=== lukjad is now known as Guest3535 | ||
Ergot | anyone familiar with VMplayer and 12.04? | 00:49 |
LeeDoverwood | No one around? | 01:50 |
Unit193 | I haven't seen you ask a question. | 01:50 |
LeeDoverwood | Hi. just wanted to see if anyone was even watching. | 01:50 |
LeeDoverwood | yes I do have questions. | 01:50 |
LeeDoverwood | I have an HP Pavillion laptop. I would like to use Ubuntu | 01:51 |
LeeDoverwood | I had it installed on my last laptop as an alternate OS and liked it very much. | 01:51 |
LeeDoverwood | I have been unable to do this on my own. | 01:52 |
LeeDoverwood | Or even which version of Ubuntu I should use. | 01:52 |
LeeDoverwood | It seems like most are made for desktops. | 01:52 |
Unit193 | Desktops in the name? That's for laptops too, just that it isn't the alternate installer. | 01:53 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: just try the one suggested at the maing site live.. | 01:53 |
holstein | main* | 01:53 |
LeeDoverwood | I meant the OS where I can use either MS or Ubuntu on bootup | 01:53 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: ubntu is an OS.. .and MS (microsoft windows i assume) is an OS.. you can dual boot them | 01:54 |
LeeDoverwood | There is a main site? | 01:54 |
holstein | !dualboot | 01:54 |
ubot93 | Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 01:54 |
LeeDoverwood | yes I know. But someone did it for me last time. | 01:54 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: sure... maybe someone can do it for you this time.. but we cant.. we are not there | 01:55 |
LeeDoverwood | I would start my laptop and then a scree would give me a choice of which one to boot up. | 01:55 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: you can read some information if you would like.. | 01:55 |
holstein | !install | 01:55 |
ubot93 | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 01:55 |
holstein | http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop | 01:55 |
LeeDoverwood | I don't have a cd and I tried to make one. | 01:55 |
Unit193 | Could also use a live usb. | 01:55 |
LeeDoverwood | see you are showing me the desktop version | 01:56 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: i would start by backing up your data and plan for failure.. for example.. what happens when you break your windows installation? | 01:56 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: desktop *is* laptop | 01:56 |
LeeDoverwood | I thought desktop was desktop and laptop was laptop? | 01:56 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: a laptop has a desktop.. it just means a normal desktop version.. not a server, or alterat | 01:56 |
LeeDoverwood | And it will work fine with a laptop? | 01:56 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: if you are asking what iso.. the destkop one that i, Unit193 , and the links above suggest are "desktop" and *are* for a laptop | 01:57 |
Unit193 | Yeah, just isn't a server. | 01:57 |
LeeDoverwood | Ok. that makes sense. | 01:57 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: no, its not "fine"... it *literally* is a desktop version.. a laopt is just a portable desktop machine | 01:57 |
holstein | laptop* | 01:57 |
LeeDoverwood | Ok | 01:57 |
holstein | there is no "laptop" version, though you might find linux versions that say they are "friendly" for laptops due to power usage | 01:58 |
LeeDoverwood | I was reading other forums and I took it from the questions that there was a laptop version | 01:58 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: there is *no* laptop version | 01:58 |
LeeDoverwood | I got that now. | 01:58 |
LeeDoverwood | so thanks for clearing that up. | 01:58 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: there used to be a netbook version.. but that was just the UI.. not anything special about it.. you could run the netbook version on a desktop | 01:58 |
Unit193 | There was a "netbook" version, but that was an early untiy interface, which is now default. | 01:59 |
LeeDoverwood | UI? | 01:59 |
Unit193 | Bleh. | 01:59 |
holstein | UI = user interface | 01:59 |
LeeDoverwood | untiy ? | 01:59 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: no... the desktop environment... the UI.. the interface.. the look/feel | 01:59 |
LeeDoverwood | What is untiy? | 01:59 |
holstein | !unity | 01:59 |
ubot93 | Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity | 01:59 |
LeeDoverwood | Ohhhh. | 01:59 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: there are plenty of other desktop environments. such as XFCE which is used in xubuntu... xubuntu is ubuntu with XFCE... it is officially ubuntu as well | 02:00 |
holstein | !xubuntu | 02:00 |
ubot93 | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 02:00 |
LeeDoverwood | So I should save or run the file? | 02:02 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: what file? | 02:03 |
Unit193 | iso, save it. | 02:03 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: the iso?.. you should read the above documentation on "installation". or, just wait and get someone else to do it.. its *not* trivial | 02:03 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: what would you do if you broke windows?.. do you have a windows restore disc? is your data backed up? | 02:04 |
LeeDoverwood | Ubuntu 12.04.2 amd 64. I am downloading now | 02:04 |
LeeDoverwood | No and no | 02:04 |
LeeDoverwood | I have a windows restore in harddrive | 02:05 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: those are things to think about.. as i stated above.. *all* hard drives fail, so its not a waste of time to backup your data | 02:05 |
LeeDoverwood | Can't I download and copy to a disk? | 02:05 |
LeeDoverwood | Not much data that can't be replaceced | 02:06 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: no... you need to create an installation CD or USB.. copying via dd is one way to create that disck | 02:06 |
