
tjaalton | it's a low-spec one | 07:30 |
mlankhorst | RAOF: nvidia still does fermi cards | 07:31 |
=== jono is now known as Guest75135 | ||
RAOF | <sigh> | 07:33 |
llstarks | the all new radeon 7120! now with gcn-free blast processing! | 07:33 |
jwi | RAOF: they're releasing the same last-gen cards as last year, with new labels | 07:35 |
tjaalton | sorry to disappoint, but it actuall stars as HD8xxx :) | 07:35 |
tjaalton | *starts | 07:35 |
mlankhorst | woops | 08:20 |
* mlankhorst notes you need a working card to start xserver | 08:20 | |
RAOF | Heh | 08:22 |
mlankhorst | and I just completed my lazy chroot thing | 08:27 |
mlankhorst | ~/nfs/linux$ enter q64 | 08:27 |
mlankhorst | quantal-amd64.local:~/nfs/linux$ | 08:27 |
mlankhorst | ~/nfs is bind mounted | 08:28 |
Prf_Jakob | slightly off topic, but I'm guessing there is some overlap, does anybody know where the debian X team hangs out? | 10:08 |
tjaalton | Prf_Jakob: on #debian-x @oftc | 10:09 |
Prf_Jakob | k thanks! | 10:12 |
=== ogra_` is now known as ogra_ | ||
tjaalton | hum, the simplified lightdm.conf on the race bug doesn't seem to work | 12:42 |
tjaalton | good thing I tested it first :) | 12:42 |
mdeslaur | ok, nvidia 304.88 released for precise and quantal | 12:44 |
mlankhorst | unsurprisingly | 12:45 |
tjaalton | really? | 12:45 |
tjaalton | mdeslaur: cool | 12:46 |
tjaalton | hmm wait, it's something else | 12:48 |
tjaalton | i've somehow broken plymouth | 12:58 |
mlankhorst | do you still have that plymouth valgrind thing running? | 12:58 |
tjaalton | no | 12:58 |
tjaalton | moved the binary back in place | 12:59 |
tjaalton | and even reinstalled the package | 12:59 |
tjaalton | it's funny that plymouth-splash.conf says "plymouth must be started asap to avoid racing with gdm.." | 13:01 |
tjaalton | orly | 13:01 |
tjaalton | ? | 13:01 |
tjaalton | anyway | 13:01 |
tjaalton | as I feared.. | 13:04 |
tjaalton | another race! :) | 13:04 |
tjaalton | now plymouth-splash stops too early | 13:04 |
tjaalton | this is with my laptop which never(?) had the original race | 13:05 |
tjaalton | ok, need to fix plymouth-stop.conf then | 13:08 |
tjaalton | as well | 13:08 |
tjaalton | huh, didn't work | 13:14 |
tjaalton | thought that plymouth-splash shouldn't stop before *dm is running | 13:15 |
tjaalton | guess this is the price we pay for having an event based init >:/ | 13:15 |
Sarvatt | adding a sleep 2 is the only thing that is working on oem machines that hit it reliably, had them test all kinds of different things including the various xserver patches :( | 13:16 |
tjaalton | also the lightdm.conf change? | 13:16 |
Sarvatt | yeah a few different permutations of it, slangaseks and the one you said was working for you | 13:17 |
tjaalton | guess they hit what i'm seeing now | 13:17 |
Sarvatt | (neither of those worked for me, slangasek's didn't even start lightdm) | 13:17 |
mlankhorst | Sarvatt: can I see the plymouth debug log and lightdm log from a failing boot with the depend on started plymouth-splash fix in place? | 13:18 |
Sarvatt | mlankhorst: 3 layers of QA indirection involved outside of the company, I couldn't even get any logs.. | 13:20 |
tjaalton | i can | 13:21 |
mlankhorst | plus xorg.0.log from that boot too | 13:21 |
mlankhorst | oh great | 13:21 |
tjaalton | quite simply it's plymouth-splash that's stopped along with plymouthd, so lightdm has no chance of starting at that point | 13:22 |
mlankhorst | so the 'stopped plymouth' line is really needed then? | 13:24 |
tjaalton | hmm right | 13:24 |
tjaalton | that's what my desktop had all the time | 13:25 |
mlankhorst | I was hoping it wouldn't be needed, ah well :/ | 13:25 |
Sarvatt | hmm we dont have http://cgit.freedesktop.org/plymouth/commit/?id=a6129abfc527ac247685d80fc5c20144be1badca it looks like | 13:26 |
tjaalton | works again, with the side-effect that the handoff to lightdm isn't smooth | 13:26 |
Sarvatt | or http://cgit.freedesktop.org/plymouth/commit/?id=6ccedf7b6ecdc8314ed97355cfe5499fffb13a1e | 13:26 |
mlankhorst | sounds useful | 13:27 |
Sarvatt | so if you see plymouthd crashing again ( i remember you hitting that tjaalton?) it might be worth adding those | 13:27 |
tjaalton | yeah | 13:28 |
