[01:23] pleia2: cuff links would be neat IMO a tie clip is also cool [01:24] I also own a few money clips. I know now a days everybody uses plastic but I like to carry cash. [01:57] SERIOUSLY? https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-videos-captions/ubuntufortablets-fullvideo We can get translation setup for video captions but not the Code of Conduct? [02:13] IdleOne: priorities :P [02:13] clearly [02:14] I'm going to decide what mine are very soon. [02:18] heh [02:18] :D [02:19] IdleOne: does this mean you will be translating the CoC to Spanish and Portuguese for us? :) *kidding* [02:22] bkerensa: I don't know how to get it started but I certainly would get it translated to french if the initial setup was done. [02:22] anyway, I'm not sure I care anymore. [03:53] IdleOne: I thought dholbach took care of configuring CoC translations a few weeks ago [03:54] * pleia2 checks [03:54] If he did I missed it big time [03:55] https://code.launchpad.net/~communitycouncil/ubuntu-codeofconduct/trunk [03:55] Recent revisions [03:55] 19. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of communitycouncil on 2013-04-07 [03:56] Launchpad automatic translations update. [03:56] ^^ latest revision [03:56] I don't really know how this translations stuff works [03:56] but he and dpm were definitely working on it, if needs more it's a nudge-worthy thing on the thread on ubuntu-translators [04:00] Seems I jumped the emotional gun again :( [04:00] I'll subscribe and help out as much as I can. thank you pleia2 [04:01] sure :) [04:39] en_ca is done. [06:48] good morning [06:48] Afternoon dholbach [06:49] hey benonsoftware [06:56] How's it going dholbach? [09:46] * smartboyhw waves hello! [09:53] hi smartboyhw [09:56] hi czajkowski, I need to discuss adding a task to the opening process of a new distro, and I've been told I need to talk to either wgrant or StevenK. But I think it might be a bit late for them. Do you know if there is someone else at LP I can talk to in the meantime? [10:00] morning popey! I wanted to have a look at the FB blueprint in preparation for the meeting. Do you have the new link to the blueprint handy? [10:00] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-commons/+spec/initial-facebook-development [10:01] excellent, thanks! [10:02] np [10:04] popey, it make be an idea to add a link to the blueprint to the meeting description in Google calendar, so that everyone has it when they get the e-mail reminder (just a suggestion, if you think it makes sense) [10:04] good call [10:05] I'll do that for all the others in a bit, will force everyone to get a nudge too ㋛ [10:05] actually, will do it now, keep an eye on -meeting pls [10:05] ok [10:09] done [10:32] great! [11:32] dpm talk to wgrant or stevenk both may be aroind or mail them. am in italy :) [15:34] Morning Ubuntu [15:35] morning philipballew [15:35] chilicuil, how goes the day? [15:36] philipballew: pretty cool, hope you are also having a nice day [15:37] chilicuil, I am. Just attempting to finish up the college year. [15:38] philipballew, add oil:) [15:38] add oil = good luck (in Cantonese) [15:39] smartboyhw, Thats really cool to know. What country is that spoken in? [15:46] philipballew, China (actually only in Guangdong Province and Hong Kong0 [15:47] smartboyhw, oh tight. I have never been there. I bet the food is good. [15:48] philipballew, yep:) [15:50] smartboyhw, That's tight. Never been outside North America. [17:44] all right - calling it a day [17:44] see you tomorrow [18:48] anyone know anyone who works on omgubuntu? [18:48] bkerensa has published some articles [18:48] i believe they've prematurely posted an article stating Wubi being dropped in 13.04, but that discussion's invalid. [18:48] s/discussion/post/ [18:48] Wubi is being dropped [18:48] pleia2, erm... [18:48] then the devel list is in conflict [18:48] The mailing list doesn't exactly make that clear. [18:48] http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/wubi-unlikely-to-be-in-ubuntu-13-04-windows-users-lose-out [18:48] erm... [18:49] mislink [18:49] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-April/036993.html [18:49] ^ there [18:49] and the corresponding discussion [18:49] it seems there's overall SUPPORT for dropping, but still discussion on the issue [18:49] which isn't the same as a decision to drop [18:49] or should i ping -devel to see whether they've come up with a decision? [18:50] based on what the mailing list says, there's insufficient evidence to say "Oh, wubi's dropped" [18:50] I am aware of the discussion, there hasn't been anyone to step up to maintain it [18:51] without that, you can come up with all the reasons in the world to keep it and it won't happen [18:51] does that imply "It's being dropped" is being the decision [18:51] TheLordOfTime: The builds were already dropped [18:51] so it is officially dropped from raring [18:51] the post in OMG say that "is likely", so I think it describes the current situation [18:51] bkerensa, then did I miss a massive post on the devel announce list? [18:51] and it's no longer part of tests [18:52] it sounds like wubi being dropped would warrant a post on the devel-announce list [18:52] for installing [18:52] chilicuil: that post was when slangasek had originally sent the e-mail [18:52] and i haven't seen that yet. [18:52] fwiw, The current state of the discussion on the list doesn't really make it clear. [18:52] TheLordOfTime: its in the thread if you read the whole convo they said it was dropped [18:52] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-April/037000.html [18:52] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-April/037000.html [18:52] yeah [18:53] * Pici shrugs [18:53] Done. I have disabled daily builds of Wubi for everything but Ubuntu [18:53] 12.04, removed any existing build from the QA Tracker and removed Wubi [18:53] from the 13.04 manifest. - Stephane Graber [18:53] then someone forgot to mail that to the devel-announce list [18:53] because that's something that would warrant an "announcement" [18:53] no? [18:53] TheLordOfTime: It will be announced in the release notes and release announcement which occurs on devel-announce [18:54] every little dropped package and change is not warranted for its own announcement [18:55] bkerensa, bleh, part of me would love to give the devel team a part of my mind about that, because dropping Wubi isn't like dropping a package or changing a package, that's a MAJOR change. [18:56] it's not really a developer-focused announcement [18:56] perhaps you want to ask them to blog about it, or submit an article to fridge so users are aware without reading the release notes? [18:56] i suspect any blog post anyone makes wont get as much exposure as the omg article already has, so it's somewhat moot [18:57] popey: I had the impression he wanted something "official" [18:57] as bkerensa says, release notes are official [18:57] yes [18:58] there is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/TechnicalOverview#Ubuntu_downloader_for_Windows_discontinued [18:58] its a development release, which is released in ~2 weeks, so it'll be announced then [18:58] developers do not have time to announce every small or major change as things go on.... this will allowed us to get nothing done at all [18:58] included in beta2 announcement [18:58] bingo [18:58] well there you have it [18:58] :D [18:58] TheLordOfTime: if you want an official link that one is probably it ^^ [18:58] pleia2: <slangasek> well, that's why it's highlighted in the beta release notes [18:58] you win :) [18:59] steve himself added it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/TechnicalOverview?action=diff&rev2=230&rev1=229 [18:59] I think people only read release notes when they want to complain about us calling it the Ubuntu kernel :) [18:59] \o/ Ubuntu kernel [19:00] Debian kernel \o/ [19:00] \o/ Fedora Kernel [19:00] *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* [19:00] oh dear dancing emoticons [19:01] * popey gets down with his bad self [19:05] hmm, UDS Brussels was May 2010 wasn't it? [19:05] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-M yes! [19:05] so my mum has been on Ubuntu for 3 years now [19:08] she hasn't switch to Arch yet? [19:09] https://developer.amazon.com/sdk/coins/landing.html?ref_=pe_132830_29076940 [19:09] I think amazon just launch xbox live points. [19:19] 3/w 24 [19:34] look like bitcoins to me === chilicuil is now known as chilicuil_away === chilicuil_away is now known as chilicuil [21:13] is anyone else getting old twitter notifications coming on their desktop? Seems like every tweet I got for the last half year just spammed my desktop [21:16] if you're testing the latest ubuntu dev version and the new gwibber app, yep, that's the way it works, bkerensa [21:17] chilicuil: wat? It re-displays tweets you have already seen that are months old? [21:18] hi everybody! [21:18] hello SergioMeneses [21:18] chilicuil, \o [21:19] chilicuil: ^^ [21:19] yep bkerensa [21:19] huh