holstein | disc* | 02:06 |
LeeDoverwood | I have one partial book and that's on a flash drive. | 02:06 |
LeeDoverwood | I have a cd that's clean. | 02:07 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: just imagine you hit the power button and *nothing* comes up... not even the restore partition.. that *will* happen someday | 02:07 |
Unit193 | On Windows a good way to make it is linuxliveusb creator. | 02:07 |
LeeDoverwood | Then I will buy a new laptop. | 02:08 |
holstein | but, enough of my "you should have a proper backup" speeach... you can read the install link above about how to create bootable media | 02:08 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: you wont need a new laptop, just a new hard drive.. | 02:08 |
LeeDoverwood | Last time I bought a new laptop I tried to transfer all my data files and it because such a mess I got scarred and paid for carbonite. Then all my videos disappeared. | 02:09 |
LeeDoverwood | Sorry for typos. I can't see screeen when I am typing. | 02:09 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: good luck!.. im out.. | 02:10 |
LeeDoverwood | I checked back with carbonite and all my video viles were empty. | 02:10 |
holstein | LeeDoverwood: testing the backups is important... a backup it self isnt enough.. you have to check that the data is useable, and actually there | 02:11 |
LeeDoverwood | Yes I know. When I tested carbonite all my files in my laptop went empty. when I tried to et them back from carbonite they were gone too. Looked all over my drive for them. Never found one. Even in the trash there was nothing of the ones I tried to save. | 02:12 |
holstein | but, this is not #backup ..its just a good idea before doing anything like what you are about to do.. you could blow out the restore partition... but, just read the links i gave, and all will be clear | 02:12 |
LeeDoverwood | Basically I just want Ubuntu as an alternate. I want to learn to use it before I turn loose of windows. | 02:13 |
LeeDoverwood | Ubuntu downloads very slowly | 02:14 |
LeeDoverwood | so I can save all my files to a cd? | 02:14 |
LeeDoverwood | I have cd's here. | 02:14 |
LeeDoverwood | But I just want my personal files. Not settings and junk for IE or Windows shevel ware | 02:15 |
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LeeDoverwood | Well. It's done downloading. | 02:15 |
LeeDoverwood | OK. My discs say DVD-R. is this correct type? | 02:18 |
LeeDoverwood | can I burn to these disks? | 02:18 |
Unit193 | Yeah, backup what you need onto a CD or flash. Just make sure to burn it as the right type. | 02:18 |
LeeDoverwood | What is the right type? | 02:18 |
LeeDoverwood | ? | 02:19 |
LeeDoverwood | Maybe there is a better forum? | 02:20 |
Unit193 | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto#Burning_from_Windows | 02:21 |
LeeDoverwood | No. I mean for Ubuntu | 02:21 |
Unit193 | Not burning from windows? | 02:21 |
LeeDoverwood | Well darn. So much for help. | 02:21 |
Unit193 | What? | 02:22 |
marshalcure | hello all | 02:41 |
marshalcure | i am having a problem with my brand new graphics card | 02:41 |
marshalcure | is anyone interested in helping a noob out | 02:41 |
marshalcure | ?? | 02:42 |
Unit193 | What type? What's the issue? | 02:42 |
marshalcure | i just bought a gtx 670 from asus and the highest resolution it will give me is 1024x768 | 02:42 |
marshalcure | i did a sudo nvidia update | 02:43 |
marshalcure | but did not help | 02:43 |
Unit193 | You've seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto ? | 02:44 |
marshalcure | well i have googled for about 2 hours now but i don't think i have seen that video let me take a look.. i dont want to waste your time if that will fix it. | 02:45 |
* Unit193 has older cards, nothing like what you have. | 02:54 | |
marshalcure | thanks for your help unit193. i have not found a solution yet but i appreciate you trying. xrandr is not working it wont accept the monitors max resolution. | 03:07 |
Unit193 | In that situation I typically generate an xorg.conf file. | 03:13 |
Unit193 | !xorgconf | 03:13 |
ubot93 | The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax. | 03:13 |
Unit193 | marshalcure: You can also try #ubuntu | 03:13 |
marshalcure | might do that | 03:16 |
=== Guest3535 is now known as lukjad | ||
sadekul | hi all, My laptop is HP Pavilion g6, I'm very new in Ubuntu, for the first time i m using ubuntu, I hv installed 12.10 then upgraded it to 13.4. The problem i m facing is wifi is not connecting. But it was perfect with 12.10. Is ther any one can help me? | 16:50 |
=== bodhizazen is now known as bodhi_zazen | ||
=== EclipseThe is now known as eclispse | ||
eclispse | Hi guys | 20:10 |
centurion | hi there, can someone help me with sound issues in Ubuntu 12.04? I have selected the proper hardware in Output tab, but nothing happens | 22:42 |
centurion | here is my SALSA profile http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=ff7ad93b7598cd8a4b77a9c06b17e8f3b63aebce | 22:42 |
holstein | !sound | 22:42 |
ubot93 | If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 22:42 |
holstein | i usually just open a terminal and run "aplay -l" | 22:42 |
holstein | if i see output there, then i know the hardware is showing up.. then i go to alsamixer and i trust *no* lables.. i tweak everything.. i then go to pavucontrol | 22:43 |
holstein | i also might just load up a few live CD's and if i get sound, make a note of the kernel version and/or alsa version | 22:43 |
centurion | I tweaked everything | 22:47 |
centurion | although it was @50% | 22:47 |
centurion | how should I go to pavucontrol ? | 22:47 |
holstein | centurion: i install it, and run it | 22:48 |
centurion | thank you holstein | 22:54 |
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