tjaalton | it was on the desktop | 13:28 |
mlankhorst | oh | 13:29 |
mlankhorst | could plymouth-stop not depend on lightdm? | 13:30 |
mlankhorst | might make that specific race less likely | 13:30 |
mlankhorst | hm then again seems to be a noop for that dm | 13:30 |
ogra_ | mlankhorst, plymouth-stop is also used on servers | 13:33 |
ogra_ | no dm there | 13:33 |
mlankhorst | why is it so hard to just get a machine to crash | 13:34 |
ogra_ | use a hammer :) | 13:34 |
mlankhorst | 'use hammer on OEM' | 13:35 |
mlankhorst | it's not very effective | 13:35 |
ogra_ | oh | 13:37 |
ogra_ | optimus support | 13:37 |
mlankhorst | not optimus | 13:37 |
ogra_ | hmm, then the german news sites lie | 13:37 |
mlankhorst | it still fails on muxless afaik | 13:38 |
ogra_ | ah, yeah, they talk about still missing kernel bits | 13:38 |
Sarvatt | which is everything newer than sandybridge era pretty much | 13:38 |
mlankhorst | not even kernel bits | 13:38 |
* ogra_ fell for the headline | 13:38 | |
mlankhorst | well kernel bits too | 13:38 |
mlankhorst | but more basically xserver needs to support gpu screens | 13:39 |
dupondje_ | mmmm, nvidia finnaly has Optimus support on Linux :) Anyone tried it yet ? | 13:59 |
ogra_ | dupondje_, see the last 20 lines ? | 14:00 |
dupondje_ | ah no :p | 14:01 |
dupondje_ | ah well, gonne try it out :) see what it does | 14:03 |
tjaalton | mlankhorst: still want the debug log? | 14:05 |
Sarvatt | tjaalton: i'd like to see it to compare to a good boot if ya don't mind, haven't been able to hit a race while using plymouth:debug | 14:09 |
tjaalton | http://pastebin.com/ZGpffWpy | 14:10 |
tjaalton | something stops plymouth before lightdm is ready to start | 14:10 |
tjaalton | I have bootcharts too | 14:14 |
Sarvatt | so you're getting plymouth quit called and [ply-terminal.c] ply_terminal_deactivate_vt:couldn't deallocate vt 7: Device or resource busy, i'm getting lightdm doing a plymouth deactivate and it working fine | 14:19 |
tjaalton | I think that's just fallback from the way it fails | 14:30 |
tjaalton | since it's actually changing the vt | 14:30 |
tjaalton | eh | 14:30 |
tjaalton | fallout | 14:30 |
tjaalton | bbl -> | 14:30 |
mlankhorst | plymouth ping, then plymouth quit? hmz | 14:44 |
mlankhorst | tjaalton: I need the xorg/lightdm/plymouth debugs from a single boot to understand this | 14:46 |
tjaalton | mlankhorst: there is no xorg/lightdm logs from this boot | 17:51 |
tjaalton | since lightdm doesn't get started | 17:52 |
mlankhorst | ah | 17:52 |
mlankhorst | who is telling plymouth to quit, then? | 17:53 |
tjaalton | dunno | 17:53 |
tjaalton | kill timeout 60 | 17:53 |
tjaalton | though it exits way earlier, so not that :) | 17:53 |
mlankhorst | pre-stop execs plymouth quit | 17:55 |
tjaalton | yep, lol | 17:55 |
mlankhorst | what is JOB in pplymouth-stop ? | 17:56 |
tjaalton | no idea | 17:59 |
mlankhorst | meh could you add some destinctiveness? it seems plymouth quit ignores everything that follows | 17:59 |
mlankhorst | so you could just add something like plymouth quit calledfromXXX to each point in /etc/init | 18:00 |
mlankhorst | hopefully that will tell you from the log who called it | 18:00 |
tjaalton | gah, had the hung compiz after user-switch again, with mesa 9.1 | 18:16 |
tjaalton | feels like it's a ivb specific bug then | 18:16 |
tjaalton | mlankhorst: it's from plymouth-stop | 18:17 |
mlankhorst | I feared so | 18:17 |
tjaalton | makes absolutely no sense to me | 18:17 |
mlankhorst | could you see what $JOB is? | 18:18 |
tjaalton | where? | 18:18 |
mlankhorst | by adding it as argument | 18:18 |
mlankhorst | in plymouth-stop | 18:18 |
tjaalton | ah | 18:18 |
tjaalton | "rc" | 18:19 |
mlankhorst | well I was right in my guess then | 18:20 |
mlankhorst | but.. why the f | 18:20 |
tjaalton | what guess?-) | 18:20 |
mlankhorst | can you dump $RUNLEVEL ? | 18:20 |
tjaalton | N 2 | 18:20 |
mlankhorst | (my guess that $job would be rc) | 18:20 |
tjaalton | oh in the job? | 18:20 |
mlankhorst | yeah see what runlevel it believes has stopped | 18:21 |
mlankhorst | I guess if you said that RUNLEVEL was 2, it would mean that everything in rc2.d before plymouth started | 18:23 |
mlankhorst | tjaalton: ^ correct? | 18:26 |
tjaalton | boot.log shows entries from rc2.d | 18:26 |
mlankhorst | tjaalton: add a sleep 10 at the end of /etc/init/rc | 18:27 |
mlankhorst | init.d * | 18:27 |
tjaalton | same | 18:28 |
mlankhorst | do you have a upstart log with timestamps and verbosity on jobs starting? | 18:30 |
tjaalton | not yet | 18:32 |
mlankhorst | it's an interesting twist though | 18:32 |
tjaalton | well, adding the sleep means I get to see the message from cryptswap | 18:34 |
Sarvatt | tjaalton: oh you're forcing plymouth into the initrd to reproduce it? aka cryptsetup installed | 18:35 |
tjaalton | yes | 18:35 |
tjaalton | but looks like swap has at some point stopped working | 18:35 |
tjaalton | no idea when :) | 18:35 |
mlankhorst | tjaalton: just for fun can you dump $PREVLEVEL if that's easier? | 18:36 |
* mlankhorst curiously wonders if that's 2 too | 18:37 | |
tjaalton | N | 18:40 |
tjaalton | huh | 18:40 |
mlankhorst | I guess none, that's fine | 18:40 |
tjaalton | runlevel is 2 | 18:41 |
mlankhorst | what if you change the condition? | 18:44 |
mlankhorst | or (runlevel [2345] and stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345]) | 18:44 |
dupondje_ | Bleh, installed nvidia driver, but get the following when starting gnome-shell now: | 18:44 |
dupondje_ | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display :0 | 18:44 |
dupondje_ | :( | 18:44 |
mlankhorst | join us and hack on nouveau | 18:44 |
mlankhorst | we have well behaving graphics hardware! | 18:44 |
dupondje_ | :) | 18:45 |
mlankhorst | *) compared to other vendors | 18:45 |
dupondje_ | I have a dream: perfectly running Optimus :) | 18:45 |
mlankhorst | you can make it happen if you hack on nouveau | 18:46 |
tjaalton | mlankhorst: no dice | 18:46 |
bjsnider | dupondje_, this is with the new beta blob? | 18:46 |
mlankhorst | not much | 18:46 |
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dupondje_ | bjsnider: yep, but think I had same issue with other versions also | 18:46 |
mlankhorst | only thing it's good for atm is usb displaylink connectors | 18:47 |
bjsnider | llstarks was saying there's some complicated stuff in thew xorg.conf file | 18:47 |
dupondje_ | so there must be something wrong somewhere I bet ... but what :) | 18:47 |
bjsnider | maybe go to the #nvidia channel and ax | 18:48 |
dupondje_ | bjsnider: thx, i'll try it out ;) | 18:49 |
bjsnider | as soon as nvidia supports wayland, they will have finally conquered the universe | 18:50 |
mlankhorst | I really like nvidia's drm driver implementation | 18:51 |
mlankhorst | tjaalton: but upstart log would still be nice :) | 19:13 |
tjaalton | mlankhorst: added --verbose, but it's not that verbose or I can't find where it's supposed to log | 19:17 |
tjaalton | initctl log-priority | 19:21 |
tjaalton | info | 19:21 |
tjaalton | doesn't work | 19:21 |
llstarks | bjsnider, not really comlicated, just annoying since nobody can get it working on lvds | 19:28 |
mlankhorst | tjaalton: I'm going to bed, I'll poke upstart some tomorrow, see if i can get it to log | 19:35 |
tjaalton | k | 19:35 |
tjaalton | mlankhorst: it's on dmesg | 20:02 |
mlankhorst | well that saves me future poking of upstart | 20:04 |
tjaalton | strange, the upstart logs show no mention of plymouth-splash | 21:18 |
tjaalton | ..because of it getting started before upstart, due to the initramfs | 21:24 |
tjaalton | bah | 21:24 |
dupondje_ | just gave up on getting nvidia working | 21:46 |
dupondje_ | god damn what a bunch of crap :( | 21:46 |
llstarks | just wait bor | 21:53 |
llstarks | *bro | 21:53 |
dupondje_ | that my dream comes true? :) | 22:00 |
dupondje_ | Optimus in Nouveau ? :) | 22:00 |
Sarvatt | kind of crazy that hybrid amd+intel "just works" with fglrx these days and wasn't in any news :P | 22:02 |
llstarks | no, let me figure this out and we'll have a plan of action for nvidia-319 optimus on raring and snarky squirrel | 22:02 |
llstarks | to dupondje_ | 22:02 |
llstarks | intel+radeon was broken and fixed and broken again throughout last year | 22:03 |
llstarks | amd+radeon was the only thing that worked reliably | 22:03 |
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